� i�:Oc @ s d Z d d l Z e e d � s9 d d l Z e j Z n e Z e e d � sf d d l Z e j Z n e Z d � Z d Z d S( s8 In python-2.4, a builtin :class:`set` type was added to python. This module provides a function to emulate that on python-2.3 by using the :mod:`sets` module. :func:`set` Create a set. If running on python 2.4+ this is the :class:`set` constructor. If using python-2.3, it's :class:`sets.Set`. :func:`frozenset` Create a frozenset. If running on python2.4+ this is the :class:`frozenset` constructor. If using python-2.3, it's :class:`sets.ImmutableSet`. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 API: kitchen.pycompat24 1.0.0 Added set and frozenset i����Nt sett frozensetc C s: t t d � s t t _ n t t d � s6 t t _ n d S( sh If there's no set builtin, us the :mod:`sets` module to make one This function makes sure that a :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` type are available in the :mod:`__builtin__` namespace. Since the function checks whether :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` are already present in the :mod:`__builtin__` namespace and refuses to overwrite those if found, it's safe to call this in multiple places and in scripts run under python-2.4+, where a more efficient set implementation is already present in the :mod:`__builtin__` namespace. However, since this function modifies :mod:`__builtin__` there's no need to call it more than once so you likely want to do something like this when your program loads:: myprogram/__init__.py: from kitchen.pycompat24 import sets builtinset.add_builtin_set() You can then use :func:`set` and :func:`frozenset` anywhere in your code:: myprogram/compute.py: def math_students(algebra_student_list, geometry_student_list): return set(algebra_student_list) union set(geometry_student_list) R R N( t hasattrt __builtin__R R ( ( ( sD /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/pycompat24/sets/__init__.pyt add_builtin_set; s R ( s add_builtin_sets sets frozenset( t __doc__R R t setst SetR t ImmutableSetR R t __all__( ( ( sD /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/pycompat24/sets/__init__.pyt <module>'