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Miscellaneous functions for manipulating text

Collection of text functions that don't fit in another category.
i����N(tsets(tControlCharErrorg333333�?iiiiii s(?s)<[^>]*>|&#?\w+;cCs�t|t�s'ttjd���nd}yt||d�Wntk
rZd}nX|r�tr�|r�tj	|�}|dt
kr�|d}q�n|s�d}n|S(s#Try to guess the encoding of a byte :class:`str`

    :arg byte_string: byte :class:`str` to guess the encoding of
    :kwarg disable_chardet: If this is True, we never attempt to use
        :mod:`chardet` to guess the encoding.  This is useful if you need to
        have reproducibility whether :mod:`chardet` is installed or not.
        Default: :data:`False`.
    :raises TypeError: if :attr:`byte_string` is not a byte :class:`str` type
    :returns: string containing a guess at the encoding of
        :attr:`byte_string`.  This is appropriate to pass as the encoding
        argument when encoding and decoding unicode strings.

    We start by attempting to decode the byte :class:`str` as :term:`UTF-8`.
    If this succeeds we tell the world it's :term:`UTF-8` text.  If it doesn't
    and :mod:`chardet` is installed on the system and :attr:`disable_chardet`
    is False this function will use it to try detecting the encoding of
    :attr:`byte_string`.  If it is not installed or :mod:`chardet` cannot
    determine the encoding with a high enough confidence then we rather
    arbitrarily claim that it is ``latin-1``.  Since ``latin-1`` will encode
    to every byte, decoding from ``latin-1`` to :class:`unicode` will not
    cause :exc:`UnicodeErrors` although the output might be mangled.
    s'byte_string must be a byte string (str)sutf-8tstrictt
isinstancetstrt	TypeErrortktb_tunicodetUnicodeDecodeErrortNonetchardettdetectt_CHARDET_THRESHHOLD(tbyte_stringtdisable_chardettinput_encodingtdetection_info((s5/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/text/misc.pytguess_encoding;s

	sutf-8treplacecCszy||ko||kSWntk
r/nXt|t�rT|j||�}n|j||�}||krvtStS(s�Compare two stringsi, converting to byte :class:`str` if one is

    :arg str1: First string to compare
    :arg str2: Second string to compare
    :kwarg encoding: If we need to convert one string into a byte :class:`str`
        to compare, the encoding to use.  Default is :term:`utf-8`.
    :kwarg errors: What to do if we encounter errors when encoding the string.
        See the :func:`kitchen.text.converters.to_bytes` documentation for
        possible values.  The default is ``replace``.

    This function prevents :exc:`UnicodeError` (python-2.4 or less) and
    :exc:`UnicodeWarning` (python 2.5 and higher) when we compare
    a :class:`unicode` string to a byte :class:`str`.  The errors normally
    arise because the conversion is done to :term:`ASCII`.  This function
    lets you convert to :term:`utf-8` or another encoding instead.

    .. note::

        When we need to convert one of the strings from :class:`unicode` in
        order to compare them we convert the :class:`unicode` string into
        a byte :class:`str`.  That means that strings can compare differently
        if you use different encodings for each.

    Note that ``str1 == str2`` is faster than this function if you can accept
    the following limitations:

    * Limited to python-2.5+ (otherwise a :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` may be
    * Will generate a :exc:`UnicodeWarning` if non-:term:`ASCII` byte
      :class:`str` is compared to :class:`unicode` string.
    (tUnicodeErrorRR
cCst|t�s'ttjd���n|dkrXtttdgt	t���}n�|dkr�tttdgt	t���}ns|dkr�d}t
|�}gtD]}||kr�|^q�r�ttjd���q�nt
tjd���|r|j|�}n|S(	s�Look for and transform :term:`control characters` in a string

    :arg string: string to search for and transform :term:`control characters`
    :kwarg strategy: XML does not allow :term:`ASCII` :term:`control
        characters`.  When we encounter those we need to know what to do.
        Valid options are:

        :replace: (default) Replace the :term:`control characters`
            with ``"?"``
        :ignore: Remove the characters altogether from the output
        :strict: Raise a :exc:`~kitchen.text.exceptions.ControlCharError` when
            we encounter a control character
    :raises TypeError: if :attr:`string` is not a unicode string.
    :raises ValueError: if the strategy is not one of replace, ignore, or
    :raises kitchen.text.exceptions.ControlCharError: if the strategy is
        ``strict`` and a :term:`control character` is present in the
    :returns: :class:`unicode` string with no :term:`control characters` in
    sDprocess_control_char must have a unicode type as the first argument.tignoreRu?Rs*ASCII control code present in string inputsXThe strategy argument to process_control_chars must be one of ignore, replace, or strictN(RR
RRR	tdicttzipt_CONTROL_CODESRtlent	frozensett_CONTROL_CHARSRt
ValueErrort	translate(tstringtstrategyt
control_tabletdatatc((s5/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/text/misc.pytprocess_control_chars�s%%%cCsCd�}t|t�s0ttjd���ntjt||�S(s/Substitute unicode characters for HTML entities

    :arg string: :class:`unicode` string to substitute out html entities
    :raises TypeError: if something other than a :class:`unicode` string is
    :rtype: :class:`unicode` string
    :returns: The plain text without html entities
    cSs |jd�}|d dkr#dS|d dkr�yE|d dkr`tt|dd	!d
��Stt|dd	!��SWqtk
r�qXn�|d dkrtjj|dd	!jd��}|r|d d
kr	ytt|dd	!��SWqtk
iso-8859-1(	tgrouptunichrtintR%thtmlentitydefst
sFhtml_entities_unescape must have a unicode type for its first argument(RR
RRR	tretsubt
_ENTITY_RE(R'R6((s5/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/text/misc.pythtml_entities_unescape�s		cCs^t|t�stSyt||�}Wntk
r:tSXt|�}|jt�rZtStS(s�Check that a byte :class:`str` would be valid in xml

    :arg byte_string: Byte :class:`str` to check
    :arg encoding: Encoding of the xml file.  Default: :term:`UTF-8`
    :returns: :data:`True` if the string is valid.  :data:`False` if it would
        be invalid in the xml file

    In some cases you'll have a whole bunch of byte strings and rather than
    transforming them to :class:`unicode` and back to byte :class:`str` for
    output to xml, you will just want to make sure they work with the xml file
    you're constructing.  This function will help you do that.  Example::

        processed_array = []
        for string in ARRAY_OF_MOSTLY_UTF8_STRINGS:
            if byte_string_valid_xml(string, 'utf-8'):
                processed_array.append(guess_bytes_to_xml(string, encoding='utf-8'))
    (	RRRR
RR#tintersectionR$R(RRtu_stringR*((s5/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/text/misc.pytbyte_string_valid_xml�s
r%tSXtS(s�Detect if a byte :class:`str` is valid in a specific encoding

    :arg byte_string: Byte :class:`str` to test for bytes not valid in this
    :kwarg encoding: encoding to test against.  Defaults to :term:`UTF-8`.
    :returns: :data:`True` if there are no invalid :term:`UTF-8` characters.
        :data:`False` if an invalid character is detected.

    .. note::

        This function checks whether the byte :class:`str` is valid in the
        specified encoding.  It **does not** detect whether the byte
        :class:`str` actually was encoded in that encoding.  If you want that
        sort of functionality, you probably want to use
        :func:`~kitchen.text.misc.guess_encoding` instead.

R>R=RR:R,R(sbyte_string_valid_encodingsbyte_string_valid_xmlsguess_encodingshtml_entities_unescapesprocess_control_charssstr_eq(t__doc__R1t	itertoolsR7R
tImportErrorRtkitchenRtkitchen.pycompat24Rtkitchen.text.exceptionsRtadd_builtin_setRR#trangeR!timapR/R$tcompileR9RRRR,R:R=R>t__all__(((s5/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kitchen/text/misc.pyt<module>s0

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Name Type Size Permission Actions
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 667 B 0644
.converters.pyo.40009 File 36.48 KB 0644
.display.pyo.40009 File 30.97 KB 0644
.exceptions.pyo.40009 File 1006 B 0644
.misc.pyo.40009 File 10.37 KB 0644
.utf8.pyo.40009 File 5.93 KB 0644
__init__.py File 414 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 667 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 667 B 0644
converters.py File 40.65 KB 0644
converters.pyc File 36.48 KB 0644
converters.pyo File 36.48 KB 0644
display.py File 38.52 KB 0644
display.pyc File 30.97 KB 0644
display.pyo File 30.97 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 1.24 KB 0644
exceptions.pyc File 1006 B 0644
exceptions.pyo File 1006 B 0644
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misc.pyc File 10.37 KB 0644
misc.pyo File 10.37 KB 0644
utf8.py File 6.13 KB 0644
utf8.pyc File 5.93 KB 0644
utf8.pyo File 5.93 KB 0644