[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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|��dS(s�Get the filename of the distutils, local, global, or per-user config

    `kind` must be one of "local", "global", or "user"
    Rs	setup.cfgtglobals
distutils.cfgtusertposixt.ts~/%spydistutils.cfgs7config_file() type must be 'local', 'global', or 'user'N(
tostpathtjointdirnamet	distutilst__file__tnamet
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�}	|j|	�|	j�ndS(sYEdit a configuration file to include `settings`

    `settings` is a dictionary of dictionaries or ``None`` values, keyed by
    command/section name.  A ``None`` value means to delete the entire section,
    while a dictionary lists settings to be changed or deleted in that section.
    A setting of ``None`` means to delete that setting.
    i����(tConfigParsersReading configuration from %ssDeleting section [%s] from %ssAdding new section [%s] to %ssDeleting %s.%s from %ss#Deleting empty [%s] section from %ssSetting %s.%s to %r in %ss
Writing %stwN(tsetuptools.compatRRtdebugtRawConfigParsertreadtitemstNonetinfotremove_sectionthas_sectiontadd_sectiont

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option to sets
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			cCsftj|�|jdks+|jdkr:td��n|jdkrb|jrbtd��ndS(Ns%Must specify --command *and* --options$Must specify --set-value or --remove(RR=RHR R0R;RIRF(R7((s=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.pyR=�s

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option to set(s
set-value=REsvalue of the option(sremoveRGsremove (unset) the value(


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 911 B 0644
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