� �i�Zc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d d d d d g Z d � Z d Z d e f d � � YZ d e d d d � Z d e j f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ e � Z d � Z e i d � Z d S( sm This module contains convenience decorators and functions for using PolicyKit with dbus services and clients.i����N( t decorator( t method_call_no_timeoutt require_autht enable_proxyt AUTHFAIL_DONTCATCHt NotAuthorizedExceptiont AreAuthorizationsObtainablet IsSystemBusNameAuthorizedAsyncc s � f d � } | S( s� Decorator for DBus service methods. Specify that a user needs a specific PolicyKit authorization `polkit_auth´ to execute it.c s t | d � � | S( Nt _slip_polkit_auth_required( t setattr( t method( t polkit_auth( s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyt require_auth_decorator) s ( ( R R ( ( R s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyR # s sB org.fedoraproject.slip.dbus.service.PolKit.NotAuthorizedException.c B s e Z RS( ( t __name__t __module__( ( ( s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyR 4 s c sE � � � f d � � | d k r. t � | � S� f d � } | Sd S( s� Decorator for DBus proxy methods. Let's you (optionally) specify either a result value or an exception type and a callback which is returned, thrown or called respectively if a PolicyKit authorization doesn't exist or can't be obtained in the DBus mechanism, i.e. an appropriate DBus exception is thrown. An exception constructor may and a callback must accept an `action_id´ parameter which will be set to the id of the PolicyKit action for which authorization could not be obtained. Examples: 1) Return `False´ in the event of an authorization problem, and call `error_handler´: def error_handler(action_id=None): print "Authorization problem:", action_id class MyProxy(object): @polkit.enable_proxy(authfail_result=False, authfail_callback=error_handler) def some_method(self, ...): ... 2) Throw a `MyAuthError´ instance in the event of an authorization problem: class MyAuthError(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): action_id = kwargs.pop("action_id") super(MyAuthError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.action_id = action_id class MyProxy(object): @polkit.enable_proxy(authfail_exception=MyAuthError) def some_method(self, ...): ...c s� y | | | � SWn� t j k r� } | j � } | j t � sG � n | t t � } � d k rs � d | � n � d k r� y � d | � } Wn � � } n X| � n � t k r� � n � SXd S( Nt action_id( t dbust DBusExceptiont get_dbus_namet startswitht AUTH_EXC_PREFIXt lent NoneR ( t funct pt kt et exc_nameR t af_exc( t authfail_callbackt authfail_exceptiont authfail_result( s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyt _enable_proxyd s$ c s t � | � S( N( R ( R ( R ( s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyt decorate� s N( R R ( R R R R R! ( ( R R R R s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyR 7 s - c B s e Z d Z d Z d � Z RS( sq Exception which a DBus service method throws if an authorization required for executing it can't be obtained.sA org.fedoraproject.slip.dbus.service.PolKit.NotAuthorizedExceptionc O s4 | j j d | | _ t t | � j | | � d S( Nt .( t __class__t _dbus_error_namet superR t __init__( t selfR R R ( ( s4 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/slip/dbus/polkit.pyR&