[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import os
import errno
import threading
import tuned.logs
from tuned.exceptions import TunedException
from tuned.profiles.exceptions import InvalidProfileException
import tuned.consts as consts
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
from tuned import exports
from tuned.utils.profile_recommender import ProfileRecommender
import re

log = tuned.logs.get()

class Daemon(object):
	def __init__(self, unit_manager, profile_loader, profile_names=None, config=None, application=None):
		log.debug("initializing daemon")
		self._daemon = consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON
		self._sleep_interval = int(consts.CFG_DEF_SLEEP_INTERVAL)
		self._update_interval = int(consts.CFG_DEF_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
		self._dynamic_tuning = consts.CFG_DEF_DYNAMIC_TUNING
		self._recommend_command = True
		if config is not None:
			self._daemon = config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DAEMON, consts.CFG_DEF_DAEMON)
			self._sleep_interval = int(config.get(consts.CFG_SLEEP_INTERVAL, consts.CFG_DEF_SLEEP_INTERVAL))
			self._update_interval = int(config.get(consts.CFG_UPDATE_INTERVAL, consts.CFG_DEF_UPDATE_INTERVAL))
			self._dynamic_tuning = config.get_bool(consts.CFG_DYNAMIC_TUNING, consts.CFG_DEF_DYNAMIC_TUNING)
			self._recommend_command = config.get_bool(consts.CFG_RECOMMEND_COMMAND, consts.CFG_DEF_RECOMMEND_COMMAND)
		self._application = application
		if self._sleep_interval <= 0:
			self._sleep_interval = int(consts.CFG_DEF_SLEEP_INTERVAL)
		if self._update_interval == 0:
			self._dynamic_tuning = False
		elif self._update_interval < self._sleep_interval:
			self._update_interval = self._sleep_interval
		self._sleep_cycles = self._update_interval // self._sleep_interval
		log.info("using sleep interval of %d second(s)" % self._sleep_interval)
		if self._dynamic_tuning:
			log.info("dynamic tuning is enabled (can be overridden by plugins)")
			log.info("using update interval of %d second(s) (%d times of the sleep interval)" % (self._sleep_cycles * self._sleep_interval, self._sleep_cycles))

		self._unit_manager = unit_manager
		self._profile_loader = profile_loader
		self._cmd = commands()
		except TunedException as e:
			log.error("Cannot set initial profile. No tunings will be enabled: %s" % e)

	def _init_threads(self):
		self._thread = None
		self._terminate = threading.Event()
		# Flag which is set if terminating due to profile_switch
		self._terminate_profile_switch = threading.Event()
		# Flag which is set if there is no operation in progress
		self._not_used = threading.Event()
		self._profile_applied = threading.Event()

	def reload_profile_config(self):
		"""Read configuration files again and load profile according to them"""

	def _init_profile(self, profile_names):
		manual = True
		if profile_names is None:
			(profile_names, manual) = self._get_startup_profile()
			if profile_names is None:
				log.info("No profile is preset, running in manual mode. No profile will be enabled.")
		# Passed through '-p' cmdline option
		elif profile_names == "":
			log.info("No profile will be enabled.")

		self._profile = None
		self._manual = None
		self.set_profile(profile_names, manual)

	def set_profile(self, profile_names, manual, save_instantly=False):
		if self.is_running():
			raise TunedException(self._notify_profile_changed(profile_names, False, "Cannot set profile while the daemon is running."))

		if profile_names == "" or profile_names is None:
			self._profile = None
			self._manual = manual
			profile_list = profile_names.split()
			for profile in profile_list:
				if profile not in self.profile_loader.profile_locator.get_known_names():
					raise TunedException(self._notify_profile_changed(\
							profile_names, False,\
							"Requested profile '%s' doesn't exist." % profile))
				self._profile = self._profile_loader.load(profile_names)
				self._manual = manual
			except InvalidProfileException as e:
				raise TunedException(self._notify_profile_changed(profile_names, False, "Cannot load profile(s) '%s': %s" % (profile_names, e)))

		if save_instantly:
			if profile_names is None:
				profile_names = ""
			self._save_active_profile(profile_names, manual)

	def profile(self):
		return self._profile

	def manual(self):
		return self._manual

	def profile_loader(self):
		return self._profile_loader

	# send notification when profile is changed (everything is setup) or if error occured
	# result: True - OK, False - error occured
	def _notify_profile_changed(self, profile_names, result, errstr):
		if self._application is not None and self._application._dbus_exporter is not None:
			self._application._dbus_exporter.send_signal(consts.DBUS_SIGNAL_PROFILE_CHANGED, profile_names, result, errstr)
		return errstr

	def _full_rollback_required(self):
		retcode, out = self._cmd.execute(["systemctl", "is-system-running"], no_errors = [0])
		if retcode < 0:
			return False
		if out[:8] == "stopping":
			return False
		retcode, out = self._cmd.execute(["systemctl", "list-jobs"], no_errors = [0])
		return re.search(r"\b(shutdown|reboot|halt|poweroff)\.target.*start", out) is None

	def _thread_code(self):
		if self._profile is None:
			raise TunedException("Cannot start the daemon without setting a profile.")

		self._save_active_profile(self._profile.name, self._manual)
		log.info("static tuning from profile '%s' applied" % self._profile.name)
		if self._daemon:
		self._notify_profile_changed(self._profile.name, True, "OK")

		if self._daemon:
			# In python 2 interpreter with applied patch for rhbz#917709 we need to periodically
			# poll, otherwise the python will not have chance to update events / locks (due to GIL)
			# and e.g. DBus control will not work. The polling interval of 1 seconds (which is
			# the default) is still much better than 50 ms polling with unpatched interpreter.
			# For more details see tuned rhbz#917587.
			_sleep_cnt = self._sleep_cycles
			while not self._cmd.wait(self._terminate, self._sleep_interval):
				if self._dynamic_tuning:
					_sleep_cnt -= 1
					if _sleep_cnt <= 0:
						_sleep_cnt = self._sleep_cycles
						log.debug("updating monitors")
						log.debug("performing tunings")


		# wait for others to complete their tasks, use timeout 3 x sleep_interval to prevent
		# deadlocks
		i = 0
		while not self._cmd.wait(self._not_used, self._sleep_interval) and i < 3:
			i += 1

		# if terminating due to profile switch
		if self._terminate_profile_switch.is_set():
			full_rollback = True
			# with systemd it detects system shutdown and in such case it doesn't perform
			# full cleanup, if not shutting down it means that Tuned was explicitly
			# stopped by user and in such case do full cleanup, without systemd never
			# do full cleanup
			full_rollback = False
			if self._full_rollback_required():
				if self._daemon:
					log.info("terminating Tuned, rolling back all changes")
					full_rollback = True
					log.info("terminating Tuned in one-shot mode")
				log.info("terminating Tuned due to system shutdown / reboot")
		if self._daemon:

	def _save_active_profile(self, profile_names, manual):
			self._cmd.save_active_profile(profile_names, manual)
		except TunedException as e:

	def _get_recommended_profile(self):
		log.info("Running in automatic mode, checking what profile is recommended for your configuration.")
		profile = ProfileRecommender().recommend(hardcoded = not self._recommend_command)
		log.info("Using '%s' profile" % profile)
		return profile

	def _get_startup_profile(self):
		profile, manual = self._cmd.get_active_profile()
		if manual is None:
			manual = profile is not None
		if not manual:
			profile = self._get_recommended_profile()
		return profile, manual

	def get_all_plugins(self):
		"""Return all accessible plugin classes"""
		return self._unit_manager.plugins_repository.load_all_plugins()

	def get_plugin_documentation(self, plugin_name):
		"""Return plugin class docstring"""
			plugin_class = self._unit_manager.plugins_repository.load_plugin(
		except ImportError:
			return ""
		return plugin_class.__doc__

	def get_plugin_hints(self, plugin_name):
		"""Return plugin's parameters and their hints

		plugin_name -- plugins name

		dictionary -- {parameter_name: hint}
			plugin_class = self._unit_manager.plugins_repository.load_plugin(
		except ImportError:
			return {}
		return plugin_class.get_config_options_hints()

	def is_enabled(self):
		return self._profile is not None

	def is_running(self):
		return self._thread is not None and self._thread.is_alive()

	def start(self):
		if self.is_running():
			return False

		if self._profile is None:
			return False

		log.info("starting tuning")
		self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_code)
		return True

	def verify_profile(self, ignore_missing):
		if not self.is_running():
			log.error("tuned is not running")
			return False

		if self._profile is None:
			log.error("no profile is set")
			return False

		if not self._profile_applied.is_set():
			log.error("profile is not applied")
			return False

		# using deamon, the main loop mustn't exit before our completion
		log.info("verifying profile(s): %s" % self._profile.name)
		ret = self._unit_manager.verify_tuning(ignore_missing)
		# main loop is allowed to exit
		return ret

	# profile_switch is helper telling plugins whether the stop is due to profile switch
	def stop(self, profile_switch = False):
		if not self.is_running():
			return False
		log.info("stopping tuning")
		if profile_switch:
		self._thread = None

		return True


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 236 B 0644
.application.pyo.40009 File 8.73 KB 0644
.controller.pyo.40009 File 11.87 KB 0644
.daemon.pyo.40009 File 10.85 KB 0644
__init__.py File 75 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 236 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 236 B 0644
application.py File 6.71 KB 0644
application.pyc File 8.73 KB 0644
application.pyo File 8.73 KB 0644
controller.py File 8.55 KB 0644
controller.pyc File 11.87 KB 0644
controller.pyo File 11.87 KB 0644
daemon.py File 10.07 KB 0644
daemon.pyc File 10.85 KB 0644
daemon.pyo File 10.85 KB 0644