[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
from . import base
from .decorators import *
import tuned.logs
from . import exceptions
from tuned.utils.commands import commands
import tuned.consts as consts

import os
import re
import tempfile

log = tuned.logs.get()

class BootloaderPlugin(base.Plugin):
	Plugin for tuning bootloader options.

	Currently only grub2 is supported and reboot is required to apply the tunings.
	These tunings are unloaded only on profile change followed by reboot.

	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if not os.path.isfile(consts.GRUB2_TUNED_TEMPLATE_PATH):
			raise exceptions.NotSupportedPluginException("Required GRUB2 template not found, disabling plugin.")
		super(BootloaderPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
		self._cmd = commands()

	def _instance_init(self, instance):
		instance._has_dynamic_tuning = False
		instance._has_static_tuning = True
		# controls grub2_cfg rewrites in _instance_post_static
		self.update_grub2_cfg = False
		self._initrd_remove_dir = False
		self._initrd_dst_img_val = None
		self._cmdline_val = ""
		self._initrd_val = ""
		self._grub2_cfg_file_names = self._get_grub2_cfg_files()

	def _instance_cleanup(self, instance):

	def _get_config_options(cls):
		return {
			"grub2_cfg_file": None,
			"initrd_dst_img": None,
			"initrd_add_img": None,
			"initrd_add_dir": None,
			"initrd_remove_dir": None,
			"cmdline": None,

	def _get_effective_options(self, options):
		"""Merge provided options with plugin default options and merge all cmdline.* options."""
		effective = self._get_config_options().copy()
		cmdline_keys = []
		for key in options:
			if str(key).startswith("cmdline"):
			elif key in effective:
				effective[key] = options[key]
				log.warn("Unknown option '%s' for plugin '%s'." % (key, self.__class__.__name__))
		cmdline = ""
		for key in cmdline_keys:
			val = options[key]
			if val is None or val == "":
			op = val[0]
			vals = val[1:].strip()
			if op == "+" and vals != "":
				cmdline += " " + vals
			elif op == "-" and vals != "":
				for p in vals.split():
					regex = re.escape(p)
					cmdline = re.sub(r"(\A|\s)" + regex + r"(?=\Z|\s)", r"", cmdline)
				cmdline += " " + val
		cmdline = cmdline.strip()
		if cmdline != "":
			effective["cmdline"] = cmdline
		return effective

	def _get_grub2_cfg_files(self):
		cfg_files = []
		for f in consts.GRUB2_CFG_FILES:
			if os.path.exists(f):
		return cfg_files

	def _patch_bootcmdline(self, d):
		return self._cmd.add_modify_option_in_file(consts.BOOT_CMDLINE_FILE, d)

	def _remove_grub2_tuning(self):
		if not self._grub2_cfg_file_names:
			log.info("cannot find grub.cfg to patch")
		self._patch_bootcmdline({consts.BOOT_CMDLINE_TUNED_VAR : "", consts.BOOT_CMDLINE_INITRD_ADD_VAR : ""})
		for f in self._grub2_cfg_file_names:
			self._cmd.add_modify_option_in_file(f, {"set\s+" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR : "", "set\s+" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR : ""}, add = False)
		if self._initrd_dst_img_val is not None:
			log.info("removing initrd image '%s'" % self._initrd_dst_img_val)

	def _instance_unapply_static(self, instance, full_rollback = False):
		if full_rollback:
			log.info("removing grub2 tuning previously added by Tuned")
			self._update_grubenv({"tuned_params" : "", "tuned_initrd" : ""})

	def _grub2_cfg_unpatch(self, grub2_cfg):
		log.debug("unpatching grub.cfg")
		cfg = re.sub(r"^\s*set\s+" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR + "\s*=.*\n", "", grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		grub2_cfg = re.sub(r" *\$" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR, "", cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		cfg = re.sub(r"^\s*set\s+" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR + "\s*=.*\n", "", grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		grub2_cfg = re.sub(r" *\$" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR, "", cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		cfg = re.sub(consts.GRUB2_TEMPLATE_HEADER_BEGIN + r"\n", "", grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		return re.sub(consts.GRUB2_TEMPLATE_HEADER_END + r"\n+", "", cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)

	def _grub2_cfg_patch_initial(self, grub2_cfg, d):
		log.debug("initial patching of grub.cfg")
		s = r"\1\n\n" + consts.GRUB2_TEMPLATE_HEADER_BEGIN + "\n"
		for opt in d:
			s += r"set " + self._cmd.escape(opt) + "=\"" + self._cmd.escape(d[opt]) + "\"\n"
		s += consts.GRUB2_TEMPLATE_HEADER_END + r"\n"
		grub2_cfg = re.sub(r"^(\s*###\s+END\s+[^#]+/00_header\s+### *)\n", s, grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)

		d2 = {"linux" : consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR, "initrd" : consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR}
		for i in d2:
			# add tuned parameters to all kernels
			grub2_cfg = re.sub(r"^(\s*" + i + r"(16|efi)?\s+.*)$", r"\1 $" + d2[i], grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
			# remove tuned parameters from rescue kernels
			grub2_cfg = re.sub(r"^(\s*" + i + r"(?:16|efi)?\s+\S+rescue.*)\$" + d2[i] + r" *(.*)$", r"\1\2", grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
			# fix whitespaces in rescue kernels
			grub2_cfg = re.sub(r"^(\s*" + i + r"(?:16|efi)?\s+\S+rescue.*) +$", r"\1", grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)
		return grub2_cfg

	def _grub2_default_env_patch(self):
		grub2_default_env = self._cmd.read_file(consts.GRUB2_DEFAULT_ENV_FILE)
		if len(grub2_default_env) <= 0:
			log.info("cannot read '%s'" % consts.GRUB2_DEFAULT_ENV_FILE)
			return False

		write = False
		for i in d:
			if re.search(r"^[^#]*\b" + i + r"\s*=.*\\\$" + d[i] + r"\b.*$", grub2_default_env, flags = re.MULTILINE) is None:
				write = True
				if grub2_default_env[-1] != "\n":
					grub2_default_env += "\n"
				grub2_default_env += i + "=\"${" + i + ":+$" + i + r" }\$" + d[i] + "\"\n"
		if write:
			log.debug("patching '%s'" % consts.GRUB2_DEFAULT_ENV_FILE)
			self._cmd.write_to_file(consts.GRUB2_DEFAULT_ENV_FILE, grub2_default_env)
		return True

	def _grub2_cfg_patch(self, d):
		log.debug("patching grub.cfg")
		if not self._grub2_cfg_file_names:
			log.info("cannot find grub.cfg to patch")
			return False
		for f in self._grub2_cfg_file_names:
			grub2_cfg = self._cmd.read_file(f)
			if len(grub2_cfg) <= 0:
				log.info("cannot patch %s" % f)
				return False
			log.debug("adding boot command line parameters to '%s'" % f)
			grub2_cfg_new = grub2_cfg
			patch_initial = False
			for opt in d:
				(grub2_cfg_new, nsubs) = re.subn(r"\b(set\s+" + opt + "\s*=).*$", r"\1" + "\"" + d[opt] + "\"", grub2_cfg_new, flags = re.MULTILINE)
				if nsubs < 1 or re.search(r"\$" + opt, grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE) is None:
					patch_initial = True

			# workaround for rhbz#1442117
			if len(re.findall(r"\$" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR, grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)) != \
				len(re.findall(r"\$" + consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR, grub2_cfg, flags = re.MULTILINE)):
					patch_initial = True

			if patch_initial:
				grub2_cfg_new = self._grub2_cfg_patch_initial(self._grub2_cfg_unpatch(grub2_cfg), d)
			self._cmd.write_to_file(f, grub2_cfg_new)
		return True

	def _grub2_update(self):
		self._grub2_cfg_patch({consts.GRUB2_TUNED_VAR : self._cmdline_val, consts.GRUB2_TUNED_INITRD_VAR : self._initrd_val})
		self._patch_bootcmdline({consts.BOOT_CMDLINE_TUNED_VAR : self._cmdline_val, consts.BOOT_CMDLINE_INITRD_ADD_VAR : self._initrd_val})

	def _has_bls(self):
		return os.path.exists(consts.BLS_ENTRIES_PATH)

	def _update_grubenv(self, d):
		log.debug("updating grubenv, setting %s" % str(d));
		l = ["%s=%s" % (str(option), str(value)) for option, value in d.items()]
		(rc, out) = self._cmd.execute(["grub2-editenv", "-", "set"] + l)
		if rc != 0:
			log.warn("cannot update grubenv: '%s'" % out)
			return False;
		return True

	def _bls_entries_patch_initial(self):
		machine_id = self._cmd.get_machine_id()
		if machine_id == "":
			return False
		log.debug("running kernel update hook '%s' to patch BLS entries" % consts.KERNEL_UPDATE_HOOK_FILE)
		(rc, out) = self._cmd.execute([consts.KERNEL_UPDATE_HOOK_FILE, "add"], env = {"KERNEL_INSTALL_MACHINE_ID" : machine_id})
		if rc != 0:
			log.warn("cannot patch BLS entries: '%s'" % out)
			return False
		return True

	def _bls_update(self):
		log.debug("updating BLS")
		if self._has_bls() and \
			self._update_grubenv({"tuned_params" : self._cmdline_val, "tuned_initrd" : self._initrd_val}) and \
				return True
		return False

	def _init_initrd_dst_img(self, name):
		if self._initrd_dst_img_val is None:
			self._initrd_dst_img_val = os.path.join(consts.BOOT_DIR, os.path.basename(name))

	def _check_petitboot(self):
		return os.path.isdir(consts.PETITBOOT_DETECT_DIR)

	def _install_initrd(self, img):
		if self._check_petitboot():
			log.warn("Detected Petitboot which doesn't support initrd overlays. The initrd overlay will be ignored by bootloader.")
		log.info("installing initrd image as '%s'" % self._initrd_dst_img_val)
		img_name = os.path.basename(self._initrd_dst_img_val)
		if not self._cmd.copy(img, self._initrd_dst_img_val):
			return False
		self.update_grub2_cfg = True
		curr_cmdline = self._cmd.read_file("/proc/cmdline").rstrip()
		initrd_grubpath = "/"
		lc = len(curr_cmdline)
		if lc:
			path = re.sub(r"^\s*BOOT_IMAGE=\s*(\S*/).*$", "\\1", curr_cmdline)
			if len(path) < lc:
				initrd_grubpath = path
		self._initrd_val = os.path.join(initrd_grubpath, img_name)
		return True

	def _grub2_cfg_file(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		# nothing to verify
		if verify:
			return None
		if enabling and value is not None:
			self._grub2_cfg_file_names = [str(value)]

	def _initrd_dst_img(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		# nothing to verify
		if verify:
			return None
		if enabling and value is not None:
			self._initrd_dst_img_val = str(value)
			if self._initrd_dst_img_val == "":
				return False
			if self._initrd_dst_img_val[0] != "/":
				self._initrd_dst_img_val = os.path.join(consts.BOOT_DIR, self._initrd_dst_img_val)

	def _initrd_remove_dir(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		# nothing to verify
		if verify:
			return None
		if enabling and value is not None:
			self._initrd_remove_dir = self._cmd.get_bool(value) == "1"

	@command_custom("initrd_add_img", per_device = False, priority = 10)
	def _initrd_add_img(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		# nothing to verify
		if verify:
			return None
		if enabling and value is not None:
			src_img = str(value)
			if src_img == "":
				return False
			if not self._install_initrd(src_img):
				return False

	@command_custom("initrd_add_dir", per_device = False, priority = 10)
	def _initrd_add_dir(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		# nothing to verify
		if verify:
			return None
		if enabling and value is not None:
			src_dir = str(value)
			if src_dir == "":
				return False
			if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
				log.error("error: cannot create initrd image, source directory '%s' doesn't exist" % src_dir)
				return False

			log.info("generating initrd image from directory '%s'" % src_dir)
			(fd, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = "tuned-bootloader-", suffix = ".tmp")
			log.debug("writing initrd image to temporary file '%s'" % tmpfile)
			(rc, out) = self._cmd.execute("find . | cpio -co > %s" % tmpfile, cwd = src_dir, shell = True)
			log.debug("cpio log: %s" % out)
			if rc != 0:
				log.error("error generating initrd image")
				self._cmd.unlink(tmpfile, no_error = True)
				return False
			if self._initrd_remove_dir:
				log.info("removing directory '%s'" % src_dir)

	@command_custom("cmdline", per_device = False, priority = 10)
	def _cmdline(self, enabling, value, verify, ignore_missing):
		v = self._variables.expand(self._cmd.unquote(value))
		if verify:
			cmdline = self._cmd.read_file("/proc/cmdline")
			if len(cmdline) == 0:
				return None
			cmdline_set = set(cmdline.split())
			value_set = set(v.split())
			cmdline_intersect = cmdline_set.intersection(value_set)
			if cmdline_intersect == value_set:
				log.info(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_OK % ("cmdline", str(value_set)))
				return True
				log.error(consts.STR_VERIFY_PROFILE_VALUE_FAIL % ("cmdline", str(cmdline_intersect), str(value_set)))
				return False
		if enabling and value is not None:
			log.info("installing additional boot command line parameters to grub2")
			self.update_grub2_cfg = True
			self._cmdline_val = v

	def _instance_post_static(self, instance, enabling):
		if enabling and self.update_grub2_cfg:
			self.update_grub2_cfg = False


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