� ��\c @ s6 d d l Z d d l m Z d e f d � � YZ d S( i����N( t reducet Mergerc B s) e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s0 Tool for merging multiple profiles into one. c C s d S( N( ( t self( ( s9 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tuned/profiles/merger.pyt __init__ s c C s t | j | � } | S( s� Merge multiple configurations into one. If there are multiple units of the same type, option 'devices' is set for each unit with respect to eliminating any duplicate devices. ( R t _merge_two( R t configst merged_config( ( s9 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tuned/profiles/merger.pyt merge s c C s� | j j | j � x�t | j j � � D]�\ } } | j sM | | j k r] | | j | <q) | j | j | _ | j | j | _ | j | j | _ | j d k r� | j | j | _ n | j d k r� | j | j | _ n | j d k r| j | j | _ n | d k r�| j | j j d d � d k r�| j | j j d d � } | j | j j | j � | | j | j d | j | j d <q) | j | j j | j � q) W| S( s� Merge two profiles. The configuration of units with matching names are updated with options from the newer profile. If the 'replace' options of the newer unit is 'True', all options from the older unit are dropped. t scriptN( t optionst updatet listt unitst itemst replacet typet enabledt devicest devices_udev_regext Nonet script_pret script_postt get( R t profile_at profile_bt unit_namet unitR ( ( s9 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tuned/profiles/merger.pyR s&