� �v_c @ sU d Z d d l Z d d d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d S( s/ Classes for handling failovers for server URLs.i����Nt baseFailOverMethodc B sJ e Z d Z d � Z d d � Z d � Z d d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( s_ A base class to provide a failover to switch to a new server if the current one fails. c C s | | _ d | _ d S( Ni ( t repot failures( t selfR ( ( s0 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyt __init__ s c C s d S( s� Return a server URL based on this failover method, or None if there is a complete failure. This method should always be used to translate an index into a URL, as this object may change how indexes map. :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to return, instead of using the failures counter :return: the next server URL N( t None( R t i( ( s0 /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyt get_serverurl"