[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
�v_c@sUdZddlZdd	d��YZdefd��YZdefd��YZdS(
s/Classes for handling failovers for server URLs.i����NtbaseFailOverMethodcBsJeZdZd�Zdd�Zd�Zdd�Zd�Zd�Z	RS(	s_A base class to provide a failover to switch to a new server if
    the current one fails.
    cCs||_d|_dS(Ni(trepotfailures(tselfR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyt__init__s	cCsdS(s�Return a server URL based on this failover method, or None
        if there is a complete failure.  This method should always be
        used to translate an index into a URL, as this object may
        change how indexes map.

        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
           return, instead of using the failures counter
        :return: the next server URL
cCs|jd|_dS(sONotify the failover method that the current server has
||_dS(suReset the failures counter to the given index.

        :param i: the index to reset the failures counter to
        N(R(RR((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pytreset4scCs|jS(s{Return the current number of failures, which is also the
        current index into the list of URLs that this object
        represents.  :fun:`get_serverurl` should always be used to
        translate an index into a URL, as this object may change how
        indexes map.

        :return: the current number of failures, which is also the
           current index   
        (R(R((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyt	get_index;s
cCst|jj�S(s�Return the total number of URLs available to cycle through
        in this object.

        :return: the total number of URLs available
__module__t__doc__RRRRR	R
R(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyRs			tprioritycBseZdZdd�ZRS(s�A class to provide a failover to switch to a new server
    if the current one fails.  This classes chooses the next server
    based on the first success in the list of servers.
    cCsH|dkr|j}n|}|t|jj�kr:dS|jj|S(s�Return the next successful server URL in the list, or None
        if there is a complete failure.  This method should always be
        used to translate an index into a URL, as this object may
        change how indexes map.

        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
           return, instead of using the failures counter
        :return: the next server URL
        N(RRRRR(RRtindex((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyRVs
roundRobincBs#eZdZd�Zdd�ZRS(sjA class to provide a failover to switch to a new server
    if the current one fails.  When an object of this class is
    created, it selects a random place in the list of URLs to begin
    with, then each time :func:`get_serveurl` is called, the next URL
    in the list is returned, cycling back to the beginning of the list
    after the end is reached.
cCse|dkr|j}n|}|t|jj�kr:dS||jt|jj�}|jj|S(s�Return the next successful server URL in the list, using
        the round robin scheme, or None if there is a complete
        failure.  This method should always be used to translate an
        index into a URL, as this object may change how indexes map.

        :param i: if given, this is the index of the server URL to
           return, instead of using the failures counter
        :return: the next server URL
        N(RRRRRR(RRRtrr((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyRys
RRRRR(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyRls	((RRRRR(((s0/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/failover.pyt<module>s7


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