[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Custom logging levels for finer-grained logging using python's standard
logging module.

import os
import socket
import sys
import logging
import logging.handlers

INFO_1 = 19
INFO_2 = 18

DEBUG_1 = 9
DEBUG_2 = 8
DEBUG_3 = 7
DEBUG_4 = 6

logging.addLevelName(INFO_1, "INFO_1")
logging.addLevelName(INFO_2, "INFO_2")

logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_1, "DEBUG_1")
logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_2, "DEBUG_2")
logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_3, "DEBUG_3")
logging.addLevelName(DEBUG_4, "DEBUG_4")

# High level to effectively turn off logging.
# For compatibility with the old logging system.
__NO_LOGGING = 100
logging.raiseExceptions = False

from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler as syslog_module

syslog = None

# Mostly borrowed from original yum-updated.py
_syslog_facility_map = { "KERN"   : syslog_module.LOG_KERN,
                         "USER"   : syslog_module.LOG_USER,
                         "MAIL"   : syslog_module.LOG_MAIL,
                         "DAEMON" : syslog_module.LOG_DAEMON,
                         "AUTH"   : syslog_module.LOG_AUTH,
                         "LPR"    : syslog_module.LOG_LPR,
                         "NEWS"   : syslog_module.LOG_NEWS,
                         "UUCP"   : syslog_module.LOG_UUCP,
                         "CRON"   : syslog_module.LOG_CRON,
                         "LOCAL0" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL0,
                         "LOCAL1" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL1,
                         "LOCAL2" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL2,
                         "LOCAL3" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL3,
                         "LOCAL4" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL4,
                         "LOCAL5" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL5,
                         "LOCAL6" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL6,
                         "LOCAL7" : syslog_module.LOG_LOCAL7,}
def syslogFacilityMap(facility):
    if type(facility) == int:
        return facility
    elif facility.upper() in _syslog_facility_map:
        return _syslog_facility_map[facility.upper()]
    elif (facility.upper().startswith("LOG_") and
          facility[4:].upper() in _syslog_facility_map):
        return _syslog_facility_map[facility[4:].upper()]
    return _syslog_facility_map["USER"]

def logLevelFromErrorLevel(error_level):
    """ Convert an old-style error logging level to the new style. """
    error_table = { -1 : __NO_LOGGING, 0 : logging.CRITICAL, 1 : logging.ERROR,
        2 : logging.WARNING}
    return __convertLevel(error_level, error_table)

def logLevelFromDebugLevel(debug_level):
    """ Convert an old-style debug logging level to the new style. """
    debug_table = {-5 : __NO_LOGGING,
        -4 : logging.CRITICAL, -3 : logging.ERROR, -2 : logging.WARNING,
        -1 : __NO_LOGGING, 0 : logging.INFO, 1 : INFO_1, 2 : INFO_2,
        3 : logging.DEBUG, 4 : DEBUG_1, 5 : DEBUG_2, 6 : DEBUG_3, 7 : DEBUG_4}

    return __convertLevel(debug_level, debug_table)

def __convertLevel(level, table):
    """ Convert yum logging levels using a lookup table. """
    # Look up level in the table.
        new_level = table[level]
    except KeyError:
        keys = sorted(table.keys())
        # We didn't find the level in the table, check if it's smaller
        # than the smallest level
        if level < keys[0]:
            new_level = table[keys[0]]
        # Nope. So it must be larger.
            new_level =  table[keys[-2]]

    return new_level

def setDebugLevel(level):
    converted_level = logLevelFromDebugLevel(level)
def setErrorLevel(level):
    converted_level = logLevelFromErrorLevel(level)

_added_handlers = False
def doLoggingSetup(debuglevel, errorlevel,
                   syslog_ident=None, syslog_facility=None,
    Configure the python logger.
    errorlevel is optional. If provided, it will override the logging level
    provided in the logging config file for error messages.
    debuglevel is optional. If provided, it will override the logging level
    provided in the logging config file for debug messages.
    global _added_handlers

    #logging.basicConfig() # this appears to not change anything in our 
    # logging setup - disabling this b/c of the behaviors in yum ticket 525
    # -skvidal

    if _added_handlers:
        if debuglevel is not None:
        if errorlevel is not None:  

    plainformatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
    console_stdout = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
    verbose = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose")
    verbose.propagate = False
    console_stderr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
    logger = logging.getLogger("yum")
    logger.propagate = False
    filelogger = logging.getLogger("yum.filelogging")
    filelogger.propagate = False

    global syslog
    if syslog_device:
        address = None
        if ":" in syslog_device:
            address = syslog_device.rsplit(":", 1)
            address = (address[0], int(address[1]))
        elif os.path.exists(syslog_device):
            address = syslog_device
        if address:
                facil = syslogFacilityMap(syslog_facility or "USER")
                syslog = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address, facil)
            except socket.error:
                if syslog is not None:
                setLoggingApp(syslog_ident or "yum")
    _added_handlers = True

    if debuglevel is not None:
    if errorlevel is not None:  

def setFileLog(uid, logfile, cleanup=None):
    # TODO: When python's logging config parser doesn't blow up
    # when the user is non-root, put this in the config file.
    # syslog-style log
    if uid == 0:
            # For installroot etc.
            logdir = os.path.dirname(logfile)
            if not os.path.exists(logdir):
                os.makedirs(logdir, mode=0755)
            if not os.path.exists(logfile):
                f = open(logfile, 'w')
                os.chmod(logfile, 0600) # making sure umask doesn't catch us up
            filelogger = logging.getLogger("yum.filelogging")
            filehandler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
            formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(message)s",
                "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
            if not cleanup is None:
                cleanup.append(lambda: filelogger.removeHandler(filehandler))
        except IOError:
            logging.getLogger("yum").critical('Cannot open logfile %s', logfile)

def setLoggingApp(app):
    if syslog:
        syslogformatter = logging.Formatter(app + "[%(process)d]: %(message)s")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Errors.py File 4.26 KB 0755
Errors.pyc File 9.08 KB 0644
__init__.py File 304.1 KB 0755
__init__.pyc File 199.78 KB 0644
callbacks.py File 5.64 KB 0755
callbacks.pyc File 6.23 KB 0644
comps.py File 31.59 KB 0755
comps.pyc File 26.87 KB 0644
config.py File 49.89 KB 0755
config.pyc File 48.02 KB 0644
constants.py File 4.52 KB 0755
constants.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
depsolve.py File 74.05 KB 0755
depsolve.pyc File 46.91 KB 0644
drpm.py File 12.85 KB 0755
drpm.pyc File 10.83 KB 0644
failover.py File 5 KB 0755
failover.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
fssnapshots.py File 10.16 KB 0755
fssnapshots.pyc File 9.75 KB 0644
history.py File 61.13 KB 0755
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i18n.py File 20.44 KB 0755
i18n.pyc File 16.05 KB 0644
igroups.py File 9.31 KB 0755
igroups.pyc File 10.22 KB 0644
logginglevels.py File 7.9 KB 0755
logginglevels.pyc File 6.51 KB 0644
mdparser.py File 6.26 KB 0755
mdparser.pyc File 7.58 KB 0644
metalink.py File 9.19 KB 0755
metalink.pyc File 8.84 KB 0644
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misc.pyc File 39.58 KB 0644
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packageSack.pyc File 41.88 KB 0644
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packages.pyc File 84.51 KB 0644
parser.py File 7.97 KB 0755
parser.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
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pgpmsg.pyc File 38.27 KB 0644
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pkgtag_db.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
plugins.py File 28.1 KB 0755
plugins.pyc File 29.1 KB 0644
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repoMDObject.pyc File 9.17 KB 0644
repos.py File 16.53 KB 0755
repos.pyc File 17.38 KB 0644
rpmsack.py File 70.25 KB 0755
rpmsack.pyc File 58.36 KB 0644
rpmtrans.py File 24.84 KB 0755
rpmtrans.pyc File 22.54 KB 0644
sqlitesack.py File 69.76 KB 0755
sqlitesack.pyc File 53.75 KB 0644
sqlutils.py File 6.27 KB 0755
sqlutils.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
transactioninfo.py File 33.78 KB 0755
transactioninfo.pyc File 30.29 KB 0644
update_md.py File 25.9 KB 0755
update_md.pyc File 21.72 KB 0644
updateinfo.py File 18.29 KB 0755
updateinfo.pyc File 16.36 KB 0644
yumRepo.py File 83.85 KB 0755
yumRepo.pyc File 64.83 KB 0644