[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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�v_c@sSddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlTddl	Z	ddl	m
mZddlZddl
mZddlmZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZd	Zd
efd��YZdZd
�ZeefZidd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd6dd 6d!d"6d!d#6d!d$6d!d%6d!d&6d'd(6d'd)6d*d+6d*d,6d-d.6d/d06Ze ej!��Z"d1e#fd2��YZ$d3dFd4��YZ%d5dGd6��YZ&ddHd7��YZ'de'fd8��YZ(de(fd9��YZ)de'fd:��YZ*de*fd;��YZ+de*fd<��YZ,de,fd=��YZ-de-fd>��YZ.d!e-fd?��YZ/d'e/fd@��YZ0d-e/fdA��YZ1d*e/fdB��YZ2d/e/fdC��YZ3dD�Z4dE�Z5dS(Ii����N(t*(tParsingErrortConfigParser(tConfigPreProcessor(tfill(tproxy(t_(t
DeprecatedIntcBseZdZRS(sXA simple int subclass that is used to check when a deprecated
    constant is used.
postconfigtInitPluginConduittinittArgsPluginConduittargstDownloadPluginConduittpredownloadtpostdownloadtPreRepoSetupPluginConduittprelistenabledrepostprereposetuptPostRepoSetupPluginConduitt
PluginConduittclosetcleantMainPluginConduittpretranst	posttranstpreverifytranstpostverifytranstexcludetDepsolvePluginConduitt
preresolvetpostresolvetHistoryPluginConduitthistorybegint
PluginYumExitcBs&eZdZddd�Zd�ZRS(sGException that can be raised by plugins to signal that yum should stop.tcCs||_||_dS(N(tvaluettranslation_domain(tselfR1R2((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt__init__os	cCs*|jrtj|j|j�S|jSdS(N(R2tgettexttdgettextR1(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt__str__rs	(R	R
YumPluginscBsbeZdZdddddd�Zd�Zd�Zed��Zd�Z	d�Z
d�ZRS(	sManager class for Yum plugins.c	Cs|sdg}n||_||_t|�|_||_d|_tjd�|_	||_
||_|dkr~t}nt
|ttf�s�|f}ntt�g|D]}t|�^q�kr�|j	jtjd�n|j|�i|_tj|jd�|jd�dS(svInitialise the instance.

        @param base: The
        @param searchpath: A list of paths to look for plugin modules.
        @param optparser: The OptionParser instance for this run (optional).
            Use to allow plugins to extend command line options.
        @param types: A sequence specifying the types of plugins to load.
            This should be sequnce containing one or more of the TYPE_...
            constants. If None (the default), all plugins will be loaded.
        @param pluginconfpath: A list of paths to look for plugin configuration
            files. Defaults to "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d".
        s/etc/yum/pluginconf.dsyum.verbose.YumPluginsseDeprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE during plugin initialization.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.RR
searchpathtpluginconfpathtweakreftbaset	optparsertNonetcmdlinetloggingt	getLoggertverbose_loggertdisabledPluginstenabledPluginst	ALL_TYPESt
logginglevelstINFO_2t_importpluginstcmdlinestatexittregistertrun(	R3R<R9R=ttypesR:tdisabledtenabledtt((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4{s*							+

	cKs�tj|d�}|dkr1td|��nt|�}xf|j|D]W\}}|jjtj	d||�|j
|\}}||||j||��qKWdS(s�Run all plugin functions for the given slot.

        :param slotname: a string representing the name of the slot to
           run the plugins for
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments that will be simply passed on
           to the plugins
        sunknown slot name "%s"s$Running "%s" handler for "%s" pluginN(tSLOT_TO_CONDUITtgetR>t
ValueErrortevalt_pluginfuncsRBRKRLtDEBUG_4t_pluginsR<(R3tslotnametkwargst
Csi|_i|_xtD]}g|j|<qWt�|_t�|_x]|jD]R}tjj	|�spqRnx1t
tjd|��D]}|j||�q�WqRW|jr^|j
jtj�r^td�}djt
jtjt|d	|d
|d|��n|jr�xF|jD]8}	|	|jkrq|j
jtjtd�|	�qqqqWn|`|jrxF|jD]8}	|	|jkr�|j
jtjtd�|	�q�q�Wn|`d
S(s/Load plugins matching the given types.
        s%s/*.pysLoaded plugins: s, t is: iPttermtwidthtinitial_indenttsubsequent_indentsNo plugin match for: %sN(R]R[tSLOTStsett_used_disable_plugint_used_enable_pluginR9tostpathtisdirtsortedtglobt_loadpluginRBtisEnabledForRLtDEBUG_3RtjoinRthasattrR<RetcolumnsRKRMRRCRD(
		cCsH|dkrtSx1|D])}tj||�r|j|�tSqWtS(s; Check if this plugin has been temporary enabled/disabled. N(R>tFalsetfnmatchtaddtTrue(RatpluginstusedR~((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt_plugin_cmdline_match�s

c	Cstjj|�\}}|jd�d}|j||j|j�rf|j||j|j�rfdS|j|�}|s�t	j
|ddt	jt��r�|j||j|j�r�|j
jtd�|�dSyLtj||g�\}}}ztj||||�}	Wd|j�XWn=|j
jtd�|�dSXt|	d�s�|j
jtd	�|�dStt|	j�s�|j
�||	jtf�dSt|	dt�}
tt f�s�|
�dkrdSxR|
j$tj&td�|�||j'kr�|	|f|j'|<nt(j)td�|��xMt*D]E}|d}
t|	|
�r�|j+|j,|t|	|
�f�q�q�WdS(sYAttempt to import a plugin module and register the hook methods it
        s.pyiNtmainRUs*Not loading "%s" plugin, as it is disabledsPlugin "%s" can't be importedtrequires_api_versions0Plugin "%s" doesn't specify required API versions1Plugin "%s" requires API %s. Supported API is %s.tplugin_typeisYPlugin "%s" uses deprecated constant TYPE_INTERFACE.
Please use TYPE_INTERACTIVE instead.sLoading "%s" pluginsFTwo or more plugins with the name "%s" exist in the plugin search patht_hook(-RmRntsplitR�RCRkRDRlt_getpluginconfR
t	getOptiont



cCs�x�|jD]X}tjj||d�}tj|tj�rBPn|jjtj	t
W|jjtj	t
d�|�dSt�}t
r�}tjd|t|�f��nX|S(s�Parse the plugin specific configuration file and return a
        IncludingConfigParser instance representing it. Returns None if there
        was an error reading or parsing the configuration file.
        s.confsConfiguration file %s not founds/Unable to find configuration file for plugin %ssCouldn't parse %s: %sN(R:RmRnRutaccesstR_OKRBRKRLRMRR>RRtreadfpRR�R�tstr(R3RaRytconffilenametparsert
confpp_objte((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�Rs $	cCs||f|_dS(s�Set the parsed command line options so that plugins can
        access them.

        :param opts: a dictionary containing the values of the command
           line options
        :param commands: a list of command line arguments passed to yum
setCmdLineksN(R	R
RR>R4RRRNtstaticmethodR�RrR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR8xs,		.	X	tDummyYumPluginscBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s�This class provides basic emulation of the :class:`YumPlugins`
    class. It exists so that calls to plugins.run() don't fail if
    plugins aren't in use.
    cOsdS(s&Do nothing.  All arguments are unused.N((R3RR_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRR{scOsdS(s&Do nothing.  All arguments are unused.N((R3RR_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��s(R	R
RRRR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�vs	cBs�eZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zd
d�Zd�Zd�Z	d
d	�Zd
d�Zd�ZRS(sLA conduit class to transfer information between yum and the
			cCs&tj|�}|jj||�dS(s�Send an info message to the logger.

        :param level: the level of the message to send
        :param msg: the message to send
        N(RLtlogLevelFromDebugLevelRBRK(R3tleveltmsgtconverted_level((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytinfo�scCs&tj|�}|jj||�dS(s�Send an error message to the logger.

        :param level: the level of the message to send
        :param msg: the message to send
        N(RLtlogLevelFromErrorLevelR�RK(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��scCsi|jd|�|jjjr#tS|jjjr6tS|rIi|d6ni}t|jj|��SdS(sOReturn a yes or no response, either from assumeyes already
        being set, or from prompting the user.

        :param msg: the message to show to the user
        :param prompt: the question to ask the user (optional); defaults to 'Is this ok [y/N]: '
        :return: 1 if the response is yes, and 0 if the response is no
        itpromptN(	R�R�RctassumenoRt	assumeyesR�tbooltuserconfirm(R3R�R�R_((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytpromptYN�scCsddl}|jS(s8Return a string representing the current version of yum.i����N(tyumt__version__(R3R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt
getYumVersion�scCs
|jjS(s�Return the :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance for this
        execution of Yum.  In the "config" and "init" slots a plugin
        may add extra options to this instance to extend the command
        line options that Yum exposes.  In all other slots a plugin
        may only read the :class:`OptionParser` instance.  Any
        modification of the instance at this point will have no
        effect.  See the
        :func:`PreRepoSetupPluginConduit.getCmdLine` method for
        details on how to retrieve the parsed values of command line

        :return: the global :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance used by
           Yum. May be None if an OptionParser isn't in use
        (R�R=(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetOptParser�scCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s5Read a string value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: string option value read, or default if option was missing
confString�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(sfRead an integer value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing

        :return: the integer option value read, or *default* if the
            option was missing or could not be parsed
R�R�t	IntOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfInt�s
cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s\Read a float value from the plugin's own configuration file.

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: float option value read, or *default* if the option was
            missing or could not be parsed
R�R�tFloatOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	confFloat�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s_Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
            was missing or could not be parsed
R�R�R�(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfBool�s	cCs"tj|j||tj|��S(s_Read a boolean value from the plugin's own configuration file

        :param section: configuration file section to read
        :param opt: option name to read
        :param default: value to read if the option is missing
        :return: boolean option value read, or *default* if the option
            was missing or could not be parsed
ListOption(R3R�R�R�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytconfList�s	cCs|jjj|�dS(siRegister the name of a package to use.

        :param name: the name of the package to register
        N(R�trun_with_package_namesR�(R3tname((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytregisterPackageNamesN(R	R
RR4R�R�R>R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�s							cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s%A conduit for use in the config slot.cCs�tjdt�itjt6tjt6tjt	6tj
t6}|tkrjt
tj|tj|��ndS(s�Deprecated.  Register a yum configuration file option.

        :param name: name of the new option
        :param valuetype: option type (PLUG_OPT_BOOL, PLUG_OPT_STRING, etc.)
        :param where: where the option should be available in the config file
        :param default: default value for the option if it is not set by the user
        suregisterOpt() will go away in a future version of Yum.
Please manipulate config.YumConf and config.RepoConf directly.N(twarningstwarntDeprecationWarningR
PLUG_OPT_BOOLR�tPLUG_OPT_FLOATtPLUG_OPT_WHERE_MAINtsetattrtYumConftPLUG_OPT_WHERE_REPOtRepoConftPLUG_OPT_WHERE_ALLtInherit(R3R�t	valuetypetwhereR�ttype2opttoption((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytregisterOpts		

  cCs>t|jd�r%|jj|�ntjtd���dS(s�Register a new command.

        :param command: the command to register
        :raises: :class:`yum.Errors.ConfigError` if the registration
           of commands is not supported
        tregisterCommands&registration of commands not supportedN(RvR�R�R�R�R(R3tcommand((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�0s(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRs	cBseZdZd�ZRS(s'Conduit for use in the postconfig slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return a dictionary containing the values of the
        configuration options.

        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
           configuration options
        (R�Rc(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetConf?s(R	R
RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR<scBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s!Conduit for use in the init slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return a dictionary containing the values of the
        configuration options.

        :return: a dictionary containing the values of the
           configuration options
|jjS(s�Return Yum's container object for all configured repositories.

        :return: Yum's :class:`yum.repos.RepoStorage` instance
        (R�trepos(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetReposTs(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRHs		cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s0Conduit for dealing with command line arguments.cCs#tj||||�||_dS(N(RR4t_args(R3R�R<RcR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4^scCs|jS(s�Return a list of the command line arguments passed to yum.

        :return: a list of the command line arguments passed to yum
        (R�(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetArgsbs(R	R
RR4R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR[s	cBs eZdZd�Zd�ZRS(s)Conduit for use in the prererosetup slot.cCs
|jjS(s�Return parsed command line options.

        :return: (options, commands) as returned by :class:`OptionParser.parse_args()`
|jjS(s�Return a representation of the local RPM database. This
        allows querying of installed packages.

        :return: a :class:`yum.rpmUtils.RpmDBHolder` instance
        (R�trpmdb(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetRpmDBts(R	R
RR�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyRis	cBseZdZd�ZRS(s*Conduit for use in the postreposetup slot.cCs
|jjS(sVReturn group information.

        :return: :class:`yum.comps.Comps` instance
        (R�tcomps(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getGroupss(R	R
RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR|scBs,eZdZdd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(s&Conduit for use in the download slots.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4t_pkglistt_errors(R3R�R<Rctpkglistterrors((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	cCs|jS(s�Return a list of package objects representing packages to be

        :return: a list of package object representing packages to be
iS|jS(s�Return a dictionary of download errors. 
        :return: a dictionary of download errors. This dictionary is
           indexed by package object. Each element is a list of
           strings describing the error
        (R�(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getErrors�s	N(R	R
RR>R4R�R�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�s		cBs5eZdZdd�Zd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(sbMain conduit class for plugins.  Many other conduit classes
    will inherit from this class.
    cCs+|r|j}nd}|jjj|�S(s�Return a list of packages.

        :param repo: the repo to return a packages from
        :return: a list of package objects
        N(RIR>R�tpkgSacktreturnPackages(R3trepotarg((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetPackages�scCs|jj|�S(s Retrieve a package object from the packages loaded by Yum using
        nevra information.
        :param nevra: a tuple holding (name, epoch, version, release, arch)
            for a package
        :return: a :class:`yum.packages.PackageObject` instance (or subclass)
        (R�tgetPackageObject(R3tnevra((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytgetPackageByNevra�scCs|jjj|�dS(siDelete the given package from the package sack.

        :param po: the package object to delete
|jjS(sFReturn transaction set.

        :return: the transaction set
        (R�ttsInfo(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt	getTsInfo�sN(R	R
	cBs5eZdZdgd�Zed��Zd�ZRS(s(Conduit for use in solving dependencies.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4t
resultcodetresultstring(R3R�R<Rctrescodetrestring((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	cCs
|jjS(sDBoolean indicating if depsolving failed due to missing dependencies.(R�t_missing_requires(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytmissing_requires�scCs&djd�|jj|j�D��S(Ns
css|]\}}||VqdS(N((t.0tprefixR�((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pys	<genexpr>�s(RuR�tpretty_output_restringR(R3((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR�sN(R	R
RR>R4tpropertyR	R(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR%�scBseZdZidd�ZRS(s3Conduit to compare different providers of packages.cCs,tj||||�||_||_dS(N(RR4tpackagestreqpo(R3R�R<Rctproviders_dictR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s	N(R	R
RR>R4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR+�scBseZdZdgd�ZRS(s4Conduit to access information about the yum history.cCs)tj||||�|jj|_dS(N(RR4R�thistory(R3R�R<RcRR((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�sN(R	R
RR>R4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR(�scBseZdZd�ZRS(sConduit to verify packages.cCs#tj||||�||_dS(N(RR4R.(R3R�R<RcR.((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR4�s(R	R
RR4(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR-�scCs+|jd�\}}t|�t|�fS(s�Parse a string representing an api version.

    :param apiver: a string representing an api version
    :return: a tuple containing the major and minor version numbers
    t.(R�tint(tapivertmajtmin((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pytparsever�scCsLt|�}t|�}|d|dkr0dS|d|dkrHdSdS(s�Return true if API version "a" supports API version "b"

    :param a: a string representing an api version
    :param b: a string representing an api version

    :return: whether version *a* supports version *b*
    ii(R(tatb((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyR��s((((6RmRqR�R�RPR5R@RLt	constantsR
RRR�R�RttextwrapRR�R;RR�Rtyum.i18nRR�RRt	TYPE_COREtTYPE_INTERACTIVERJRERWRptkeysRit	ExceptionR/R8R�RRRRRRRRRR%R+R(R-RR�(((s//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yum/plugins.pyt<module>s�


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Errors.py File 4.26 KB 0755
Errors.pyc File 9.08 KB 0644
__init__.py File 304.1 KB 0755
__init__.pyc File 199.78 KB 0644
callbacks.py File 5.64 KB 0755
callbacks.pyc File 6.23 KB 0644
comps.py File 31.59 KB 0755
comps.pyc File 26.87 KB 0644
config.py File 49.89 KB 0755
config.pyc File 48.02 KB 0644
constants.py File 4.52 KB 0755
constants.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
depsolve.py File 74.05 KB 0755
depsolve.pyc File 46.91 KB 0644
drpm.py File 12.85 KB 0755
drpm.pyc File 10.83 KB 0644
failover.py File 5 KB 0755
failover.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
fssnapshots.py File 10.16 KB 0755
fssnapshots.pyc File 9.75 KB 0644
history.py File 61.13 KB 0755
history.pyc File 53.31 KB 0644
i18n.py File 20.44 KB 0755
i18n.pyc File 16.05 KB 0644
igroups.py File 9.31 KB 0755
igroups.pyc File 10.22 KB 0644
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logginglevels.pyc File 6.51 KB 0644
mdparser.py File 6.26 KB 0755
mdparser.pyc File 7.58 KB 0644
metalink.py File 9.19 KB 0755
metalink.pyc File 8.84 KB 0644
misc.py File 39.57 KB 0755
misc.pyc File 39.58 KB 0644
packageSack.py File 40.79 KB 0755
packageSack.pyc File 41.88 KB 0644
packages.py File 84.1 KB 0755
packages.pyc File 84.51 KB 0644
parser.py File 7.97 KB 0755
parser.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
pgpmsg.py File 53.5 KB 0755
pgpmsg.pyc File 38.27 KB 0644
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pkgtag_db.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
plugins.py File 28.1 KB 0755
plugins.pyc File 29.1 KB 0644
repoMDObject.py File 11.23 KB 0755
repoMDObject.pyc File 9.17 KB 0644
repos.py File 16.53 KB 0755
repos.pyc File 17.38 KB 0644
rpmsack.py File 70.25 KB 0755
rpmsack.pyc File 58.36 KB 0644
rpmtrans.py File 24.84 KB 0755
rpmtrans.pyc File 22.54 KB 0644
sqlitesack.py File 69.76 KB 0755
sqlitesack.pyc File 53.75 KB 0644
sqlutils.py File 6.27 KB 0755
sqlutils.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
transactioninfo.py File 33.78 KB 0755
transactioninfo.pyc File 30.29 KB 0644
update_md.py File 25.9 KB 0755
update_md.pyc File 21.72 KB 0644
updateinfo.py File 18.29 KB 0755
updateinfo.pyc File 16.36 KB 0644
yumRepo.py File 83.85 KB 0755
yumRepo.pyc File 64.83 KB 0644