[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2006 Duke University

from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse 
from yum.misc import _available_compression, stat_f
from Errors import RepoMDError

import sys
import types
from misc import AutoFileChecksums, to_xml

def ns_cleanup(qn):
    if qn.find('}') == -1: return qn 
    return qn.split('}')[1]

class RepoData:
    """represents anything beneath a <data> tag"""
    def __init__(self, elem=None):
        self.type = None
        if elem:
            self.type = elem.attrib.get('type')
        self.location = (None, None)
        self.checksum = (None,None) # type,value
        self.openchecksum = (None,None) # type,value
        self.timestamp = None
        self.dbversion = None
        self.size      = None
        self.opensize  = None
        self.deltas    = []

        if elem:

    def parse(self, elem):
        for child in elem:
            child_name = ns_cleanup(child.tag)
            if child_name == 'location':
                relative = child.attrib.get('href')
                base = child.attrib.get('base')
                self.location = (base, relative)
            elif child_name == 'checksum':
                csum_value = child.text
                csum_type = child.attrib.get('type')
                self.checksum = (csum_type,csum_value)

            elif child_name == 'open-checksum':
                csum_value = child.text
                csum_type = child.attrib.get('type')
                self.openchecksum = (csum_type, csum_value)
            elif child_name == 'timestamp':
                self.timestamp = child.text
            elif child_name == 'database_version':
                self.dbversion = child.text
            elif child_name == 'size':
                self.size = child.text
            elif child_name == 'open-size':
                self.opensize = child.text
            elif child_name == 'delta':
                delta = RepoData(child)
                delta.type = self.type

    def dump_xml(self):
        msg = ""
        top = """<data type="%s">\n""" % to_xml(self.type, attrib=True)
        msg += top
        for (data, xmlname) in [('checksum', 'checksum'),('openchecksum', 'open-checksum')]:
            if hasattr(self, data):
                val = getattr(self, data)
                if val[0]:
                    d_xml = """  <%s type="%s">%s</%s>\n""" % (xmlname,
                                       to_xml(val[0], attrib=True), 
                                       to_xml(val[1]), xmlname)
                    msg += d_xml

        if hasattr(self, 'location'):
            val = getattr(self, 'location')
            if val[1]:
                loc = """  <location href="%s"/>\n""" % to_xml(val[1], attrib=True)
                if val[0]:
                    loc = """  <location xml:base="%s" href="%s"/>\n""" % (
                       to_xml(val[0], attrib=True), to_xml(val[1], attrib=True))
                msg += loc
        for (data,xmlname) in [('timestamp', 'timestamp'),
                               ('dbversion', 'database_version'),
                               ('size','size'), ('opensize', 'open-size')]:
            val = getattr(self, data)
            if val:
                d_xml = """  <%s>%s</%s>\n""" % (xmlname, to_xml(val), 
                msg += d_xml

        for delta in self.deltas:
            # change tag to "delta" and increase indent
            body = '\n  '.join(delta.dump_xml().split('\n')[1:-2])
            msg += '  <delta>\n  %s\n  </delta>\n' % body

        bottom = """</data>\n"""
        msg += bottom
        return msg
    def getDelta(self, old_timestamp):
        old_timestamp = int(old_timestamp)
        for deltamd in self.deltas:
            if int(deltamd.timestamp) <= old_timestamp:
                return deltamd

class RepoMD:
    """represents the repomd xml file"""
    def __init__(self, repoid, srcfile=None):
        """takes a repoid and a filename for the repomd.xml"""
        self.timestamp = 0
        self.repoid    = repoid
        self.repoData  = {}
        self.checksums = {}
        self.length    = 0
        self.revision  = None
        self.tags      = {'content' : set(), 'distro' : {}, 'repo': set()}
        if srcfile:
    def parse(self, srcfile):
        if type(srcfile) in types.StringTypes:
            # srcfile is a filename string
                infile = open(srcfile, 'rt')
            except IOError:
                raise RepoMDError, "Unable to open %s" %(srcfile,)
            # srcfile is a file object
            infile = srcfile
            srcfile = None

        # We trust any of these to mean the repomd.xml is valid.
        infile = AutoFileChecksums(infile, ['sha256', 'sha512'],
                                   ignore_missing=True, ignore_none=True)
        parser = iterparse(infile)
            for event, elem in parser:
                elem_name = ns_cleanup(elem.tag)
                if elem_name == "data":
                    thisdata = RepoData(elem=elem)
                    old = self.repoData.get(thisdata.type)
                    if (old and old.size and old.size < thisdata.size
                        and old.location[1].rsplit('.', 1)[1] in _available_compression
                        and srcfile and stat_f(srcfile.rsplit('/', 1)[0] +'/'+
                                               thisdata.location[1].rsplit('/', 1)[1]) is None):
                        # previous is smaller, can unzip it, and next is not cached
                        thisdata = old
                    self.repoData[thisdata.type] = thisdata
                        # NOTE: This will fail on float timestamps, this is
                        # required for compatability. Fix is to not generate
                        # float timestamps in repomd.xml.
                        nts = int(thisdata.timestamp)
                        if nts > self.timestamp: # max() not in old python
                            self.timestamp = nts
                elif elem_name == "revision":
                    self.revision = elem.text
                elif elem_name == "tags":
                    for child in elem:
                        child_name = ns_cleanup(child.tag)
                        if child_name == 'content':
                        if child_name == 'distro':
                            cpeid = child.attrib.get('cpeid', '')
                            distro = self.tags['distro'].setdefault(cpeid,set())

            self.checksums = infile.checksums.hexdigests()
            self.length    = len(infile.checksums)
        except SyntaxError, e:
            raise RepoMDError, "Damaged repomd.xml file"
    def fileTypes(self):
        """return list of metadata file types available"""
        return self.repoData.keys()
    def getData(self, type):
        if type in self.repoData:
            return self.repoData[type]
            raise RepoMDError, "requested datatype %s not available" % type
    def dump(self):
        """dump fun output"""

        print "file timestamp: %s" % self.timestamp
        print "file length   : %s" % self.length
        for csum in sorted(self.checksums):
            print "file checksum : %s/%s" % (csum, self.checksums[csum])
        if self.revision is not None:
            print 'revision: %s' % self.revision
        if self.tags['content']:
            print 'tags content: %s' % ", ".join(sorted(self.tags['content']))
        if self.tags['distro']:
            for distro in sorted(self.tags['distro']):
                print 'tags distro: %s' % distro
                tags = self.tags['distro'][distro]
                print '  tags: %s' % ", ".join(sorted(tags))
        print '\n---- Data ----'
        for ft in sorted(self.fileTypes()):
            thisdata = self.repoData[ft]
            print '  datatype: %s' % thisdata.type
            print '    location     : %s %s' % thisdata.location
            print '    timestamp    : %s' % thisdata.timestamp
            print '    size         : %s' % thisdata.size
            print '    open size    : %s' % thisdata.opensize
            print '    checksum     : %s - %s' % thisdata.checksum
            print '    open checksum: %s - %s' %  thisdata.openchecksum
            print '    dbversion    : %s' % thisdata.dbversion
            print ''
    def dump_xml(self):
        msg = ""
        top = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<repomd xmlns="http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo" xmlns:rpm="http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/rpm">\n"""
        msg += top
        if self.revision:
            rev = """ <revision>%s</revision>\n""" % to_xml(self.revision)
            msg += rev
        if self.tags['content'] or self.tags['distro'] or self.tags['repo']:
            tags = """ <tags>\n"""
            for item in self.tags['content']:
                tag = """   <content>%s</content>\n""" % (to_xml(item))
                tags += tag
            for item in self.tags['repo']:
                tag = """   <repo>%s</repo>\n""" % (to_xml(item))
                tags += tag
            distro = self.tags['distro']
            if isinstance(distro, dict):
                lst = []
                for cpeid in sorted(distro):
                    for item in sorted(distro[cpeid]):
                        lst.append((cpeid, item))
                distro = lst
            for (cpeid, item) in distro:
                if cpeid:
                    tag = """   <distro cpeid="%s">%s</distro>\n""" % (
                                to_xml(cpeid, attrib=True), to_xml(item))
                    tag = """   <distro>%s</distro>\n""" % (to_xml(item))
                tags += tag
            tags += """ </tags>\n"""
            msg += tags
        for md in self.repoData.values():
            msg += md.dump_xml()
        msg += """</repomd>\n"""

        return msg

def main():

        print "file          : %s" % sys.argv[1]
        p = RepoMD('repoid', sys.argv[1])
    except IOError:
        print >> sys.stderr, "newcomps.py: No such file:\'%s\'" % sys.argv[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Errors.py File 4.26 KB 0755
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__init__.py File 304.1 KB 0755
__init__.pyc File 199.78 KB 0644
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comps.py File 31.59 KB 0755
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depsolve.pyc File 46.91 KB 0644
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drpm.pyc File 10.83 KB 0644
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igroups.pyc File 10.22 KB 0644
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logginglevels.pyc File 6.51 KB 0644
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mdparser.pyc File 7.58 KB 0644
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packageSack.py File 40.79 KB 0755
packageSack.pyc File 41.88 KB 0644
packages.py File 84.1 KB 0755
packages.pyc File 84.51 KB 0644
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parser.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
pgpmsg.py File 53.5 KB 0755
pgpmsg.pyc File 38.27 KB 0644
pkgtag_db.py File 4.86 KB 0755
pkgtag_db.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
plugins.py File 28.1 KB 0755
plugins.pyc File 29.1 KB 0644
repoMDObject.py File 11.23 KB 0755
repoMDObject.pyc File 9.17 KB 0644
repos.py File 16.53 KB 0755
repos.pyc File 17.38 KB 0644
rpmsack.py File 70.25 KB 0755
rpmsack.pyc File 58.36 KB 0644
rpmtrans.py File 24.84 KB 0755
rpmtrans.pyc File 22.54 KB 0644
sqlitesack.py File 69.76 KB 0755
sqlitesack.pyc File 53.75 KB 0644
sqlutils.py File 6.27 KB 0755
sqlutils.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
transactioninfo.py File 33.78 KB 0755
transactioninfo.pyc File 30.29 KB 0644
update_md.py File 25.9 KB 0755
update_md.pyc File 21.72 KB 0644
updateinfo.py File 18.29 KB 0755
updateinfo.pyc File 16.36 KB 0644
yumRepo.py File 83.85 KB 0755
yumRepo.pyc File 64.83 KB 0644