[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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#!/usr/bin/python -t
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Copyright 2005 Duke University 
# Seth Vidal <skvidal@linux.duke.edu>
# Luke Macken <lmacken@redhat.com>

Update metadata (updateinfo.xml) parsing.

import sys

from yum.i18n import utf8_text_wrap, to_utf8, to_unicode, _
from yum.yumRepo import YumRepository
from yum.packages import FakeRepository
from yum.misc import to_xml, decompress, repo_gen_decompress
from yum.misc import cElementTree_iterparse as iterparse 
import Errors

import logginglevels

import rpmUtils.miscutils
from rpmUtils.arch import ArchStorage

def safe_iterparse(filename, logger=None):
    """ Works like iterparse, but hides XML errors (prints a warning). """
        for event, elem in iterparse(filename):
            yield event, elem
    except SyntaxError: # Bad XML
        if logger:
            logger.critical(_("Updateinfo file is not valid XML: %s"), filename)
            print >> sys.stderr, "Updateinfo file is not valid XML:", filename

class UpdateNoticeException(Exception):
    """ An exception thrown for bad UpdateNotice data. """

class UpdateNotice(object):

    A single update notice (for instance, a security fix).

    def __init__(self, elem=None, repoid=None, vlogger=None):
        self._md = {
            'from'             : '',
            'type'             : '',
            'title'            : '',
            'release'          : '',
            'status'           : '',
            'version'          : '',
            'pushcount'        : '',
            'update_id'        : '',
            'issued'           : '',
            'updated'          : '',
            'description'      : '',
            'rights'           : '',
            'severity'         : '',
            'summary'          : '',
            'solution'         : '',
            'references'       : [],
            'pkglist'          : [],
            'reboot_suggested' : False

        if elem:

        self._repoid = repoid
        self._vlogger = vlogger

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ Allows scriptable metadata access (ie: un['update_id']). """
        if type(item) is int:
            return sorted(self._md)[item]
        ret = self._md.get(item)
        if ret == '':
            ret = None
        return ret

    def __contains__(self, item):
        """ Allows quick tests for foo in blah. """
        return item in self._md

    def __setitem__(self, item, val):
        self._md[item] = val

    def __eq__(self, other):
        #  Tests to see if it's "the same data", which means that the
        # packages can be different (see add_notice).

        def _rid(un):
            if hasattr(un, '_repoid') and un._repoid is not None:
                return un._repoid
                return '<unknown>'

        def _log_failure(data):
            """Log the mismatched data similarly to conflict markers in git."""
            if self._vlogger is None:
            msg = _('Duplicate of %s differs in some fields:\n')
            msg %= other._md['update_id']
            msg += '<<<<<<< %s:%s\n' % (_rid(other), data)
            msg += '%r\n=======\n%r\n' % (other._md[data], self._md[data])
            msg += '>>>>>>> %s:%s' % (_rid(self), data)
            # --verbose mode enables this
            self._vlogger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_3, msg)

        if not other or not hasattr(other, '_md'):
            return False

        for data in ('type', 'update_id', 'status', 'rights',
                     'severity', 'release',
                     'issued', 'updated', 'version', 'pushcount',
                     'from', 'title', 'summary', 'description', 'solution'):
            if data == 'status': # FIXME: See below...
            if self._md[data] != other._md[data]:
                return False
        # FIXME: Massive hack, Fedora is really broken and gives status=stable
        # and status=testing for updateinfo notices, just depending on which
        # repo. they come from.
        data = 'status'
        if self._md[data] != other._md[data]:
            if self._md[data]  not in ('stable', 'testing'):
                return False
            if other._md[data] not in ('stable', 'testing'):
                return False
            # They are both really "stable" ...
            self._md[data]  = 'stable'
            other._md[data] = 'stable'

        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    def text(self, skip_data=('files', 'summary', 'rights', 'solution')):
        head = """
  Update ID : %(update_id)s
    Release : %(release)s
       Type : %(type)s
     Status : %(status)s
     Issued : %(issued)s
""" % self._md

        if self._md['updated'] and self._md['updated'] != self._md['issued']:
            head += "    Updated : %s" % self._md['updated']

        # Add our bugzilla references
        bzs = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'bugzilla', self._md['references'])
        if len(bzs) and 'bugs' not in skip_data:
            buglist = "       Bugs :"
            for bz in bzs:
                buglist += " %s%s\n\t    :" % (bz['id'], 'title' in bz
                                               and ' - %s' % bz['title'] or '')
            head += buglist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'

        # Add our CVE references
        cves = filter(lambda r: r['type'] == 'cve', self._md['references'])
        if len(cves) and 'cves' not in skip_data:
            cvelist = "       CVEs :"
            for cve in cves:
                cvelist += " %s\n\t    :" % cve['id']
            head += cvelist[: - 1].rstrip() + '\n'

        if self._md['summary'] and 'summary' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['summary'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "    Summary : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['description'] and 'description' not in skip_data:
            desc = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['description'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "Description : %s\n" % '\n'.join(desc)

        if self._md['solution'] and 'solution' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['solution'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Solution : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['rights'] and 'rights' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['rights'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "     Rights : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if self._md['severity'] and 'severity' not in skip_data:
            data = utf8_text_wrap(self._md['severity'], width=64,
                                  subsequent_indent=' ' * 12 + ': ')
            head += "   Severity : %s\n" % '\n'.join(data)

        if 'files' in skip_data:
            return head[:-1] # chop the last '\n'

        #  Get a list of arches we care about:
        #XXX ARCH CHANGE - what happens here if we set the arch - we need to
        # pass this in, perhaps
        arches = set(rpmUtils.arch.getArchList())

        filelist = "      Files :"
        for pkg in self._md['pkglist']:
            for file in pkg['packages']:
                if file['arch'] not in arches:
                filelist += " %s\n\t    :" % file['filename']
        head += filelist[: - 1].rstrip()

        return head

    def __str__(self):
        return to_utf8(self.text())
    def __unicode__(self):
        return to_unicode(self.text())

    def get_metadata(self):
        """ Return the metadata dict. """
        return self._md

    def _parse(self, elem):
        Parse an update element::

            <!ELEMENT update (id, synopsis?, issued, updated,
                              references, description, rights?,
                              severity?, summary?, solution?, pkglist)>
                <!ATTLIST update type (errata|security) "errata">
                <!ATTLIST update status (final|testing) "final">
                <!ATTLIST update version CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST update from CDATA #REQUIRED>
        if elem.tag == 'update':
            for attrib in ('from', 'type', 'status', 'version'):
                self._md[attrib] = elem.attrib.get(attrib)
            for child in elem:
                if child.tag == 'id':
                    if not child.text:
                        raise UpdateNoticeException("No id element found")
                    self._md['update_id'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'pushcount':
                    self._md['pushcount'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'issued':
                    self._md['issued'] = child.attrib.get('date')
                elif child.tag == 'updated':
                    self._md['updated'] = child.attrib.get('date')
                elif child.tag == 'references':
                elif child.tag == 'description':
                    self._md['description'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'rights':
                    self._md['rights'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'severity':
                    self._md[child.tag] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'summary':
                    self._md['summary'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'solution':
                    self._md['solution'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'pkglist':
                elif child.tag == 'title':
                    self._md['title'] = child.text
                elif child.tag == 'release':
                    self._md['release'] = child.text
            raise UpdateNoticeException('No update element found')

    def _parse_references(self, elem):
        Parse the update references::

            <!ELEMENT references (reference*)>
            <!ELEMENT reference>
                <!ATTLIST reference href CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST reference type (self|other|cve|bugzilla) "self">
                <!ATTLIST reference id CDATA #IMPLIED>
                <!ATTLIST reference title CDATA #IMPLIED>
        for reference in elem:
            if reference.tag == 'reference':
                data = {}
                for refattrib in ('id', 'href', 'type', 'title'):
                    data[refattrib] = reference.attrib.get(refattrib)
                raise UpdateNoticeException('No reference element found')

    def _parse_pkglist(self, elem):
        Parse the package list::

            <!ELEMENT pkglist (collection+)>
            <!ELEMENT collection (name?, package+)>
                <!ATTLIST collection short CDATA #IMPLIED>
                <!ATTLIST collection name CDATA #IMPLIED>
            <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
        for collection in elem:
            data = { 'packages' : [] }
            if 'short' in collection.attrib:
                data['short'] = collection.attrib.get('short')
            for item in collection:
                if item.tag == 'name':
                    data['name'] = item.text
                elif item.tag == 'package':

    def _parse_package(self, elem):
        Parse an individual package::

            <!ELEMENT package (filename, sum, reboot_suggested)>
                <!ATTLIST package name CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST package version CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST package release CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST package arch CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST package epoch CDATA #REQUIRED>
                <!ATTLIST package src CDATA #REQUIRED>
            <!ELEMENT reboot_suggested (#PCDATA)>
            <!ELEMENT filename (#PCDATA)>
            <!ELEMENT sum (#PCDATA)>
                <!ATTLIST sum type (md5|sha1) "sha1">
        package = {}
        for pkgfield in ('arch', 'epoch', 'name', 'version', 'release', 'src'):
            package[pkgfield] = elem.attrib.get(pkgfield)

        #  Bad epoch and arch data is the most common (missed) screwups.
        # Deal with bad epoch data.
        if not package['epoch'] or package['epoch'][0] not in '0123456789':
            package['epoch'] = None

        for child in elem:
            if child.tag == 'filename':
                package['filename'] = child.text
            elif child.tag == 'sum':
                package['sum'] = (child.attrib.get('type'), child.text)
            elif child.tag == 'reboot_suggested':
                self._md['reboot_suggested'] = True
        return package

    def xml(self):
        """Generate the xml for this update notice object"""
        msg = """
<update from="%s" status="%s" type="%s" version="%s">
  <issued date="%s"/>
  <description>%s</description>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['from']),
                to_xml(self._md['status']), to_xml(self._md['type']),
                to_xml(self._md['version']), to_xml(self._md['update_id']),
                to_xml(self._md['title']), to_xml(self._md['release']),
                to_xml(self._md['issued'], attrib=True),
        if self._md['updated']:
            # include the updated date in the generated xml
            msg += """ <updated date="%s"/>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['updated'], attrib=True))
        if self._md['summary']:
            msg += """  <summary>%s</summary>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['summary']))
        if self._md['solution']:
            msg += """  <solution>%s</solution>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['solution']))
        if self._md['rights']:
            msg += """  <rights>%s</rights>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['rights']))        
        if self._md['severity']:
            msg += """  <severity>%s</severity>\n""" % (to_xml(self._md['severity']))

        if self._md['references']:
            msg += """  <references>\n"""
            for ref in self._md['references']:
                if ref['title']:
                    msg += """    <reference href="%s" id="%s" title="%s" type="%s"/>\n""" % (
                    to_xml(ref['href'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['id'], attrib=True),
                    to_xml(ref['title'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['type'], attrib=True))
                    msg += """    <reference href="%s" id="%s"  type="%s"/>\n""" % (
                    to_xml(ref['href'], attrib=True), to_xml(ref['id'], attrib=True),
                    to_xml(ref['type'], attrib=True))

            msg += """  </references>\n"""
        if self._md['pkglist']:
            msg += """  <pkglist>\n"""
            for coll in self._md['pkglist']:
                msg += """    <collection short="%s">\n      <name>%s</name>\n""" % (
                      to_xml(coll['short'], attrib=True),
                for pkg in coll['packages']:
                    msg += """      <package arch="%s" name="%s" release="%s" src="%s" version="%s" epoch="%s">
      </package>\n""" % (to_xml(pkg['arch'], attrib=True),
                                to_xml(pkg['name'], attrib=True),
                                to_xml(pkg['release'], attrib=True),
                                to_xml(pkg['src'], attrib=True),
                                to_xml(pkg['version'], attrib=True),
                                to_xml(pkg['epoch'] or '0', attrib=True),
                msg += """    </collection>\n"""
            msg += """  </pkglist>\n"""
        msg += """</update>\n"""
        return msg

def _rpm_tup_vercmp(tup1, tup2):
    """ Compare two "std." tuples, (n, a, e, v, r). """
    return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((tup1[2], tup1[3], tup1[4]),
                                         (tup2[2], tup2[3], tup2[4]))

class UpdateMetadata(object):

    The root update metadata object.

    def __init__(self, repos=[], logger=None, vlogger=None):
        self._notices = {}
        self._cache = {}    # a pkg nvr => notice cache for quick lookups
        self._no_cache = {}    # a pkg name only => notice list
        self._repos = []    # list of repo ids that we've parsed

        self._logger  = logger
        self._vlogger = vlogger

        for repo in repos:
            try: # attempt to grab the updateinfo.xml.gz from the repodata
            except Errors.RepoMDError:
                continue # No metadata found for this repo

        self.arch_storage = ArchStorage()
        self.archlist = self.arch_storage.archlist

    def get_notices(self, name=None):
        """ Return all notices. """
        if name is None:
            return self._notices.values()
        return name in self._no_cache and self._no_cache[name] or []

    notices = property(get_notices)

    def get_notice(self, nvr):
        Retrieve an update notice for a given (name, version, release) string
        or tuple.
        if type(nvr) in (type([]), type(())):
            nvr = '-'.join(nvr)
        return self._cache.get(nvr) or None

    #  The problem with the above "get_notice" is that not everyone updates
    # daily. So if you are at pkg-1, pkg-2 has a security notice, and pkg-3
    # has a BZ fix notice. All you can see is the BZ notice for the new "pkg-3"
    # with the above.
    #  So now instead you lookup based on the _installed_ pkg.pkgtup, and get
    # two notices, in order: [(pkgtup-3, notice), (pkgtup-2, notice)]
    # the reason for the sorting order is that the first match will give you
    # the minimum pkg you need to move to.
    def get_applicable_notices(self, pkgtup):
        Retrieve any update notices which are newer than a
        given std. pkgtup (name, arch, epoch, version, release) tuple.
        Returns: list of (pkgtup, notice) that are newer than the given pkgtup,
                 in the order of newest pkgtups first.
        oldpkgtup = pkgtup
        name = oldpkgtup[0]
        arch = oldpkgtup[1]
        ret = []
        other_arch_list = []
        notices = set()
        for notice in self.get_notices(name):
            for upkg in notice['pkglist']:
                for pkg in upkg['packages']:
                    other_arch = False
                    if pkg['name'] != name or pkg['arch'] != arch:
                        if (notice not in notices and pkg['name'] == name and pkg['arch'] in self.archlist):
                            other_arch = True
                    pkgtup = (pkg['name'], pkg['arch'], pkg['epoch'] or '0',
                              pkg['version'], pkg['release'])
                    if _rpm_tup_vercmp(pkgtup, oldpkgtup) <= 0:
                    if other_arch:
                        other_arch_list.append((pkgtup, notice))
                        ret.append((pkgtup, notice))
        for pkgtup, notice in other_arch_list:
            if notice not in notices:
                ret.append((pkgtup, notice))
        ret.sort(cmp=_rpm_tup_vercmp, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
        return ret

    def add_notice(self, un):
        """ Add an UpdateNotice object. This should be fully populated with
            data, esp. update_id and pkglist/packages. """
        if not un or not un["update_id"]:
            return False

        #  This is "special", the main thing we want to deal with here is
        # having one errata that has multiple packages in it rpmA and rpmB, but
        # the packages are in repos. repoA and repoB. So instead of doing a
        # single errata pointing to both rpmA and rpmB and put the same thing
        # in both repodata (which is legal, and works fine) people want to have
        # just the packages from repoA in the repodata for repoA and vice versa.
        if un['update_id'] in self._notices:
            oun = self._notices[un['update_id']]
            if oun != un:
                return False

            # Ok, main parts of errata are the same, so now merge references:
            seen = set()
            for ref in oun['references']:
            for ref in un['references']:
                if ref['id'] in seen:

            # ...and pkglist (this assumes that a pkglist name XYZ is the same):
            seen = set()
            for pkg in oun['pkglist']:
            for pkg in un['pkglist']:
                if pkg['name'] in seen:

            un = oun

        self._notices[un['update_id']] = un
        for pkg in un['pkglist']:
            for filedata in pkg['packages']:
                self._cache['%s-%s-%s' % (filedata['name'],
                                          filedata['release'])] = un
                no = self._no_cache.setdefault(filedata['name'], set())

        return True

    def add(self, obj, mdtype='updateinfo'):
        """ Parse a metadata from a given YumRepository, file, or filename. """

        def _rid(repoid, fmt=_(' (from %s)')):
            if not repoid:
                return ''
            return fmt % repoid

        if not obj:
            raise UpdateNoticeException
        repoid = None
        if type(obj) in (type(''), type(u'')):
            unfile = decompress(obj)
            infile = open(unfile, 'rt')

        elif isinstance(obj, YumRepository):
            if obj.id not in self._repos:
                repoid = obj.id
                md = obj.retrieveMD(mdtype)
                if not md:
                    raise UpdateNoticeException()
                unfile = repo_gen_decompress(md, 'updateinfo.xml')
                infile = open(unfile, 'rt')
        elif isinstance(obj, FakeRepository):
            raise Errors.RepoMDError, "No updateinfo for local pkg"
        else:   # obj is a file object
            infile = obj

        have_dup = False
        for event, elem in safe_iterparse(infile, logger=self._logger):
            if elem.tag == 'update':
                    un = UpdateNotice(elem, repoid, self._vlogger)
                except UpdateNoticeException, e:
                    msg = _("An update notice%s is broken, skipping.") % _rid(repoid)
                    if self._vlogger:
                        self._vlogger.log(logginglevels.DEBUG_1, "%s", msg)
                        print >> sys.stderr, msg

                if not self.add_notice(un):
                    msg = _("Update notice %s%s is broken, or a bad duplicate, skipping.") % (un['update_id'], _rid(repoid))
                    if not have_dup:
                        msg += _('\nYou should report this problem to the owner of the %srepository.') % _rid(repoid, "%s ")
                        msg += _('\nTo help pinpoint the issue, please attach the output of "yum updateinfo --verbose" to the report.')
                    have_dup = True
                    if self._vlogger:
                        self._vlogger.warn("%s", msg)
                        print >> sys.stderr, msg

    def __unicode__(self):
        ret = u''
        for notice in self.notices:
            ret += unicode(notice)
        return ret
    def __str__(self):
        return to_utf8(self.__unicode__())

    def xml(self, fileobj=None):
        msg = """<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<updates>"""
        if fileobj:

        for notice in self._notices.values():
            if fileobj:
                msg += notice.xml()

        end = """</updates>\n"""
        if fileobj:
            msg += end

        if fileobj:

        return msg

def main():
    """ update_md test function. """
    import yum.misc

    def usage():
        print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: %s <update metadata> ..." % sys.argv[0]

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

        print sys.argv[1]
        um = UpdateMetadata()
        for srcfile in sys.argv[1:]:
        print unicode(um)
    except IOError:
        print >> sys.stderr, "%s: No such file:\'%s\'" % (sys.argv[0],

if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Errors.py File 4.26 KB 0755
Errors.pyc File 9.08 KB 0644
__init__.py File 304.1 KB 0755
__init__.pyc File 199.78 KB 0644
callbacks.py File 5.64 KB 0755
callbacks.pyc File 6.23 KB 0644
comps.py File 31.59 KB 0755
comps.pyc File 26.87 KB 0644
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config.pyc File 48.02 KB 0644
constants.py File 4.52 KB 0755
constants.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
depsolve.py File 74.05 KB 0755
depsolve.pyc File 46.91 KB 0644
drpm.py File 12.85 KB 0755
drpm.pyc File 10.83 KB 0644
failover.py File 5 KB 0755
failover.pyc File 5.24 KB 0644
fssnapshots.py File 10.16 KB 0755
fssnapshots.pyc File 9.75 KB 0644
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history.pyc File 53.31 KB 0644
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i18n.pyc File 16.05 KB 0644
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igroups.pyc File 10.22 KB 0644
logginglevels.py File 7.9 KB 0755
logginglevels.pyc File 6.51 KB 0644
mdparser.py File 6.26 KB 0755
mdparser.pyc File 7.58 KB 0644
metalink.py File 9.19 KB 0755
metalink.pyc File 8.84 KB 0644
misc.py File 39.57 KB 0755
misc.pyc File 39.58 KB 0644
packageSack.py File 40.79 KB 0755
packageSack.pyc File 41.88 KB 0644
packages.py File 84.1 KB 0755
packages.pyc File 84.51 KB 0644
parser.py File 7.97 KB 0755
parser.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
pgpmsg.py File 53.5 KB 0755
pgpmsg.pyc File 38.27 KB 0644
pkgtag_db.py File 4.86 KB 0755
pkgtag_db.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
plugins.py File 28.1 KB 0755
plugins.pyc File 29.1 KB 0644
repoMDObject.py File 11.23 KB 0755
repoMDObject.pyc File 9.17 KB 0644
repos.py File 16.53 KB 0755
repos.pyc File 17.38 KB 0644
rpmsack.py File 70.25 KB 0755
rpmsack.pyc File 58.36 KB 0644
rpmtrans.py File 24.84 KB 0755
rpmtrans.pyc File 22.54 KB 0644
sqlitesack.py File 69.76 KB 0755
sqlitesack.pyc File 53.75 KB 0644
sqlutils.py File 6.27 KB 0755
sqlutils.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
transactioninfo.py File 33.78 KB 0755
transactioninfo.pyc File 30.29 KB 0644
update_md.py File 25.9 KB 0755
update_md.pyc File 21.72 KB 0644
updateinfo.py File 18.29 KB 0755
updateinfo.pyc File 16.36 KB 0644
yumRepo.py File 83.85 KB 0755
yumRepo.pyc File 64.83 KB 0644