[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import os.path
import re

from yum.i18n import _, P_

from yum.constants import *

from yum.logginglevels import INFO_1

import rpmUtils.miscutils

import misc

import fnmatch

# newpackages is weird, in that we'll never display that because we filter to
# things relevant to installed pkgs...
_update_info_types_ = ("security", "bugfix", "enhancement",
                       "recommended", "newpackage")

def _rpm_tup_vercmp(tup1, tup2):
    """ Compare two "std." tuples, (n, a, e, v, r). """
    return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((tup1[2], tup1[3], tup1[4]),
                                         (tup2[2], tup2[3], tup2[4]))

def _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
    """ Sometimes refs == None, if so return the empty list here. 
        So we don't have to check everywhere. """
    if not refs:
        return []
    return refs

def _match_sec_cmd(sec_cmds, pkgname, notice):
    for i in sec_cmds:
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(pkgname, i):
            return i
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(notice['update_id'], i):
            return i

        cvei = i
        if not (i.startswith("CVE-") or i.startswith("*")):
            cvei = 'CVE-' + i
        for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(notice['references']):
            if ref['id'] is None:
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], i):
                return i
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(ref['id'], cvei):
                return i
    return None

def _has_id(used_map, refs, ref_type, ref_ids):
    ''' Check if the given ID is a match. '''
    for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(refs):
        if ref['type'] != ref_type:
        if ref['id'] not in ref_ids:
        used_map[ref_type][ref['id']] = True
        return ref
    return None
def _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, pkgname, notice, used_map):
    """ Do the package filtering for should_show and should_keep. """
    rcmd = _match_sec_cmd(opts.sec_cmds, pkgname, notice)
    if rcmd:
        used_map['cmd'][rcmd] = True
        return True
    elif opts.advisory and notice['update_id'] in opts.advisory:
        used_map['id'][notice['update_id']] = True
        return True
    elif (opts.severity and notice['type'] == 'security' and
          notice['severity'] in opts.severity):
        used_map['sev'][notice['severity']] = True
        return True
    elif opts.cve and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'], "cve", opts.cve):
        return True
    elif opts.bz and _has_id(used_map, notice['references'],"bugzilla",opts.bz):
        return True
    # FIXME: Add opts for enhancement/etc.? -- __update_info_types__
    elif (opts.security and notice['type'] == 'security' and
          (not opts.severity or 'severity' not in notice or
           not notice['severity'])):
        return True
    elif opts.bugfixes and notice['type'] == 'bugfix':
        return True
    elif not (opts.advisory or opts.cve or opts.bz or
              opts.security or opts.bugfixes or opts.sec_cmds or opts.severity):
        return True # This is only possible from should_show_pkg

    return False

def _ysp_has_info_md(rname, md):
    if rname in _update_info_types_:
        if md['type'] == rname:
            return md
    for ref in _ysp_safe_refs(md['references']):
        if ref['type'] != rname:
        return md

def _no_options(opts):
    return not (opts.security or opts.bugfixes or
                opts.advisory or opts.bz or opts.cve or opts.severity)

def _updateinfofilter2opts(updateinfo_filters):
    opts = misc.GenericHolder()
    opts.sec_cmds = []

    opts.advisory = updateinfo_filters.get('advs', [])
    opts.bz       = updateinfo_filters.get('bzs',  [])
    opts.cve      = updateinfo_filters.get('cves', [])
    opts.severity = updateinfo_filters.get('sevs', [])

    opts.bugfixes = updateinfo_filters.get('bugfix', False)
    opts.security = updateinfo_filters.get('security', False)

    return opts

def _args2filters(args):
    # Basically allow args to turn into security filters, for shell command etc.

    T_map = {'advs' : 'advs',
             'advisory' : 'advs',
             'advisories' : 'advs',

             'bzs' : 'bzs',
             'bz' : 'bzs',

             'cves' : 'cves',
             'cve' : 'cves',

             'security-severity' : 'sevs',
             'security-severities' : 'sevs',
             'severity' : 'sevs',
             'severities' : 'sevs',
             'sevs' : 'sevs',
             'sev' : 'sevs',

             'security' : 'security',
             'sec' : 'security',

             'bugfix' : 'bugfix',
             'bugfixes' : 'bugfix',
             'bugs' : 'bugfix',


    filters = {'security' : False, 'bugfix' : False}

    for arg0 in args:
        arg0 = arg0.replace(" ", ',')
        T = 'advs'
        if '=' in arg0:
            T, arg1 = arg0.split('=', 1)
        elif arg0 not in T_map:
            arg1 = arg0
            T = arg0
            arg1 = 'true'

        if T not in T_map:
            continue # Error message?

        T = T_map[T]

        if T in ('security', 'bugfix'):
            filters[T] = not filters[T]
            filters[T] = filters.get(T, []) + arg1.split(',')
        return filters

def _ysp_gen_opts(filters, sec_cmds=None):
    def strip_respin(id_):
        # Example: RHSA-2016:1234-2 -> RHSA-2016:1234
        pattern = r'^(RH[BES]A\-\d+\:\d+)(\-\d+)?$'
        match = re.match(pattern, id_)
        if match:
            return match.group(1)
        return id_

    opts = _updateinfofilter2opts(filters)
    if sec_cmds is not None:
        opts.sec_cmds = sec_cmds

    # If a RH advisory was specified with a respin suffix, strip it out, as we
    # don't include these suffixes in the notice update_id attribute either (we
    # use the version attribute for that).  Note that there's no ambiguity in
    # which notice version we should match then, as updateinfo.xml should only
    # contain one per advisory ID (we give a warning when duplicate IDs are
    # detected in it).  The reason we are handling this is that we sometimes
    # refer to advisories in this form (e.g. on rhn.redhat.com/errata/...) and
    # the user may then use it with yum too, in which case we would yield no
    # matches.
    # However, we used to put these suffixes in update_id in the past, so let's
    # also keep the original (unstripped) form around in opts, just in case we
    # are dealing with such an old updateinfo.xml.
    for attr in ['sec_cmds', 'advisory']:
        oldlist = getattr(opts, attr)
        stripped = map(strip_respin, oldlist)
        newlist = list(set(oldlist) | set(stripped))
        setattr(opts, attr, newlist)

    return opts

def _ysp_gen_used_map(opts):
    used_map = {'bugzilla' : {}, 'cve' : {}, 'id' : {}, 'cmd' : {}, 'sev' : {}}
    if True:
        return used_map
    for i in opts.sec_cmds:
        used_map['cmd'][i] = False
    for i in opts.advisory:
        used_map['id'][i] = False
    for i in opts.bz:
        used_map['bugzilla'][i] = False
    for i in opts.cve:
        used_map['cve'][i] = False
    for i in opts.severity:
        used_map['sev'][i] = False
    return used_map

def _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg):
    for i in used_map['cmd']:
        if not used_map['cmd'][i]:
            msg('No update information found for \"%s\"' % i)
    for i in used_map['id']:
        if not used_map['id'][i]:
            msg('Advisory \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
    for i in used_map['bugzilla']:
        if not used_map['bugzilla'][i]:
            msg('BZ \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
    for i in used_map['cve']:
        if not used_map['cve'][i]:
            msg('CVE \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)
    for i in used_map['sev']:
        if not used_map['sev'][i]:
            msg('Severity \"%s\" not found applicable for this system' % i)

def _get_name2pkgtup(base, pkgtups):
    name2tup = {}
    for pkgtup in pkgtups:
        # Get the latest "old" pkgtups
        if (pkgtup[0] in name2tup and
            _rpm_tup_vercmp(name2tup[pkgtup[0]], pkgtup) > 0):
        name2tup[pkgtup[0]] = pkgtup
    return name2tup
def _get_name2oldpkgtup(base):
    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. which have an update. """
    oupdates = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, oupdates)
def _get_name2instpkgtup(base):
    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. """
    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, base.rpmdb.simplePkgList())
def _get_name2allpkgtup(base):
    """ Get the pkgtups for all installed pkgs. and munge that to be the
        first possible pkgtup. """
    ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1], '0','0','0') for pt in base.rpmdb.simplePkgList()]
    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)
def _get_name2aallpkgtup(base):
    """ Get the pkgtups for all available pkgs. and munge that to be the
        first possible pkgtup. """
    ofirst = [(pt[0], pt[1],'0','0','0') for pt in base.pkgSack.simplePkgList()]
    return _get_name2pkgtup(base, ofirst)

#  You might think we'd just call delPackage
# and indeed that works for list updates etc.
# __but__ that doesn't work for dependancies on real updates
#  So to fix deps. we need to do it at the preresolve stage and take the
# "transaction package list" and then remove packages from that.
# __but__ that doesn't work for lists ... so we do it two ways
def _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, pkgtup, md_info, used_map):
    """ Do we want to keep this package to satisfy the security limits. """
    name = pkgtup[0]
    for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(pkgtup):
        if _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map):
            return True
    return False

def _repos_downloaded(repos):
    dled = True
    for repo in repos:
            data = repo.repoXML.getData('updateinfo');
            continue # No data is fine...

        # Note that this doesn't check that it's decompressed...
        path = repo.cachedir +'/'+ os.path.basename(data.location[1])
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            dled = False

    return dled

def _check_running_kernel(yb, md_info, msg):
    kern_pkgtup = misc.get_running_kernel_pkgtup(yb.ts)
    if kern_pkgtup[0] is None:

    found_sec = False
    for (pkgtup, notice) in md_info.get_applicable_notices(kern_pkgtup):
        if found_sec or notice['type'] != 'security':
        found_sec = True
        ipkg = yb.rpmdb.searchPkgTuple(pkgtup)
        if not ipkg:
            continue # Not installed
        ipkg = ipkg[0]

        e = ''
        if kern_pkgtup[2] != '0':
            e = '%s:' % kern_pkgtup[2]
        rpkg = '%s-%s%s-%s.%s' % (kern_pkgtup[0], e,
                                  kern_pkgtup[3], kern_pkgtup[4],

        msg(_('Security: %s is an installed security update') % ipkg)
        msg(_('Security: %s is the currently running version') % rpkg)

def remove_txmbrs(base, filters=None):
    Remove packages from the transaction, using the updateinfo data.

    def ysp_del_pkg(tspkg):
        """ Deletes a package within a transaction. """
                                _(" --> %s from %s removed (updateinfo)") %
                                (tspkg.po, tspkg.po.ui_from_repo))

    if filters is None:
        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
    opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)

    if _no_options(opts):
        return 0, 0, 0

    md_info = base.upinfo
    tot = 0
    cnt = 0
    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)
    tsinfo = base.tsInfo
    tspkgs = tsinfo.getMembers()
    #  Ok, here we keep any pkgs that pass "ysp" tests, then we keep all
    # related pkgs ... Ie. "installed" version marked for removal.
    keep_pkgs = set()

    count_states = set(TS_INSTALL_STATES + [TS_ERASE])
    count_pkgs = set()
    for tspkg in tspkgs:
        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:

    name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
    for tspkg in tspkgs:
        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
            tot += 1
        name = tspkg.po.name
        if (name not in name2tup or
            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
        if tspkg.output_state in count_states:
            cnt += 1

    scnt = cnt
    mini_depsolve_again = True
    while mini_depsolve_again:
        mini_depsolve_again = False

        for tspkg in tspkgs:
            if tspkg.po in keep_pkgs:
                # Find any related pkgs, and add them:
                for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
                    if rpkg not in keep_pkgs:
                        if rpkg in count_pkgs:
                            cnt += 1
                        mini_depsolve_again = True
                # If related to any keep pkgs, add us
                for (rpkg, reason) in tspkg.relatedto:
                    if rpkg in keep_pkgs:
                        if rpkg in count_pkgs:
                            cnt += 1
                        mini_depsolve_again = True

    for tspkg in tspkgs:
        if tspkg.po not in keep_pkgs:

    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))
    if cnt:
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed (+%d related) for security, out of %d available') % (scnt, cnt - scnt, tot))
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available') % tot)

    return cnt, scnt, tot

def exclude_updates(base, filters=None):
    Exclude all packages to do with updates, using the updateinfo data.
    def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
        """ Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
                                _(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
                                (pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))

    if filters is None:
        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
    opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)

    if _no_options(opts):
        return 0, 0

    md_info = base.upinfo

    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)

    tot = len(set(base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates').updates + \

    pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
    name2tup = _get_name2oldpkgtup(base)
    pkgs_to_del = []
    for pkg in pkgs:
        name = pkg.name
        if (name not in name2tup or
            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
    if pkgs_to_del:
        for p in base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='available', patterns=pkgs_to_del, showdups=True).available:

    cnt = len(set(base.doPackageLists(pkgnarrow='updates').updates + \

    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))

    if cnt:
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))

    return cnt, tot

def exclude_all(base, filters=None):
    Exclude all packages, using the updateinfo data.
    def ysp_del_pkg(pkg, reason="updateinfo"):
        """ Deletes a package from all trees that yum knows about """
                                _(" --> %s from %s excluded (%s)") %
                                (pkg,pkg.repoid, reason))

    if filters is None:
        filters = base.updateinfo_filters
    opts = _ysp_gen_opts(filters)

    if _no_options(opts):
        return 0, 0

    md_info = base.upinfo

    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(opts)

    pkgs = base.pkgSack.returnPackages()
    name2tup = _get_name2aallpkgtup(base)
    tot = 0
    cnt = 0
    for pkg in pkgs:
        tot += 1
        name = pkg.name
        if (name not in name2tup or
            not _ysp_should_keep_pkg(opts, name2tup[name], md_info, used_map)):
        cnt += 1

    _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, lambda x: base.verbose_logger.warn("%s", x))

    if cnt:
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('%d package(s) needed for security, out of %d available') % (cnt, tot))
        base.verbose_logger.log(INFO_1, _('No packages needed for security; %d packages available' % tot))

    return cnt, tot

def update_minimal(base, extcmds=[]):
    """Mark the specified items to be updated, in the minimal way.
    :param extcmds: the user specified arguments
    :return: a list of transaction members added to the
       transaction set by this function
    txmbrs = []

    used_map = _ysp_gen_used_map(base.updateinfo_filters)
    opts     = _ysp_gen_opts(base.updateinfo_filters)
    ndata    = _no_options(opts)

    # NOTE: Not doing obsoletes processing atm. ... maybe we should? --
    # Also worth pointing out we don't go backwards for obsoletes in the:
    # update --security case etc.

    # obsoletes = base.up.getObsoletesTuples(newest=False)
    # for (obsoleting, installed) in sorted(obsoletes, key=lambda x: x[0]):
    #   pass

    # Tuples == (n, a, e, v, r)
    oupdates  = map(lambda x: x[1], base.up.getUpdatesTuples())
    for oldpkgtup in sorted(oupdates):
        data = base.upinfo.get_applicable_notices(oldpkgtup)
        if ndata: # No options means pick the oldest update

        for (pkgtup, notice) in data:
            name = pkgtup[0]
            if extcmds and not _match_sec_cmd(extcmds, name, notice):
            if (not ndata and
                not _ysp_should_filter_pkg(opts, name, notice, used_map)):
            txmbrs.extend(base.update(name=pkgtup[0], arch=pkgtup[1],
                                      version=pkgtup[3], release=pkgtup[4]))

    # _ysp_chk_used_map(used_map, msg)

    return txmbrs


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Errors.py File 4.26 KB 0755
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__init__.pyc File 199.78 KB 0644
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constants.py File 4.52 KB 0755
constants.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
depsolve.py File 74.05 KB 0755
depsolve.pyc File 46.91 KB 0644
drpm.py File 12.85 KB 0755
drpm.pyc File 10.83 KB 0644
failover.py File 5 KB 0755
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igroups.pyc File 10.22 KB 0644
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logginglevels.pyc File 6.51 KB 0644
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mdparser.pyc File 7.58 KB 0644
metalink.py File 9.19 KB 0755
metalink.pyc File 8.84 KB 0644
misc.py File 39.57 KB 0755
misc.pyc File 39.58 KB 0644
packageSack.py File 40.79 KB 0755
packageSack.pyc File 41.88 KB 0644
packages.py File 84.1 KB 0755
packages.pyc File 84.51 KB 0644
parser.py File 7.97 KB 0755
parser.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
pgpmsg.py File 53.5 KB 0755
pgpmsg.pyc File 38.27 KB 0644
pkgtag_db.py File 4.86 KB 0755
pkgtag_db.pyc File 5.06 KB 0644
plugins.py File 28.1 KB 0755
plugins.pyc File 29.1 KB 0644
repoMDObject.py File 11.23 KB 0755
repoMDObject.pyc File 9.17 KB 0644
repos.py File 16.53 KB 0755
repos.pyc File 17.38 KB 0644
rpmsack.py File 70.25 KB 0755
rpmsack.pyc File 58.36 KB 0644
rpmtrans.py File 24.84 KB 0755
rpmtrans.pyc File 22.54 KB 0644
sqlitesack.py File 69.76 KB 0755
sqlitesack.pyc File 53.75 KB 0644
sqlutils.py File 6.27 KB 0755
sqlutils.pyc File 5.6 KB 0644
transactioninfo.py File 33.78 KB 0755
transactioninfo.pyc File 30.29 KB 0644
update_md.py File 25.9 KB 0755
update_md.pyc File 21.72 KB 0644
updateinfo.py File 18.29 KB 0755
updateinfo.pyc File 16.36 KB 0644
yumRepo.py File 83.85 KB 0755
yumRepo.pyc File 64.83 KB 0644