/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- * * opnames.h * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, * 2008 by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * * !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! * This file is built by regen/opcode.pl from its data. * Any changes made here will be lost! */ typedef enum opcode { OP_NULL = 0, OP_STUB = 1, OP_SCALAR = 2, OP_PUSHMARK = 3, OP_WANTARRAY = 4, OP_CONST = 5, OP_GVSV = 6, OP_GV = 7, OP_GELEM = 8, OP_PADSV = 9, OP_PADAV = 10, OP_PADHV = 11, OP_PADANY = 12, OP_PUSHRE = 13, OP_RV2GV = 14, OP_RV2SV = 15, OP_AV2ARYLEN = 16, OP_RV2CV = 17, OP_ANONCODE = 18, OP_PROTOTYPE = 19, OP_REFGEN = 20, OP_SREFGEN = 21, OP_REF = 22, OP_BLESS = 23, OP_BACKTICK = 24, OP_GLOB = 25, OP_READLINE = 26, OP_RCATLINE = 27, OP_REGCMAYBE = 28, OP_REGCRESET = 29, OP_REGCOMP = 30, OP_MATCH = 31, OP_QR = 32, OP_SUBST = 33, OP_SUBSTCONT = 34, OP_TRANS = 35, OP_TRANSR = 36, OP_SASSIGN = 37, OP_AASSIGN = 38, OP_CHOP = 39, OP_SCHOP = 40, OP_CHOMP = 41, OP_SCHOMP = 42, OP_DEFINED = 43, OP_UNDEF = 44, OP_STUDY = 45, OP_POS = 46, OP_PREINC = 47, OP_I_PREINC = 48, OP_PREDEC = 49, OP_I_PREDEC = 50, OP_POSTINC = 51, OP_I_POSTINC = 52, OP_POSTDEC = 53, OP_I_POSTDEC = 54, OP_POW = 55, OP_MULTIPLY = 56, OP_I_MULTIPLY = 57, OP_DIVIDE = 58, OP_I_DIVIDE = 59, OP_MODULO = 60, OP_I_MODULO = 61, OP_REPEAT = 62, OP_ADD = 63, OP_I_ADD = 64, OP_SUBTRACT = 65, OP_I_SUBTRACT = 66, OP_CONCAT = 67, OP_STRINGIFY = 68, OP_LEFT_SHIFT = 69, OP_RIGHT_SHIFT = 70, OP_LT = 71, OP_I_LT = 72, OP_GT = 73, OP_I_GT = 74, OP_LE = 75, OP_I_LE = 76, OP_GE = 77, OP_I_GE = 78, OP_EQ = 79, OP_I_EQ = 80, OP_NE = 81, OP_I_NE = 82, OP_NCMP = 83, OP_I_NCMP = 84, OP_SLT = 85, OP_SGT = 86, OP_SLE = 87, OP_SGE = 88, OP_SEQ = 89, OP_SNE = 90, OP_SCMP = 91, OP_BIT_AND = 92, OP_BIT_XOR = 93, OP_BIT_OR = 94, OP_NEGATE = 95, OP_I_NEGATE = 96, OP_NOT = 97, OP_COMPLEMENT = 98, OP_SMARTMATCH = 99, OP_ATAN2 = 100, OP_SIN = 101, OP_COS = 102, OP_RAND = 103, OP_SRAND = 104, OP_EXP = 105, OP_LOG = 106, OP_SQRT = 107, OP_INT = 108, OP_HEX = 109, OP_OCT = 110, OP_ABS = 111, OP_LENGTH = 112, OP_SUBSTR = 113, OP_VEC = 114, OP_INDEX = 115, OP_RINDEX = 116, OP_SPRINTF = 117, OP_FORMLINE = 118, OP_ORD = 119, OP_CHR = 120, OP_CRYPT = 121, OP_UCFIRST = 122, OP_LCFIRST = 123, OP_UC = 124, OP_LC = 125, OP_QUOTEMETA = 126, OP_RV2AV = 127, OP_AELEMFAST = 128, OP_AELEMFAST_LEX = 129, OP_AELEM = 130, OP_ASLICE = 131, OP_AEACH = 132, OP_AKEYS = 133, OP_AVALUES = 134, OP_EACH = 135, OP_VALUES = 136, OP_KEYS = 137, OP_DELETE = 138, OP_EXISTS = 139, OP_RV2HV = 140, OP_HELEM = 141, OP_HSLICE = 142, OP_BOOLKEYS = 143, OP_UNPACK = 144, OP_PACK = 145, OP_SPLIT = 146, OP_JOIN = 147, OP_LIST = 148, OP_LSLICE = 149, OP_ANONLIST = 150, OP_ANONHASH = 151, OP_SPLICE = 152, OP_PUSH = 153, OP_POP = 154, OP_SHIFT = 155, OP_UNSHIFT = 156, OP_SORT = 157, OP_REVERSE = 158, OP_GREPSTART = 159, OP_GREPWHILE = 160, OP_MAPSTART = 161, OP_MAPWHILE = 162, OP_RANGE = 163, OP_FLIP = 164, OP_FLOP = 165, OP_AND = 166, OP_OR = 167, OP_XOR = 168, OP_DOR = 169, OP_COND_EXPR = 170, OP_ANDASSIGN = 171, OP_ORASSIGN = 172, OP_DORASSIGN = 173, OP_METHOD = 174, OP_ENTERSUB = 175, OP_LEAVESUB = 176, OP_LEAVESUBLV = 177, OP_CALLER = 178, OP_WARN = 179, OP_DIE = 180, OP_RESET = 181, OP_LINESEQ = 182, OP_NEXTSTATE = 183, OP_DBSTATE = 184, OP_UNSTACK = 185, OP_ENTER = 186, OP_LEAVE = 187, OP_SCOPE = 188, OP_ENTERITER = 189, OP_ITER = 190, OP_ENTERLOOP = 191, OP_LEAVELOOP = 192, OP_RETURN = 193, OP_LAST = 194, OP_NEXT = 195, OP_REDO = 196, OP_DUMP = 197, OP_GOTO = 198, OP_EXIT = 199, OP_METHOD_NAMED = 200, OP_ENTERGIVEN = 201, OP_LEAVEGIVEN = 202, OP_ENTERWHEN = 203, OP_LEAVEWHEN = 204, OP_BREAK = 205, OP_CONTINUE = 206, OP_OPEN = 207, OP_CLOSE = 208, OP_PIPE_OP = 209, OP_FILENO = 210, OP_UMASK = 211, OP_BINMODE = 212, OP_TIE = 213, OP_UNTIE = 214, OP_TIED = 215, OP_DBMOPEN = 216, OP_DBMCLOSE = 217, OP_SSELECT = 218, OP_SELECT = 219, OP_GETC = 220, OP_READ = 221, OP_ENTERWRITE = 222, OP_LEAVEWRITE = 223, OP_PRTF = 224, OP_PRINT = 225, OP_SAY = 226, OP_SYSOPEN = 227, OP_SYSSEEK = 228, OP_SYSREAD = 229, OP_SYSWRITE = 230, OP_EOF = 231, OP_TELL = 232, OP_SEEK = 233, OP_TRUNCATE = 234, OP_FCNTL = 235, OP_IOCTL = 236, OP_FLOCK = 237, OP_SEND = 238, OP_RECV = 239, OP_SOCKET = 240, OP_SOCKPAIR = 241, OP_BIND = 242, OP_CONNECT = 243, OP_LISTEN = 244, OP_ACCEPT = 245, OP_SHUTDOWN = 246, OP_GSOCKOPT = 247, OP_SSOCKOPT = 248, OP_GETSOCKNAME = 249, OP_GETPEERNAME = 250, OP_LSTAT = 251, OP_STAT = 252, OP_FTRREAD = 253, OP_FTRWRITE = 254, OP_FTREXEC = 255, OP_FTEREAD = 256, OP_FTEWRITE = 257, OP_FTEEXEC = 258, OP_FTIS = 259, OP_FTSIZE = 260, OP_FTMTIME = 261, OP_FTATIME = 262, OP_FTCTIME = 263, OP_FTROWNED = 264, OP_FTEOWNED = 265, OP_FTZERO = 266, OP_FTSOCK = 267, OP_FTCHR = 268, OP_FTBLK = 269, OP_FTFILE = 270, OP_FTDIR = 271, OP_FTPIPE = 272, OP_FTSUID = 273, OP_FTSGID = 274, OP_FTSVTX = 275, OP_FTLINK = 276, OP_FTTTY = 277, OP_FTTEXT = 278, OP_FTBINARY = 279, OP_CHDIR = 280, OP_CHOWN = 281, OP_CHROOT = 282, OP_UNLINK = 283, OP_CHMOD = 284, OP_UTIME = 285, OP_RENAME = 286, OP_LINK = 287, OP_SYMLINK = 288, OP_READLINK = 289, OP_MKDIR = 290, OP_RMDIR = 291, OP_OPEN_DIR = 292, OP_READDIR = 293, OP_TELLDIR = 294, OP_SEEKDIR = 295, OP_REWINDDIR = 296, OP_CLOSEDIR = 297, OP_FORK = 298, OP_WAIT = 299, OP_WAITPID = 300, OP_SYSTEM = 301, OP_EXEC = 302, OP_KILL = 303, OP_GETPPID = 304, OP_GETPGRP = 305, OP_SETPGRP = 306, OP_GETPRIORITY = 307, OP_SETPRIORITY = 308, OP_TIME = 309, OP_TMS = 310, OP_LOCALTIME = 311, OP_GMTIME = 312, OP_ALARM = 313, OP_SLEEP = 314, OP_SHMGET = 315, OP_SHMCTL = 316, OP_SHMREAD = 317, OP_SHMWRITE = 318, OP_MSGGET = 319, OP_MSGCTL = 320, OP_MSGSND = 321, OP_MSGRCV = 322, OP_SEMOP = 323, OP_SEMGET = 324, OP_SEMCTL = 325, OP_REQUIRE = 326, OP_DOFILE = 327, OP_HINTSEVAL = 328, OP_ENTEREVAL = 329, OP_LEAVEEVAL = 330, OP_ENTERTRY = 331, OP_LEAVETRY = 332, OP_GHBYNAME = 333, OP_GHBYADDR = 334, OP_GHOSTENT = 335, OP_GNBYNAME = 336, OP_GNBYADDR = 337, OP_GNETENT = 338, OP_GPBYNAME = 339, OP_GPBYNUMBER = 340, OP_GPROTOENT = 341, OP_GSBYNAME = 342, OP_GSBYPORT = 343, OP_GSERVENT = 344, OP_SHOSTENT = 345, OP_SNETENT = 346, OP_SPROTOENT = 347, OP_SSERVENT = 348, OP_EHOSTENT = 349, OP_ENETENT = 350, OP_EPROTOENT = 351, OP_ESERVENT = 352, OP_GPWNAM = 353, OP_GPWUID = 354, OP_GPWENT = 355, OP_SPWENT = 356, OP_EPWENT = 357, OP_GGRNAM = 358, OP_GGRGID = 359, OP_GGRENT = 360, OP_SGRENT = 361, OP_EGRENT = 362, OP_GETLOGIN = 363, OP_SYSCALL = 364, OP_LOCK = 365, OP_ONCE = 366, OP_CUSTOM = 367, OP_REACH = 368, OP_RKEYS = 369, OP_RVALUES = 370, OP_COREARGS = 371, OP_RUNCV = 372, OP_FC = 373, OP_max } opcode; #define MAXO 374 /* the OP_IS_* macros are optimized to a simple range check because all the member OPs are contiguous in regen/opcodes table. opcode.pl verifies the range contiguity, or generates an OR-equals expression */ #define OP_IS_SOCKET(op) \ ((op) >= OP_SEND && (op) <= OP_GETPEERNAME) #define OP_IS_FILETEST(op) \ ((op) >= OP_FTRREAD && (op) <= OP_FTBINARY) #define OP_IS_FILETEST_ACCESS(op) \ ((op) >= OP_FTRREAD && (op) <= OP_FTEEXEC) #define OP_IS_NUMCOMPARE(op) \ ((op) >= OP_LT && (op) <= OP_I_NCMP) #define OP_IS_DIRHOP(op) \ ((op) >= OP_READDIR && (op) <= OP_CLOSEDIR) /* ex: set ro: */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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INTERN.h | File | 1.47 KB | 0644 |
XSUB.h | File | 21.27 KB | 0644 |
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config.h | File | 145.13 KB | 0644 |
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feature.h | File | 3.69 KB | 0644 |
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hv.h | File | 23.67 KB | 0644 |
intrpvar.h | File | 27.19 KB | 0644 |
iperlsys.h | File | 47.63 KB | 0644 |
keywords.h | File | 6.45 KB | 0644 |
l1_char_class_tab.h | File | 31.86 KB | 0644 |
libperl.so | File | 1.57 MB | 0755 |
malloc_ctl.h | File | 1.48 KB | 0644 |
metaconfig.h | File | 899 B | 0644 |
mg.h | File | 2.37 KB | 0644 |
mg_data.h | File | 4.84 KB | 0644 |
mg_raw.h | File | 4.21 KB | 0644 |
mg_vtable.h | File | 9.14 KB | 0644 |
mydtrace.h | File | 1.81 KB | 0644 |
nostdio.h | File | 3.37 KB | 0644 |
op.h | File | 32.07 KB | 0644 |
op_reg_common.h | File | 4.33 KB | 0644 |
opcode.h | File | 46.2 KB | 0644 |
opnames.h | File | 8.05 KB | 0644 |
overload.h | File | 2.98 KB | 0644 |
pad.h | File | 12.77 KB | 0644 |
parser.h | File | 5.38 KB | 0644 |
patchlevel.h | File | 8.05 KB | 0644 |
perl.h | File | 168.47 KB | 0644 |
perlapi.h | File | 5.34 KB | 0644 |
perldtrace.h | File | 1.77 KB | 0644 |
perlio.h | File | 10.83 KB | 0644 |
perliol.h | File | 13.21 KB | 0644 |
perlsdio.h | File | 4.92 KB | 0644 |
perlsfio.h | File | 2.64 KB | 0644 |
perlvars.h | File | 8.49 KB | 0644 |
perly.h | File | 5.67 KB | 0644 |
pp.h | File | 18.37 KB | 0644 |
pp_proto.h | File | 10.61 KB | 0644 |
proto.h | File | 259.12 KB | 0644 |
reentr.h | File | 79.05 KB | 0644 |
regcharclass.h | File | 30.79 KB | 0644 |
regcomp.h | File | 32.46 KB | 0644 |
regexp.h | File | 28.7 KB | 0644 |
regnodes.h | File | 37.97 KB | 0644 |
scope.h | File | 9.64 KB | 0644 |
sv.h | File | 72.44 KB | 0644 |
thread.h | File | 11.67 KB | 0644 |
time64.h | File | 1.4 KB | 0644 |
time64_config.h | File | 1.98 KB | 0644 |
uconfig.h | File | 144.66 KB | 0644 |
unixish.h | File | 4.48 KB | 0644 |
utf8.h | File | 24.78 KB | 0644 |
utfebcdic.h | File | 34.07 KB | 0644 |
util.h | File | 1.71 KB | 0644 |
uudmap.h | File | 904 B | 0644 |
warnings.h | File | 4.23 KB | 0644 |