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=head1 NAME

DBD::File::HowTo - Guide to create DBD::File based driver


  perldoc DBD::File::HowTo
  perldoc DBI
  perldoc DBI::DBD
  perldoc DBD::File::Developers
  perldoc DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers
  perldoc DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
  perldoc SQL::Eval
  perldoc DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo
  perldoc SQL::Statement::Embed
  perldoc DBD::File
  perldoc DBD::File::HowTo
  perldoc DBD::File::Developers


This document provides a step-by-step guide, how to create a new
C<DBD::File> based DBD. It expects that you carefully read the L<DBI>
documentation and that you're familiar with L<DBI::DBD> and had read and
understood L<DBD::ExampleP>.

This document addresses experienced developers who are really sure that
they need to invest time when writing a new DBI Driver. Writing a DBI
Driver is neither a weekend project nor an easy job for hobby coders
after work. Expect one or two man-month of time for the first start.

Those who are still reading, should be able to sing the rules of

Of course, DBD::File is a DBI::DBD::SqlEngine and you surely read
L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo> before continuing here.


Do you have an entry in DBI's DBD registry? For this guide, a prefix of
C<foo_> is assumed.

=head2 Sample Skeleton

    package DBD::Foo;

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
    use base qw(DBD::File);

    use DBI ();

    $VERSION = "0.001";

    package DBD::Foo::dr;

    use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);

    @ISA = qw(DBD::File::dr);
    $imp_data_size = 0;

    package DBD::Foo::db;

    use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);

    @ISA = qw(DBD::File::db);
    $imp_data_size = 0;

    package DBD::Foo::st;

    use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);

    @ISA = qw(DBD::File::st);
    $imp_data_size = 0;

    package DBD::Foo::Statement;

    use vars qw(@ISA);

    @ISA = qw(DBD::File::Statement);

    package DBD::Foo::Table;

    use vars qw(@ISA);

    @ISA = qw(DBD::File::Table);


Tiny, eh? And all you have now is a DBD named foo which will is able to
deal with temporary tables, as long as you use L<SQL::Statement>. In
L<DBI::SQL::Nano> environments, this DBD can do nothing.

=head2 Start over

Based on L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo>, we're now having a driver which
could do basic things. Of course, it should now derive from DBD::File
instead of DBI::DBD::SqlEngine, shouldn't it?

DBD::File extends DBI::DBD::SqlEngine to deal with any kind of files.
In principle, the only extensions required are to the table class:

    package DBD::Foo::Table;

    sub bootstrap_table_meta
	my ( $self, $dbh, $meta, $table ) = @_;

	# initialize all $meta attributes which might be relevant for
	# file2table

	return $self->SUPER::bootstrap_table_meta($dbh, $meta, $table);

    sub init_table_meta
	my ( $self, $dbh, $meta, $table ) = @_;

	# called after $meta contains the results from file2table
	# initialize all missing $meta attributes

	$self->SUPER::init_table_meta( $dbh, $meta, $table );

In case C<DBD::File::Table::open_file> doesn't open the files as the driver
needs that, override it!

    sub open_file
	my ( $self, $meta, $attrs, $flags ) = @_;
	# ensure that $meta->{f_dontopen} is set
	$self->SUPER::open_file( $meta, $attrs, $flags );
	# now do what ever needs to be done

Combined with the methods implemented using the L<SQL::Statement::Embed>
guide, the table is full working and you could try a start over.

=head2 User comfort

C<DBD::File> since C<0.39> consolidates all persistent meta data of a table
into a single structure stored in C<< $dbh->{f_meta} >>. With C<DBD::File>
version C<0.41> and C<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine> version C<0.05>, this
consolidation moves to L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine>. It's still the
C<< $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "_meta"} >> attribute which cares, so what you
learned at this place before, is still valid.

    sub init_valid_attributes
	my $dbh = $_[0];

	$dbh->SUPER::init_valid_attributes ();

	$dbh->{foo_valid_attrs} = { ... };
	$dbh->{foo_readonly_attrs} = { ...  };

	$dbh->{foo_meta} = "foo_tables";

	return $dbh;

See updates at L<DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo/User comfort>.

=head2 Testing

Now you should have your own DBD::File based driver. Was easy, wasn't it?
But does it work well?  Prove it by writing tests and remember to use
dbd_edit_mm_attribs from L<DBI::DBD> to ensure testing even rare cases.

=head1 AUTHOR

This guide is written by Jens Rehsack. DBD::File is written by Jochen
Wiedmann and Jeff Zucker.

The module DBD::File is currently maintained by

H.Merijn Brand < h.m.brand at xs4all.nl > and
Jens Rehsack  < rehsack at googlemail.com >


Copyright (C) 2010 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack

All rights reserved.

You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the terms of
either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Artistic License, as
specified in the Perl README file.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Developers.pod File 20.12 KB 0644
HowTo.pod File 4.89 KB 0644
Roadmap.pod File 5.81 KB 0644