[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
    package DBD::NullP;

    require DBI;
    require Carp;

    @EXPORT = qw(); # Do NOT @EXPORT anything.
    $VERSION = sprintf("12.%06d", q$Revision: 14714 $ =~ /(\d+)/o);

#   $Id: NullP.pm 14714 2011-02-22 17:27:07Z Tim $
#   Copyright (c) 1994-2007 Tim Bunce
#   You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
#   License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

    $drh = undef;	# holds driver handle once initialised

    sub driver{
	return $drh if $drh;
	my($class, $attr) = @_;
	$class .= "::dr";
	($drh) = DBI::_new_drh($class, {
	    'Name' => 'NullP',
	    'Version' => $VERSION,
	    'Attribution' => 'DBD Example Null Perl stub by Tim Bunce',
	    }, [ qw'example implementors private data']);

    sub CLONE {
        undef $drh;

{   package DBD::NullP::dr; # ====== DRIVER ======
    $imp_data_size = 0;
    use strict;

    sub connect { # normally overridden, but a handy default
        my $dbh = shift->SUPER::connect(@_)
            or return;
        $dbh->STORE(Active => 1); 

    sub DESTROY { undef }

{   package DBD::NullP::db; # ====== DATABASE ======
    $imp_data_size = 0;
    use strict;
    use Carp qw(croak);

    sub prepare {
	my ($dbh, $statement)= @_;

	my ($outer, $sth) = DBI::_new_sth($dbh, {
	    'Statement'     => $statement,

	return $outer;

    sub FETCH {
	my ($dbh, $attrib) = @_;
	# In reality this would interrogate the database engine to
	# either return dynamic values that cannot be precomputed
	# or fetch and cache attribute values too expensive to prefetch.
	return $dbh->SUPER::FETCH($attrib);

    sub STORE {
	my ($dbh, $attrib, $value) = @_;
	# would normally validate and only store known attributes
	# else pass up to DBI to handle
	if ($attrib eq 'AutoCommit') {
	    Carp::croak("Can't disable AutoCommit") unless $value;
            # convert AutoCommit values to magic ones to let DBI
            # know that the driver has 'handled' the AutoCommit attribute
            $value = ($value) ? -901 : -900;
	return $dbh->SUPER::STORE($attrib, $value);

    sub ping { 1 }

    sub disconnect {
	shift->STORE(Active => 0);


{   package DBD::NullP::st; # ====== STATEMENT ======
    $imp_data_size = 0;
    use strict;

    sub bind_param {
        my ($sth, $param, $value, $attr) = @_;
        $sth->{ParamValues}{$param} = $value;
        $sth->{ParamAttr}{$param}   = $attr
            if defined $attr; # attr is sticky if not explicitly set
        return 1;

    sub execute {
	my $sth = shift;
        $sth->bind_param($_, $_[$_-1]) for (1..@_);
        if ($sth->{Statement} =~ m/^ \s* SELECT \s+/xmsi) {
            $sth->STORE(NUM_OF_FIELDS => 1); 
            $sth->{NAME} = [ "fieldname" ];
            # just for the sake of returning something, we return the params
            my $params = $sth->{ParamValues} || {};
            $sth->{dbd_nullp_data} = [ @{$params}{ sort keys %$params } ];
            $sth->STORE(Active => 1); 
        # force a sleep - handy for testing
        elsif ($sth->{Statement} =~ m/^ \s* SLEEP \s+ (\S+) /xmsi) {
            my $secs = $1;
            if (eval { require Time::HiRes; defined &Time::HiRes::sleep }) {
            else {
                sleep $secs;
        # force an error - handy for testing
        elsif ($sth->{Statement} =~ m/^ \s* ERROR \s+ (\d+) \s* (.*) /xmsi) {
            return $sth->set_err($1, $2);
        # anything else is silently ignored, sucessfully

    sub fetchrow_arrayref {
	my $sth = shift;
	my $data = $sth->{dbd_nullp_data};
        if (!$data || !@$data) {
            $sth->finish;     # no more data so finish
            return undef;
        return $sth->_set_fbav(shift @$data);
    *fetch = \&fetchrow_arrayref; # alias

    sub FETCH {
	my ($sth, $attrib) = @_;
	# would normally validate and only fetch known attributes
	# else pass up to DBI to handle
	return $sth->SUPER::FETCH($attrib);

    sub STORE {
	my ($sth, $attrib, $value) = @_;
	# would normally validate and only store known attributes
	# else pass up to DBI to handle
	return $sth->SUPER::STORE($attrib, $value);




Name Type Size Permission Actions
File Folder 0755
Gofer Folder 0755
SQLite Folder 0755
DBM.pm File 50.87 KB 0644
ExampleP.pm File 11.88 KB 0644
File.pm File 36.44 KB 0644
Gofer.pm File 47.93 KB 0644
NullP.pm File 4.24 KB 0644
Proxy.pm File 28.59 KB 0644
SQLite.pm File 81.93 KB 0644
Sponge.pm File 7.79 KB 0644