[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/env python
# $Id$
# somebody should probably check the randrange()s...

import curses
from random import randrange

def next_j(j):
    if j == 0:
        j = 4
        j -= 1

    if curses.has_colors():
        z = randrange(0, 3)
        color = curses.color_pair(z)
        if z:
            color = color | curses.A_BOLD

    return j

def main(win):
    # we know that the first argument from curses.wrapper() is stdscr.
    # Initialize it globally for convenience.
    global stdscr
    stdscr = win

    if curses.has_colors():
        bg = curses.COLOR_BLACK
        curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLUE, bg)
        curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_CYAN, bg)

    # XXX curs_set() always returns ERR
    # curses.curs_set(0)

    c = curses.COLS - 4
    r = curses.LINES - 4
    xpos = [0] * c
    ypos = [0] * r
    for j in range(4, -1, -1):
        xpos[j] = randrange(0, c) + 2
        ypos[j] = randrange(0, r) + 2

    j = 0
    while True:
        x = randrange(0, c) + 2
        y = randrange(0, r) + 2

        stdscr.addch(y, x, ord('.'))

        stdscr.addch(ypos[j], xpos[j], ord('o'))

        j = next_j(j)
        stdscr.addch(ypos[j], xpos[j], ord('O'))

        j = next_j(j)
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j],     ord('-'))
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j],     xpos[j] - 1, "|.|")
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j],     ord('-'))

        j = next_j(j)
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 2, xpos[j],     ord('-'))
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j] - 1, "/ \\")
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j],     xpos[j] - 2, "| O |")
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j] - 1, "\\ /")
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 2, xpos[j],     ord('-'))

        j = next_j(j)
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] - 2, xpos[j],     ord(' '))
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] - 1, xpos[j] - 1, "   ")
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j],     xpos[j] - 2, "     ")
        stdscr.addstr(ypos[j] + 1, xpos[j] - 1, "   ")
        stdscr.addch( ypos[j] + 2, xpos[j],     ord(' '))

        xpos[j] = x
        ypos[j] = y

        ch = stdscr.getch()
        if ch == ord('q') or ch == ord('Q'):
        elif ch == ord('s'):
        elif ch == ord(' '):




Name Type Size Permission Actions
.life.pyo.40009 File 6.63 KB 0644
.ncurses.pyo.40009 File 5.71 KB 0644
.rain.pyo.40009 File 2.24 KB 0644
.repeat.pyo.40009 File 1.42 KB 0644
.tclock.pyo.40009 File 3.56 KB 0644
.xmas.pyo.40009 File 19.4 KB 0644
README File 852 B 0644
life.py File 7.18 KB 0755
life.pyc File 6.63 KB 0644
life.pyo File 6.63 KB 0644
ncurses.py File 6.49 KB 0644
ncurses.pyc File 5.71 KB 0644
ncurses.pyo File 5.71 KB 0644
rain.py File 2.35 KB 0644
rain.pyc File 2.24 KB 0644
rain.pyo File 2.24 KB 0644
repeat.py File 1.48 KB 0755
repeat.pyc File 1.42 KB 0644
repeat.pyo File 1.42 KB 0644
tclock.py File 3.25 KB 0644
tclock.pyc File 3.56 KB 0644
tclock.pyo File 3.56 KB 0644
xmas.py File 24.85 KB 0644
xmas.pyc File 19.4 KB 0644
xmas.pyo File 19.4 KB 0644