[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/env python

"Remote RCS -- command line interface"

import sys
import os
import getopt
import string
import md5
import tempfile
from rcsclient import openrcsclient

def main():
    sys.stdout = sys.stderr
        opts, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:p:d:qvL')
        if not rest:
            cmd = 'head'
            cmd, rest = rest[0], rest[1:]
        if not commands.has_key(cmd):
            raise getopt.error, "unknown command"
        coptset, func = commands[cmd]
        copts, files = getopt.getopt(rest, coptset)
    except getopt.error, msg:
        print msg
        print "usage: rrcs [options] command [options] [file] ..."
        print "where command can be:"
        print "      ci|put      # checkin the given files"
        print "      co|get      # checkout"
        print "      info        # print header info"
        print "      head        # print revision of head branch"
        print "      list        # list filename if valid"
        print "      log         # print full log"
        print "      diff        # diff rcs file and work file"
        print "if no files are given, all remote rcs files are assumed"
    x = openrcsclient(opts)
    if not files:
        files = x.listfiles()
    for fn in files:
            func(x, copts, fn)
        except (IOError, os.error), msg:
            print "%s: %s" % (fn, msg)

def checkin(x, copts, fn):
    f = open(fn)
    data = f.read()
    new = not x.isvalid(fn)
    if not new and same(x, copts, fn, data):
        print "%s: unchanged since last checkin" % fn
    print "Checking in", fn, "..."
    message = asklogmessage(new)
    messages = x.put(fn, data, message)
    if messages:
        print messages

def checkout(x, copts, fn):
    data = x.get(fn)
    f = open(fn, 'w')

def lock(x, copts, fn):

def unlock(x, copts, fn):

def info(x, copts, fn):
    dict = x.info(fn)
    keys = dict.keys()
    for key in keys:
        print key + ':', dict[key]
    print '='*70

def head(x, copts, fn):
    head = x.head(fn)
    print fn, head

def list(x, copts, fn):
    if x.isvalid(fn):
        print fn

def log(x, copts, fn):
    flags = ''
    for o, a in copts:
        flags = flags + ' ' + o + a
    flags = flags[1:]
    messages = x.log(fn, flags)
    print messages

def diff(x, copts, fn):
    if same(x, copts, fn):
    flags = ''
    for o, a in copts:
        flags = flags + ' ' + o + a
    flags = flags[1:]
    data = x.get(fn)
    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    print 'diff %s -r%s %s' % (flags, x.head(fn), fn)
    sts = os.system('diff %s %s %s' % (flags, tf.name, fn))
    if sts:
        print '='*70

def same(x, copts, fn, data = None):
    if data is None:
        f = open(fn)
        data = f.read()
    lsum = md5.new(data).digest()
    rsum = x.sum(fn)
    return lsum == rsum

def asklogmessage(new):
    if new:
        print "enter description,",
        print "enter log message,",
    print "terminate with single '.' or end of file:"
    if new:
        print "NOTE: This is NOT the log message!"
    message = ""
    while 1:
        sys.stderr.write(">> ")
        line = sys.stdin.readline()
        if not line or line == '.\n': break
        message = message + line
    return message

def remove(fn):
    except os.error:

commands = {
        'ci': ('', checkin),
        'put': ('', checkin),
        'co': ('', checkout),
        'get': ('', checkout),
        'info': ('', info),
        'head': ('', head),
        'list': ('', list),
        'lock': ('', lock),
        'unlock': ('', unlock),
        'log': ('bhLRtd:l:r:s:w:V:', log),
        'diff': ('c', diff),

if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.FSProxy.pyo.40009 File 12.49 KB 0644
.RCSProxy.pyo.40009 File 7.57 KB 0644
.client.pyo.40009 File 6.57 KB 0644
.cmdfw.pyo.40009 File 5.12 KB 0644
.cmptree.pyo.40009 File 5.98 KB 0644
.cvslib.pyo.40009 File 12.83 KB 0644
.cvslock.pyo.40009 File 8.36 KB 0644
.mac.pyo.40009 File 597 B 0644
.makechangelog.pyo.40009 File 3.04 KB 0644
.rcsclient.pyo.40009 File 2.05 KB 0644
.rcslib.pyo.40009 File 11.28 KB 0644
.rcvs.pyo.40009 File 14.08 KB 0644
.rrcs.pyo.40009 File 5.5 KB 0644
.security.pyo.40009 File 1.64 KB 0644
.server.pyo.40009 File 5.83 KB 0644
.sumtree.pyo.40009 File 903 B 0644
FSProxy.py File 7.64 KB 0644
FSProxy.pyc File 12.49 KB 0644
FSProxy.pyo File 12.49 KB 0644
RCSProxy.py File 4.61 KB 0755
RCSProxy.pyc File 7.57 KB 0644
RCSProxy.pyo File 7.57 KB 0644
README File 4.16 KB 0644
client.py File 4.6 KB 0644
client.pyc File 6.57 KB 0644
client.pyo File 6.57 KB 0644
cmdfw.py File 4.53 KB 0644
cmdfw.pyc File 5.12 KB 0644
cmdfw.pyo File 5.12 KB 0644
cmptree.py File 5.64 KB 0644
cmptree.pyc File 5.98 KB 0644
cmptree.pyo File 5.98 KB 0644
cvslib.py File 9.94 KB 0644
cvslib.pyc File 12.83 KB 0644
cvslib.pyo File 12.83 KB 0644
cvslock.py File 6.61 KB 0644
cvslock.pyc File 8.36 KB 0644
cvslock.pyo File 8.36 KB 0644
mac.py File 352 B 0644
mac.pyc File 597 B 0644
mac.pyo File 597 B 0644
makechangelog.py File 2.92 KB 0755
makechangelog.pyc File 3.04 KB 0644
makechangelog.pyo File 3.04 KB 0644
rcsbump File 742 B 0755
rcsclient.py File 1.76 KB 0644
rcsclient.pyc File 2.05 KB 0644
rcsclient.pyo File 2.05 KB 0644
rcslib.py File 10.08 KB 0644
rcslib.pyc File 11.28 KB 0644
rcslib.pyo File 11.28 KB 0644
rcvs File 114 B 0755
rcvs.py File 13.33 KB 0755
rcvs.pyc File 14.08 KB 0644
rcvs.pyo File 14.08 KB 0644
rrcs File 114 B 0755
rrcs.py File 3.9 KB 0755
rrcs.pyc File 5.5 KB 0644
rrcs.pyo File 5.5 KB 0644
security.py File 1.07 KB 0644
security.pyc File 1.64 KB 0644
security.pyo File 1.64 KB 0644
server.py File 4.47 KB 0644
server.pyc File 5.83 KB 0644
server.pyo File 5.83 KB 0644
sumtree.py File 518 B 0644
sumtree.pyc File 903 B 0644
sumtree.pyo File 903 B 0644