[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/env python

# Convert GNU texinfo files into HTML, one file per node.
# Based on Texinfo 2.14.
# Usage: texi2html [-d] [-d] [-c] inputfile outputdirectory
# The input file must be a complete texinfo file, e.g. emacs.texi.
# This creates many files (one per info node) in the output directory,
# overwriting existing files of the same name.  All files created have
# ".html" as their extension.

# XXX To do:
# - handle @comment*** correctly
# - handle @xref {some words} correctly
# - handle @ftable correctly (items aren't indexed?)
# - handle @itemx properly
# - handle @exdent properly
# - add links directly to the proper line from indices
# - check against the definitive list of @-cmds; we still miss (among others):
# - @defindex (hard)
# - @c(omment) in the middle of a line (rarely used)
# - @this* (not really needed, only used in headers anyway)
# - @today{} (ever used outside title page?)

# More consistent handling of chapters/sections/etc.
# Lots of documentation
# Many more options:
#       -top    designate top node
#       -links  customize which types of links are included
#       -split  split at chapters or sections instead of nodes
#       -name   Allow different types of filename handling. Non unix systems
#               will have problems with long node names
#       ...
# Support the most recent texinfo version and take a good look at HTML 3.0
# More debugging output (customizable) and more flexible error handling
# How about icons ?

# rpyron 2002-05-07
# Robert Pyron <rpyron@alum.mit.edu>
# 1. BUGFIX: In function makefile(), strip blanks from the nodename.
#    This is necessary to match the behavior of parser.makeref() and
#    parser.do_node().
# 2. BUGFIX fixed KeyError in end_ifset (well, I may have just made
#    it go away, rather than fix it)
# 3. BUGFIX allow @menu and menu items inside @ifset or @ifclear
# 4. Support added for:
#       @uref        URL reference
#       @image       image file reference (see note below)
#       @multitable  output an HTML table
#       @vtable
# 5. Partial support for accents, to match MAKEINFO output
# 6. I added a new command-line option, '-H basename', to specify
#    HTML Help output. This will cause three files to be created
#    in the current directory:
#       `basename`.hhp  HTML Help Workshop project file
#       `basename`.hhc  Contents file for the project
#       `basename`.hhk  Index file for the project
#    When fed into HTML Help Workshop, the resulting file will be
#    named `basename`.chm.
# 7. A new class, HTMLHelp, to accomplish item 6.
# 8. Various calls to HTMLHelp functions.
# A NOTE ON IMAGES: Just as 'outputdirectory' must exist before
# running this program, all referenced images must already exist
# in outputdirectory.

import os
import sys
import string
import re

MAGIC = '\\input texinfo'

cmprog = re.compile('^@([a-z]+)([ \t]|$)')        # Command (line-oriented)
blprog = re.compile('^[ \t]*$')                   # Blank line
kwprog = re.compile('@[a-z]+')                    # Keyword (embedded, usually
                                                  # with {} args)
spprog = re.compile('[\n@{}&<>]')                 # Special characters in
                                                  # running text
                                                  # menu item (Yuck!)
miprog = re.compile('^\* ([^:]*):(:|[ \t]*([^\t,\n.]+)([^ \t\n]*))[ \t\n]*')
#                   0    1     1 2        3          34         42        0
#                         -----            ----------  ---------
#                                 -|-----------------------------
#                    -----------------------------------------------------

class HTMLNode:
    """Some of the parser's functionality is separated into this class.

    A Node accumulates its contents, takes care of links to other Nodes
    and saves itself when it is finished and all links are resolved.


    type = 0
    cont = ''
    epilogue = '</BODY></HTML>\n'

    def __init__(self, dir, name, topname, title, next, prev, up):
        self.dirname = dir
        self.name = name
        if topname:
            self.topname = topname
            self.topname = name
        self.title = title
        self.next = next
        self.prev = prev
        self.up = up
        self.lines = []

    def write(self, *lines):
        map(self.lines.append, lines)

    def flush(self):
        fp = open(self.dirname + '/' + makefile(self.name), 'w')

    def link(self, label, nodename, rel=None, rev=None):
        if nodename:
            if nodename.lower() == '(dir)':
                addr = '../dir.html'
                title = ''
                addr = makefile(nodename)
                title = ' TITLE="%s"' % nodename
            self.write(label, ': <A HREF="', addr, '"', \
                       rel and (' REL=' + rel) or "", \
                       rev and (' REV=' + rev) or "", \
                       title, '>', nodename, '</A>  \n')

    def finalize(self):
        length = len(self.lines)
        self.text = ''.join(self.lines)
        self.lines = []
        links = ''.join(self.lines)
        self.lines = []
        self.prologue = (
            self.DOCTYPE +
            '  <!-- Converted with texi2html and Python -->\n'
            '  <TITLE>' + self.title + '</TITLE>\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Next HREF="'
                + makefile(self.next) + '" TITLE="' + self.next + '">\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Previous HREF="'
                + makefile(self.prev) + '" TITLE="' + self.prev  + '">\n'
            '  <LINK REL=Up HREF="'
                + makefile(self.up) + '" TITLE="' + self.up  + '">\n'
            '</HEAD><BODY>\n' +
        if length > 20:
            self.epilogue = '<P>\n%s</BODY></HTML>\n' % links

    def open_links(self):

    def close_links(self):

    def output_links(self):
        if self.cont != self.next:
            self.link('  Cont', self.cont)
        self.link('  Next', self.next, rel='Next')
        self.link('  Prev', self.prev, rel='Previous')
        self.link('  Up', self.up, rel='Up')
        if self.name <> self.topname:
            self.link('  Top', self.topname)

class HTML3Node(HTMLNode):


    def open_links(self):
        self.write('<DIV CLASS=Navigation>\n <HR>\n')

    def close_links(self):
        self.write(' <HR>\n</DIV>\n')

class TexinfoParser:

    COPYRIGHT_SYMBOL = "&copy;"
    FN_ID_PATTERN = "(%(id)s)"
    FN_SOURCE_PATTERN = '<A NAME=footnoteref%(id)s' \
                        ' HREF="#footnotetext%(id)s">' \
                        + FN_ID_PATTERN + '</A>'
    FN_TARGET_PATTERN = '<A NAME=footnotetext%(id)s' \
                        ' HREF="#footnoteref%(id)s">' \
                        + FN_ID_PATTERN + '</A>\n%(text)s<P>\n'
    FN_HEADER = '\n<P>\n<HR NOSHADE SIZE=1 WIDTH=200>\n' \

    Node = HTMLNode

    # Initialize an instance
    def __init__(self):
        self.unknown = {}       # statistics about unknown @-commands
        self.filenames = {}     # Check for identical filenames
        self.debugging = 0      # larger values produce more output
        self.print_headers = 0  # always print headers?
        self.nodefp = None      # open file we're writing to
        self.nodelineno = 0     # Linenumber relative to node
        self.links = None       # Links from current node
        self.savetext = None    # If not None, save text head instead
        self.savestack = []     # If not None, save text head instead
        self.htmlhelp = None    # html help data
        self.dirname = 'tmp'    # directory where files are created
        self.includedir = '.'   # directory to search @include files
        self.nodename = ''      # name of current node
        self.topname = ''       # name of top node (first node seen)
        self.title = ''         # title of this whole Texinfo tree
        self.resetindex()       # Reset all indices
        self.contents = []      # Reset table of contents
        self.numbering = []     # Reset section numbering counters
        self.nofill = 0         # Normal operation: fill paragraphs
        self.values={'html': 1} # Names that should be parsed in ifset
        self.stackinfo={}       # Keep track of state in the stack
        # XXX The following should be reset per node?!
        self.footnotes = []     # Reset list of footnotes
        self.itemarg = None     # Reset command used by @item
        self.itemnumber = None  # Reset number for @item in @enumerate
        self.itemindex = None   # Reset item index name
        self.node = None
        self.nodestack = []
        self.cont = 0
        self.includedepth = 0

    # Set htmlhelp helper class
    def sethtmlhelp(self, htmlhelp):
        self.htmlhelp = htmlhelp

    # Set (output) directory name
    def setdirname(self, dirname):
        self.dirname = dirname

    # Set include directory name
    def setincludedir(self, includedir):
        self.includedir = includedir

    # Parse the contents of an entire file
    def parse(self, fp):
        line = fp.readline()
        lineno = 1
        while line and (line[0] == '%' or blprog.match(line)):
            line = fp.readline()
            lineno = lineno + 1
        if line[:len(MAGIC)] <> MAGIC:
            raise SyntaxError, 'file does not begin with %r' % (MAGIC,)
        self.parserest(fp, lineno)

    # Parse the contents of a file, not expecting a MAGIC header
    def parserest(self, fp, initial_lineno):
        lineno = initial_lineno
        self.done = 0
        self.skip = 0
        self.stack = []
        accu = []
        while not self.done:
            line = fp.readline()
            self.nodelineno = self.nodelineno + 1
            if not line:
                if accu:
                    if not self.skip: self.process(accu)
                    accu = []
                if initial_lineno > 0:
                    print '*** EOF before @bye'
            lineno = lineno + 1
            mo = cmprog.match(line)
            if mo:
                a, b = mo.span(1)
                cmd = line[a:b]
                if cmd in ('noindent', 'refill'):
                    if accu:
                        if not self.skip:
                        accu = []
                    self.command(line, mo)
            elif blprog.match(line) and \
                 'format' not in self.stack and \
                 'example' not in self.stack:
                if accu:
                    if not self.skip:
                        if self.nofill:
                        accu = []
                # Append the line including trailing \n!
        if self.skip:
            print '*** Still skipping at the end'
        if self.stack:
            print '*** Stack not empty at the end'
            print '***', self.stack
        if self.includedepth == 0:
            while self.nodestack:
                del self.nodestack[-1]

    # Start saving text in a buffer instead of writing it to a file
    def startsaving(self):
        if self.savetext <> None:
            # print '*** Recursively saving text, expect trouble'
        self.savetext = ''

    # Return the text saved so far and start writing to file again
    def collectsavings(self):
        savetext = self.savetext
        if len(self.savestack) > 0:
            self.savetext = self.savestack[-1]
            del self.savestack[-1]
            self.savetext = None
        return savetext or ''

    # Write text to file, or save it in a buffer, or ignore it
    def write(self, *args):
            text = ''.join(args)
            print args
            raise TypeError
        if self.savetext <> None:
            self.savetext = self.savetext + text
        elif self.nodefp:
        elif self.node:

    # Complete the current node -- write footnotes and close file
    def endnode(self):
        if self.savetext <> None:
            print '*** Still saving text at end of node'
            dummy = self.collectsavings()
        if self.footnotes:
        if self.nodefp:
            if self.nodelineno > 20:
                [name, next, prev, up] = self.nodelinks[:4]
                self.link('Next', next)
                self.link('Prev', prev)
                self.link('Up', up)
                if self.nodename <> self.topname:
                    self.link('Top', self.topname)
            self.nodefp = None
        elif self.node:
            if not self.cont and \
               (not self.node.type or \
                (self.node.next and self.node.prev and self.node.up)):
            self.node = None
        self.nodename = ''

    # Process a list of lines, expanding embedded @-commands
    # This mostly distinguishes between menus and normal text
    def process(self, accu):
        if self.debugging > 1:
            print '!'*self.debugging, 'process:', self.skip, self.stack,
            if accu: print accu[0][:30],
            if accu[0][30:] or accu[1:]: print '...',
        if self.inmenu():
            # XXX should be done differently
            for line in accu:
                mo = miprog.match(line)
                if not mo:
                    line = line.strip() + '\n'
                bgn, end = mo.span(0)
                a, b = mo.span(1)
                c, d = mo.span(2)
                e, f = mo.span(3)
                g, h = mo.span(4)
                label = line[a:b]
                nodename = line[c:d]
                if nodename[0] == ':': nodename = label
                else: nodename = line[e:f]
                punct = line[g:h]
                self.write('  <LI><A HREF="',
                           '">', nodename,
                           '</A>', punct, '\n')
            text = ''.join(accu)

    # find 'menu' (we might be inside 'ifset' or 'ifclear')
    def inmenu(self):
        #if 'menu' in self.stack:
        #    print 'inmenu   :', self.skip, self.stack, self.stackinfo
        stack = self.stack
        while stack and stack[-1] in ('ifset','ifclear'):
                if self.stackinfo[len(stack)]:
                    return 0
            except KeyError:
            stack = stack[:-1]
        return (stack and stack[-1] == 'menu')

    # Write a string, expanding embedded @-commands
    def expand(self, text):
        stack = []
        i = 0
        n = len(text)
        while i < n:
            start = i
            mo = spprog.search(text, i)
            if mo:
                i = mo.start()
            c = text[i]
            i = i+1
            if c == '\n':
            if c == '<':
            if c == '>':
            if c == '&':
            if c == '{':
            if c == '}':
                if not stack:
                    print '*** Unmatched }'
                cmd = stack[-1]
                del stack[-1]
                    method = getattr(self, 'close_' + cmd)
                except AttributeError:
            if c <> '@':
                # Cannot happen unless spprog is changed
                raise RuntimeError, 'unexpected funny %r' % c
            start = i
            while i < n and text[i] in string.ascii_letters: i = i+1
            if i == start:
                # @ plus non-letter: literal next character
                i = i+1
                c = text[start:i]
                if c == ':':
                    # `@:' means no extra space after
                    # preceding `.', `?', `!' or `:'
                    # `@.' means a sentence-ending period;
                    # `@@', `@{', `@}' quote `@', `{', `}'
            cmd = text[start:i]
            if i < n and text[i] == '{':
                i = i+1
                    method = getattr(self, 'open_' + cmd)
                except AttributeError:
                method = getattr(self, 'handle_' + cmd)
            except AttributeError:
        if stack:
            print '*** Stack not empty at para:', stack

    # --- Handle unknown embedded @-commands ---

    def unknown_open(self, cmd):
        print '*** No open func for @' + cmd + '{...}'
        cmd = cmd + '{'
        self.write('@', cmd)
        if not self.unknown.has_key(cmd):
            self.unknown[cmd] = 1
            self.unknown[cmd] = self.unknown[cmd] + 1

    def unknown_close(self, cmd):
        print '*** No close func for @' + cmd + '{...}'
        cmd = '}' + cmd
        if not self.unknown.has_key(cmd):
            self.unknown[cmd] = 1
            self.unknown[cmd] = self.unknown[cmd] + 1

    def unknown_handle(self, cmd):
        print '*** No handler for @' + cmd
        self.write('@', cmd)
        if not self.unknown.has_key(cmd):
            self.unknown[cmd] = 1
            self.unknown[cmd] = self.unknown[cmd] + 1

    # XXX The following sections should be ordered as the texinfo docs

    # --- Embedded @-commands without {} argument list --

    def handle_noindent(self): pass

    def handle_refill(self): pass

    # --- Include file handling ---

    def do_include(self, args):
        file = args
        file = os.path.join(self.includedir, file)
            fp = open(file, 'r')
        except IOError, msg:
            print '*** Can\'t open include file', repr(file)
        print '!'*self.debugging, '--> file', repr(file)
        save_done = self.done
        save_skip = self.skip
        save_stack = self.stack
        self.includedepth = self.includedepth + 1
        self.parserest(fp, 0)
        self.includedepth = self.includedepth - 1
        self.done = save_done
        self.skip = save_skip
        self.stack = save_stack
        print '!'*self.debugging, '<-- file', repr(file)

    # --- Special Insertions ---

    def open_dmn(self): pass
    def close_dmn(self): pass

    def open_dots(self): self.write('...')
    def close_dots(self): pass

    def open_bullet(self): pass
    def close_bullet(self): pass

    def open_TeX(self): self.write('TeX')
    def close_TeX(self): pass

    def handle_copyright(self): self.write(self.COPYRIGHT_SYMBOL)
    def open_copyright(self): self.write(self.COPYRIGHT_SYMBOL)
    def close_copyright(self): pass

    def open_minus(self): self.write('-')
    def close_minus(self): pass

    # --- Accents ---

    # rpyron 2002-05-07
    # I would like to do at least as well as makeinfo when
    # it is producing HTML output:
    #   input               output
    #     @"o                 @"o                umlaut accent
    #     @'o                 'o                 acute accent
    #     @,{c}               @,{c}              cedilla accent
    #     @=o                 @=o                macron/overbar accent
    #     @^o                 @^o                circumflex accent
    #     @`o                 `o                 grave accent
    #     @~o                 @~o                tilde accent
    #     @dotaccent{o}       @dotaccent{o}      overdot accent
    #     @H{o}               @H{o}              long Hungarian umlaut
    #     @ringaccent{o}      @ringaccent{o}     ring accent
    #     @tieaccent{oo}      @tieaccent{oo}     tie-after accent
    #     @u{o}               @u{o}              breve accent
    #     @ubaraccent{o}      @ubaraccent{o}     underbar accent
    #     @udotaccent{o}      @udotaccent{o}     underdot accent
    #     @v{o}               @v{o}              hacek or check accent
    #     @exclamdown{}       &#161;             upside-down !
    #     @questiondown{}     &#191;             upside-down ?
    #     @aa{},@AA{}         &#229;,&#197;      a,A with circle
    #     @ae{},@AE{}         &#230;,&#198;      ae,AE ligatures
    #     @dotless{i}         @dotless{i}        dotless i
    #     @dotless{j}         @dotless{j}        dotless j
    #     @l{},@L{}           l/,L/              suppressed-L,l
    #     @o{},@O{}           &#248;,&#216;      O,o with slash
    #     @oe{},@OE{}         oe,OE              oe,OE ligatures
    #     @ss{}               &#223;             es-zet or sharp S
    # The following character codes and approximations have been
    # copied from makeinfo's HTML output.

    def open_exclamdown(self): self.write('&#161;')   # upside-down !
    def close_exclamdown(self): pass
    def open_questiondown(self): self.write('&#191;') # upside-down ?
    def close_questiondown(self): pass
    def open_aa(self): self.write('&#229;') # a with circle
    def close_aa(self): pass
    def open_AA(self): self.write('&#197;') # A with circle
    def close_AA(self): pass
    def open_ae(self): self.write('&#230;') # ae ligatures
    def close_ae(self): pass
    def open_AE(self): self.write('&#198;') # AE ligatures
    def close_AE(self): pass
    def open_o(self): self.write('&#248;')  # o with slash
    def close_o(self): pass
    def open_O(self): self.write('&#216;')  # O with slash
    def close_O(self): pass
    def open_ss(self): self.write('&#223;') # es-zet or sharp S
    def close_ss(self): pass
    def open_oe(self): self.write('oe')     # oe ligatures
    def close_oe(self): pass
    def open_OE(self): self.write('OE')     # OE ligatures
    def close_OE(self): pass
    def open_l(self): self.write('l/')      # suppressed-l
    def close_l(self): pass
    def open_L(self): self.write('L/')      # suppressed-L
    def close_L(self): pass

    # --- Special Glyphs for Examples ---

    def open_result(self): self.write('=&gt;')
    def close_result(self): pass

    def open_expansion(self): self.write('==&gt;')
    def close_expansion(self): pass

    def open_print(self): self.write('-|')
    def close_print(self): pass

    def open_error(self): self.write('error--&gt;')
    def close_error(self): pass

    def open_equiv(self): self.write('==')
    def close_equiv(self): pass

    def open_point(self): self.write('-!-')
    def close_point(self): pass

    # --- Cross References ---

    def open_pxref(self):
        self.write('see ')
    def close_pxref(self):

    def open_xref(self):
        self.write('See ')
    def close_xref(self):

    def open_ref(self):
    def close_ref(self):

    def open_inforef(self):
        self.write('See info file ')
    def close_inforef(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        args = [s.strip() for s in text.split(',')]
        while len(args) < 3: args.append('')
        node = args[0]
        file = args[2]
        self.write('`', file, '\', node `', node, '\'')

    def makeref(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        args = [s.strip() for s in text.split(',')]
        while len(args) < 5: args.append('')
        nodename = label = args[0]
        if args[2]: label = args[2]
        file = args[3]
        title = args[4]
        href = makefile(nodename)
        if file:
            href = '../' + file + '/' + href
        self.write('<A HREF="', href, '">', label, '</A>')

    # rpyron 2002-05-07  uref support
    def open_uref(self):
    def close_uref(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        args = [s.strip() for s in text.split(',')]
        while len(args) < 2: args.append('')
        href = args[0]
        label = args[1]
        if not label: label = href
        self.write('<A HREF="', href, '">', label, '</A>')

    # rpyron 2002-05-07  image support
    # GNU makeinfo producing HTML output tries `filename.png'; if
    # that does not exist, it tries `filename.jpg'. If that does
    # not exist either, it complains. GNU makeinfo does not handle
    # GIF files; however, I include GIF support here because
    # MySQL documentation uses GIF files.

    def open_image(self):
    def close_image(self):
    def makeimage(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        args = [s.strip() for s in text.split(',')]
        while len(args) < 5: args.append('')
        filename = args[0]
        width    = args[1]
        height   = args[2]
        alt      = args[3]
        ext      = args[4]

        # The HTML output will have a reference to the image
        # that is relative to the HTML output directory,
        # which is what 'filename' gives us. However, we need
        # to find it relative to our own current directory,
        # so we construct 'imagename'.
        imagelocation = self.dirname + '/' + filename

        if   os.path.exists(imagelocation+'.png'):
            filename += '.png'
        elif os.path.exists(imagelocation+'.jpg'):
            filename += '.jpg'
        elif os.path.exists(imagelocation+'.gif'):   # MySQL uses GIF files
            filename += '.gif'
            print "*** Cannot find image " + imagelocation
        #TODO: what is 'ext'?
        self.write('<IMG SRC="', filename, '"',                     \
                    width  and (' WIDTH="'  + width  + '"') or "",  \
                    height and (' HEIGHT="' + height + '"') or "",  \
                    alt    and (' ALT="'    + alt    + '"') or "",  \
                    '/>' )

    # --- Marking Words and Phrases ---

    # --- Other @xxx{...} commands ---

    def open_(self): pass # Used by {text enclosed in braces}
    def close_(self): pass

    open_asis = open_
    close_asis = close_

    def open_cite(self): self.write('<CITE>')
    def close_cite(self): self.write('</CITE>')

    def open_code(self): self.write('<CODE>')
    def close_code(self): self.write('</CODE>')

    def open_t(self): self.write('<TT>')
    def close_t(self): self.write('</TT>')

    def open_dfn(self): self.write('<DFN>')
    def close_dfn(self): self.write('</DFN>')

    def open_emph(self): self.write('<EM>')
    def close_emph(self): self.write('</EM>')

    def open_i(self): self.write('<I>')
    def close_i(self): self.write('</I>')

    def open_footnote(self):
        # if self.savetext <> None:
        #       print '*** Recursive footnote -- expect weirdness'
        id = len(self.footnotes) + 1
        self.write(self.FN_SOURCE_PATTERN % {'id': repr(id)})

    def close_footnote(self):
        id = len(self.footnotes) + 1
        self.footnotes.append((id, self.collectsavings()))

    def writefootnotes(self):
        for id, text in self.footnotes:
                       % {'id': repr(id), 'text': text})
        self.footnotes = []

    def open_file(self): self.write('<CODE>')
    def close_file(self): self.write('</CODE>')

    def open_kbd(self): self.write('<KBD>')
    def close_kbd(self): self.write('</KBD>')

    def open_key(self): self.write('<KEY>')
    def close_key(self): self.write('</KEY>')

    def open_r(self): self.write('<R>')
    def close_r(self): self.write('</R>')

    def open_samp(self): self.write('`<SAMP>')
    def close_samp(self): self.write('</SAMP>\'')

    def open_sc(self): self.write('<SMALLCAPS>')
    def close_sc(self): self.write('</SMALLCAPS>')

    def open_strong(self): self.write('<STRONG>')
    def close_strong(self): self.write('</STRONG>')

    def open_b(self): self.write('<B>')
    def close_b(self): self.write('</B>')

    def open_var(self): self.write('<VAR>')
    def close_var(self): self.write('</VAR>')

    def open_w(self): self.write('<NOBREAK>')
    def close_w(self): self.write('</NOBREAK>')

    def open_url(self): self.startsaving()
    def close_url(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        self.write('<A HREF="', text, '">', text, '</A>')

    def open_email(self): self.startsaving()
    def close_email(self):
        text = self.collectsavings()
        self.write('<A HREF="mailto:', text, '">', text, '</A>')

    open_titlefont = open_
    close_titlefont = close_

    def open_small(self): pass
    def close_small(self): pass

    def command(self, line, mo):
        a, b = mo.span(1)
        cmd = line[a:b]
        args = line[b:].strip()
        if self.debugging > 1:
            print '!'*self.debugging, 'command:', self.skip, self.stack, \
                  '@' + cmd, args
            func = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd)
        except AttributeError:
                func = getattr(self, 'bgn_' + cmd)
            except AttributeError:
                # don't complain if we are skipping anyway
                if not self.skip:
                    self.unknown_cmd(cmd, args)
        if not self.skip or cmd == 'end':

    def unknown_cmd(self, cmd, args):
        print '*** unknown', '@' + cmd, args
        if not self.unknown.has_key(cmd):
            self.unknown[cmd] = 1
            self.unknown[cmd] = self.unknown[cmd] + 1

    def do_end(self, args):
        words = args.split()
        if not words:
            print '*** @end w/o args'
            cmd = words[0]
            if not self.stack or self.stack[-1] <> cmd:
                print '*** @end', cmd, 'unexpected'
                del self.stack[-1]
                func = getattr(self, 'end_' + cmd)
            except AttributeError:

    def unknown_end(self, cmd):
        cmd = 'end ' + cmd
        print '*** unknown', '@' + cmd
        if not self.unknown.has_key(cmd):
            self.unknown[cmd] = 1
            self.unknown[cmd] = self.unknown[cmd] + 1

    # --- Comments ---

    def do_comment(self, args): pass
    do_c = do_comment

    # --- Conditional processing ---

    def bgn_ifinfo(self, args): pass
    def end_ifinfo(self): pass

    def bgn_iftex(self, args): self.skip = self.skip + 1
    def end_iftex(self): self.skip = self.skip - 1

    def bgn_ignore(self, args): self.skip = self.skip + 1
    def end_ignore(self): self.skip = self.skip - 1

    def bgn_tex(self, args): self.skip = self.skip + 1
    def end_tex(self): self.skip = self.skip - 1

    def do_set(self, args):
        fields = args.split(' ')
        key = fields[0]
        if len(fields) == 1:
            value = 1
            value = ' '.join(fields[1:])
        self.values[key] = value

    def do_clear(self, args):
        self.values[args] = None

    def bgn_ifset(self, args):
        if args not in self.values.keys() \
           or self.values[args] is None:
            self.skip = self.skip + 1
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = 1
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = 0
    def end_ifset(self):
            if self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1]:
                self.skip = self.skip - 1
            del self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1]
        except KeyError:
            print '*** end_ifset: KeyError :', len(self.stack) + 1

    def bgn_ifclear(self, args):
        if args in self.values.keys() \
           and self.values[args] is not None:
            self.skip = self.skip + 1
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = 1
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = 0
    def end_ifclear(self):
            if self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1]:
                self.skip = self.skip - 1
            del self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1]
        except KeyError:
            print '*** end_ifclear: KeyError :', len(self.stack) + 1

    def open_value(self):

    def close_value(self):
        key = self.collectsavings()
        if key in self.values.keys():
            print '*** Undefined value: ', key

    # --- Beginning a file ---

    do_finalout = do_comment
    do_setchapternewpage = do_comment
    do_setfilename = do_comment

    def do_settitle(self, args):
        self.title = self.collectsavings()
    def do_parskip(self, args): pass

    # --- Ending a file ---

    def do_bye(self, args):
        self.done = 1

    # --- Title page ---

    def bgn_titlepage(self, args): self.skip = self.skip + 1
    def end_titlepage(self): self.skip = self.skip - 1
    def do_shorttitlepage(self, args): pass

    def do_center(self, args):
        # Actually not used outside title page...
    do_title = do_center
    do_subtitle = do_center
    do_author = do_center

    do_vskip = do_comment
    do_vfill = do_comment
    do_smallbook = do_comment

    do_paragraphindent = do_comment
    do_setchapternewpage = do_comment
    do_headings = do_comment
    do_footnotestyle = do_comment

    do_evenheading = do_comment
    do_evenfooting = do_comment
    do_oddheading = do_comment
    do_oddfooting = do_comment
    do_everyheading = do_comment
    do_everyfooting = do_comment

    # --- Nodes ---

    def do_node(self, args):
        self.nodelineno = 0
        parts = [s.strip() for s in args.split(',')]
        while len(parts) < 4: parts.append('')
        self.nodelinks = parts
        [name, next, prev, up] = parts[:4]
        file = self.dirname + '/' + makefile(name)
        if self.filenames.has_key(file):
            print '*** Filename already in use: ', file
            if self.debugging: print '!'*self.debugging, '--- writing', file
        self.filenames[file] = 1
        # self.nodefp = open(file, 'w')
        self.nodename = name
        if self.cont and self.nodestack:
            self.nodestack[-1].cont = self.nodename
        if not self.topname: self.topname = name
        title = name
        if self.title: title = title + ' -- ' + self.title
        self.node = self.Node(self.dirname, self.nodename, self.topname,
                              title, next, prev, up)

    def link(self, label, nodename):
        if nodename:
            if nodename.lower() == '(dir)':
                addr = '../dir.html'
                addr = makefile(nodename)
            self.write(label, ': <A HREF="', addr, '" TYPE="',
                       label, '">', nodename, '</A>  \n')

    # --- Sectioning commands ---

    def popstack(self, type):
        if (self.node):
            self.node.type = type
            while self.nodestack:
                if self.nodestack[-1].type > type:
                    del self.nodestack[-1]
                elif self.nodestack[-1].type == type:
                    if not self.nodestack[-1].next:
                        self.nodestack[-1].next = self.node.name
                    if not self.node.prev:
                        self.node.prev = self.nodestack[-1].name
                    del self.nodestack[-1]
                    if type > 1 and not self.node.up:
                        self.node.up = self.nodestack[-1].name

    def do_chapter(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, 0)

    def do_unnumbered(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    def do_appendix(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    def do_top(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    def do_chapheading(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    def do_majorheading(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)

    def do_section(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, 1)

    def do_unnumberedsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    def do_appendixsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)
    do_appendixsection = do_appendixsec
    def do_heading(self, args):
        self.heading('H1', args, -1)

    def do_subsection(self, args):
        self.heading('H2', args, 2)
    def do_unnumberedsubsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H2', args, -1)
    def do_appendixsubsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H2', args, -1)
    def do_subheading(self, args):
        self.heading('H2', args, -1)

    def do_subsubsection(self, args):
        self.heading('H3', args, 3)
    def do_unnumberedsubsubsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H3', args, -1)
    def do_appendixsubsubsec(self, args):
        self.heading('H3', args, -1)
    def do_subsubheading(self, args):
        self.heading('H3', args, -1)

    def heading(self, type, args, level):
        if level >= 0:
            while len(self.numbering) <= level:
            del self.numbering[level+1:]
            self.numbering[level] = self.numbering[level] + 1
            x = ''
            for i in self.numbering:
                x = x + repr(i) + '.'
            args = x + ' ' + args
            self.contents.append((level, args, self.nodename))
        self.write('<', type, '>')
        self.write('</', type, '>\n')
        if self.debugging or self.print_headers:
            print '---', args

    def do_contents(self, args):
        # pass
        self.listcontents('Table of Contents', 999)

    def do_shortcontents(self, args):
        # self.listcontents('Short Contents', 0)
    do_summarycontents = do_shortcontents

    def listcontents(self, title, maxlevel):
        self.write('<H1>', title, '</H1>\n<UL COMPACT PLAIN>\n')
        prevlevels = [0]
        for level, title, node in self.contents:
            if level > maxlevel:
            if level > prevlevels[-1]:
                # can only advance one level at a time
                self.write('  '*prevlevels[-1], '<UL PLAIN>\n')
            elif level < prevlevels[-1]:
                # might drop back multiple levels
                while level < prevlevels[-1]:
                    del prevlevels[-1]
                    self.write('  '*prevlevels[-1],
            self.write('  '*level, '<LI> <A HREF="',
                       makefile(node), '">')
        self.write('</UL>\n' * len(prevlevels))

    # --- Page lay-out ---

    # These commands are only meaningful in printed text

    def do_page(self, args): pass

    def do_need(self, args): pass

    def bgn_group(self, args): pass
    def end_group(self): pass

    # --- Line lay-out ---

    def do_sp(self, args):
        if self.nofill:

    def do_hline(self, args):

    # --- Function and variable definitions ---

    def bgn_deffn(self, args):

    def end_deffn(self):

    def do_deffnx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 2)
        [category, name], rest = words[:2], words[2:]
        self.expand('@b{%s}' % name)
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + makevar(word))
        #self.expand(' -- ' + category)
        self.index('fn', name)

    def bgn_defun(self, args): self.bgn_deffn('Function ' + args)
    end_defun = end_deffn
    def do_defunx(self, args): self.do_deffnx('Function ' + args)

    def bgn_defmac(self, args): self.bgn_deffn('Macro ' + args)
    end_defmac = end_deffn
    def do_defmacx(self, args): self.do_deffnx('Macro ' + args)

    def bgn_defspec(self, args): self.bgn_deffn('{Special Form} ' + args)
    end_defspec = end_deffn
    def do_defspecx(self, args): self.do_deffnx('{Special Form} ' + args)

    def bgn_defvr(self, args):

    end_defvr = end_deffn

    def do_defvrx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 2)
        [category, name], rest = words[:2], words[2:]
        self.expand('@code{%s}' % name)
        # If there are too many arguments, show them
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + word)
        #self.expand(' -- ' + category)
        self.index('vr', name)

    def bgn_defvar(self, args): self.bgn_defvr('Variable ' + args)
    end_defvar = end_defvr
    def do_defvarx(self, args): self.do_defvrx('Variable ' + args)

    def bgn_defopt(self, args): self.bgn_defvr('{User Option} ' + args)
    end_defopt = end_defvr
    def do_defoptx(self, args): self.do_defvrx('{User Option} ' + args)

    # --- Ditto for typed languages ---

    def bgn_deftypefn(self, args):

    end_deftypefn = end_deffn

    def do_deftypefnx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 3)
        [category, datatype, name], rest = words[:3], words[3:]
        self.expand('@code{%s} @b{%s}' % (datatype, name))
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + makevar(word))
        #self.expand(' -- ' + category)
        self.index('fn', name)

    def bgn_deftypefun(self, args): self.bgn_deftypefn('Function ' + args)
    end_deftypefun = end_deftypefn
    def do_deftypefunx(self, args): self.do_deftypefnx('Function ' + args)

    def bgn_deftypevr(self, args):

    end_deftypevr = end_deftypefn

    def do_deftypevrx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 3)
        [category, datatype, name], rest = words[:3], words[3:]
        self.expand('@code{%s} @b{%s}' % (datatype, name))
        # If there are too many arguments, show them
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + word)
        #self.expand(' -- ' + category)
        self.index('fn', name)

    def bgn_deftypevar(self, args):
        self.bgn_deftypevr('Variable ' + args)
    end_deftypevar = end_deftypevr
    def do_deftypevarx(self, args):
        self.do_deftypevrx('Variable ' + args)

    # --- Ditto for object-oriented languages ---

    def bgn_defcv(self, args):

    end_defcv = end_deftypevr

    def do_defcvx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 3)
        [category, classname, name], rest = words[:3], words[3:]
        self.expand('@b{%s}' % name)
        # If there are too many arguments, show them
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + word)
        #self.expand(' -- %s of @code{%s}' % (category, classname))
        self.index('vr', '%s @r{on %s}' % (name, classname))

    def bgn_defivar(self, args):
        self.bgn_defcv('{Instance Variable} ' + args)
    end_defivar = end_defcv
    def do_defivarx(self, args):
        self.do_defcvx('{Instance Variable} ' + args)

    def bgn_defop(self, args):

    end_defop = end_defcv

    def do_defopx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 3)
        [category, classname, name], rest = words[:3], words[3:]
        self.expand('@b{%s}' % name)
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + makevar(word))
        #self.expand(' -- %s of @code{%s}' % (category, classname))
        self.index('fn', '%s @r{on %s}' % (name, classname))

    def bgn_defmethod(self, args):
        self.bgn_defop('Method ' + args)
    end_defmethod = end_defop
    def do_defmethodx(self, args):
        self.do_defopx('Method ' + args)

    # --- Ditto for data types ---

    def bgn_deftp(self, args):

    end_deftp = end_defcv

    def do_deftpx(self, args):
        words = splitwords(args, 2)
        [category, name], rest = words[:2], words[2:]
        self.expand('@b{%s}' % name)
        for word in rest: self.expand(' ' + word)
        #self.expand(' -- ' + category)
        self.index('tp', name)

    # --- Making Lists and Tables

    def bgn_enumerate(self, args):
        if not args:
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = '</OL>\n'
            self.itemnumber = args
            self.stackinfo[len(self.stack)] = '</UL>\n'
    def end_enumerate(self):
        self.itemnumber = None
        self.write(self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1])
        del self.stackinfo[len(self.stack) + 1]

    def bgn_itemize(self, args):
        self.itemarg = args
    def end_itemize(self):
        self.itemarg = None

    def bgn_table(self, args):
        self.itemarg = args
    def end_table(self):
        self.itemarg = None

    def bgn_ftable(self, args):
        self.itemindex = 'fn'
    def end_ftable(self):
        self.itemindex = None

    def bgn_vtable(self, args):
        self.itemindex = 'vr'
    def end_vtable(self):
        self.itemindex = None

    def do_item(self, args):
        if self.itemindex: self.index(self.itemindex, args)
        if self.itemarg:
            if self.itemarg[0] == '@' and self.itemarg[1] and \
                            self.itemarg[1] in string.ascii_letters:
                args = self.itemarg + '{' + args + '}'
                # some other character, e.g. '-'
                args = self.itemarg + ' ' + args
        if self.itemnumber <> None:
            args = self.itemnumber + '. ' + args
            self.itemnumber = increment(self.itemnumber)
        if self.stack and self.stack[-1] == 'table':
        elif self.stack and self.stack[-1] == 'multitable':
            self.write('  ')
    do_itemx = do_item # XXX Should suppress leading blank line

    # rpyron 2002-05-07  multitable support
    def bgn_multitable(self, args):
        self.itemarg = None     # should be handled by columnfractions
        self.write('<TABLE BORDER="">\n')
    def end_multitable(self):
        self.itemarg = None
    def handle_columnfractions(self):
        # It would be better to handle this, but for now it's in the way...
        self.itemarg = None
    def handle_tab(self):
        self.write('</TD>\n    <TD>')

    # --- Enumerations, displays, quotations ---
    # XXX Most of these should increase the indentation somehow

    def bgn_quotation(self, args): self.write('<BLOCKQUOTE>')
    def end_quotation(self): self.write('</BLOCKQUOTE>\n')

    def bgn_example(self, args):
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
    def end_example(self):
        self.nofill = self.nofill - 1

    bgn_lisp = bgn_example # Synonym when contents are executable lisp code
    end_lisp = end_example

    bgn_smallexample = bgn_example # XXX Should use smaller font
    end_smallexample = end_example

    bgn_smalllisp = bgn_lisp # Ditto
    end_smalllisp = end_lisp

    bgn_display = bgn_example
    end_display = end_example

    bgn_format = bgn_display
    end_format = end_display

    def do_exdent(self, args): self.expand(args + '\n')
    # XXX Should really mess with indentation

    def bgn_flushleft(self, args):
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
    def end_flushleft(self):
        self.nofill = self.nofill - 1

    def bgn_flushright(self, args):
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
        self.write('<ADDRESS COMPACT>\n')
    def end_flushright(self):
        self.nofill = self.nofill - 1

    def bgn_menu(self, args):
        self.write('  <STRONG><EM>Menu</EM></STRONG><P>\n')
    def end_menu(self):

    def bgn_cartouche(self, args): pass
    def end_cartouche(self): pass

    # --- Indices ---

    def resetindex(self):
        self.noncodeindices = ['cp']
        self.indextitle = {}
        self.indextitle['cp'] = 'Concept'
        self.indextitle['fn'] = 'Function'
        self.indextitle['ky'] = 'Keyword'
        self.indextitle['pg'] = 'Program'
        self.indextitle['tp'] = 'Type'
        self.indextitle['vr'] = 'Variable'
        self.whichindex = {}
        for name in self.indextitle.keys():
            self.whichindex[name] = []

    def user_index(self, name, args):
        if self.whichindex.has_key(name):
            self.index(name, args)
            print '*** No index named', repr(name)

    def do_cindex(self, args): self.index('cp', args)
    def do_findex(self, args): self.index('fn', args)
    def do_kindex(self, args): self.index('ky', args)
    def do_pindex(self, args): self.index('pg', args)
    def do_tindex(self, args): self.index('tp', args)
    def do_vindex(self, args): self.index('vr', args)

    def index(self, name, args):
        self.whichindex[name].append((args, self.nodename))
        self.htmlhelp.index(args, self.nodename)

    def do_synindex(self, args):
        words = args.split()
        if len(words) <> 2:
            print '*** bad @synindex', args
        [old, new] = words
        if not self.whichindex.has_key(old) or \
                  not self.whichindex.has_key(new):
            print '*** bad key(s) in @synindex', args
        if old <> new and \
                  self.whichindex[old] is not self.whichindex[new]:
            inew = self.whichindex[new]
            inew[len(inew):] = self.whichindex[old]
            self.whichindex[old] = inew
    do_syncodeindex = do_synindex # XXX Should use code font

    def do_printindex(self, args):
        words = args.split()
        for name in words:
            if self.whichindex.has_key(name):
                print '*** No index named', repr(name)

    def prindex(self, name):
        iscodeindex = (name not in self.noncodeindices)
        index = self.whichindex[name]
        if not index: return
        if self.debugging:
            print '!'*self.debugging, '--- Generating', \
                  self.indextitle[name], 'index'
        #  The node already provides a title
        index1 = []
        junkprog = re.compile('^(@[a-z]+)?{')
        for key, node in index:
            sortkey = key.lower()
            # Remove leading `@cmd{' from sort key
            # -- don't bother about the matching `}'
            oldsortkey = sortkey
            while 1:
                mo = junkprog.match(sortkey)
                if not mo:
                i = mo.end()
                sortkey = sortkey[i:]
            index1.append((sortkey, key, node))
        del index[:]
        self.write('<DL COMPACT>\n')
        prevkey = prevnode = None
        for sortkey, key, node in index1:
            if (key, node) == (prevkey, prevnode):
            if self.debugging > 1: print '!'*self.debugging, key, ':', node
            if iscodeindex: key = '@code{' + key + '}'
            if key != prevkey:
            self.write('\n<DD><A HREF="%s">%s</A>\n' % (makefile(node), node))
            prevkey, prevnode = key, node

    # --- Final error reports ---

    def report(self):
        if self.unknown:
            print '--- Unrecognized commands ---'
            cmds = self.unknown.keys()
            for cmd in cmds:
                print cmd.ljust(20), self.unknown[cmd]

class TexinfoParserHTML3(TexinfoParser):

    COPYRIGHT_SYMBOL = "&copy;"
    FN_ID_PATTERN = "[%(id)s]"
    FN_SOURCE_PATTERN = '<A ID=footnoteref%(id)s ' \
                        'HREF="#footnotetext%(id)s">' + FN_ID_PATTERN + '</A>'
    FN_TARGET_PATTERN = '<FN ID=footnotetext%(id)s>\n' \
                        '<P><A HREF="#footnoteref%(id)s">' + FN_ID_PATTERN \
                        + '</A>\n%(text)s</P></FN>\n'
    FN_HEADER = '<DIV CLASS=footnotes>\n  <HR NOSHADE WIDTH=200>\n' \
                '  <STRONG><EM>Footnotes</EM></STRONG>\n  <P>\n'

    Node = HTML3Node

    def bgn_quotation(self, args): self.write('<BQ>')
    def end_quotation(self): self.write('</BQ>\n')

    def bgn_example(self, args):
        # this use of <CODE> would not be legal in HTML 2.0,
        # but is in more recent DTDs.
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
        self.write('<PRE CLASS=example><CODE>')
    def end_example(self):
        self.nofill = self.nofill - 1

    def bgn_flushleft(self, args):
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
        self.write('<PRE CLASS=flushleft>\n')

    def bgn_flushright(self, args):
        self.nofill = self.nofill + 1
        self.write('<DIV ALIGN=right CLASS=flushright><ADDRESS COMPACT>\n')
    def end_flushright(self):
        self.nofill = self.nofill - 1

    def bgn_menu(self, args):
        self.write('<UL PLAIN CLASS=menu>\n')
        self.write('  <LH>Menu</LH>\n')
    def end_menu(self):

# rpyron 2002-05-07
class HTMLHelp:
    This class encapsulates support for HTML Help. Node names,
    file names, menu items, index items, and image file names are
    accumulated until a call to finalize(). At that time, three
    output files are created in the current directory:

        `helpbase`.hhp  is a HTML Help Workshop project file.
                        It contains various information, some of
                        which I do not understand; I just copied
                        the default project info from a fresh
        `helpbase`.hhc  is the Contents file for the project.
        `helpbase`.hhk  is the Index file for the project.

    When these files are used as input to HTML Help Workshop,
    the resulting file will be named:


    If none of the defaults in `helpbase`.hhp are changed,
    the .CHM file will have Contents, Index, Search, and
    Favorites tabs.

    codeprog = re.compile('@code{(.*?)}')

    def __init__(self,helpbase,dirname):
        self.helpbase    = helpbase
        self.dirname     = dirname
        self.projectfile = None
        self.contentfile = None
        self.indexfile   = None
        self.nodelist    = []
        self.nodenames   = {}         # nodename : index
        self.nodeindex   = {}
        self.filenames   = {}         # filename : filename
        self.indexlist   = []         # (args,nodename) == (key,location)
        self.current     = ''
        self.menudict    = {}
        self.dumped      = {}

    def addnode(self,name,next,prev,up,filename):
        node = (name,next,prev,up,filename)
        # add this file to dict
        # retrieve list with self.filenames.values()
        self.filenames[filename] = filename
        # add this node to nodelist
        self.nodeindex[name] = len(self.nodelist)
        # set 'current' for menu items
        self.current = name
        self.menudict[self.current] = []

    def menuitem(self,nodename):
        menu = self.menudict[self.current]

    def addimage(self,imagename):
        self.filenames[imagename] = imagename

    def index(self, args, nodename):

    def beginmenu(self):

    def endmenu(self):

    def finalize(self):
        if not self.helpbase:

        # generate interesting filenames
        resultfile   = self.helpbase + '.chm'
        projectfile  = self.helpbase + '.hhp'
        contentfile  = self.helpbase + '.hhc'
        indexfile    = self.helpbase + '.hhk'

        # generate a reasonable title
        title        = self.helpbase

        # get the default topic file
        (topname,topnext,topprev,topup,topfile) = self.nodelist[0]
        defaulttopic = topfile

        # PROJECT FILE
            fp = open(projectfile,'w')
            print>>fp, '[OPTIONS]'
            print>>fp, 'Auto Index=Yes'
            print>>fp, 'Binary TOC=No'
            print>>fp, 'Binary Index=Yes'
            print>>fp, 'Compatibility=1.1'
            print>>fp, 'Compiled file=' + resultfile + ''
            print>>fp, 'Contents file=' + contentfile + ''
            print>>fp, 'Default topic=' + defaulttopic + ''
            print>>fp, 'Error log file=ErrorLog.log'
            print>>fp, 'Index file=' + indexfile + ''
            print>>fp, 'Title=' + title + ''
            print>>fp, 'Display compile progress=Yes'
            print>>fp, 'Full-text search=Yes'
            print>>fp, 'Default window=main'
            print>>fp, ''
            print>>fp, '[WINDOWS]'
            print>>fp, ('main=,"' + contentfile + '","' + indexfile
                        + '","","",,,,,0x23520,222,0x1046,[10,10,780,560],'
            print>>fp, ''
            print>>fp, '[FILES]'
            print>>fp, ''
        except IOError, msg:
            print projectfile, ':', msg

        # CONTENT FILE
            fp = open(contentfile,'w')
            print>>fp, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">'
            print>>fp, '<!-- This file defines the table of contents -->'
            print>>fp, '<HTML>'
            print>>fp, '<HEAD>'
            print>>fp, ('<meta name="GENERATOR"'
                        'content="Microsoft&reg; HTML Help Workshop 4.1">')
            print>>fp, '<!-- Sitemap 1.0 -->'
            print>>fp, '</HEAD>'
            print>>fp, '<BODY>'
            print>>fp, '   <OBJECT type="text/site properties">'
            print>>fp, '     <param name="Window Styles" value="0x800025">'
            print>>fp, '     <param name="comment" value="title:">'
            print>>fp, '     <param name="comment" value="base:">'
            print>>fp, '   </OBJECT>'
            print>>fp, '</BODY>'
            print>>fp, '</HTML>'
        except IOError, msg:
            print contentfile, ':', msg

        # INDEX FILE
            fp = open(indexfile  ,'w')
            print>>fp, '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">'
            print>>fp, '<!-- This file defines the index -->'
            print>>fp, '<HTML>'
            print>>fp, '<HEAD>'
            print>>fp, ('<meta name="GENERATOR"'
                        'content="Microsoft&reg; HTML Help Workshop 4.1">')
            print>>fp, '<!-- Sitemap 1.0 -->'
            print>>fp, '</HEAD>'
            print>>fp, '<BODY>'
            print>>fp, '<OBJECT type="text/site properties">'
            print>>fp, '</OBJECT>'
            print>>fp, '</BODY>'
            print>>fp, '</HTML>'
        except IOError, msg:
            print indexfile  , ':', msg

    def dumpfiles(self, outfile=sys.stdout):
        filelist = self.filenames.values()
        for filename in filelist:
            print>>outfile, filename

    def dumpnodes(self, outfile=sys.stdout):
        self.dumped = {}
        if self.nodelist:
            nodename, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy = self.nodelist[0]
            self.topnode = nodename

        print>>outfile,  '<UL>'
        for node in self.nodelist:
        print>>outfile,  '</UL>'

    def dumpnode(self, node, indent=0, outfile=sys.stdout):
        if node:
            # Retrieve info for this node
            (nodename,next,prev,up,filename) = node
            self.current = nodename

            # Have we been dumped already?
            if self.dumped.has_key(nodename):
            self.dumped[nodename] = 1

            # Print info for this node
            print>>outfile, ' '*indent,
            print>>outfile, '<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap">',
            print>>outfile, '<param name="Name" value="' + nodename +'">',
            print>>outfile, '<param name="Local" value="'+ filename +'">',
            print>>outfile, '</OBJECT>'

            # Does this node have menu items?
                menu = self.menudict[nodename]
            except KeyError:

    def dumpmenu(self, menu, indent=0, outfile=sys.stdout):
        if menu:
            currentnode = self.current
            if currentnode != self.topnode:    # XXX this is a hack
                print>>outfile, ' '*indent + '<UL>'
                indent += 2
            for item in menu:
                menunode = self.getnode(item)
            if currentnode != self.topnode:    # XXX this is a hack
                print>>outfile, ' '*indent + '</UL>'
                indent -= 2

    def getnode(self, nodename):
            index = self.nodeindex[nodename]
            return self.nodelist[index]
        except KeyError:
            return None
        except IndexError:
            return None

    # (args,nodename) == (key,location)
    def dumpindex(self, outfile=sys.stdout):
        print>>outfile,  '<UL>'
        for (key,location) in self.indexlist:
            key = self.codeexpand(key)
            location = makefile(location)
            location = self.dirname + '/' + location
            print>>outfile, '<LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap">',
            print>>outfile, '<param name="Name" value="' + key + '">',
            print>>outfile, '<param name="Local" value="' + location + '">',
            print>>outfile, '</OBJECT>'
        print>>outfile,  '</UL>'

    def codeexpand(self, line):
        co = self.codeprog.match(line)
        if not co:
            return line
        bgn, end = co.span(0)
        a, b = co.span(1)
        line = line[:bgn] + line[a:b] + line[end:]
        return line

# Put @var{} around alphabetic substrings
def makevar(str):
    return '@var{'+str+'}'

# Split a string in "words" according to findwordend
def splitwords(str, minlength):
    words = []
    i = 0
    n = len(str)
    while i < n:
        while i < n and str[i] in ' \t\n': i = i+1
        if i >= n: break
        start = i
        i = findwordend(str, i, n)
    while len(words) < minlength: words.append('')
    return words

# Find the end of a "word", matching braces and interpreting @@ @{ @}
fwprog = re.compile('[@{} ]')
def findwordend(str, i, n):
    level = 0
    while i < n:
        mo = fwprog.search(str, i)
        if not mo:
        i = mo.start()
        c = str[i]; i = i+1
        if c == '@': i = i+1 # Next character is not special
        elif c == '{': level = level+1
        elif c == '}': level = level-1
        elif c == ' ' and level <= 0: return i-1
    return n

# Convert a node name into a file name
def makefile(nodename):
    nodename = nodename.strip()
    return fixfunnychars(nodename) + '.html'

# Characters that are perfectly safe in filenames and hyperlinks
goodchars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!@-=+.'

# Replace characters that aren't perfectly safe by dashes
# Underscores are bad since Cern HTTPD treats them as delimiters for
# encoding times, so you get mismatches if you compress your files:
# a.html.gz will map to a_b.html.gz
def fixfunnychars(addr):
    i = 0
    while i < len(addr):
        c = addr[i]
        if c not in goodchars:
            c = '-'
            addr = addr[:i] + c + addr[i+1:]
        i = i + len(c)
    return addr

# Increment a string used as an enumeration
def increment(s):
    if not s:
        return '1'
    for sequence in string.digits, string.lowercase, string.uppercase:
        lastc = s[-1]
        if lastc in sequence:
            i = sequence.index(lastc) + 1
            if i >= len(sequence):
                if len(s) == 1:
                    s = sequence[0]*2
                    if s == '00':
                        s = '10'
                    s = increment(s[:-1]) + sequence[0]
                s = s[:-1] + sequence[i]
            return s
    return s # Don't increment

def test():
    import sys
    debugging = 0
    print_headers = 0
    cont = 0
    html3 = 0
    htmlhelp = ''

    while sys.argv[1] == ['-d']:
        debugging = debugging + 1
        del sys.argv[1]
    if sys.argv[1] == '-p':
        print_headers = 1
        del sys.argv[1]
    if sys.argv[1] == '-c':
        cont = 1
        del sys.argv[1]
    if sys.argv[1] == '-3':
        html3 = 1
        del sys.argv[1]
    if sys.argv[1] == '-H':
        helpbase = sys.argv[2]
        del sys.argv[1:3]
    if len(sys.argv) <> 3:
        print 'usage: texi2hh [-d [-d]] [-p] [-c] [-3] [-H htmlhelp]', \
              'inputfile outputdirectory'

    if html3:
        parser = TexinfoParserHTML3()
        parser = TexinfoParser()
    parser.cont = cont
    parser.debugging = debugging
    parser.print_headers = print_headers

    file = sys.argv[1]
    dirname  = sys.argv[2]

    htmlhelp = HTMLHelp(helpbase, dirname)

        fp = open(file, 'r')
    except IOError, msg:
        print file, ':', msg



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.logmerge.pyo.40009 File 4.96 KB 0644
.mailerdaemon.pyo.40009 File 7.19 KB 0644
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analyze_dxp.py File 4.11 KB 0755
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analyze_dxp.pyo File 4.64 KB 0644
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dutree.pyo File 2.18 KB 0644
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eptags.pyo File 1.83 KB 0644
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untabify.pyo File 1.55 KB 0644
which.py File 1.59 KB 0755
which.pyc File 1.59 KB 0644
which.pyo File 1.59 KB 0644
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win_add2path.pyo File 2.02 KB 0644
xxci.py File 2.73 KB 0755
xxci.pyc File 3.93 KB 0644
xxci.pyo File 3.93 KB 0644