[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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Implements the Distutils 'bdist_rpm' command (create RPM source and binary

__revision__ = "$Id$"

import sys
import os
import string

from distutils.core import Command
from distutils.debug import DEBUG
from distutils.file_util import write_file
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version
from distutils.errors import (DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsPlatformError,
                              DistutilsFileError, DistutilsExecError)
from distutils import log

class bdist_rpm (Command):

    description = "create an RPM distribution"

    user_options = [
        ('bdist-base=', None,
         "base directory for creating built distributions"),
        ('rpm-base=', None,
         "base directory for creating RPMs (defaults to \"rpm\" under "
         "--bdist-base; must be specified for RPM 2)"),
        ('dist-dir=', 'd',
         "directory to put final RPM files in "
         "(and .spec files if --spec-only)"),
        ('python=', None,
         "path to Python interpreter to hard-code in the .spec file "
         "(default: \"python\")"),
        ('fix-python', None,
         "hard-code the exact path to the current Python interpreter in "
         "the .spec file"),
        ('spec-only', None,
         "only regenerate spec file"),
        ('source-only', None,
         "only generate source RPM"),
        ('binary-only', None,
         "only generate binary RPM"),
        ('use-bzip2', None,
         "use bzip2 instead of gzip to create source distribution"),

        # More meta-data: too RPM-specific to put in the setup script,
        # but needs to go in the .spec file -- so we make these options
        # to "bdist_rpm".  The idea is that packagers would put this
        # info in setup.cfg, although they are of course free to
        # supply it on the command line.
        ('distribution-name=', None,
         "name of the (Linux) distribution to which this "
         "RPM applies (*not* the name of the module distribution!)"),
        ('group=', None,
         "package classification [default: \"Development/Libraries\"]"),
        ('release=', None,
         "RPM release number"),
        ('serial=', None,
         "RPM serial number"),
        ('vendor=', None,
         "RPM \"vendor\" (eg. \"Joe Blow <joe@example.com>\") "
         "[default: maintainer or author from setup script]"),
        ('packager=', None,
         "RPM packager (eg. \"Jane Doe <jane@example.net>\")"
         "[default: vendor]"),
        ('doc-files=', None,
         "list of documentation files (space or comma-separated)"),
        ('changelog=', None,
         "RPM changelog"),
        ('icon=', None,
         "name of icon file"),
        ('provides=', None,
         "capabilities provided by this package"),
        ('requires=', None,
         "capabilities required by this package"),
        ('conflicts=', None,
         "capabilities which conflict with this package"),
        ('build-requires=', None,
         "capabilities required to build this package"),
        ('obsoletes=', None,
         "capabilities made obsolete by this package"),
        ('no-autoreq', None,
         "do not automatically calculate dependencies"),

        # Actions to take when building RPM
        ('keep-temp', 'k',
         "don't clean up RPM build directory"),
        ('no-keep-temp', None,
         "clean up RPM build directory [default]"),
        ('use-rpm-opt-flags', None,
         "compile with RPM_OPT_FLAGS when building from source RPM"),
        ('no-rpm-opt-flags', None,
         "do not pass any RPM CFLAGS to compiler"),
        ('rpm3-mode', None,
         "RPM 3 compatibility mode (default)"),
        ('rpm2-mode', None,
         "RPM 2 compatibility mode"),

        # Add the hooks necessary for specifying custom scripts
        ('prep-script=', None,
         "Specify a script for the PREP phase of RPM building"),
        ('build-script=', None,
         "Specify a script for the BUILD phase of RPM building"),

        ('pre-install=', None,
         "Specify a script for the pre-INSTALL phase of RPM building"),
        ('install-script=', None,
         "Specify a script for the INSTALL phase of RPM building"),
        ('post-install=', None,
         "Specify a script for the post-INSTALL phase of RPM building"),

        ('pre-uninstall=', None,
         "Specify a script for the pre-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building"),
        ('post-uninstall=', None,
         "Specify a script for the post-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building"),

        ('clean-script=', None,
         "Specify a script for the CLEAN phase of RPM building"),

        ('verify-script=', None,
         "Specify a script for the VERIFY phase of the RPM build"),

        # Allow a packager to explicitly force an architecture
        ('force-arch=', None,
         "Force an architecture onto the RPM build process"),

        ('quiet', 'q',
         "Run the INSTALL phase of RPM building in quiet mode"),

    boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'use-rpm-opt-flags', 'rpm3-mode',
                       'no-autoreq', 'quiet']

    negative_opt = {'no-keep-temp': 'keep-temp',
                    'no-rpm-opt-flags': 'use-rpm-opt-flags',
                    'rpm2-mode': 'rpm3-mode'}

    def initialize_options (self):
        self.bdist_base = None
        self.rpm_base = None
        self.dist_dir = None
        self.python = None
        self.fix_python = None
        self.spec_only = None
        self.binary_only = None
        self.source_only = None
        self.use_bzip2 = None

        self.distribution_name = None
        self.group = None
        self.release = None
        self.serial = None
        self.vendor = None
        self.packager = None
        self.doc_files = None
        self.changelog = None
        self.icon = None

        self.prep_script = None
        self.build_script = None
        self.install_script = None
        self.clean_script = None
        self.verify_script = None
        self.pre_install = None
        self.post_install = None
        self.pre_uninstall = None
        self.post_uninstall = None
        self.prep = None
        self.provides = None
        self.requires = None
        self.conflicts = None
        self.build_requires = None
        self.obsoletes = None

        self.keep_temp = 0
        self.use_rpm_opt_flags = 1
        self.rpm3_mode = 1
        self.no_autoreq = 0

        self.force_arch = None
        self.quiet = 0

    # initialize_options()

    def finalize_options (self):
        self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('bdist_base', 'bdist_base'))
        if self.rpm_base is None:
            if not self.rpm3_mode:
                raise DistutilsOptionError, \
                      "you must specify --rpm-base in RPM 2 mode"
            self.rpm_base = os.path.join(self.bdist_base, "rpm")

        if self.python is None:
            if self.fix_python:
                self.python = sys.executable
                self.python = "python"
        elif self.fix_python:
            raise DistutilsOptionError, \
                  "--python and --fix-python are mutually exclusive options"

        if os.name != 'posix':
            raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
                  ("don't know how to create RPM "
                   "distributions on platform %s" % os.name)
        if self.binary_only and self.source_only:
            raise DistutilsOptionError, \
                  "cannot supply both '--source-only' and '--binary-only'"

        # don't pass CFLAGS to pure python distributions
        if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
            self.use_rpm_opt_flags = 0

        self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'))

    # finalize_options()

    def finalize_package_data (self):
        self.ensure_string('group', "Development/Libraries")
                           "%s <%s>" % (self.distribution.get_contact(),
        if isinstance(self.doc_files, list):
            for readme in ('README', 'README.txt'):
                if os.path.exists(readme) and readme not in self.doc_files:

        self.ensure_string('release', "1")
        self.ensure_string('serial')   # should it be an int?


          # Format changelog correctly
        self.changelog = self._format_changelog(self.changelog)



        # XXX don't forget we punted on summaries and descriptions -- they
        # should be handled here eventually!

        # Now *this* is some meta-data that belongs in the setup script...

    # finalize_package_data ()

    def run (self):

        if DEBUG:
            print "before _get_package_data():"
            print "vendor =", self.vendor
            print "packager =", self.packager
            print "doc_files =", self.doc_files
            print "changelog =", self.changelog

        # make directories
        if self.spec_only:
            spec_dir = self.dist_dir
            rpm_dir = {}
            for d in ('SOURCES', 'SPECS', 'BUILD', 'RPMS', 'SRPMS'):
                rpm_dir[d] = os.path.join(self.rpm_base, d)
            spec_dir = rpm_dir['SPECS']

        # Spec file goes into 'dist_dir' if '--spec-only specified',
        # build/rpm.<plat> otherwise.
        spec_path = os.path.join(spec_dir,
                                 "%s.spec" % self.distribution.get_name())
                     "writing '%s'" % spec_path)

        if self.spec_only: # stop if requested

        # Make a source distribution and copy to SOURCES directory with
        # optional icon.
        saved_dist_files = self.distribution.dist_files[:]
        sdist = self.reinitialize_command('sdist')
        if self.use_bzip2:
            sdist.formats = ['bztar']
            sdist.formats = ['gztar']
        self.distribution.dist_files = saved_dist_files

        source = sdist.get_archive_files()[0]
        source_dir = rpm_dir['SOURCES']
        self.copy_file(source, source_dir)

        if self.icon:
            if os.path.exists(self.icon):
                self.copy_file(self.icon, source_dir)
                raise DistutilsFileError, \
                      "icon file '%s' does not exist" % self.icon

        # build package
        log.info("building RPMs")
        rpm_cmd = ['rpm']
        if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/rpmbuild') or \
            rpm_cmd = ['rpmbuild']

        if self.source_only: # what kind of RPMs?
        elif self.binary_only:
        if self.rpm3_mode:
                             '_topdir %s' % os.path.abspath(self.rpm_base)])
        if not self.keep_temp:

        if self.quiet:

        # Determine the binary rpm names that should be built out of this spec
        # file
        # Note that some of these may not be really built (if the file
        # list is empty)
        nvr_string = "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}"
        src_rpm = nvr_string + ".src.rpm"
        non_src_rpm = "%{arch}/" + nvr_string + ".%{arch}.rpm"
        q_cmd = r"rpm -q --qf '%s %s\n' --specfile '%s'" % (
            src_rpm, non_src_rpm, spec_path)

        out = os.popen(q_cmd)
            binary_rpms = []
            source_rpm = None
            while 1:
                line = out.readline()
                if not line:
                l = string.split(string.strip(line))
                assert(len(l) == 2)
                # The source rpm is named after the first entry in the spec file
                if source_rpm is None:
                    source_rpm = l[0]

            status = out.close()
            if status:
                raise DistutilsExecError("Failed to execute: %s" % repr(q_cmd))



        if not self.dry_run:
            if self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
                pyversion = get_python_version()
                pyversion = 'any'

            if not self.binary_only:
                srpm = os.path.join(rpm_dir['SRPMS'], source_rpm)
                self.move_file(srpm, self.dist_dir)
                filename = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, source_rpm)
                    ('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename))

            if not self.source_only:
                for rpm in binary_rpms:
                    rpm = os.path.join(rpm_dir['RPMS'], rpm)
                    if os.path.exists(rpm):
                        self.move_file(rpm, self.dist_dir)
                        filename = os.path.join(self.dist_dir,
                            ('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename))
    # run()

    def _dist_path(self, path):
        return os.path.join(self.dist_dir, os.path.basename(path))

    def _make_spec_file(self):
        """Generate the text of an RPM spec file and return it as a
        list of strings (one per line).
        # definitions and headers
        spec_file = [
            '%define name ' + self.distribution.get_name(),
            '%define version ' + self.distribution.get_version().replace('-','_'),
            '%define unmangled_version ' + self.distribution.get_version(),
            '%define release ' + self.release.replace('-','_'),
            'Summary: ' + self.distribution.get_description(),

        # put locale summaries into spec file
        # XXX not supported for now (hard to put a dictionary
        # in a config file -- arg!)
        #for locale in self.summaries.keys():
        #    spec_file.append('Summary(%s): %s' % (locale,
        #                                          self.summaries[locale]))

            'Name: %{name}',
            'Version: %{version}',
            'Release: %{release}',])

        # XXX yuck! this filename is available from the "sdist" command,
        # but only after it has run: and we create the spec file before
        # running "sdist", in case of --spec-only.
        if self.use_bzip2:
            spec_file.append('Source0: %{name}-%{unmangled_version}.tar.bz2')
            spec_file.append('Source0: %{name}-%{unmangled_version}.tar.gz')

            'License: ' + self.distribution.get_license(),
            'Group: ' + self.group,
            'BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot',
            'Prefix: %{_prefix}', ])

        if not self.force_arch:
            # noarch if no extension modules
            if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules():
                spec_file.append('BuildArch: noarch')
            spec_file.append( 'BuildArch: %s' % self.force_arch )

        for field in ('Vendor',
            val = getattr(self, string.lower(field))
            if isinstance(val, list):
                spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, string.join(val)))
            elif val is not None:
                spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, val))

        if self.distribution.get_url() != 'UNKNOWN':
            spec_file.append('Url: ' + self.distribution.get_url())

        if self.distribution_name:
            spec_file.append('Distribution: ' + self.distribution_name)

        if self.build_requires:
            spec_file.append('BuildRequires: ' +

        if self.icon:
            spec_file.append('Icon: ' + os.path.basename(self.icon))

        if self.no_autoreq:
            spec_file.append('AutoReq: 0')


        # put locale descriptions into spec file
        # XXX again, suppressed because config file syntax doesn't
        # easily support this ;-(
        #for locale in self.descriptions.keys():
        #    spec_file.extend([
        #        '',
        #        '%description -l ' + locale,
        #        self.descriptions[locale],
        #        ])

        # rpm scripts
        # figure out default build script
        def_setup_call = "%s %s" % (self.python,os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
        def_build = "%s build" % def_setup_call
        if self.use_rpm_opt_flags:
            def_build = 'env CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ' + def_build

        # insert contents of files

        # XXX this is kind of misleading: user-supplied options are files
        # that we open and interpolate into the spec file, but the defaults
        # are just text that we drop in as-is.  Hmmm.

        install_cmd = ('%s install -O1 --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT '
                       '--record=INSTALLED_FILES') % def_setup_call

        script_options = [
            ('prep', 'prep_script', "%setup -n %{name}-%{unmangled_version}"),
            ('build', 'build_script', def_build),
            ('install', 'install_script', install_cmd),
            ('clean', 'clean_script', "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT"),
            ('verifyscript', 'verify_script', None),
            ('pre', 'pre_install', None),
            ('post', 'post_install', None),
            ('preun', 'pre_uninstall', None),
            ('postun', 'post_uninstall', None),

        for (rpm_opt, attr, default) in script_options:
            # Insert contents of file referred to, if no file is referred to
            # use 'default' as contents of script
            val = getattr(self, attr)
            if val or default:
                    '%' + rpm_opt,])
                if val:
                    spec_file.extend(string.split(open(val, 'r').read(), '\n'))

        # files section
            '%files -f INSTALLED_FILES',

        if self.doc_files:
            spec_file.append('%doc ' + string.join(self.doc_files))

        if self.changelog:

        return spec_file

    # _make_spec_file ()

    def _format_changelog(self, changelog):
        """Format the changelog correctly and convert it to a list of strings
        if not changelog:
            return changelog
        new_changelog = []
        for line in string.split(string.strip(changelog), '\n'):
            line = string.strip(line)
            if line[0] == '*':
                new_changelog.extend(['', line])
            elif line[0] == '-':
                new_changelog.append('  ' + line)

        # strip trailing newline inserted by first changelog entry
        if not new_changelog[0]:
            del new_changelog[0]

        return new_changelog

    # _format_changelog()

# class bdist_rpm


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 665 B 0644
.bdist.pyo.40009 File 5.1 KB 0644
.bdist_dumb.pyo.40009 File 4.92 KB 0644
.build.pyo.40009 File 5.03 KB 0644
.build_clib.pyo.40009 File 6.28 KB 0644
.build_ext.pyo.40009 File 19.09 KB 0644
.build_scripts.pyo.40009 File 4.43 KB 0644
.check.pyo.40009 File 6.08 KB 0644
.clean.pyo.40009 File 3.1 KB 0644
.config.pyo.40009 File 12.39 KB 0644
.install.pyo.40009 File 16.5 KB 0644
.install_data.pyo.40009 File 3.09 KB 0644
.install_egg_info.pyo.40009 File 3.68 KB 0644
.install_headers.pyo.40009 File 2.24 KB 0644
.install_lib.pyo.40009 File 6.63 KB 0644
.install_scripts.pyo.40009 File 2.93 KB 0644
.register.pyo.40009 File 9.98 KB 0644
.sdist.pyo.40009 File 16.31 KB 0644
.upload.pyo.40009 File 6.13 KB 0644
__init__.py File 822 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 665 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 665 B 0644
bdist.py File 5.46 KB 0644
bdist.pyc File 5.1 KB 0644
bdist.pyo File 5.1 KB 0644
bdist_dumb.py File 5.07 KB 0644
bdist_dumb.pyc File 4.92 KB 0644
bdist_dumb.pyo File 4.92 KB 0644
bdist_msi.py File 34.37 KB 0644
bdist_msi.pyc File 23.45 KB 0644
bdist_msi.pyo File 23.35 KB 0644
bdist_rpm.py File 20.55 KB 0644
bdist_rpm.pyc File 17.32 KB 0644
bdist_rpm.pyo File 17.24 KB 0644
bdist_wininst.py File 14.65 KB 0644
bdist_wininst.pyc File 10.55 KB 0644
bdist_wininst.pyo File 10.47 KB 0644
build.py File 5.31 KB 0644
build.pyc File 5.03 KB 0644
build.pyo File 5.03 KB 0644
build_clib.py File 7.94 KB 0644
build_clib.pyc File 6.28 KB 0644
build_clib.pyo File 6.28 KB 0644
build_ext.py File 31.75 KB 0644
build_ext.py.debug-build File 31.53 KB 0644
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build_ext.pyo File 19.09 KB 0644
build_py.py File 15.92 KB 0644
build_py.pyc File 11.24 KB 0644
build_py.pyo File 11.17 KB 0644
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build_scripts.pyc File 4.43 KB 0644
build_scripts.pyo File 4.43 KB 0644
check.py File 5.43 KB 0644
check.pyc File 6.08 KB 0644
check.pyo File 6.08 KB 0644
clean.py File 2.75 KB 0644
clean.pyc File 3.1 KB 0644
clean.pyo File 3.1 KB 0644
command_template File 719 B 0644
config.py File 12.82 KB 0644
config.pyc File 12.39 KB 0644
config.pyo File 12.39 KB 0644
install.py File 25.65 KB 0644
install.pyc File 16.5 KB 0644
install.pyo File 16.5 KB 0644
install_data.py File 2.78 KB 0644
install_data.pyc File 3.09 KB 0644
install_data.pyo File 3.09 KB 0644
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register.pyc File 9.98 KB 0644
register.pyo File 9.98 KB 0644
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sdist.pyc File 16.31 KB 0644
sdist.pyo File 16.31 KB 0644
upload.py File 6.84 KB 0644
upload.pyc File 6.13 KB 0644
upload.pyo File 6.13 KB 0644
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wininst-7.1.exe File 64 KB 0644
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wininst-9.0.exe File 191.5 KB 0644