[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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Provides the Extension class, used to describe C/C++ extension
modules in setup scripts.s$Id$i����N(t*t	ExtensioncBs>eZdZdddddddddddddd�
ZRS(s4Just a collection of attributes that describes an extension
    module and everything needed to build it (hopefully in a portable
    way, but there are hooks that let you be as unportable as you need).

    Instance attributes:
      name : string
        the full name of the extension, including any packages -- ie.
        *not* a filename or pathname, but Python dotted name
      sources : [string]
        list of source filenames, relative to the distribution root
        (where the setup script lives), in Unix form (slash-separated)
        for portability.  Source files may be C, C++, SWIG (.i),
        platform-specific resource files, or whatever else is recognized
        by the "build_ext" command as source for a Python extension.
      include_dirs : [string]
        list of directories to search for C/C++ header files (in Unix
        form for portability)
      define_macros : [(name : string, value : string|None)]
        list of macros to define; each macro is defined using a 2-tuple,
        where 'value' is either the string to define it to or None to
        define it without a particular value (equivalent of "#define
        FOO" in source or -DFOO on Unix C compiler command line)
      undef_macros : [string]
        list of macros to undefine explicitly
      library_dirs : [string]
        list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at link time
      libraries : [string]
        list of library names (not filenames or paths) to link against
      runtime_library_dirs : [string]
        list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at run time
        (for shared extensions, this is when the extension is loaded)
      extra_objects : [string]
        list of extra files to link with (eg. object files not implied
        by 'sources', static library that must be explicitly specified,
        binary resource files, etc.)
      extra_compile_args : [string]
        any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use
        when compiling the source files in 'sources'.  For platforms and
        compilers where "command line" makes sense, this is typically a
        list of command-line arguments, but for other platforms it could
        be anything.
      extra_link_args : [string]
        any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use
        when linking object files together to create the extension (or
        to create a new static Python interpreter).  Similar
        interpretation as for 'extra_compile_args'.
      export_symbols : [string]
        list of symbols to be exported from a shared extension.  Not
        used on all platforms, and not generally necessary for Python
        extensions, which typically export exactly one symbol: "init" +
      swig_opts : [string]
        any extra options to pass to SWIG if a source file has the .i
      depends : [string]
        list of files that the extension depends on
      language : string
        extension language (i.e. "c", "c++", "objc"). Will be detected
        from the source extensions if not provided.
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
command Folder 0755
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.dir_util.pyo.40009 File 6.72 KB 0644
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