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���o>�M Vfv��������&6FVfv��������&6FVfv��������&6FVfv�This module supports asynchronous I/O on multiple file descriptors.

On Windows and OpenVMS, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file descriptors.select(rlist, wlist, xlist[, timeout]) -> (rlist, wlist, xlist)

Wait until one or more file descriptors are ready for some kind of I/O.
The first three arguments are sequences of file descriptors to be waited for:
rlist -- wait until ready for reading
wlist -- wait until ready for writing
xlist -- wait for an ``exceptional condition''
If only one kind of condition is required, pass [] for the other lists.
A file descriptor is either a socket or file object, or a small integer
gotten from a fileno() method call on one of those.

The optional 4th argument specifies a timeout in seconds; it may be
a floating point number to specify fractions of seconds.  If it is absent
or None, the call will never time out.

The return value is a tuple of three lists corresponding to the first three
arguments; each contains the subset of the corresponding file descriptors
that are ready.

On Windows and OpenVMS, only sockets are supported; on Unix, all file
descriptors can be used.select.epoll([sizehint=-1])

Returns an epolling object

sizehint must be a positive integer or -1 for the default size. The
sizehint is used to optimize internal data structures. It doesn't limit
the maximum number of monitored events.poll([timeout=-1[, maxevents=-1]]) -> [(fd, events), (...)]

Wait for events on the epoll file descriptor for a maximum time of timeout
in seconds (as float). -1 makes poll wait indefinitely.
Up to maxevents are returned to the caller.unregister(fd) -> None

fd is the target file descriptor of the operation.modify(fd, eventmask) -> None

fd is the target file descriptor of the operation
events is a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constantsregister(fd[, eventmask]) -> None

Registers a new fd or raises an IOError if the fd is already registered.
fd is the target file descriptor of the operation.
events is a bit set composed of the various EPOLL constants; the default

The epoll interface supports all file descriptors that support poll.fromfd(fd) -> epoll

Create an epoll object from a given control fd.fileno() -> int

Return the epoll control file descriptor.close() -> None

Close the epoll control file descriptor. Further operations on the epoll
object will raise an exception.Returns a polling object, which supports registering and
unregistering file descriptors, and then polling them for I/O events.poll( [timeout] ) -> list of (fd, event) 2-tuples

Polls the set of registered file descriptors, returning a list containing 
any descriptors that have events or errors to report.unregister(fd) -> None

Remove a file descriptor being tracked by the polling object.modify(fd, eventmask) -> None

Modify an already registered file descriptor.
fd -- either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an
events -- an optional bitmask describing the type of events to check forregister(fd [, eventmask] ) -> None

Register a file descriptor with the polling object.
fd -- either an integer, or an object with a fileno() method returning an
events -- an optional bitmask describing the type of events to check for9�99�99�9:
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