[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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j�Zej�eded�j�Zejde�ejde�ej�ndS(s0.9i����NtnormaltromantboldtitaliccCstd|dt�S(sFGiven the name of a tk named font, returns a Font representation.
nametofontsRcBs�eZdZd�Zd�Zd�Zddded�Zd�Z	d�Z
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�ZeZd�Zd�ZRS(s�Represents a named font.

    Constructor options are:

    font -- font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple)
    name -- name to use for this font configuration (defaults to a unique name)
    exists -- does a named font by this name already exist?
       Creates a new named font if False, points to the existing font if True.
       Raises _Tkinter.TclError if the assertion is false.

       the following are ignored if font is specified:

    family -- font 'family', e.g. Courier, Times, Helvetica
    size -- font size in points
    weight -- font thickness: NORMAL, BOLD
    slant -- font slant: ROMAN, ITALIC
    underline -- font underlining: false (0), true (1)
    overstrike -- font strikeout: false (0), true (1)

Wt|�S(NR	(RR
cCsGi}x:tdt|�d�D] }||d|||d<qW|S(Niii(trangetlen(RRRti((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt_mkdict<scKs7|stj}n|r?|jj|jjdd|��}n|j|�}|smdtt|��}n||_|r�t	|_
|j|jjdd�kr�tjjd|jf�n|r|jjdd|j|�qn%|jjdd|j|�t
||_|jj|_|jj|_dS(Ntfonttactualtnamess$named font %s does not already existt	configuretcreate(tTkintert
_default_rootttkt	splitlisttcallRRtidRtFalsetdelete_fontt_tkintertTclErrorRt_roott_splitt_call(RtrootRRRR((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt__init__Bs&'		"		cCs|jS(N(R(R((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt__str___scCs|j|jkot|t�S(N(Rt
SystemExitt	Exception(R((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt__del__ks	
cCst|j|j��S(s*Return a distinct copy of the current font(RR)R(R((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pytcopytscCsO|r#|jdd|jd|�S|j|j|jdd|j���SdS(sReturn actual font attributesRRR	N(R+RRR*(Rtoption((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyRxscCs|jdd|jd|�S(sGet font attributeRtconfigR	(R+R(RR=((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR2�scKsW|r+|jdd|j|j|��n(|j|j|jdd|j���SdS(sModify font attributesRR>N(R+RRRR*(RR((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR>�s
cCst|jdd|j|��S(sReturn text widthRtmeasure(tintR+R(Rttext((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR?�scGs�|r.t|jdd|j|j|���S|j|jdd|j��}i}x@tdt|�d�D]&}t||d�|||d<qnW|SdS(s}Return font metrics.

        For best performance, create a dummy widget
        using this font before calling this method.RtmetricsiiiN(R@R+RRR*RR(RRtresR((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyRB�s%!$N(t__name__t
	cCs1|stj}n|jj|jjdd��S(sGet font families (as a tuple)Rtfamilies(RR R!R"R#(R,((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyRH�scCs1|stj}n|jj|jjdd��S(s'Get names of defined fonts (as a tuple)RR(RR R!R"R#(R,((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyR�st__main__tfamilyttimestsizeitweightthellot	linespaceRtCourieriRAsHello, worldsQuit!tcommand((RPiR(t__version__RtNORMALtROMANtBOLDtITALICRRRGRHRRDtTkR,tfRR>R2R?RBtLabeltwtpacktButtontdestroyR<tfbtmainloop(((s%/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/tkFont.pyt<module>	s>	�	


Name Type Size Permission Actions
test Folder 0755
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