[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
"""Color chooser implementing (almost) the tkColorColor interface

import os
import Main
import ColorDB

class Chooser:
    """Ask for a color"""
    def __init__(self,
                 master = None,
                 databasefile = None,
                 initfile = None,
                 ignore = None,
                 wantspec = None):
        self.__master = master
        self.__databasefile = databasefile
        self.__initfile = initfile or os.path.expanduser('~/.pynche')
        self.__ignore = ignore
        self.__pw = None
        self.__wantspec = wantspec

    def show(self, color, options):
        # scan for options that can override the ctor options
        self.__wantspec = options.get('wantspec', self.__wantspec)
        dbfile = options.get('databasefile', self.__databasefile)
        # load the database file
        colordb = None
        if dbfile <> self.__databasefile:
            colordb = ColorDB.get_colordb(dbfile)
        if not self.__master:
            from Tkinter import Tk
            self.__master = Tk()
        if not self.__pw:
            self.__pw, self.__sb = \
                       Main.build(master = self.__master,
                                  initfile = self.__initfile,
                                  ignore = self.__ignore)
        # convert color
        if colordb:
            colordb = self.__sb.colordb()
        if color:
            r, g, b = Main.initial_color(color, colordb)
            self.__sb.update_views(r, g, b)
        # reset the canceled flag and run it
        Main.run(self.__pw, self.__sb)
        rgbtuple = self.__sb.current_rgb()
        # check to see if the cancel button was pushed
        if self.__sb.canceled_p():
            return None, None
        # Try to return the color name from the database if there is an exact
        # match, otherwise use the "#rrggbb" spec.  BAW: Forget about color
        # aliases for now, maybe later we should return these too.
        name = None
        if not self.__wantspec:
                name = colordb.find_byrgb(rgbtuple)[0]
            except ColorDB.BadColor:
        if name is None:
            name = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb(rgbtuple)
        return rgbtuple, name

    def save(self):
        if self.__sb:

# convenience stuff
_chooser = None

def askcolor(color = None, **options):
    """Ask for a color"""
    global _chooser
    if not _chooser:
        _chooser = apply(Chooser, (), options)
    return _chooser.show(color, options)

def save():
    global _chooser
    if _chooser:

# test stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from Tkinter import *

    class Tester:
        def __init__(self):
            self.__root = tk = Tk()
            b = Button(tk, text='Choose Color...', command=self.__choose)
            self.__l = Label(tk)
            q = Button(tk, text='Quit', command=self.__quit)

        def __choose(self, event=None):
            rgb, name = askcolor(master=self.__root)
            if rgb is None:
                text = 'You hit CANCEL!'
                r, g, b = rgb
                text = 'You picked %s (%3d/%3d/%3d)' % (name, r, g, b)

        def __quit(self, event=None):

        def run(self):
    t = Tester()
    # simpler
##    print 'color:', askcolor()
##    print 'color:', askcolor()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
X Folder 0755
.ChipViewer.pyo.40009 File 5.37 KB 0644
.ColorDB.pyo.40009 File 9.46 KB 0644
.DetailsViewer.pyo.40009 File 10.32 KB 0644
.ListViewer.pyo.40009 File 7.03 KB 0644
.Main.pyo.40009 File 6.14 KB 0644
.PyncheWidget.pyo.40009 File 10.84 KB 0644
.Switchboard.pyo.40009 File 5.92 KB 0644
.TextViewer.pyo.40009 File 7.19 KB 0644
.TypeinViewer.pyo.40009 File 6.26 KB 0644
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 140 B 0644
.pyColorChooser.pyo.40009 File 4.32 KB 0644
ChipViewer.py File 4.88 KB 0644
ChipViewer.pyc File 5.37 KB 0644
ChipViewer.pyo File 5.37 KB 0644
ColorDB.py File 8.73 KB 0644
ColorDB.pyc File 9.46 KB 0644
ColorDB.pyo File 9.46 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.py File 9.88 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.pyc File 10.32 KB 0644
DetailsViewer.pyo File 10.32 KB 0644
ListViewer.py File 6.49 KB 0644
ListViewer.pyc File 7.03 KB 0644
ListViewer.pyo File 7.03 KB 0644
Main.py File 6.25 KB 0644
Main.pyc File 6.14 KB 0644
Main.pyo File 6.14 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.py File 10.25 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.pyc File 10.84 KB 0644
PyncheWidget.pyo File 10.84 KB 0644
README File 15.41 KB 0644
StripViewer.py File 15.1 KB 0644
StripViewer.pyc File 13.54 KB 0644
StripViewer.pyo File 13.4 KB 0644
Switchboard.py File 4.7 KB 0644
Switchboard.pyc File 5.92 KB 0644
Switchboard.pyo File 5.92 KB 0644
TextViewer.py File 6.71 KB 0644
TextViewer.pyc File 7.19 KB 0644
TextViewer.pyo File 7.19 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.py File 5.96 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.pyc File 6.26 KB 0644
TypeinViewer.pyo File 6.26 KB 0644
__init__.py File 47 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 140 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 140 B 0644
html40colors.txt File 245 B 0644
namedcolors.txt File 5.58 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.py File 3.68 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.pyc File 4.32 KB 0644
pyColorChooser.pyo File 4.32 KB 0644
pynche File 179 B 0755
webcolors.txt File 3.02 KB 0644
websafe.txt File 1.71 KB 0644