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hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /usr/bin/python -Es
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# setrans is a tool for analyzing process transistions in SELinux policy
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
#    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
#                                        02111-1307  USA
import sepolicy
search = sepolicy.search
info = sepolicy.info
__all__ = ['setrans', ]

def _entrypoint(src):
    trans = search([sepolicy.ALLOW], {sepolicy.SOURCE: src})
    return map(lambda y: y[sepolicy.TARGET], filter(lambda x: "entrypoint" in x[sepolicy.PERMS], trans))

def _get_trans(src):
    return search([sepolicy.TRANSITION], {sepolicy.SOURCE: src, sepolicy.CLASS: "process"})

class setrans:

    def __init__(self, source, dest=None):
        self.seen = []
        self.sdict = {}
        self.source = source
        self.dest = dest

    def _process(self, source):
        if source in self.sdict:
            return self.sdict[source]
        self.sdict[source] = {}
        trans = _get_trans(source)
        if not trans:
        self.sdict[source]["name"] = source
        if not self.dest:
            self.sdict[source]["map"] = trans
            self.sdict[source]["map"] = map(lambda y: y, filter(lambda x: x["transtype"] == self.dest, trans))
            self.sdict[source]["child"] = map(lambda y: y["transtype"], filter(lambda x: x["transtype"] not in [self.dest, source], trans))
            for s in self.sdict[source]["child"]:

    def out(self, name, header=""):
        buf = ""
        if name in self.seen:
            return buf

        if "map" in self.sdict[name]:
            for t in self.sdict[name]["map"]:
                cond = sepolicy.get_conditionals(t["source"], t["transtype"], "process", ["transition"])
                if cond:
                    buf += "%s%s @ %s --> %s %s\n" % (header, t["source"], t["target"], t["transtype"], sepolicy.get_conditionals_format_text(cond))
                    buf += "%s%s @ %s --> %s\n" % (header, t["source"], t["target"], t["transtype"])

        if "child" in self.sdict[name]:
            for x in self.sdict[name]["child"]:
                buf += self.out(x, "%s%s ... " % (header, name))
        return buf

    def output(self):
        self.seen = []


Name Type Size Permission Actions
templates Folder 0755
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 33.24 KB 0644
.booleans.pyo.40009 File 1.1 KB 0644
.communicate.pyo.40009 File 1.41 KB 0644
.interface.pyo.40009 File 7.66 KB 0644
.manpage.pyo.40009 File 39.15 KB 0644
.network.pyo.40009 File 1.91 KB 0644
.sedbus.pyo.40009 File 2.87 KB 0644
.transition.pyo.40009 File 3.58 KB 0644
__init__.py File 31.65 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 33.24 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 33.24 KB 0644
booleans.py File 1.59 KB 0644
booleans.pyc File 1.1 KB 0644
booleans.pyo File 1.1 KB 0644
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manpage.pyc File 39.15 KB 0644
manpage.pyo File 39.15 KB 0644
network.py File 2.83 KB 0644
network.pyc File 1.91 KB 0644
network.pyo File 1.91 KB 0644
policy.so File 47.11 KB 0755
sedbus.py File 1.71 KB 0644
sedbus.pyc File 2.87 KB 0644
sedbus.pyo File 2.87 KB 0644
transition.py File 3.03 KB 0644
transition.pyc File 3.58 KB 0644
transition.pyo File 3.58 KB 0644