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hmhc3928@ ~ $
# Mimic the sqlite3 console shell's .dump command
# Author: Paul Kippes <kippesp@gmail.com>

# Every identifier in sql is quoted based on a comment in sqlite
# documentation "SQLite adds new keywords from time to time when it
# takes on new features. So to prevent your code from being broken by
# future enhancements, you should normally quote any identifier that
# is an English language word, even if you do not have to."

def _iterdump(connection):
    Returns an iterator to the dump of the database in an SQL text format.

    Used to produce an SQL dump of the database.  Useful to save an in-memory
    database for later restoration.  This function should not be called
    directly but instead called from the Connection method, iterdump().

    cu = connection.cursor()

    # sqlite_master table contains the SQL CREATE statements for the database.
    q = """
        SELECT "name", "type", "sql"
        FROM "sqlite_master"
            WHERE "sql" NOT NULL AND
            "type" == 'table'
            ORDER BY "name"
    schema_res = cu.execute(q)
    for table_name, type, sql in schema_res.fetchall():
        if table_name == 'sqlite_sequence':
            yield('DELETE FROM "sqlite_sequence";')
        elif table_name == 'sqlite_stat1':
            yield('ANALYZE "sqlite_master";')
        elif table_name.startswith('sqlite_'):
        # NOTE: Virtual table support not implemented
        #elif sql.startswith('CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE'):
        #    qtable = table_name.replace("'", "''")
        #    yield("INSERT INTO sqlite_master(type,name,tbl_name,rootpage,sql)"\
        #        "VALUES('table','{0}','{0}',0,'{1}');".format(
        #        qtable,
        #        sql.replace("''")))
            yield('%s;' % sql)

        # Build the insert statement for each row of the current table
        table_name_ident = table_name.replace('"', '""')
        res = cu.execute('PRAGMA table_info("{0}")'.format(table_name_ident))
        column_names = [str(table_info[1]) for table_info in res.fetchall()]
        q = """SELECT 'INSERT INTO "{0}" VALUES({1})' FROM "{0}";""".format(
            ",".join("""'||quote("{0}")||'""".format(col.replace('"', '""')) for col in column_names))
        query_res = cu.execute(q)
        for row in query_res:
            yield("%s;" % row[0])

    # Now when the type is 'index', 'trigger', or 'view'
    q = """
        SELECT "name", "type", "sql"
        FROM "sqlite_master"
            WHERE "sql" NOT NULL AND
            "type" IN ('index', 'trigger', 'view')
    schema_res = cu.execute(q)
    for name, type, sql in schema_res.fetchall():
        yield('%s;' % sql)



Name Type Size Permission Actions
.__init__.pyo.40009 File 164 B 0644
.dbapi2.pyo.40009 File 2.56 KB 0644
.dump.pyo.40009 File 2.02 KB 0644
__init__.py File 1010 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 164 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 164 B 0644
dbapi2.py File 2.55 KB 0644
dbapi2.pyc File 2.56 KB 0644
dbapi2.pyo File 2.56 KB 0644
dump.py File 2.74 KB 0644
dump.pyc File 2.02 KB 0644
dump.pyo File 2.02 KB 0644