[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# buildhelp.tcl --
# Program to extract help files from TCL manual pages or TCL script files.
# The help directories are built as a hierarchical tree of subjects and help
# files.  
# Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.  Karl Lehenbauer and
# Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# $Id: buildhelp.tcl,v 1.3 2005/03/25 19:32:48 hobbs Exp $
# For nroff man pages, the areas of text to extract are delimited with:
#     '\"@help: subjectdir/helpfile
#     '\"@endhelp
# start in column one. The text between these markers is extracted and stored
# in help/subjectdir/help.  The file must not exists, this is done to enforced 
# cleaning out the directories before help file generation is started, thus
# removing any stale files.  The extracted text is run through:
#     nroff -man|col -xb   {col -b on BSD derived systems}
# If there is other text to include in the helpfile, but not in the manual 
# page, the text, along with nroff formatting commands, may be included using:
#     '\"@:Other text to include in the help page.
# A entry in the brief file, used by apropos my be included by:
#     '\"@brief: Short, one line description
# These brief request must occur with in the bounds of a help section.
# If some header text, such as nroff macros, need to be preappended to the
# text streem before it is run through nroff, then that text can be bracketed
# with:
#     '\"@header
#     '\"@endheader
# If multiple header blocks are encountered, they will all be preappended.
# For TCL script files, which are indentified because they end in ".tcl",
# the text to be extracted is delimited by:
#    #@help: subjectdir/helpfile
#    #@endhelp
# And brief lines are in the form:
#     #@brief: Short, one line description
# The only processing done on text extracted from .tcl files it to replace
# the # in column one with a space.
# To generate help:
#   buildhelp helpDir brief.brf filelist
# o helpDir is the help tree root directory.  helpDir should  exists, but any
#   subdirectories that don't exists will be created.  helpDir should be
#   cleaned up before the start of manual page generation, as this program
#   will not overwrite existing files.
# o brief.brf  is the name of the brief file to create form the @brief entries.
#   It must have an extension of ".brf".  It will be created in helpDir.
# o filelist are the nroff manual pages, or .tcl, .tlib files to extract
#   the help files from. If the suffix is not .tcl or .tlib, a nroff manual
#   page is assumed.

#@package: TclX-buildhelp buildhelp

# Truncate a file name of a help file if the system does not support long
# file names.  If the name starts with `Tcl_', then this prefix is removed.
# If the name is then over 14 characters, it is truncated to 14 charactes
proc TruncFileName {pathName} {
    global truncFileNames

    if {!$truncFileNames} {
        return $pathName}
    set fileName [file tail $pathName]
    if {"[crange $fileName 0 3]" == "Tcl_"} {
        set fileName [crange $fileName 4 end]}
    set fileName [crange $fileName 0 13]
    return "[file dirname $pathName]/$fileName"

# Proc to ensure that all directories for the specified file path exists,
# and if they don't create them.  Don't use -path so we can set the
# permissions.

proc EnsureDirs {filePath} {
    set dirPath [file dirname $filePath]
    if [file exists $dirPath] return
    foreach dir [split $dirPath /] {
        lappend dirList $dir
        set partPath [join $dirList /]
        if [file exists $partPath] continue

        mkdir $partPath
        chmod u=rwx,go=rx $partPath

# Proc to set up scan context for use by FilterNroffManPage.
# This keeps the a two line cache of the previous two lines encountered
# and the blank lines that followed them.

proc CreateFilterNroffManPageContext {} {
    global filterNroffManPageContext

    set filterNroffManPageContext [scancontext create]

    # On finding a page header, drop the previous line (which is
    # the page footer). Also deleting the blank lines followin
    # the last line on the previous page.

    scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {@@@BUILDHELP@@@} {
        catch {unset prev2Blanks}
        catch {unset prev1Line}
        catch {unset prev1Blanks}
        set nukeBlanks {}

    # Save blank lines

    scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {$^} {
        if ![info exists nukeBlanks] {
            append prev1Blanks \n

    # Non-blank line, save it.  Output the 2nd previous line if necessary.

    scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {
        catch {unset nukeBlanks}
        if [info exists prev2Line] {
            puts $outFH $prev2Line
            unset prev2Line
        if [info exists prev2Blanks] {
            puts $outFH $prev2Blanks nonewline
            unset prev2Blanks
        if [info exists prev1Line] {
            set prev2Line $prev1Line
        set prev1Line $matchInfo(line)
        if [info exists prev1Blanks] {
            set prev2Blanks $prev1Blanks
            unset prev1Blanks

# Proc to filter a formatted manual page, removing the page headers and
# footers.  This relies on each manual page having a .TH macro in the form:
#   .TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ n

proc FilterNroffManPage {inFH outFH} {
    global filterNroffManPageContext

    if ![info exists filterNroffManPageContext] {

    scanfile $filterNroffManPageContext $inFH

    if [info exists prev2Line] {
        puts $outFH $prev2Line

# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHeader

proc CreateExtractNroffHeaderContext {} {
    global extractNroffHeaderContext

    set extractNroffHeaderContext [scancontext create]

    scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@endheader[ 	]*$} {
    scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@:} {
        append nroffHeader "[crange $matchInfo(line) 5 end]\n"
    scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {
        append nroffHeader "$matchInfo(line)\n"

# Proc to extract nroff text to use as a header to all pass to nroff when
# processing a help file.
#    manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.

proc ExtractNroffHeader {manPageFH} {
    global extractNroffHeaderContext nroffHeader

    if ![info exists extractNroffHeaderContext] {
    scanfile $extractNroffHeaderContext $manPageFH

# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHelp

proc CreateExtractNroffHelpContext {} {
    global extractNroffHelpContext

    set extractNroffHelpContext [scancontext create]

    scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@endhelp[ 	]*$} {

    scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@brief:} {
        if $foundBrief {
            error {Duplicate "@brief:" entry}
        set foundBrief 1
        puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 11 end]"

    scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@:} {
        puts $nroffFH  [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 5 end]
    scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@help:} {
        error {"@help" found within another help section"}
    scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {
        puts $nroffFH $matchInfo(line)

# Proc to extract a nroff help file when it is located in the text.
#    manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.
#    manLine - The '\"@help: line starting the data to extract.

proc ExtractNroffHelp {manPageFH manLine} {
    global helpDir nroffHeader briefHelpFH colArgs
    global extractNroffHelpContext

    if ![info exists extractNroffHelpContext] {

    set helpName [string trim [csubstr $manLine 9 end]]
    set helpFile [TruncFileName "$helpDir/$helpName"]
    if [file exists $helpFile] {
        error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
    EnsureDirs $helpFile

    set tmpFile "[file dirname $helpFile]/tmp.[id process]"

    echo "    creating help file $helpName"

    set nroffFH [open "| nroff -man | col $colArgs > $tmpFile" w]

    puts $nroffFH {.TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ 1}

    set foundBrief 0
    scanfile $extractNroffHelpContext $manPageFH

    # Close returns an error on if anything comes back on stderr, even if
    # its a warning.  Output errors and continue.

    set stat [catch {
        close $nroffFH
    } msg]
    if $stat {
        puts stderr "nroff: $msg"

    set tmpFH [open $tmpFile r]
    set helpFH [open $helpFile w]

    FilterNroffManPage $tmpFH $helpFH

    close $tmpFH
    close $helpFH

    unlink $tmpFile
    chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile

# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractScriptHelp

proc CreateExtractScriptHelpContext {} {
    global extractScriptHelpContext

    set extractScriptHelpContext [scancontext create]

    scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@endhelp[ 	]*$} {

    scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@brief:} {
        if $foundBrief {
            error {Duplicate "@brief" entry}
        set foundBrief 1
        puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 9 end]"

    scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@help:} {
        error {"@help" found within another help section"}
    scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#$} {
        puts $helpFH ""

    scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {
        if {[clength $matchInfo(line)] > 1} {
            puts $helpFH " [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 1 end]"
        } else {
            puts $helpFH $matchInfo(line)

# Proc to extract a tcl script help file when it is located in the text.
#    ScriptPageFH - The file handle of the .tcl file.
#    ScriptLine - The #@help: line starting the data to extract.

proc ExtractScriptHelp {scriptPageFH scriptLine} {
    global helpDir briefHelpFH
    global extractScriptHelpContext

    if ![info exists extractScriptHelpContext] {

    set helpName [string trim [csubstr $scriptLine 7 end]]
    set helpFile "$helpDir/$helpName"
    if {[file exists $helpFile]} {
        error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
    EnsureDirs $helpFile

    echo "    creating help file $helpName"

    set helpFH [open $helpFile w]

    set foundBrief 0
    scanfile $extractScriptHelpContext $scriptPageFH

    close $helpFH
    chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile

# Proc to scan a nroff manual file looking for the start of a help text
# sections and extracting those sections.
#    pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.

proc ProcessNroffFile {pathName} {
   global nroffScanCT scriptScanCT nroffHeader

   set fileName [file tail $pathName]

   set nroffHeader {}
   set manPageFH [open $pathName r]
   set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]

   echo "    scanning $pathName"

   scanfile $nroffScanCT $manPageFH

   close $manPageFH

# Proc to scan a Tcl script file looking for the start of a
# help text sections and extracting those sections.
#    pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.

proc ProcessTclScript {pathName} {
   global scriptScanCT nroffHeader

   set scriptFH [open "$pathName" r]
   set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]

   echo "    scanning $pathName"
   scanfile $scriptScanCT $scriptFH

   close $scriptFH

# build: main procedure.  Generates help from specified files.
#    helpDirPath - Directory were the help files go.
#    briefFile - The name of the brief file to create.
#    sourceFiles - List of files to extract help files from.

proc buildhelp {helpDirPath briefFile sourceFiles} {
    global helpDir truncFileNames nroffScanCT
    global scriptScanCT briefHelpFH colArgs

    echo ""
    echo "Begin building help tree"

    # Determine version of col command to use (no -x on BSD)
    if {[catch {exec col -bx </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null}]} {
        set colArgs {-b}
    } else {
        set colArgs {-bx}
    set helpDir $helpDirPath
    if {![file exists $helpDir]} {
        mkdir $helpDir

    if {![file isdirectory $helpDir]} {
        error "$helpDir is not a directory or does not exist.\n \
                      This should be the help root directory"

    set status [catch {set tmpFH [open $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName w]}]
    if {$status != 0} {
        set truncFileNames 1
    } else {
        close $tmpFH
        unlink $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName
        set truncFileNames 0

    set nroffScanCT [scancontext create]

    scanmatch $nroffScanCT {'\\"@help:} {
        ExtractNroffHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)

    scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@header} {
        ExtractNroffHeader $matchInfo(handle)
    scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@endhelp} {
        error [concat {@endhelp" without corresponding "@help:"} \
                 ", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]
    scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@brief} {
        error [concat {"@brief" without corresponding "@help:"} \
                 ", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]

    set scriptScanCT [scancontext create]
    scanmatch $scriptScanCT {^#@help:} {
        ExtractScriptHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)

    if {[file extension $briefFile] != ".brf"} {
        error "Brief file \"$briefFile\" must have an extension \".brf\""
    if [file exists $helpDir/$briefFile] {
        error "Brief file \"$helpDir/$briefFile\" already exists"
    set briefHelpFH [open "|sort > $helpDir/$briefFile" w]

    foreach manFile [glob $sourceFiles] {
        set ext [file extension $manFile]
        if {$ext == ".tcl" || $ext == ".tlib"} {
            set status [catch {ProcessTclScript $manFile} msg]
        } else {
            set status [catch {ProcessNroffFile $manFile} msg]
        if {$status != 0} {
            global errorInfo errorCode
            error "Error extracting help from: $manFile" $errorInfo $errorCode

    close $briefHelpFH
    chmod a-w,a+r $helpDir/$briefFile
    echo "Completed extraction of help files"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
arrayprocs.tcl File 1.6 KB 0644
autoload.tcl File 2.22 KB 0644
buildhelp.tcl File 15.61 KB 0644
compat.tcl File 9.8 KB 0644
convlib.tcl File 3.86 KB 0644
edprocs.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
events.tcl File 1.03 KB 0644
fmath.tcl File 2.19 KB 0644
forfile.tcl File 1.4 KB 0644
globrecur.tcl File 3.11 KB 0644
help.tcl File 10.36 KB 0644
libtclx8.4.so File 155.52 KB 0755
pkgIndex.tcl File 77 B 0644
profrep.tcl File 5.1 KB 0644
pushd.tcl File 1.83 KB 0644
setfuncs.tcl File 2.92 KB 0644
showproc.tcl File 1.46 KB 0644
stringfile.tcl File 1.38 KB 0644
tcllib.tcl File 4.32 KB 0644
tclx.tcl File 2.05 KB 0644