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# profrep  --
# Generate Tcl profiling reports.
# Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.  Karl Lehenbauer and
# Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# $Id: profrep.tcl,v 1.1 2001/10/24 23:31:48 hobbs Exp $

#@package: TclX-profrep profrep

namespace eval TclXProfRep {

    # Convert the profile array from entries that have only the time spent in
    # the proc to the time spend in the proc and all it calls.
    proc sum {inDataVar outDataVar} {
        upvar 1 $inDataVar inData $outDataVar outData

        foreach inStack [array names inData] {
            for {set idx 0} {![lempty [set part [lrange $inStack $idx end]]]} \
                    {incr idx} {
                if ![info exists outData($part)] {
                    set outData($part) {0 0 0}
                lassign $outData($part) count real cpu
                if {$idx == 0} {
                    incr count [lindex $inData($inStack) 0]
                incr real [lindex $inData($inStack) 1]
                incr cpu [lindex $inData($inStack) 2]
                set outData($part) [list $count $real $cpu]

    # Do sort comparison.  May only be called by sort, as it address its
    # local variables.
    proc sortcmp {key1 key2} {
        upvar profData profData keyIndex keyIndex

        set val1 [lindex $profData($key1) $keyIndex]
        set val2 [lindex $profData($key2) $keyIndex]

        if {$val1 < $val2} {
            return -1
        if {$val1 > $val2} {
            return 1
        return 0

    # Generate a list, sorted in descending order by the specified key, contain
    # the indices into the summarized data.
    proc sort {profDataVar sortKey} {
        upvar $profDataVar profData

        case $sortKey {
            {calls} {set keyIndex 0}
            {real}  {set keyIndex 1}
            {cpu}   {set keyIndex 2}
            default {
                error "Expected a sort type of: `calls', `cpu' or ` real'"

        return [lsort -integer -decreasing -command sortcmp \
                [array names profData]]

    # Print the sorted report
    proc print {profDataVar sortedProcList outFile userTitle} {
        upvar $profDataVar profData

        set maxNameLen 0
        foreach procStack [array names profData] {
            foreach procName $procStack {
                set maxNameLen [max $maxNameLen [clength $procName]]

        if {$outFile == ""} {
            set outFH stdout
        } else {
            set outFH [open $outFile w]

        # Output a header.

        set stackTitle "Procedure Call Stack"
        set maxNameLen [max [expr $maxNameLen+6] [expr [clength $stackTitle]+4]]
        set hdr [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10s %10s %10s" $stackTitle \
                        "Calls" "Real Time" "CPU Time"]
        if {$userTitle != ""} {
            puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
            puts $outFH $userTitle
        puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
        puts $outFH $hdr
        puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]

        # Output the data in sorted order.  Trim leading ::.

        foreach procStack $sortedProcList {
            set data $profData($procStack)
            set cmd [lvarpop procStack]
            regsub {^::} $cmd {} cmd
            puts $outFH [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10d %10d %10d" \
                                $cmd [lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 1] \
                                [lindex $data 2]]
            foreach procName $procStack {
                if {$procName == "<global>"} break
                regsub {^::} $procName {} procName
                puts $outFH "    $procName"
        if {$outFile != ""} {
            close $outFH

} ;# TclXProfRep

# Generate a report from data collect from the profile command.
#   o profDataVar (I) - The name of the array containing the data from profile.
#   o sortKey (I) - Value to sort by. One of "calls", "cpu" or "real".
#   o outFile (I) - Name of file to write the report to.  If omitted, stdout
#     is assumed.
#   o userTitle (I) - Title line to add to output.

proc profrep {profDataVar sortKey {outFile {}} {userTitle {}}} {
    upvar $profDataVar profData

    TclXProfRep::sum profData sumProfData
    set sortedProcList [TclXProfRep::sort sumProfData $sortKey]
    TclXProfRep::print sumProfData $sortedProcList $outFile $userTitle


Name Type Size Permission Actions
arrayprocs.tcl File 1.6 KB 0644
autoload.tcl File 2.22 KB 0644
buildhelp.tcl File 15.61 KB 0644
compat.tcl File 9.8 KB 0644
convlib.tcl File 3.86 KB 0644
edprocs.tcl File 1.95 KB 0644
events.tcl File 1.03 KB 0644
fmath.tcl File 2.19 KB 0644
forfile.tcl File 1.4 KB 0644
globrecur.tcl File 3.11 KB 0644
help.tcl File 10.36 KB 0644
libtclx8.4.so File 155.52 KB 0755
pkgIndex.tcl File 77 B 0644
profrep.tcl File 5.1 KB 0644
pushd.tcl File 1.83 KB 0644
setfuncs.tcl File 2.92 KB 0644
showproc.tcl File 1.46 KB 0644
stringfile.tcl File 1.38 KB 0644
tcllib.tcl File 4.32 KB 0644
tclx.tcl File 2.05 KB 0644