[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# Copyright (c) Cloud Linux Software, Inc
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENCE.TXT

import os
import fnmatch
import functools
import re
import shutil
import random
import time
from datetime import datetime

from . import constants
from . import config

if False:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Callable, TypeVar  # noqa: F401

    T = TypeVar('T', bound=Callable[..., Any])

VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'^(\d+[.]\d+[-]\d+)')

ntype = type('')
btype = type(b'')
utype = type(u'')

def atomic_write(fname, content, ensure_dir=False, mode='w'):
    # type: (str, Union[str, bytes], bool, str) -> None
    tmp_fname = fname + '.tmp'
    dname = os.path.dirname(tmp_fname)
    if ensure_dir and not os.path.exists(dname):
    with open(tmp_fname, mode) as f:

    # ensure folder is also updated
    # https://www.quora.com/When-should-you-fsync-the-containing-directory-in-addition-to-the-file-itself
    # https://www.reddit.com/r/kernel/comments/1du6ot8/comment/lbgu46i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
    folder_fd = os.open(dname, os.O_RDONLY)

    os.rename(tmp_fname, fname)

def nstr(data, encoding='utf-8'):  # pragma: no py2 cover
    # type: (Union[str, bytes, None], str) -> str
    if type(data) is ntype:
        return data
    elif type(data) is btype:
        return data.decode(encoding)
        return data.encode(encoding)  # type: ignore  # pragma: no py3 cover

def bstr(data, encoding='latin1'):  # pragma: no py2 cover
    # type: (Union[str, bytes], str) -> bytes
    if type(data) is utype:
        data = data.encode(encoding)
    return data  # type: ignore

def ustr(data, encoding='latin1'):  # pragma: no py2 cover
    # type: (Union[str, bytes], str) -> str
    if type(data) is btype:
        data = data.decode(encoding)
    return data  # type: ignore

def cached(fn):
    # type: (T) -> Any
    cache = {}  # type: dict[tuple[Any, ...], Any]

    def inner(*args, **kwargs):  # type: (Any, Any) -> Any
        cache_key = (args, tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())))
            return cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
        result = cache[cache_key] = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        return result

    inner.cache = cache  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    inner.clear = cache.clear  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    inner.orig = fn  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    return inner

def retry(check_retry, count=None, delay=None, backoff=None):
    # type: (Callable[[Exception, dict[str, Any]], bool], Optional[int], Optional[float], Optional[float]) -> Callable[..., Any]
    if delay is None:
        delay = constants.RETRY_DELAY
    if count is None:
        count = constants.RETRY_COUNT
    if backoff is None:
        backoff = constants.RETRY_BACKOFF

    state = {}  # type: dict[str, Any]

    def decorator(fn):  # type: (Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):  # type: (Any, Any) -> Any
            ldelay = delay
            for _ in range(count):
                    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception as ex:
                    if not check_retry(ex, state):

                # bandit warns about using random.uniform for security which is not the case here
                ldelay = min(ldelay * random.uniform(1, backoff), constants.RETRY_MAX_DELAY)  # nosec B311
            # last try
                return fn(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as final_ex:
                setattr(final_ex, 'attempts', count)

        return inner

    return decorator

def clean_directory(directory, exclude_path=None, keep_n=CACHE_ENTRIES, pattern=None):
    # type: (str, Optional[str], int, Optional[str]) -> None
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
    data = []
    items = os.listdir(directory)
    if pattern is not None:
        items = fnmatch.filter(items, pattern)
    for item in items:
        full_path = os.path.join(directory, item)
        if full_path != exclude_path:
            data.append((os.stat(full_path).st_mtime, full_path))
    for _, entry in data[keep_n:]:
        if os.path.isfile(entry) or os.path.islink(entry):

def clear_all_cache():
    # type: () -> None
    clean_directory(os.path.join(constants.PATCH_CACHE, 'modules'), keep_n=0)
    clean_directory(os.path.join(constants.PATCH_CACHE, 'patches'), keep_n=0)
    if os.path.exists(constants.CACHE_KEY_DUMP_PATH):

def save_to_file(response, dst):
    # type: (Any, str) -> None
    parent_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
    if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
    with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
        shutil.copyfileobj(response, f)

def strip_version_timestamp(version):
    # type: (str) -> str
    match = VERSION_RE.match(version)
    return match and match.group(1) or version

def parse_response_date(str_raw):
    # type: (str) -> datetime
    # Try to split it by T
    str_date, sep, _ = str_raw.partition('T')
    # No success - split by space
    if not sep:
        str_date, _, _ = str_raw.partition(' ')
    return datetime.strptime(str_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

def get_patch_server_url(*parts):
    # type: (*str) -> str
    return '/'.join(it.strip('/') for it in filter(None, (config.PATCH_SERVER,) + parts))

def try_to_read(filename):
    # type: (str) -> Optional[str]
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        return None

    with open(filename) as f:
        return f.read().strip()

def get_cache_key():
    # type: () -> Optional[str]
    return try_to_read(constants.CACHE_KEY_DUMP_PATH)

def _read_file(fname, mode, default):
    # type: (str, str, Optional[Union[str, bytes]]) -> Union[str, bytes]
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        return default  # type: ignore
    with open(fname, mode) as f:
        return f.read()  # type: ignore

def read_file(fname, default=None):
    # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str
    result = _read_file(fname, 'r', default)  # type: str  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return result

def read_file_bin(fname, default=None):
    # type: (str, Optional[bytes]) -> bytes
    result = _read_file(fname, 'rb', default)  # type: bytes  # type: ignore[assignment]
    return result

def data_as_dict(data):
    # type: (str) -> dict[str, str]
    result = {}
    data_lines = data.splitlines()  # type: list[str]
    for line in data_lines:
        if line:
            key, delimiter, value = line.partition(':')
            if delimiter:
                result[key] = value.strip()
    return result

def timestamp_str():
    # type: () -> str
    return str(int(time.time()))


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.py File 69.58 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 64.25 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 64.25 KB 0644
__main__.py File 829 B 0644
__main__.pyc File 926 B 0644
__main__.pyo File 926 B 0644
auth.py File 11.87 KB 0644
auth.pyc File 11.82 KB 0644
auth.pyo File 11.82 KB 0644
config.py File 1.71 KB 0644
config.pyc File 2.01 KB 0644
config.pyo File 2.01 KB 0644
config_handlers.py File 7.26 KB 0644
config_handlers.pyc File 8.47 KB 0644
config_handlers.pyo File 8.47 KB 0644
constants.py File 1.27 KB 0644
constants.pyc File 1.34 KB 0644
constants.pyo File 1.34 KB 0644
errors.py File 1.29 KB 0644
errors.pyc File 2.94 KB 0644
errors.pyo File 2.94 KB 0644
fetch.py File 4.88 KB 0644
fetch.pyc File 5.47 KB 0644
fetch.pyo File 5.47 KB 0644
http_utils.py File 4.06 KB 0644
http_utils.pyc File 4.16 KB 0644
http_utils.pyo File 4.16 KB 0644
kcare.py File 8.56 KB 0644
kcare.pyc File 11.09 KB 0644
kcare.pyo File 11.09 KB 0644
libcare.py File 17.24 KB 0644
libcare.pyc File 19.16 KB 0644
libcare.pyo File 19.16 KB 0644
log_utils.py File 2.82 KB 0644
log_utils.pyc File 3.75 KB 0644
log_utils.pyo File 3.75 KB 0644
platform_utils.py File 3.4 KB 0644
platform_utils.pyc File 4.56 KB 0644
platform_utils.pyo File 4.56 KB 0644
process_utils.py File 3.81 KB 0644
process_utils.pyc File 3.67 KB 0644
process_utils.pyo File 3.67 KB 0644
py23.py File 1.74 KB 0644
py23.pyc File 2.15 KB 0644
py23.pyo File 2.15 KB 0644
selinux.py File 1.68 KB 0644
selinux.pyc File 2.43 KB 0644
selinux.pyo File 2.43 KB 0644
server_info.py File 2.99 KB 0644
server_info.pyc File 3.48 KB 0644
server_info.pyo File 3.48 KB 0644
update_utils.py File 923 B 0644
update_utils.pyc File 1.18 KB 0644
update_utils.pyo File 1.18 KB 0644
utils.py File 7.07 KB 0644
utils.pyc File 7.8 KB 0644
utils.pyo File 7.8 KB 0644