[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# cpanel - scripts/cpanel_initial_install          Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::cpanel_initial_install;

use cPstrict;

use Cpanel::ChildErrorStringifier      ();
use Cpanel::Chkservd::Manage           ();
use Cpanel::Chkservd::Tiny             ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig         ();
use Cpanel::Config::ConfigObj          ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard        ();
use Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig        ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf         ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles                ();
use Cpanel::DnsUtils::Add              ();
use Cpanel::DIp::Update                ();
use Cpanel::Timezones                  ();
use Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File        ();
use Proc::FastSpawn                    ();
use Cpanel::FeatureShowcase            ();
use Cpanel::Finally                    ();
use Cpanel::Carp                       ();
use Cpanel::LoadModule                 ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile       ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Write           ();
use Cpanel::Kernel                     ();
use Cpanel::Kernel::GetDefault         ();
use Cpanel::NSCD::Log                  ();
use Cpanel::Quota::Utils               ();
use Cpanel::Pkgr                       ();
use Cpanel::Usage                      ();
use Cpanel::NAT                        ();
use Cpanel::Init::Simple               ();
use Cpanel::TimeHiRes                  ();
use Cpanel::Server::Type               ();
use Cpanel::Sys::Hostname::Modify      ();
use Cpanel::TimeHiRes                  ();
use Cwd                                ();
use File::Path                         ();
use File::Copy                         ();
use Cpanel::MariaDB                    ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Object            ();
use Cpanel::Services::Running          ();
use Cpanel::Yum::Vars                  ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::ServiceName    ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::MyCnf::Adjust  ();
use Whostmgr::Services                 ();
use Whostmgr::TweakSettings            ();
use Cpanel::ForkAsync                  ();
use Cpanel::Wait::Constants            ();
use Cpanel::ServerTasks                ();    # a sub is overridden later in code so let's load it for safety.
use Cpanel::Daemonizer::Tiny           ();
use Cpanel::Install::EA4               ();
use Cpanel::Install::Utils::Packaged   ();
use Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger     ();
use Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command    ();
use Cpanel::Install::LetsEncrypt       ();
use Cpanel::Install::MySQL             ();
use Cpanel::Install::JobRunner         ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::Enabled ();
use Cpanel::OS                         ();
use Cpanel::OSSys::Env                 ();

# These start off as 0 and once they have been deferred they will
# be set to 1
my %targets_to_defer_to_after_first_upcp = ( 'sitepublisher' => 0, 'mailman' => 0 );
my %module_by_type                       = (
    'MySQL'   => 'Cpanel::Mysql::Install',
    'MariaDB' => 'Cpanel::MariaDB::Install',

# We only use this file in the installer and we delete it when
# we are done.
my $mysql_rpm_download_complete_file = '/var/cpanel/mysql_rpm_download_completed';

my %background_pids;
my $run_tasks_in_main_process = 0;

Cpanel::Carp::enable();    #make sure fatal results in a backtrace


exit __PACKAGE__->script(@ARGV) unless caller();

# loggers helper
sub INFO ($msg) {
    return Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::INFO($msg);

sub DEBUG ($msg) {
    return Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::DEBUG($msg);

sub WARN ($msg) {
    return Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::WARN($msg);

sub FATAL ($msg) {
    return Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::FATAL($msg);

sub script (@ARGS) {

    if ( !$ENV{'CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL'} ) {
        die("This program is designed to be run from the cpanel installer. It is probably destructive to run but if you insist, you'll need to set the environment variable CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL=1 before you run it\n");

    # ensure locale are set

    my $skip_apache     = 0;
    my $skip_repo_setup = 0;
    my $installstart    = time();

    my %opts = (
        'skipapache'    => \$skip_apache,
        'installstart'  => \$installstart,
        'skipreposetup' => \$skip_repo_setup,

    Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGS, \&usage, \%opts );

    #Set this because we also run during sysup which is done as a result of a deferred task
    #also done during upcp so this is a forever thing that has to be tracked by touchfile
    touch($Cpanel::ConfigFiles::SKIP_REPO_SETUP_FLAG) if $skip_repo_setup;

    my $lock_file = $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::BASE_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS_FILE;
    $| = 1;    ## no critic qw(Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
    umask 022;

    ## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval)
    # Don't create the END block until run time.
    eval q{
        # Cleanup the lock file on exit.
        END {

            return unless $MAIN_PROCESS_PID && $$ == $MAIN_PROCESS_PID;

            if ( $lock_file and open(my $fh, '<', $lock_file ) ) {
                my $pid = <$fh>;
                close $fh;

                chomp $pid if ($pid);
                if ( !$pid or $pid == $$ ) {
                    print "Removing $lock_file\n";
                    unlink $lock_file;
    ## use critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval)

    # Create the lock file.
    touch( $lock_file, $$ );

    # Open the install logs for append.

    # case CPANEL-28892:
    # securetmp cannot run in the background because it has a window of broken-ness for
    # /tmp where the files are being moved around.
    INFO('Securing the /tmp and /var/tmp directories.');
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/securetmp', '--auto', '--install' );

    # Determine local distro and version. Fail if unsupported distro.
    die q[Unuspported distribution: ] . Cpanel::OS::display_name() unless Cpanel::OS::is_supported();

    # setup /etc/yum/vars/cp_centos_major_version as soon as possible

    # if you suspect an error from racing tasks, then you can try setting this to 1 to force tasks to run serially.
    $run_tasks_in_main_process = $ENV{'RUN_TASKS_IN_MAIN_PROCESS'} // 0;

        'Setting up SWAP'

    # Disable fs.protected_regular if it is enabled by default

    # Store the initial install version.
    File::Copy::copy( '/usr/local/cpanel/version', '/var/cpanel/install_version' );

    # Upgrade to cloud linux if licensed via cpanel. Change distro if it updates.


    # /var/cpanel/cpanel.config probably already exists from updatenow.static, but updatenow and *.static files
    # are considered daemons and CpConfGuard does not compute dynamic values for daemons.

    # Import the MySQL key before going to install to avoid conflicts later
    INFO("Attempting to pre-import the mysql gpg key");

    my $mysql_download_pid = _run_in_background(
        sub {
            INFO("Downloading MySQL/MariaDB packages");
            eval { download_mariadb_or_mysql($skip_apache) };
            if ($@) {
                WARN("Errors seen pre-caching the database server packages. A second attempt will be made to download it for install");
            else {
                INFO("Completed downloading MySQL/MariaDB packages");
            return 0;
        'MySQL/MariaDB package Download'

    if ( !$skip_repo_setup ) {

    my $ea4_or_universal_hooks_install_pid;
    if ( Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly() ) {
        $ea4_or_universal_hooks_install_pid = _install_yum_universal_hooks_in_background();
    elsif ($skip_apache) {
        WARN("Skipping Apache installation due to command line request");
    else {
        $ea4_or_universal_hooks_install_pid = _install_ea4_in_background();

    # Setup databases
    my $dbsetup_pid = _setup_databases_and_dependent_apps($skip_apache);

    my $installer_dir = Cwd::getcwd();

    # Now software is installed, call rdate in case it couldn't be called earlier.
    $installstart = update_system_clock($installstart);
        # Save the /var/cpanel/cpanel.config and cache file we've been avoiding up to this point.
        INFO("Setting up /var/cpanel/cpanel.config");
        local $ENV{CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL} = 0;

    # Lowercase the host name if necessary (no need to fork anymore, this is now run by cpanel perl)

    # NAT auto-detection/configuration

    # Check if the hostname resolves - this *must* be done after build_cpnat
    # so that the resolution checks are performed properly on NAT environments
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ensure_hostname_resolves', '-y' );

    # Created /etc/domainips after build_cpnat and hostname

    # Stop and possibly remove some services

    # Reduce memory pressure as soon as we can

    # Make cpanel.pem right away
    require Cpanel::SSLCerts;

    # Init the package management system, update installed, then run sysup

    # Setup default cPanel users;

    # Update license information ASAP so code can get at it.
    INFO("Updating license information");

    # Make touch files corresponding to cpanel.config settings.

    if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pwconv' ) {
        INFO("making sure we are shadowed");


    INFO("Making sure the firewall (if present) is setup for cPanel.");

    # HB-5927 - enable the cl-ea4-testing repo on CL8 so EA4 can install
    if ( my $ea_testing_repo = Cpanel::OS::ea4_testing_yum_repo() ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( qw{yum-config-manager --enable}, $ea_testing_repo );




    INFO("Setting up the local name server.");

    # make sure dnsadmin is up so we can do dns dcv
    mkdir '/var/cpanel/dnsadmin', 0700;

    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl', "/usr/local/cpanel/install/CpanelService.pm" );

    # warn on failure: do not abort the installation if it fails
    _run_and_wait_in_background( \&_setup_dns_and_dkim, 'Setup DNS and DKIM', stop_on_failure => 0 );



    INFO("Downloading deferred packages");
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix --no-broken --no-digest --download-only});

    if ($ea4_or_universal_hooks_install_pid) {

        # Apache needs to be installed before upcp


    INFO("Installing deferred packages");
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix --no-broken --no-digest});

    _run_in_background( \&_setup_horde_if_needed, 'Horde Setup' );


    INFO("Waiting for MySQL/MariaDB installation to complete");
    INFO("Finished waiting for MySQL/MariaDB installation to complete");



    # Run upcp for the first time.
    # NOTE: This will start cpanellogd.
    INFO(" ");
    INFO(" ");
    INFO("Running upcp for the first time.");
    INFO(" ");
    INFO(" ");

    # upcp will link 3rdparty binaries
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp manual});    # --force should not be needed


    if ( !Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly() ) {                                            # Fix for broken mailman installer ( still needed )
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/set_mailman_archive_perms', '--background' );


    # Restore any staged cpanel accounts

    my $howto = get_howto();

    my $boot_kernel = eval { Cpanel::Kernel::GetDefault::get() };
    $boot_kernel = '' unless defined $boot_kernel;
    WARN($@) if $@;

    # Tailwatchd should be started from the queue
    # to avoid a race condition where its already in the queue
    # and we try to start it.
    # Previously we would start tailwatchd after
    # flushing the task queue which lead to a race
    # condition where the task queue might start it
    # and then restartsrv would try as well.  The one
    # that lost the race would error.  By putting it
    # in the queue we ensure we only do it once.

    # CPANEL-26289: Ensure locales are the first thing we do in the background
    # after the install finshes to preserve legacy behavior
    _schedule_task( 'LocaleTasks' => "build_locale_databases", 20 );

    _schedule_task( 'TailwatchTasks'    => 'reloadtailwatch',           200 );
    _schedule_task( 'SpamassassinTasks' => 'update_spamassassin_rules', 3000 );

    INFO("Queuing system package update");
    _schedule_task( 'API'              => "verify_api_spec_files",     2000 );
    _schedule_task( 'MaintenanceTasks' => 'run_system_package_update', 1000 );    #rpmup

    # ensure_rpms_installed will only install the most critical
    # rpms because sysup limits the number of rpms that
    # are installed during CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL=1 to ensure we can
    # move on as fast as possible.
    # Since users have come to expect some rpms will
    # be preinstalled on cPanel systems we do these in the
    # background.
    _schedule_task( 'MaintenanceTasks' => 'run_base_package_update', 700 );    #sysup

    _schedule_task( 'TemplateTasks' => "rebuild_templates",                             500 );
    _schedule_task( 'cPAddons'      => "install_cpaddons",                              100 );
    _schedule_task( 'ScriptTasks'   => "run_script /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/mailperm", 3500 );

    # Do this last as its of low importance since we won't have enough accounts on the system
    # soon enough for it to matter
    _schedule_task( 'ScriptTasks' => 'run_script /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services --auto', 3600 );

    # Remove any unneeded rpms that could not be removed during this install
    # in order to prevent a condition where we see : Error: Rpmdb changed underneath us
    _schedule_task( 'ScriptTasks' => 'run_script /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix --no-digest --no-broken', 2000 );

    # CPANEL-26871: ensure httpd.conf is rebuilt once splitlogs has been installed
    # in the upcp
    warn if !eval { Cpanel::ServerTasks::queue_task( ['ApacheTasks'], 'build_apache_conf', 'apache_restart' ); 1 };

    # Do not defer this. We need this in place before the first login.

    # CPANEL-27822: defer checks of spamd for 30 minutes since the latest rules
    # will be installed in the background
    Cpanel::Chkservd::Tiny::suspend_service( 'spamd', 60 * 30 );
    _schedule_task( 'CpServicesTasks' => "restartsrv spamd", 1 );

    # Install ImunifyAV if it's available for this platform
    _schedule_task( 'ImunifyTasks' => 'install_imunifyav', 900 );

    # Install WordPress Toolkit
    _schedule_task( 'WPTK' => 'install_wptk', 1200 );

    # Install Monitoring Package
    _schedule_task( 'MaintenanceTasks' => 'install_cpanel_monitoring_packages' );

    _wait_for_background_tasks_to_finish( keys %background_pids );

    # This will attempt to clear the task queue prior to system shutdown.
    if ( -e '/usr/bin/systemctl' ) {
        INFO("Enabling one-time shutdown hook");
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/bin/systemctl', 'start', 'cpcleartaskqueue' );

    INFO("Flushing the task queue");

    # Queueprocd will start tailwatchd

    my $finishtime        = time();
    my $installtime       = $finishtime - $installstart;
    my $installfinishtime = localtime($finishtime);

    INFO( sprintf( "cPanel install finished in %d minutes and %d seconds!", int( $installtime / 60 ), $installtime % 60 ) );


    # Check if the kernel set for boot matches what's currently running (uname -r)


    if ( -x '/root/cpanel_profile/postinstallhook' ) {
        INFO("Running /root/cpanel_profile/postinstallhook");

    return 0;

sub _schedule_task ( $plugin, $task, $delay = 120 ) {

    die q[Invalid plugin name] if ref $plugin;
    die qq[invalid task name $task] if $task =~ m{^\d+$}a;
    die qq[invalid delay '$delay' for task $task] unless $delay =~ m{^\d+$}a;

    INFO("schedule_task: [ $plugin ], $task in $delay seconds.");
    warn unless eval { Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( [$plugin], $delay, $task ); 1 };


### ---- END sub script ---- ####

sub schdir {
    my $dir = shift;
    my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
    chdir($dir) || die "Cannot chdir to ${dir} ($!), cwd was: $cwd";


sub _run_modular_jobs {
    my $runner = Cpanel::Install::JobRunner->new();
    $runner->dispatch_next() while $runner->get_pending_jobs();


# NOTE : This code is duplicated in build-tools/bootstrap_sandbox . If you change this, you probably need to change it there as well.
sub disable_fs_protected_regular_if_needed {

    return unless Cpanel::OS::kernel_supports_fs_protected_regular();

    my $current_value = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new( 'program' => "/usr/sbin/sysctl", 'args' => [ '-b', 'fs.protected_regular' ] )->stdout();

    # Assume that fs.regular_fifos could also be enabled, so disable them now..
    unless ( length $current_value && $current_value eq 0 ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/sbin/sysctl', 'fs.protected_regular=0' );
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/sbin/sysctl', 'fs.protected_fifos=0' );

    # .. and ensure they stay disabled on reboot
    my $sysctl_conf_path = '/usr/lib/sysctl.d/protect-links.conf';

    if ( open( my $sysctl_conf_rd_fh, '<', $sysctl_conf_path ) ) {
        my @file_contents = (<$sysctl_conf_rd_fh>);

        if ( open( my $sysctl_conf_wr_fh, '>', $sysctl_conf_path ) ) {
            foreach my $line (@file_contents) {
                chomp $line;
                if ( $line =~ m/^fs\.protected_regular/ ) {
                    print $sysctl_conf_wr_fh "fs.protected_regular = 0\n";
                elsif ( $line =~ m/^fs\.protected_fifos/ ) {
                    print $sysctl_conf_wr_fh "fs.protected_fifos = 0\n";
                else {
                    print $sysctl_conf_wr_fh "$line\n";

sub ensure_rpms_installed {

    unlink '/var/cpanel/useyum';    # No longer used by cPanel.

    # Assure yum exclusions are reinstated
    unlink '/etc/checkyumdisable';

    # We do not need to run sysup since its run as part of Cpanel::Update::Now

sub update_system_clock {
    my $installstart = shift;

    # Set the clock
    my $was = time();
    my $now = time();
    INFO( "Clock set to: " . localtime($now) );
    my $change = $now - $was;

    # Adjust the start time if it shifted more than 10 seconds.
    if ( abs($change) > 10 ) {
        WARN("Clock changed by $change seconds.");
        $installstart += $change;
        WARN( "Starting time adjusted to " . localtime($installstart) );
    else {
        INFO("Clock changed by $change seconds");

    return $installstart;

sub set_up_swap_if_needed {
    INFO('Checking for sufficient memory or swap.');

    return if Cpanel::OSSys::Env::get_envtype() eq 'virtuozzo';

    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/create-swap --if-needed --verbose});


sub _early_install_tasks {
    return qw{
      Repos FixPamConf MailMan DefaultFeatureFiles
      Users Conf ExternalAuth CPanelPost
      ResellersInit FixLogPermissions Perm SecurityCheck

sub do_taskrun {
    INFO('Setting up early taskrun items.');

    foreach my $task ( _early_install_tasks() ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl', "/usr/local/cpanel/install/$task.pm" );

    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_dnsadmin  --stop --notconfigured-ok});
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_dnsadmin  --start});


sub download_mariadb_or_mysql {
    my ($skip_apache) = @_;

    # If download_mariadb_or_mysql dies this is ok as it will only slow
    # down the install since we retry the download during the install
    my $finally = Cpanel::Finally->new(
        sub {

    local $ENV{CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL} = 0;    # build_mysql_conf will exit if this is 1 to prevent double rebuilds
    my $set_version = _get_mysql_set_version();

    # We don't need to do this for MySQL 5.6 and below
    return 1 if ( $set_version < 5.7 );

    my $install_obj = _create_mysqldb_install_obj($set_version);

    INFO("Preparing to download MySQL/MariaDB packages");

    # Work around race condition where the mysql download starts before ea4 install
    # by waiting for ea4 to have profiles in place in order to avoid
    # the state where the mysql download blocks ea4 from installing via yum lock
    _wait_for_ea4_profiles_to_be_installed() if !$skip_apache && !Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly();

    INFO("Starting MySQL/MariaDB package download");

    return 1;

sub install_mariadb_or_mysql {
    my ($skip_apache) = @_;
    local $ENV{CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL} = 0;    # build_mysql_conf will exit if this is 1 to prevent double rebuilds
    my $set_version = _get_mysql_set_version();
    INFO("The 'mysql-version' key is set to: $set_version.");
    my $type = _get_mysql_type($set_version);

    my $install_obj = _create_mysqldb_install_obj($set_version);
    if ( Cpanel::OS::is_apt_based() ) {
        my $preseed_path = $install_obj->write_preseed_file($set_version);

    return _do_mysqlbase_db_install( $type, $set_version, $install_obj, $skip_apache );

sub _do_mysqlbase_db_install {
    my ( $type, $set_version, $install_obj, $skip_apache ) = @_;

    if ($set_version) {
        INFO("Installing $type");

        INFO("Installing $type dependencies");
        if ( $set_version < 5.7 ) {

            # Deps will be installed automatically if
            # we are using yum repos so there is no need
            # to do a separate yum transaction which only
            # slows things down
        else {
            INFO("Installing $type packages");

            _wait_for_ea4_to_be_installed() if !$skip_apache && !Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly();

            # A dry-run is pointless since we have not installed
            # $type before

            # Needs the file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld in place (by installing mysql package), so this must be done after installing the packages
            if ( Cpanel::OS::security_service() eq 'apparmor' ) {

    if ( -e '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' && !-e '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' ) {
        symlink( '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' );

    INFO("Installing $type Upgrade Hooks");


sub _get_mysql_set_version {
    my $config = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf_not_copy();
    return $config->{'mysql-version'};

sub _get_mysql_type {
    my ($set_version) = @_;
    return Cpanel::MariaDB::version_is_mariadb($set_version) ? 'MariaDB' : 'MySQL';


sub _create_mysqldb_install_obj {
    my ($set_version) = @_;
    INFO("The 'mysql-version' key is set to: $set_version.");
    my $type         = _get_mysql_type($set_version);
    my $pass_version = $set_version >= 5.7 ? $set_version : undef;
    my $module       = $module_by_type{$type} or die "Failed to determine module from type: “$type”";
    return "$module"->new(
        'output_obj'            => Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::get_output_obj(),
        'skip_build_mysql_conf' => 1,

        # For 5.7+ we no longer have any targets in etc/rpm.versions
        # so lets not block rpm to do nothing as it slows down the
        # whole install
        ( $set_version >= 5.7 ? ( 'skip_ensure_rpms' => 1 ) : () )

sub run_roundcube_ifnecessary {

    return unless my $v = Cpanel::Pkgr::get_package_version('cpanel-roundcubemail');

    INFO('Running /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube-db');
    INFO('/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube-db Done');

sub setup_openidconnect_for_cpanelid() {

    INFO("Setup cPanelID");

    # In CPANEL-28178 we fixed cPanelID.pm to observe the SUPER's return of
    # undef when the underlying configuration was missing.  This now makes
    # is_configured return the correct result which allows us to fix the
    # missing config.
    require Cpanel::Security::Authn::OpenIdConnect;
    my $provider = Cpanel::Security::Authn::OpenIdConnect::get_openid_provider( 'cpaneld', 'cpanelid' );
    if ( !$provider->is_configured() ) {
        $provider->set_client_configuration( { 'client_id' => 'auto', 'client_secret' => 'auto' } );


sub _setup_databases_and_dependent_apps {
    my ($skip_apache) = @_;
    return _run_in_background(
        sub {
            my $finally;

            # Defer this
            use warnings qw(once redefine);
            my $restoreconpath = '/usr/sbin/restorecon';
            if ( -l $restoreconpath ) {
                my $target = readlink($restoreconpath);

                # This is a hack to avoid modifing the mysql rpms
                # which is only safe since we are doing a base cPanel install
                # and require selinux to be disabled anyways.
                # Prevent the installer from calling restorecon
                # during mysql install since we have selinux disabled
                # and this causes a stall.  We put restorecon back
                # after the mysql parts are done
                $finally = Cpanel::Finally->new(
                    sub {
                        symlink( $target, $restoreconpath ) or die "Failed to restore $restoreconpath link to $target: $!";


            # Install MariaDB or a version of Mysql 5.7+ if necessary.

            # Do this before starting mysql
                # Avoid doing anything that requires mysql to be running
                        'force'      => 1,
                        'debug'      => 0,
                        'verbose'    => 1,
                        'no-restart' => 1,


            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/build_mysql_conf --no-upgrade --no-selinux});

            # Run scripts/securemysql is no longer needed
            # since all yum based installed call build_mysql_conf
            # which will do this

            Cpanel::Init::Simple::call_cpservice_with( Cpanel::MysqlUtils::ServiceName::get_installed_version_service_name() => qw/enable/ );

            undef $finally;


            return 0;
        'SQL Databases and dependent apps'

sub upgrade_to_cloud_linux {
    DEBUG("Detecting if Cloud Linux is licensed through cpanel");

    # Assure local::lib to /usr/bin/perl so perl modules can be installed to home directories.
    # upcp now does this

    my $license_options = `/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel -F`;    ## no critic qw(Cpanel::ProhibitQxAndBackticks)
    return if $license_options !~ m/cloudlinux/ms;

    my $cloud_installer = '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/cloudlinux_update';
    INFO("Upgrading your distro to Cloud Linux");
    if ( !-x $cloud_installer ) {
        WARN("Cannot convert your system to Cloud Linux without $cloud_installer");
    else {
        Cpanel::OS::clear_cache_after_cloudlinux_update();                                                   #
        die q[Unuspported distribution: ] . Cpanel::OS::display_name() unless Cpanel::OS::is_supported();    # make sure the new version is supported

    # Re-check system to make sure we haven't moved to cloud linux

sub setup_ftpserver {

    my $config = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();

    # Setup the FTP server. Default to disabled

    my $target = $config->{'ftpserver'} || 'disabled';
    $target = 'disabled' if ( Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly() );    # DNSONLY installs cannot set a custom ftp server.

    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::INFO("Setting up FTP server to '$target'");
    if ( $target !~ m/^(disabled|proftpd|pure-ftpd)$/ ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::WARN("$target is an unsupported ftpserver. Will default to 'disabled' instead");
        $target = 'disabled';

    my $no_anon_ftp = '/var/cpanel/noanonftp';
    if ( !-e $no_anon_ftp && $target ne 'disabled' ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Logger::INFO('Defaulting Anonymous FTP off');
        Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile::touchfile('/var/cpanel/noanonftp');    # Default

    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setupftpserver', $target );


sub setup_nameserver {

    my $config = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();

    # Setup the name server. Default to PowerDNS
        # powerdns should be the default everywhere unless another choice was set
        my $default_nameserver = Cpanel::OS::list_contains_value( 'dns_supported', 'powerdns' ) ? 'powerdns'    #
          : Cpanel::OS::list_contains_value( 'dns_supported', 'bind' ) ? 'bind'
          : 'disabled'                                                                                          #

        my $target = $config->{'local_nameserver_type'} || $default_nameserver;
        INFO("Setting up name server to '$target'");

        # Make sure the nameserver can be installed on the system
        my ( $valid, $reason ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::Enabled::valid_nameserver_type($target);
        if ( !$valid ) {
            my $fallback = $target ne $default_nameserver ? $default_nameserver : 'disabled';
            WARN("$target cannot be setup on your system (will default to '$fallback' instead): $reason");
            $target = $fallback;
            ( $valid, $reason ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::Enabled::valid_nameserver_type($target);
            FATAL("$target is an unsupported name server: $reason.") unless $valid;

        # The name server must be set up before attempting to reset it to cPanel defaults.
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setupnameserver', '--force', $target );

        if ( $target =~ m/^(bind|powerdns)$/ ) {
            if ( -e '/etc/named.conf' ) {
                INFO("Saving /etc/named.conf, and rebuild with cPanel defaults");
                if ( rename '/etc/named.conf', '/etc/named.conf.precpanelinstall' ) {
                else {
                    WARN("Unable to rebuild /etc/named.conf file");


    # Setup the mail server.
        my $target = $config->{'mailserver'};
        $target = 'disabled' if ( Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly() );    # DNSONLY installs cannot set a custom mail server.

        INFO("Setting up mail server to '$target'");
        if ( $target !~ m/^(disabled|dovecot)$/ ) {
            WARN("$target is an unsupported mail server. Will default to 'dovecot' instead");
            $target = 'dovecot';
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setupmailserver', $target );


sub setup_misc_cpanel_config_files {

    INFO('Setting up misc cPanel config files.');

    # FB Case about running this out of maintenance and into the install script
    DEBUG('  Running scripts/secureit');
    Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/secureit', '--fast' );

    # rc.local is not run with systemd.
    if ( Cpanel::OS::service_manager() eq 'initd' ) {

        # sync time on reboot.
        my $rc_local = '/etc/rc.d/rc.local';
        DEBUG('  Configuring rdate to run on reboot');
        if ( open my $rc_fh, '>>', $rc_local ) {
            print {$rc_fh} "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rdate &\n";
            close $rc_fh;

    DEBUG('  Setting WHM theme to x');
    Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::overwrite( '/var/cpanel/whmtheme', 'x', 0644 );

    # can be missing on some systems

    DEBUG("Setup /var/cpanel/user_notifications/");
    mkdir '/var/cpanel/user_notifications/', 0751;


sub setup_exim_config_defaults {

    INFO('Setting up exim default configuration options.');

    # Load the initial config, if the config file exists,
    # if it does not exist, start with an empty hash.
    my $initial_config = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( '/etc/exim.conf.localopts', undef, "=", undef, undef, 1 );
    $initial_config ||= {};

    # Get all the initial config values that are not undefs
    my %config = map { $_ => $initial_config->{$_} }
      grep { defined $initial_config->{$_} }
      keys %{$initial_config};

    # Fill the config with default values for any we don't already have
    # We don't want to step on any values already setup in the config file
    my $mail_conf;
        no warnings 'once';
        $mail_conf = Whostmgr::TweakSettings::Mail::get_conf();    # PPI NO PARSE - loaded with load_module

    # Once Whostmgr::TweakSettings::Configure::Mail implements a save
    # function we can get rid of this and just use the save via
    # Whostmgr::TweakSettings::apply_module_settings
    foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$mail_conf} ) {

        # Don't overwrite initial values
        next if exists $config{$key};

        my $section;
            no warnings 'once';
            $section = $Whostmgr::TweakSettings::Mail::Conf{$key};
        next unless exists $section->{'default'};

        # Start with the default value
        my $value = $section->{'default'};

        # Execute if it is a code ref rather than an actual value
        $value = $value->() if ref $value eq 'CODE';

        $config{$key} = $value;

        # Some of these have actions to trigger creation of touch-files or symlinks
        # See that the action gets run
        if ( exists $section->{'action'} and ref $section->{'action'} eq 'CODE' ) {

            # Pass the value as both the new value and the old value since this is to
            # be the initial value and we don't want to trigger running updateuserdomains multiple times
            $section->{'action'}->( $value, $value );

    # Write out all settings
    my $rc = Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig::flushConfig( '/etc/exim.conf.localopts', \%config, undef, undef, { 'sort' => 1 } );
    WARN('Error writing exim default configuration options to:  /etc/exim.conf.localopts') unless $rc;


sub os_service_restart {
    my $service = shift or die;

    DEBUG("Restarting service $service");
    Cpanel::Init::Simple::call_cpservice_with( $service => qw/restart/ );


sub cpanel_account_restore {
    my $acct_restore_file = '/etc/cpanelacctrestore';
    return if ( !-e $acct_restore_file );

    INFO("Restoring Accounts.");

    if ( open( my $fh, '<', $acct_restore_file ) ) {
        while (<$fh>) {
            DEBUG("Restoring $_");
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restorepkg", "$_" );
    else {
        WARN("Failed to open $acct_restore_file: $!");

    return unlink($acct_restore_file);

sub enable_cphulkd {
    my $conf_dir = '/var/cpanel/hulkd';

    INFO("Enabling cphulkd ...");
    mkdir "$conf_dir", 0755 unless -e "$conf_dir";

    if ( Whostmgr::Services::enable('cphulkd') ) {

        # Set up monitoring by default.
    else {
        WARN("Unable to enable cphulkd");


sub enable_quotas {
    INFO("Enabling quotas ...");

    my $old_umask = umask(0077);    # Case 92381: Logs should not be world-readable.
    open( my $fh, ">", _enable_quotas_log() ) || WARN("Unable to open log file for enabling quotas.");

    my $quotas_run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new(
        program => "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fixquotas",
        stdout  => $fh,
        stderr  => $fh,

    my $needs_reboot = Cpanel::Quota::Utils::reboot_required();
    WARN( $quotas_run->autopsy() ) if !$needs_reboot && $quotas_run->CHILD_ERROR();

    if ($needs_reboot) {
        WARN("You must reboot the server after you enable quotas.");



sub hide_feature_showcase {
    INFO("Disabling feature showcase ...");

    my $drivers  = Cpanel::Config::ConfigObj::get_available_drivers( 1, 1 );
    my $showcase = Cpanel::FeatureShowcase->new();
    my @features = $showcase->get_feature_showcase_names();
    push @features, keys %{$drivers};

    return unless scalar @features;

    $showcase->mark_features_as_viewed( $Cpanel::FeatureShowcase::SOURCE_GUI, @features );



sub _enable_quotas_log {
    return "/var/log/quota_enable.log";

sub notify_if_boot_kernel_changed {

    my $boot_kernel = shift;

    my $current_kernel = Cpanel::Kernel::get_running_version();
    $current_kernel = '' unless defined $current_kernel;
    return if $current_kernel eq $boot_kernel;

    WARN("Your system kernel may have been updated.");
    WARN("Current kernel ($current_kernel) has been changed to: $boot_kernel");
    WARN("Before rebooting the system, please ensure that the installed kernel version is compatible with your deployment.");
    if ( Cpanel::OS::is_cloudlinux() ) {
        WARN(" ");
        WARN(" ************************************************************************************************************");
        WARN(" ");
        WARN("   NOTE: Because this is a Cloud Linux install, cPanel WILL NOT BE FULLY FUNCTIONAL until you reboot. ");
        WARN(" ");
        WARN(" ************************************************************************************************************");
        WARN(" ");


sub open_logs {
    my $log_file = '/var/log/cpanel-install.log';
    $ENV{'TZ'} = Cpanel::Timezones::calculate_TZ_env();

sub os_service_stop {
    my $service = shift or die;

    DEBUG("Ensuring service $service is not running");
    local $@;

    # Do not warn since many of these may not be installed
    eval {
        local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { return; };
        Cpanel::Init::Simple::call_cpservice_with( $service => qw/stop/ );

    # Even if the init script doesn't exist, try to kill the service.
    if ( Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( 'killall', '-q', $service ) == 0 ) {
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( 'killall', '-q', '-9', $service );
        DEBUG("Killed $service");


sub touch {    ## no critic qw(RequireArgUnpacking)
    my $file = shift;

    open( my $fh, ">>", $file ) or return;
    print {$fh} '';    # Must send something to the file or it doesn't save

    foreach my $line (@_) {    # concat anything passed into the subroutine.
        print {$fh} $line;
    close $fh;


sub usage {
    my $prog = $0;
    $prog =~ s{^.+/(.+)$}{$1};
    print "This script should not be called manually.\n";
    exit;                      ## no critic qw(Cpanel::NoExitsFromSubroutines) -- pre-existing code; protects against manual invocation

sub disable_and_remove_init_services {
    INFO("Disabling unneeded services...");

    my @service_shutdown = qw(named);
    push @service_shutdown, qw(smail sendmail postfix master httpd apache wu-ftpd inetd)
      if ( !Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly() );


    INFO("Stopping services:");
    foreach my $service (@service_shutdown) {

    # p0f should be disabled on new installs


sub get_howto {
    my $version = '';

    if ( open( my $fh, "<", "/usr/local/cpanel/version" ) ) {
        $version = <$fh>;
        $version =~ s/^(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/gs;

    my $map = {
        version => $version,
        ip      => _get_public_ip(),

    return _howto_message($map);

sub display_howto {
    my ($howto) = @_;
    foreach my $line ( split( "\n", $howto ) ) {


sub save_system_config_at_install_for_analytics {
    my $data = {
        'hostname' => '',
        ## Add more data here

    eval {
        require Cpanel::JSON;
        require Cpanel::Analytics;
        require Cpanel::Sys::Hostname;
        require Cpanel::Analytics::Config;

        $data->{'hostname'} = Cpanel::Sys::Hostname::gethostname(1);

        Cpanel::JSON::DumpFile( Cpanel::Analytics::Config::ANALYTICS_DATA_DIR() . '/system_config_at_install.json', $data );


sub _howto_message {
    my $map = shift;

    my $login_url = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new( 'program' => "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/whmlogin" )->stdout();
    chomp $login_url;

    return <<EOM;
\e[0;36;40mCongratulations! Your installation of cPanel & WHM $map->{version} is now complete. The next step is to configure your server. \e[0m

Before you configure your server, ensure that your firewall allows access on port 2087.

After ensuring that your firewall allows access on port 2087, you can configure your server.

1. Open your preferred browser

2. Navigate to the following url using the address bar and enter this one-time autologin url:


After the login url expires you generate a new one using the 'whmlogin' command or manually login at:


Visit https://go.cpanel.net/whminit for more information about first-time configuration of your server.

Visit http://support.cpanel.net or https://go.cpanel.net/allfaq for additional support

Thank you for installing cPanel & WHM $map->{version}!


sub _get_public_ip {
    require Cpanel::DIp::MainIP;
    require Cpanel::NAT;
    return Cpanel::NAT::get_public_ip( Cpanel::DIp::MainIP::getmainip() );

sub cpanel_config_actions {
    return qw/
      allow_login_autocomplete apache_port dormant_services email_send_limits_count_mailman email_send_limits_defer_cutoff emailsperdaynotify
      enablecompileroptimizations eximmailtrap jailmountbinsuid jailmountusrbinsuid jailprocmode maxemailsperhour nobodyspam
      popbeforesmtpsenders signature_validation skipbwlimitcheck skipparentcheck userdirprotect

sub cpanel_config_post_actions {
    return qw/

# This subroutine helps document what action and post_action subs need to be run during a fresh install.
# A unit test will go off if you add a new one and don't update one of these subs
sub cpanel_config_ignored_actions {

    # Post actions
    my @ignore = qw/ apache_ssl_port
      allow_login_autocomplete autodiscover_proxy_subdomains ipv6_listen
      proxysubdomains autoupdate_certificate_on_hostname_mismatch /;

    # Actions
    push @ignore, qw/allow_server_info_status_from autodiscover_host chkservd_check_interval jailapache skipdiskusage
      system_diskusage_critical_percent system_diskusage_warn_percent tcp_check_failure_threshold/;

    # build_global_cache run by cpkeyclt
    push @ignore, qw/allowcpsslinstall display_cpanel_doclinks/;

    # rebuild httpd.conf not required
    push @ignore, qw/enable_piped_logs/;

    # MySQL restart is not required
    push @ignore, qw/

    # phpini and php_fpm already handled
    push @ignore, qw/
    push @ignore, qw/

    return @ignore;

sub do_cpanel_config_touch_files {
    my $cp_config = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();
    my $tweak_conf;
        no warnings 'once';
        $tweak_conf = \%Whostmgr::TweakSettings::Main::Conf;

    # Block task queueing during a fresh install.
    no warnings 'redefine';
    local *Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task = sub { };

    # These actions expect a hash not a string to be passed in.
    $cp_config->{'dormant_services'}           = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $cp_config->{'dormant_services'} };
    $tweak_conf->{'dormant_services'}{'value'} = sub { {} };
    $cp_config->{'phploader'}                  = { map { $_ => 1 } split( /,/, $cp_config->{'phploader'} ) };

    # Walk all the actions.
    foreach my $key ( cpanel_config_actions() ) {
        next if ( !exists $cp_config->{$key} );
        next if ( !$tweak_conf->{$key} );
        next if ( ref $tweak_conf->{$key}->{'action'} ne 'CODE' );
        DEBUG("Running defined action for cpanel.config key $key");

        $tweak_conf->{$key}->{'action'}->( $cp_config->{$key} );

    # Walk all the post actions.
    foreach my $key ( cpanel_config_post_actions() ) {
        next if ( !exists $cp_config->{$key} );
        next if ( !$tweak_conf->{$key} );
        next if ( ref $tweak_conf->{$key}->{'post_action'} ne 'CODE' );

        DEBUG("Running defined post_action for cpanel.config key $key");
        $tweak_conf->{$key}->{'post_action'}->( $cp_config->{$key}, undef, 1 );


sub _run_in_background ( $code, $desc = '' ) {

    if ($run_tasks_in_main_process) {

        # fork and wait for the job: do not leak anything to the main processs...
        return _run_and_wait_in_background( $code, $desc );

    return __fork_and_run( $code, $desc );

sub _run_and_wait_in_background ( $code, $desc = '', %opts ) {

    my $pid = __fork_and_run( $code, $desc ) or return;

    return _wait_for_background_pids( { $pid => 1 }, %opts );

sub __fork_and_run ( $code, $desc = '' ) {

    my $pid = Cpanel::ForkAsync::do_in_child(
        sub {
            local $0 = "cpanel_initial_install - $desc";
            my $status = $code->() // 0;
            return $status;
    $background_pids{$pid} = $desc;

    return $pid;

sub _wait_for_background_tasks_to_finish (@pids) {

    return 1 unless scalar @pids;

    my %pids_to_check = map { $_ => 1 } @pids;
    while (1) {
        last unless _wait_for_background_pids( \%pids_to_check );
        my $total_pids = scalar keys %pids_to_check;
        last unless $total_pids;
        _show_wait_for("$total_pids background tasks");
    return 1;

sub _wait_for_background_pids ( $pids_to_check_hr, %opts ) {
    return 1 if $run_tasks_in_main_process;
    my @pids = sort keys %$pids_to_check_hr;
    return unless scalar @pids;    # nothing to wait for
    DEBUG("_wait_for_background_pids: @pids");

    $opts{stop_on_failure} //= 1;    # default
    my $stop_on_failure = delete $opts{stop_on_failure};
    FATAL( "Unknown arguments: " . join( ', ', sort keys %opts ) ) if scalar keys %opts;

    foreach my $pid (@pids) {
        my $waitpid_result = waitpid( $pid, $Cpanel::Wait::Constants::WNOHANG );
        if ( $waitpid_result != 0 ) {
            if ( $waitpid_result > 0 ) {    # -1 means its already dead and $? is not set
                my $exit_code = $?;
                if ( $exit_code != 0 ) {
                    my $child_error_msg = Cpanel::ChildErrorStringifier->new($?)->autopsy();
                    my $error_type      = $stop_on_failure ? 'a fatal error' : 'a warning';
                    my $msg             = "The background process “$background_pids{$pid}” failed with $error_type: $child_error_msg";
                    if ($stop_on_failure) {
                        kill 'TERM', keys %background_pids;
                    else {
            DEBUG("Process: $pid - $background_pids{$pid} has finished.");
            delete $background_pids{$pid};
            delete $pids_to_check_hr->{$pid};
    return 1;

# taken from actual installer, supports argv[0] being a path to a custom file (for testing)
sub _get_total_memory {

    # MemTotal: Total usable ram (i.e. physical ram minus a few reserved
    #          bits and the kernel binary code)
    my $meminfo = $_[0] || '/proc/meminfo';
    if ( open( my $fh, "<", $meminfo ) ) {
        while ( my $line = readline $fh ) {
            if ( $line =~ m{^MemTotal:\s+([0-9]+)\s*kB}i ) {
                return int( $1 / 1_024 );
    return 0;    # something is wrong

# If a server has 2GB+ ram, we now enable PHP-FPM by default for new accounts
sub set_up_php_fpm_by_default {

    if ( _get_total_memory() >= 2_048 ) {
        mkdir '/var/cpanel', 0755;
        chmod 0755, '/var/cpanel';                 # safety
        mkdir '/var/cpanel/ApachePHPFPM', 0755;
        chmod 0755, '/var/cpanel/ApachePHPFPM';    # safety

        require Cpanel::PHPFPM::Config;
        my $touchfile = $Cpanel::PHPFPM::Config::touch_file_default_accounts_to_fpm || $Cpanel::PHPFPM::Config::touch_file_default_accounts_to_fpm or die;    # no warnings

        # enforce the creation of /var/cpanel/php-fpm.d
        require Cpanel::Server::FPM::Manager;
        local $@;
        eval { Cpanel::Server::FPM::Manager::sync_config_files(); } or warn $@;

    # customer decides in feature showcase


sub _setup_dns_and_dkim {

        require Whostmgr::ACLS;
        require Whostmgr::Hostname::DNS;
        local $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} = 'root';
        my ( $status, $statusmsg, $statuscode ) = Whostmgr::Hostname::DNS::ensure_dns_for_hostname();


        if ( !$status && $statuscode && $statuscode == Cpanel::DnsUtils::Add::STATUS_NO_NSS_CONFD() ) {

            # If there are no nameservers setup this will fail
            # and that is expected.  In this case the hostname
            # change will triger the A entry and DKIM
            # add via Whostmgr::Hostname
        warn $statusmsg if !$status && length $statusmsg;

        require Cpanel::DKIM;
        require Cpanel::Hostname;
        my $hostname = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname(1);
        if ( !Cpanel::DKIM::get_domain_private_key($hostname) ) {
            require Cpanel::DKIM::Transaction;
            my $dkim = Cpanel::DKIM::Transaction->new();

            # We do not care about failures here since
            # we expect they won't control DNS most of
            # the time for the hostname.
            $dkim->set_up_user_domains( 'root', [$hostname] );

sub run_final_tasks_in_background_that_can_be_done_later_if_shutdown_now {
    return Cpanel::Daemonizer::Tiny::run_as_daemon(
        sub {
            local $ENV{CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL} = 0;
            open( STDERR, '>>', '/usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log' )
              or die "Could not redirect STDERR to /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log: $!";
            open( STDOUT, '>&=', \*STDERR );    ## no critic(InputOutput::RequireCheckedOpen)


            say "[$$] Flushing task queue.";
            system(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/servers_queue run});
            say "[$$] Completed flushing task queue.";

            # This will keep the “cpcleartaskqueue” pseudo-service
            # “active”, which means it’ll still cause a clear of task queue
            # on the next (first) system shutdown, but subsequent shutdowns
            # won’t be affected.
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/bin/systemctl', 'disable', 'cpcleartaskqueue' );

            say "[$$] Done.";


sub _run_tasks_that_must_wait_until_deferred_are_installed {
    return _run_in_background(
        sub {

            # Enable services for startup.
            # TODO: Add chkconfig to RPM spec entries and remove this code.
            my @services = qw/cpanel sshd nscd/;
            INFO('Adding services to startup.');
            foreach my $service (@services) {
                INFO(" - Enabling $service");
                Cpanel::Init::Simple::call_cpservice_with( $service => qw/enable/ );

            # enable cphulkd by default

            # enable quotas by default except on DNSONLY systems
            enable_quotas() unless Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly();

            INFO("Automatically enabling features");
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ensure_autoenabled_features --run});

            # mark features as shown, so no feature showcase is
            # seen on new installs

            # This does not need MySQL to be installed yet
            INFO("Update phpMyAdmin configuration");
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update_phpmyadmin_config --force});

            # do roundcube finishing touches #

            # deferred Exim RPM installation overwrote changes to /etc/sysconfig/exim, so restore those:
            require Whostmgr::Exim::Sysconfig;
            my $cp_config = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();
            Whostmgr::Exim::Sysconfig::update_sysconfig( $cp_config->{'exim-retrytime'} ) if defined $cp_config->{'exim-retrytime'};

            # Setup cPanelID

            return 0;
        "Apps that require deferred packages"

sub _run_webserver_post_install_and_ssl_cert_check_in_background {
    return _run_in_background(
        sub {
            # We Start cpsrvd and httpd because there may be a license type change in the middle
            # of the install
            # If the WebServer is disabled then checkallsslcerts will be doing HTTP DCV with cpsrvd
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_cpsrvd --force});

            # If the WebServer is not disabled then checkallsslcerts will be doing HTTP DCV with httpd
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_httpd --force});

            # Since we wait for the apache install to finish
            # we do this after _wait_for_background_tasks_to_finish on $ea4_or_universal_hooks_install_pid
            # Enable PHP-FPM by default for new accounts on systems with 2GB+ ram

            # Now that apache is up we can try to get an ssl certificate
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts --allow-retry --verbose});

            # Try again to get an ssl certificate to decrease the chances that
            # their first WHM login is to an insecure page.

            warn if !eval { Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['ScriptTasks'], 1, 'run_script /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts --allow-retry --verbose' ); 1 };

            # sanity fix existing zones on the server
            warn if !eval { Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['ScriptTasks'], 1, 'run_script /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/fix_dns_zone_ttls --fix' ); 1 };

            return 0;
        'WebServer post install and SSL certificate check'


sub _run_tasks_that_can_be_done_after_updatenow_in_the_background {

    return _run_in_background(
        sub {
            DEBUG("Starting tasks_that_can_be_done_after_updatenow_in_the_background");

            # We do these in a background on initial install
            # while we are waiting for upcp
            my @pre_maint = (

                # CPANEL-26289: ensure en is available right away after install finishes
                [ '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/build_locale_databases', '--locale=en' ],
                [ '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/autorepair',         'autorepair' ],
                [ '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/manage_greylisting', '--init', '--update_common_mail_providers' ],
                [ '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_maxmem_against_domains_count', '--always-fix' ],
                [ '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/litespeed-check', '--run' ],
                [qw{/usr/local/cpanel/bin/install-login-profile --install cpanel-user-commands}],
            foreach my $cmd (@pre_maint) {
                DEBUG("Task after updatenow: @$cmd");

            for my $cmd (
            ) {
                DEBUG("Task after updatenow: $cmd");

            my $eximdb_run = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new(
                program => $^X,
                args    => [
                    '-e' => 'Cpanel::EximStats::ConnectDB::dbconnect()',
                stdout => \*STDOUT,
                stderr => \*STDERR,

            warn $eximdb_run->autopsy() if $eximdb_run->CHILD_ERROR();

            return 0;
        'Background install tasks',

sub _setup_horde_if_needed {

    # nothing to do for a dnsonly server
    return if Cpanel::Server::Type::is_dnsonly();

    # If the Horde RPMs are not installed, then update_horde_config serves no purpose and will fail
    my $horde_settings = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new()->target_settings("horde") || '';
    return if $horde_settings eq 'uninstalled';

    # Make sure conf.php is updated for SQLite and that every cPanel user on the system has a Horde database.

    return 0;

# We do not want to start the yum install of MySQL until cPanel has
# started installing RPMs because as soon as yum gets the lock it will
# block the rpm install which will defeat the performance improvement of
# downloading rpms via yum while rpm is installing the cPanel provided rpms
# We also do not want to start the yum install until the background download
# has finished in order to ensure we do not end up downloading the rpms 2x
# because the background download was not yet finished
sub _wait_for_mysql_to_be_downloaded {
    while (1) {
        if ( -e $mysql_rpm_download_complete_file ) {
            unlink $mysql_rpm_download_complete_file;

        _show_wait_for("MySQL package download to begin installing packages");
        last unless _wait_for_background_pids( {%background_pids} );

sub _wait_for_ea4_profiles_to_be_installed {
    while (1) {
        _show_wait_for("EA4 profiles to be installed");
        last unless _wait_for_background_pids( {%background_pids} );
        return if -s "/usr/local/bin/ea_install_profile";

    return 1;

sub _wait_for_ea4_to_be_installed {
    while (1) {
        return if -s "/usr/sbin/httpd";
        _show_wait_for("EA4 to be installed");
        last unless _wait_for_background_pids( {%background_pids} );

    return 1;

sub _show_wait_for ( $blocking_proc_text = undef ) {
    state $last_message;
    state $last_time;

    if ( $blocking_proc_text && $last_message && $last_message eq $blocking_proc_text ) {
        return if time() - $last_time < 30;    # only display every 30 sec the same message...

    $last_message = $blocking_proc_text;
    $last_time    = time();

    INFO( "Waiting for (" . join( ', ', ( $blocking_proc_text ? "[$blocking_proc_text]" : () ), sort values %background_pids ) . ")." );


sub _shutdown_cpanel_services {
    INFO("Making sure cPanel processes are not running");

    # If the cpsrvd binary isn't in place we haven't installed
    # binaries yet so there is no need to proceed.
    return if !-e '/usr/local/cpanel/cpsrvd';
    foreach my $app (qw(cpsrvd cpdavd cphulkd)) {
        if ( Cpanel::Services::Running::is_online($app) ) {
            Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem( '/usr/local/cpanel/etc/init/stop' . $app );

sub _install_yum_universal_hooks_in_background {

    #On DNSONLY we need EA4's yum-universal-plugins package to fix mysql, etc.
    return _run_in_background(
        sub {

            # XXX TODO following short circuit will be removed later once we have EA4 sorted for ubuntu
            return 0 unless Cpanel::OS::is_yum_based();
            INFO("Installing YUM universal hooks...");
            if ( !Cpanel::Install::Utils::Packaged::install_needed_packages('yum-plugin-universal-hooks') ) {
                FATAL("Failed to install “yum-plugin-universal-hooks”");
            return 0;
        'Install YUM universal hooks'

sub _install_ea4_in_background {
    return _run_in_background(
        sub {
            INFO("Installing EA4");
            if ( !Cpanel::Install::EA4::install_apache() ) {
                FATAL("Failed to install EA4");
            return 0;
        'EA4 Install',

sub _defer_targets {
    my $rpm_file = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new();
    foreach my $target ( keys %targets_to_defer_to_after_first_upcp ) {
        my $value = $rpm_file->target_settings($target) || '';
        if ( $value ne 'uninstalled' ) {
            $targets_to_defer_to_after_first_upcp{$target} = 1;
            INFO("Marking $target to be uninstalled");
            $rpm_file->set_target_settings( { 'key' => [$target], 'value' => 'uninstalled' } );
        else {
            INFO("$target is already set to uninstalled ($value)");


sub _install_deferred_targets {
    my $rpm_file               = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new();
    my $has_targets_to_install = 0;
    foreach my $target ( keys %targets_to_defer_to_after_first_upcp ) {
        if ( $targets_to_defer_to_after_first_upcp{$target} ) {
            $has_targets_to_install = 1;
            $rpm_file->delete_target_settings( { 'key' => [$target], 'value' => 'uninstalled' } );
    if ($has_targets_to_install) {
        undef $rpm_file;

        INFO("Installing deferred targets");
        Cpanel::Install::Utils::Command::ssystem(qw{/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix --no-broken --no-digest});



Name Type Size Permission Actions
cpan_sandbox Folder 0755
php_sandbox Folder 0755
MirrorSearch_pingtest File 2.38 KB 0755
activesync-invite-reply File 1.69 KB 0755
add_dns File 2.36 KB 0755
adddns File 2.36 KB 0755
addpop File 6.08 KB 0755
addsystemuser File 3.27 KB 0755
adduser File 92 B 0755
apachelimits File 4.31 KB 0755
archive_sync_zones File 3.02 KB 0755
auto-adjust-mysql-limits File 1.81 KB 0755
autorepair File 1.24 KB 0755
backups_clean_metadata_for_missing_backups File 1.57 KB 0755
backups_create_metadata File 15.75 KB 0755
backups_list_user_files File 4.56 KB 0755
balance_linked_node_quotas File 2.58 KB 0755
biglogcheck File 1.69 KB 0755
build_bandwidthdb_root_cache_in_background File 1.52 KB 0755
build_cpnat File 3.41 KB 0755
build_mail_sni File 3.87 KB 0755
build_maxemails_config File 1.14 KB 0755
builddovecotconf File 6.76 KB 0755
buildeximconf File 7 KB 0755
buildhttpdconf File 2.6 KB 0755
buildnsdconf File 1.01 KB 0755
buildpureftproot File 539 B 0755
ccs-check File 4.91 KB 0755
check_cpanel_pkgs File 10.75 KB 0755
check_cpanel_rpms File 218 B 0755
check_domain_tls_service_domains.pl File 6.68 KB 0755
check_immutable_files File 5.49 KB 0755
check_mail_spamassassin_compiledregexps_body_0 File 187 B 0755
check_maxmem_against_domains_count File 3.57 KB 0755
check_mount_procfs File 2.02 KB 0755
check_mysql File 5.55 KB 0755
check_security_advice_changes File 8.28 KB 0755
check_unmonitored_enabled_services File 4.56 KB 0755
check_unreliable_resolvers File 3.59 KB 0755
check_users_my_cnf File 6.05 KB 0755
check_valid_server_hostname File 7.66 KB 0755
checkalldomainsmxs File 2.4 KB 0755
checkbashshell File 1.18 KB 0755
checkccompiler File 1.22 KB 0755
checkexim.pl File 3.1 KB 0755
checklink File 1.29 KB 0755
checknsddirs File 1014 B 0755
checkusers File 856 B 0755
chkmydns File 561 B 0755
chkpaths File 141 B 0755
chpass File 416 B 0755
ckillall File 1.11 KB 0755
clean_dead_mailman_locks File 2.09 KB 0755
clean_up_temp_wheel_users File 2.44 KB 0755
clean_user_php_sessions File 4.76 KB 0755
cleandns File 13.09 KB 0755
cleandns8 File 417 B 0755
cleanmsglog File 735 B 0755
cleanphpsessions File 932 B 0755
cleanphpsessions.php File 658 B 0644
cleanquotas File 1.61 KB 0755
cleansessions File 5.91 KB 0755
cleanupinterchange File 2.64 KB 0755
cleanupmysqlprivs File 533 B 0755
clear_cpaddon_ui_caches File 1.27 KB 0755
clear_orphaned_virtfs_mounts File 3.56 KB 0755
comparecdb File 1.52 KB 0755
compilers File 2.86 KB 0755
compilerscheck File 999 B 0755
configure_firewall_for_cpanel File 520 B 0755
configure_rh_firewall_for_cpanel File 520 B 0755
configure_rh_ipv6_firewall_for_cpanel File 520 B 0755
convert2dovecot File 682 B 0755
convert_accesshash_to_token File 4.07 KB 0755
convert_and_migrate_from_legacy_backup File 1.97 KB 0755
convert_maildir_to_mdbox File 1.66 KB 0755
convert_mdbox_to_maildir File 1.66 KB 0755
convert_roundcube_mysql2sqlite File 25.28 KB 0755
convert_to_dovecot_delivery File 4.33 KB 0755
convert_whmxfer_to_sqlite File 1.46 KB 0755
copy_user_mail_as_root File 1.25 KB 0755
copy_user_mail_as_user File 1.34 KB 0755
cpaddonsup File 3.25 KB 0755
cpan_config File 2.8 KB 0755
cpanel_initial_install File 67.36 KB 0755
cpanelsync File 28.31 KB 0755
cpanelsync_postprocessor File 1.62 KB 0755
cpanpingtest File 965 B 0755
cpbackup File 44.77 KB 0755
cpbackup_transport_file File 5.65 KB 0755
cpdig File 1.81 KB 0755
cpfetch File 1.23 KB 0755
cphulkdblacklist File 433 B 0755
cphulkdwhitelist File 1.3 KB 0755
cpservice File 2.87 KB 0755
cpuser_port_authority File 19.29 KB 0755
cpuser_service_manager File 10.85 KB 0755
createacct File 24.57 MB 0700
custom_backup_destination.pl.sample File 5.06 KB 0755
custom_backup_destination.pl.skeleton File 2.84 KB 0755
dav_change_hostname File 3.57 KB 0755
dcpumon-wrapper File 850 B 0755
delpop File 6.2 KB 0755
detect_env_capabilities File 508 B 0755
disable_prelink File 2.77 KB 0755
disable_sqloptimizer File 1.49 KB 0755
disablefileprotect File 2.09 KB 0755
distro_changed_hook File 1.16 KB 0755
dnscluster File 4.44 KB 0755
dnsqueuecron File 1.29 KB 0755
dnssec-cluster-keys File 3.75 KB 0755
dovecot_maintenance File 7.93 KB 0755
dovecot_set_defaults.pl File 984 B 0755
dumpcdb File 866 B 0755
dumpinodes File 687 B 0755
dumpquotas File 616 B 0755
dumpstor File 913 B 0755
ea4_fresh_install File 2.64 KB 0755
edit_cpanelsync_exclude_list File 2.58 KB 0755
editquota File 3.44 KB 0755
elevate-cpanel File 349.17 KB 0700
email_archive_maintenance File 6.15 KB 0755
email_hold_maintenance File 1.46 KB 0755
enable_spf_dkim_globally File 8.83 KB 0755
enable_sqloptimizer File 1.57 KB 0755
enablefileprotect File 2.1 KB 0755
ensure_autoenabled_features File 2.5 MB 0700
ensure_conf_dir_crt_key File 4.82 KB 0755
ensure_cpuser_file_ip File 2.55 KB 0755
ensure_crontab_permissions File 1.08 KB 0755
ensure_dovecot_memory_limits_meet_minimum File 3.13 KB 0755
ensure_hostname_resolves File 2.57 KB 0755
ensure_includes File 601 B 0755
ensure_vhost_includes File 13.53 KB 0755
exim_tidydb File 2.96 KB 0755
eximconfgen File 1.32 KB 0755
eximstats_spam_check File 867 B 0755
export_horde_calendars_to_ics File 15.07 KB 0755
export_horde_contacts_to_vcf File 13.94 KB 0755
exportmydnsdb File 3.47 KB 0755
expunge_expired_certificates_from_sslstorage File 3.56 KB 0755
expunge_expired_pkgacct_sessions File 852 B 0755
expunge_expired_transfer_sessions File 1.06 KB 0755
fastmail File 5.16 KB 0755
featuremod File 1.92 KB 0755
fetchfile File 422 B 0755
find_and_fix_rpm_issues File 6.99 KB 0755
find_outdated_services File 5.41 KB 0755
find_pids_with_inotify_watch_on_path File 3.66 KB 0755
fix-cpanel-perl File 28.82 KB 0755
fix-listen-on-localhost File 3.52 KB 0755
fix-web-vhost-configuration File 6.15 KB 0755
fix_addon_permissions File 7.68 KB 0755
fix_dns_zone_ttls File 1.34 KB 0755
fix_innodb_tables File 4.05 KB 0755
fix_pear_registry File 4.07 KB 0755
fix_reseller_acls File 10.88 KB 0755
fixetchosts File 4.32 KB 0755
fixheaders File 572 B 0755
fixmailinglistperms File 1008 B 0755
fixmailman File 2.09 KB 0755
fixnamedviews File 1.22 KB 0755
fixndc File 413 B 0755
fixquotas File 17.45 KB 0755
fixrelayd File 1.74 KB 0755
fixrndc File 16.48 KB 0755
fixtar File 503 B 0755
fixtlsversions File 4.7 KB 0755
fixvaliases File 2 KB 0755
fixwebalizer File 966 B 0755
forcelocaldomain File 895 B 0755
ftpfetch File 2.2 KB 0755
ftpquotacheck File 8.31 KB 0755
ftpsfetch File 2.36 KB 0755
ftpupdate File 261 B 0755
gather_update_log_stats File 4.25 KB 0700
gather_update_logs_setupcrontab File 5.45 KB 0700
gemwrapper File 1.74 KB 0755
gencrt File 6.26 KB 0755
generate_account_suspension_include File 5.7 KB 0755
generate_google_drive_credentials File 1.11 KB 0755
generate_google_drive_oauth_uri File 984 B 0755
generate_maildirsize File 13.94 KB 0755
gensysinfo File 1.16 KB 0755
get_locale_from_legacy_name_info File 1.99 KB 0755
getremotecpmove File 12.67 KB 0755
grpck File 1.19 KB 0755
hackcheck File 3.02 KB 0755
hook File 1.45 KB 0755
httpspamdetect File 2.66 KB 0755
hulk-unban-ip File 3.93 MB 0700
import_exim_data File 8.39 KB 0755
importmydnsdb File 11.34 KB 0755
increase_filesystem_limits File 891 B 0755
initacls File 4.99 KB 0755
initfpsuexec File 444 B 0755
initquotas File 19.47 KB 0755
initsuexec File 4.03 KB 0755
install_cpanel_analytics File 1.93 KB 0755
install_dovecot_fts File 1.57 KB 0755
install_plugin File 2.8 KB 0755
installpkg File 575 B 0755
installpostgres File 6.56 KB 0755
installsqlite3 File 1.82 KB 0755
ipcheck File 3.93 KB 0755
ipusage File 7.45 KB 0755
isdedicatedip File 602 B 0755
jetbackup-check File 3.69 KB 0755
killdns File 422 B 0755
killdns-dnsadmin File 1.15 KB 0755
killmysqluserprivs File 433 B 0755
killmysqlwildcard File 1.15 KB 0755
killpvhost File 853 B 0755
killspamkeys File 937 B 0755
link_3rdparty_binaries File 1.24 KB 0755
linksubemailtomainacct File 3.17 KB 0755
listcheck File 538 B 0755
listsubdomains File 1.05 KB 0755
litespeed-check File 3.86 KB 0755
locale_export File 4.82 KB 0755
locale_import File 4.35 KB 0755
locale_info File 3.99 KB 0755
logo.dat File 205 B 0644
magicloader File 1.94 KB 0755
maildir_converter File 6.08 KB 0755
mailperm File 16.58 KB 0755
mailscannerupdate File 2.42 KB 0755
mainipcheck File 10 KB 0755
maintenance File 46.62 KB 0755
make_config File 407 B 0644
make_hostname_unowned File 1.16 KB 0755
manage_extra_marketing File 12.41 KB 0700
manage_greylisting File 16.19 KB 0755
manage_mysql_profiles File 20.02 KB 0755
migrate-pdns-conf File 9.83 KB 0755
migrate_legacy_wordpress_to_modern_wordpress File 12.99 KB 0700
migrate_local_ini_to_php_ini File 7.41 KB 0755
migrate_whmtheme_file_to_userdata File 2.95 KB 0755
mkwwwacctconf File 2.33 KB 0755
modify_accounts File 4.09 KB 0755
modify_default_featurelist_entry.pl File 5.18 KB 0700
modify_packages File 3.65 KB 0755
modsec_vendor File 15.63 KB 0755
mysqlconnectioncheck File 6.55 KB 0755
mysqlpasswd File 4.09 KB 0755
named.ca File 1.57 KB 0644
named.rfc1912.zones File 774 B 0644
nixstatsagent.sh File 58.67 KB 0700
notify_expiring_certificates File 9.37 KB 0755
notify_expiring_certificates_on_linked_nodes File 1.33 KB 0755
oopscheck File 1.12 KB 0755
optimize_eximstats File 3.88 KB 0755
patch_mail_spamassassin_compiledregexps_body_0 File 2.39 KB 0755
patchfdsetsize File 2.72 KB 0755
pedquota File 2.26 KB 0755
perform_sqlite_auto_rebuild_db_maintenance File 2.2 KB 0755
perlinstaller File 528 B 0755
perlmods File 1.18 KB 0755
php_fpm_config File 9.73 KB 0755
phpini_tidy File 687 B 0755
pkgacct File 87.82 KB 0755
post_snapshot File 3.16 KB 0755
post_sync_cleanup File 6.09 KB 0755
primary_virtual_host_migration File 2.44 KB 0755
process_pending_cpanel_php_pear_registration File 3.49 KB 0755
process_site_templates File 7.27 KB 0755
proxydomains File 9.34 KB 0755
ptycheck File 724 B 0755
purge_modsec_log File 1.53 KB 0755
purge_old_config_caches File 2.08 KB 0755
pwck File 708 B 0755
quickdnslookup File 1.13 KB 0755
quickwhoisips File 2.29 KB 0755
quota_auto_fix File 1.41 KB 0755
quotacheck File 22.36 KB 0755
rawchpass File 460 B 0755
rdate File 4.8 KB 0755
realadduser File 5.61 KB 0755
realchpass File 3.26 KB 0755
realperlinstaller File 5.67 KB 0755
realrawchpass File 425 B 0755
rebuild_available_addons_packages_cache File 1.27 KB 0755
rebuild_available_rpm_addons_cache File 1.27 KB 0755
rebuild_bandwidthdb_root_cache File 1.45 KB 0755
rebuild_dbmap File 5.8 KB 0755
rebuild_provider_openid_connect_links_db File 1.01 KB 0755
rebuild_whm_chrome File 2.22 KB 0755
rebuilddnsconfig File 26.21 KB 0755
rebuildhttpdconf File 2.6 KB 0755
rebuildinstalledssldb File 2.85 KB 0755
rebuildippool File 509 B 0755
rebuildnsdzones File 1.14 KB 0755
rebuilduserssldb File 948 B 0755
refresh-dkim-validity-cache File 5.97 KB 0755
regenerate_tokens File 2.18 KB 0755
reloadnsd File 821 B 0755
remote_log_transfer File 11.6 KB 0755
remove_dovecot_index_files File 5.89 KB 0755
removeacct File 20.91 MB 0700
rescan_user_dovecot_fts File 2.98 KB 0755
reset_mail_quotas_to_sane_values File 6.82 KB 0755
resetmailmanurls File 2.03 KB 0755
resetquotas File 4.68 KB 0755
restartsrv File 3.23 KB 0755
restartsrv_apache File 422 B 0755
restartsrv_apache_php_fpm File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_base File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_bind File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_chkservd File 427 B 0755
restartsrv_clamd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpanalyticsd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpanel_php_fpm File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpanellogd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpdavd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpgreylistd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cphulkd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpipv6 File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_cpsrvd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_crond File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_dnsadmin File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_dovecot File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_exim File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_eximstats File 504 B 0755
restartsrv_ftpd File 426 B 0755
restartsrv_ftpserver File 911 B 0755
restartsrv_httpd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_imap File 437 B 0755
restartsrv_inetd File 2.47 KB 0755
restartsrv_ipaliases File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_lmtp File 437 B 0755
restartsrv_mailman File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_mydns File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_mysql File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_named File 777 B 0755
restartsrv_nscd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_nsd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_p0f File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_pdns File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_pop3 File 437 B 0755
restartsrv_postgres File 427 B 0755
restartsrv_postgresql File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_powerdns File 442 B 0755
restartsrv_proftpd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_pureftpd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_queueprocd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_rsyslog File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_rsyslogd File 437 B 0755
restartsrv_spamd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_sshd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_syslogd File 2.4 KB 0755
restartsrv_tailwatchd File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_unknown File 9.9 MB 0755
restartsrv_xinetd File 422 B 0755
restorecpuserfromcache File 1.96 KB 0755
restorepkg File 36.49 MB 0700
rfc1912_zones.tar File 10 KB 0644
rpmup File 4.77 KB 0755
rsync-user-homedir.pl File 5.76 KB 0755
run_if_exists File 512 B 0755
runstatsonce File 440 B 0755
runweblogs File 1.02 KB 0755
sa-update_wrapper File 3.34 KB 0755
safetybits.pl File 844 B 0755
secureit File 4.72 KB 0755
securemysql File 4.54 KB 0755
securerailsapps File 3.58 KB 0755
securetmp File 15.99 KB 0755
sendicq File 474 B 0755
servicedomains File 9.34 KB 0755
set_mailman_archive_perms File 1.75 KB 0755
set_php_memory_limits File 3.67 KB 0755
setpostgresconfig File 6.04 KB 0755
setup_greylist_db File 16.19 KB 0755
setup_modsec_db File 1.3 KB 0755
setupftpserver File 10.47 KB 0755
setupmailserver File 9.55 KB 0755
setupnameserver File 13.75 KB 0755
shrink_modsec_ip_database File 12.97 KB 0755
simpleps File 3.05 KB 0755
slurp_exim_mainlog File 5.78 KB 0755
smartcheck File 15.13 KB 0755
smtpmailgidonly File 8.15 KB 0755
snapshot_prep File 5.88 KB 0755
spamassassin_dbm_cleaner File 5.85 KB 0755
spamassassindisable File 3.74 KB 0755
spamboxdisable File 2.27 KB 0755
sshcontrol File 14.38 KB 0755
ssl_crt_status File 3.84 KB 0755
suspendacct File 18.01 KB 0755
suspendmysqlusers File 4.42 KB 0755
swapip File 3.82 KB 0755
sync-mysql-users-from-grants File 1.2 KB 0755
sync_child_accounts File 1.77 KB 0755
sync_contact_emails_to_cpanel_users_files File 1.14 KB 0755
synccpaddonswithsqlhost File 6.59 KB 0755
synctransfers File 1.92 KB 0755
syslog_check File 1.36 KB 0755
sysup File 645 B 0755
test_sa_compiled File 1.07 KB 0755
transfer_account_as_user File 2.34 KB 0755
transfer_accounts_as_root File 4.76 KB 0755
transfer_in_progress File 3.08 KB 0755
transfer_in_progress.pod File 312 B 0644
transfermysqlusers File 9.53 MB 0700
try-later File 7.95 KB 0755
unblockip File 667 B 0755
uninstall_cpanel_analytics File 1.2 KB 0755
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uninstall_plugin File 2.84 KB 0755
unlink_service_account File 2.62 KB 0755
unpkgacct File 4.6 KB 0755
unslavenamedconf File 863 B 0755
unsuspendacct File 17.8 KB 0755
unsuspendmysqlusers File 6.71 KB 0755
upcp File 31.56 KB 0755
upcp-running File 2.7 KB 0755
upcp.static File 708.4 KB 0755
update-packages File 4.77 KB 0755
update_apachectl File 480 B 0755
update_db_cache File 430 B 0755
update_dkim_keys File 1.45 KB 0755
update_exim_rejects File 1.21 KB 0755
update_existing_mail_quotas_for_account File 4.78 KB 0755
update_known_proxy_ips File 1002 B 0755
update_local_rpm_versions File 4.56 KB 0755
update_mailman_cache File 8.34 KB 0755
update_mysql_systemd_config File 1.25 KB 0755
update_neighbor_netblocks File 487 B 0755
update_sa_config File 2.14 KB 0755
update_spamassassin_config File 10.73 KB 0755
update_users_jail File 691 B 0755
update_users_vhosts File 801 B 0755
updatedomainips File 605 B 0755
updatenameserverips File 1.66 KB 0755
updatenow File 5.18 KB 0755
updatenow.static File 1.91 MB 0755
updatenow.static-cpanelsync File 1.97 MB 0700
updatesigningkey File 1.95 KB 0755
updatessldomains File 1.81 KB 0755
updatesupportauthorizations File 2.49 KB 0755
updateuserdatacache File 2.47 KB 0755
updateuserdomains File 774 B 0755
upgrade_bandwidth_dbs File 2.22 KB 0755
upgrade_subaccount_databases File 2.73 KB 0755
userdata_wildcard_cleanup File 5.74 KB 0755
userdirctl File 5.01 KB 0755
validate_sshkey_passphrase File 1.21 KB 0755
verify_api_spec_files File 757 B 0755
verify_pidfile File 1.96 KB 0755
verify_vhost_includes File 7.34 KB 0755
vps_optimizer File 7.82 KB 0755
vzzo-fixer File 725 B 0755
whmlogin File 2.33 KB 0755
whoowns File 1.13 KB 0755
wpt_license File 6.27 MB 0700
wwwacct File 24.57 MB 0700
wwwacct2 File 88 B 0755
xfer_rcube_schema_migrate.pl File 2.4 KB 0755
xfer_rcube_uid_resolver.pl File 1.8 KB 0755
xferpoint File 3.13 KB 0755
xfertool File 16.14 KB 0755
zoneexists File 800 B 0755