[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
package ExtUtils::MM_Win32;

use strict;

=head1 NAME

ExtUtils::MM_Win32 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker


 use ExtUtils::MM_Win32; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed


See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
the semantics.


use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(neatvalue _sprintf562);

require ExtUtils::MM_Any;
require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
our @ISA = qw( ExtUtils::MM_Any ExtUtils::MM_Unix );
our $VERSION = '7.36';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;

$ENV{EMXSHELL} = 'sh'; # to run `commands`

my ( $BORLAND, $GCC, $MSVC ) = _identify_compiler_environment( \%Config );

sub _identify_compiler_environment {
	my ( $config ) = @_;

	my $BORLAND = $config->{cc} =~ /\bbcc/i ? 1 : 0;
	my $GCC     = $config->{cc} =~ /\bgcc\b/i ? 1 : 0;
	my $MSVC    = $config->{cc} =~ /\b(?:cl|icl)/i ? 1 : 0; # MSVC can come as clarm.exe, icl=Intel C

	return ( $BORLAND, $GCC, $MSVC );

=head2 Overridden methods

=over 4

=item B<dlsyms>


sub dlsyms {
    my($self,%attribs) = @_;
    return '' if $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'};

=item xs_dlsyms_ext

On Win32, is C<.def>.


sub xs_dlsyms_ext {

=item replace_manpage_separator

Changes the path separator with .


sub replace_manpage_separator {
    my($self,$man) = @_;
    $man =~ s,[/\\]+,.,g;

=item B<maybe_command>

Since Windows has nothing as simple as an executable bit, we check the
file extension.

The PATHEXT env variable will be used to get a list of extensions that
might indicate a command, otherwise .com, .exe, .bat and .cmd will be
used by default.


sub maybe_command {
    my($self,$file) = @_;
    my @e = exists($ENV{'PATHEXT'})
          ? split(/;/, $ENV{PATHEXT})
	  : qw(.com .exe .bat .cmd);
    my $e = '';
    for (@e) { $e .= "\Q$_\E|" }
    chop $e;
    # see if file ends in one of the known extensions
    if ($file =~ /($e)$/i) {
	return $file if -e $file;
    else {
	for (@e) {
	    return "$file$_" if -e "$file$_";

=item B<init_DIRFILESEP>

Using \ for Windows, except for "gmake" where it is /.


sub init_DIRFILESEP {
    my($self) = shift;

    # The ^ makes sure its not interpreted as an escape in nmake
    $self->{DIRFILESEP} = $self->is_make_type('nmake') ? '^\\' :
                          $self->is_make_type('dmake') ? '\\\\' :
                          $self->is_make_type('gmake') ? '/'
                                                       : '\\';

=item init_tools

Override some of the slower, portable commands with Windows specific ones.


sub init_tools {
    my ($self) = @_;

    $self->{NOOP}     ||= 'rem';
    $self->{DEV_NULL} ||= '> NUL';

    $self->{FIXIN}    ||= $self->{PERL_CORE} ?
      "\$(PERLRUN) -I$self->{PERL_SRC}\\cpan\\ExtUtils-PL2Bat\\lib $self->{PERL_SRC}\\win32\\bin\\pl2bat.pl" :


    # Setting SHELL from $Config{sh} can break dmake.  Its ok without it.
    delete $self->{SHELL};


=item init_others

Override the default link and compile tools.

LDLOADLIBS's default is changed to $Config{libs}.

Adjustments are made for Borland's quirks needing -L to come first.


sub init_others {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{LD}     ||= 'link';
    $self->{AR}     ||= 'lib';


    $self->{LDLOADLIBS} ||= $Config{libs};
    # -Lfoo must come first for Borland, so we put it in LDDLFLAGS
    if ($BORLAND) {
        my $libs = $self->{LDLOADLIBS};
        my $libpath = '';
        while ($libs =~ s/(?:^|\s)(("?)-L.+?\2)(?:\s|$)/ /) {
            $libpath .= ' ' if length $libpath;
            $libpath .= $1;
        $self->{LDLOADLIBS} = $libs;
        $self->{LDDLFLAGS} ||= $Config{lddlflags};
        $self->{LDDLFLAGS} .= " $libpath";


=item init_platform


=item platform_constants


sub init_platform {
    my($self) = shift;

    $self->{MM_Win32_VERSION} = $VERSION;


sub platform_constants {
    my($self) = shift;
    my $make_frag = '';

    foreach my $macro (qw(MM_Win32_VERSION))
        next unless defined $self->{$macro};
        $make_frag .= "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n";

    return $make_frag;

=item specify_shell

Set SHELL to $ENV{COMSPEC} only if make is type 'gmake'.


sub specify_shell {
    my $self = shift;
    return '' unless $self->is_make_type('gmake');
    "\nSHELL = $ENV{COMSPEC}\n";

=item constants

Add MAXLINELENGTH for dmake before all the constants are output.


sub constants {
    my $self = shift;

    my $make_text = $self->SUPER::constants;
    return $make_text unless $self->is_make_type('dmake');

    # dmake won't read any single "line" (even those with escaped newlines)
    # larger than a certain size which can be as small as 8k.  PM_TO_BLIB
    # on large modules like DateTime::TimeZone can create lines over 32k.
    # So we'll crank it up to a <ironic>WHOPPING</ironic> 64k.
    # This has to come here before all the constants and not in
    # platform_constants which is after constants.
    my $size = $self->{MAXLINELENGTH} || 800000;
    my $prefix = qq{
# Get dmake to read long commands like PM_TO_BLIB


    return $prefix . $make_text;

=item special_targets

Add .USESHELL target for dmake.


sub special_targets {
    my($self) = @_;

    my $make_frag = $self->SUPER::special_targets;

    $make_frag .= <<'MAKE_FRAG' if $self->is_make_type('dmake');

    return $make_frag;

=item static_lib_pure_cmd

Defines how to run the archive utility


sub static_lib_pure_cmd {
    my ($self, $from) = @_;
    $from =~ s/(\$\(\w+)(\))/$1:^"+"$2/g if $BORLAND;
    sprintf qq{\t\$(AR) %s\n}, ($BORLAND ? '$@ ' . $from
                          : ($GCC ? '-ru $@ ' . $from
                                  : '-out:$@ ' . $from));

=item dynamic_lib

Methods are overridden here: not dynamic_lib itself, but the utility
ones that do the OS-specific work.


sub xs_make_dynamic_lib {
    my ($self, $attribs, $from, $to, $todir, $ldfrom, $exportlist) = @_;
    my @m = sprintf '%s : %s $(MYEXTLIB) %s$(DFSEP).exists %s $(PERL_ARCHIVEDEP) $(INST_DYNAMIC_DEP)'."\n", $to, $from, $todir, $exportlist;
    if ($GCC) {
      # per https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=78395 no longer
      # uses dlltool - relies on post 2002 MinGW
      #                             1            2
      push @m, _sprintf562 <<'EOF', $exportlist, $ldfrom;
	$(LD) %1$s -o $@ $(LDDLFLAGS) %2$s $(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(MYEXTLIB) "$(PERL_ARCHIVE)" $(LDLOADLIBS) -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base
    } elsif ($BORLAND) {
      my $ldargs = $self->is_make_type('dmake')
          ? q{"$(PERL_ARCHIVE:s,/,\,)" $(LDLOADLIBS:s,/,\,) $(MYEXTLIB:s,/,\,),}
          : q{"$(subst /,\,$(PERL_ARCHIVE))" $(subst /,\,$(LDLOADLIBS)) $(subst /,\,$(MYEXTLIB)),};
      my $subbed;
      if ($exportlist eq '$(EXPORT_LIST)') {
          $subbed = $self->is_make_type('dmake')
              ? q{$(EXPORT_LIST:s,/,\,)}
              : q{$(subst /,\,$(EXPORT_LIST))};
      } else {
            # in XSMULTI, exportlist is per-XS, so have to sub in perl not make
          ($subbed = $exportlist) =~ s#/#\\#g;
      push @m, sprintf <<'EOF', $ldfrom, $ldargs . $subbed;
        $(LD) $(LDDLFLAGS) $(OTHERLDFLAGS) %s,$@,,%s,$(RESFILES)
    } else {	# VC
      push @m, sprintf <<'EOF', $ldfrom, $exportlist;
      # Embed the manifest file if it exists
      push(@m, q{	if exist $@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
	if exist $@.manifest del $@.manifest});
    push @m, "\n\t\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) \$\@\n";

    join '', @m;

sub xs_dynamic_lib_macros {
    my ($self, $attribs) = @_;
    my $otherldflags = $attribs->{OTHERLDFLAGS} || ($BORLAND ? 'c0d32.obj': '');
    my $inst_dynamic_dep = $attribs->{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
    sprintf <<'EOF', $otherldflags, $inst_dynamic_dep;
# This section creates the dynamically loadable objects from relevant
# objects and possibly $(MYEXTLIB).

=item extra_clean_files

Clean out some extra dll.{base,exp} files which might be generated by
gcc.  Otherwise, take out all *.pdb files.


sub extra_clean_files {
    my $self = shift;

    return $GCC ? (qw(dll.base dll.exp)) : ('*.pdb');

=item init_linker


sub init_linker {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE}       = "\$(PERL_INC)\\$Config{libperl}";
    $self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP}    = "\$(PERL_INCDEP)\\$Config{libperl}";
    $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} = '';
    $self->{EXPORT_LIST}        = '$(BASEEXT).def';

=item perl_script

Checks for the perl program under several common perl extensions.


sub perl_script {
    my($self,$file) = @_;
    return $file if -r $file && -f _;
    return "$file.pl"  if -r "$file.pl" && -f _;
    return "$file.plx" if -r "$file.plx" && -f _;
    return "$file.bat" if -r "$file.bat" && -f _;

sub can_dep_space {
    my $self = shift;
    1; # with Win32::GetShortPathName

=item quote_dep


sub quote_dep {
    my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    if ($arg =~ / / and not $self->is_make_type('gmake')) {
        require Win32;
        $arg = Win32::GetShortPathName($arg);
        die <<EOF if not defined $arg or $arg =~ / /;
Tried to use make dependency with space for non-GNU make:
Fallback to short pathname failed.
        return $arg;
    return $self->SUPER::quote_dep($arg);

=item xs_obj_opt

Override to fixup -o flags for MSVC.


sub xs_obj_opt {
    my ($self, $output_file) = @_;
    ($MSVC ? "/Fo" : "-o ") . $output_file;

=item pasthru

All we send is -nologo to nmake to prevent it from printing its damned


sub pasthru {
    my($self) = shift;
    my $old = $self->SUPER::pasthru;
    return $old unless $self->is_make_type('nmake');
    $old =~ s/(PASTHRU\s*=\s*)/$1 -nologo /;

=item arch_check (override)

Normalize all arguments for consistency of comparison.


sub arch_check {
    my $self = shift;

    # Win32 is an XS module, minperl won't have it.
    # arch_check() is not critical, so just fake it.
    return 1 unless $self->can_load_xs;
    return $self->SUPER::arch_check( map { $self->_normalize_path_name($_) } @_);

sub _normalize_path_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;

    require Win32;
    my $short = Win32::GetShortPathName($file);
    return defined $short ? lc $short : lc $file;

=item oneliner

These are based on what command.com does on Win98.  They may be wrong
for other Windows shells, I don't know.


sub oneliner {
    my($self, $cmd, $switches) = @_;
    $switches = [] unless defined $switches;

    # Strip leading and trailing newlines
    $cmd =~ s{^\n+}{};
    $cmd =~ s{\n+$}{};

    $cmd = $self->quote_literal($cmd);
    $cmd = $self->escape_newlines($cmd);

    $switches = join ' ', @$switches;

    return qq{\$(ABSPERLRUN) $switches -e $cmd --};

sub quote_literal {
    my($self, $text, $opts) = @_;
    $opts->{allow_variables} = 1 unless defined $opts->{allow_variables};

    # See: http://www.autohotkey.net/~deleyd/parameters/parameters.htm#CPP

    # Apply the Microsoft C/C++ parsing rules
    $text =~ s{\\\\"}{\\\\\\\\\\"}g;  # \\" -> \\\\\"
    $text =~ s{(?<!\\)\\"}{\\\\\\"}g; # \"  -> \\\"
    $text =~ s{(?<!\\)"}{\\"}g;       # "   -> \"
    $text = qq{"$text"} if $text =~ /[ \t#]/; # hash because gmake 4.2.1

    # Apply the Command Prompt parsing rules (cmd.exe)
    my @text = split /("[^"]*")/, $text;
    # We should also escape parentheses, but it breaks one-liners containing
    # $(MACRO)s in makefiles.
    s{([<>|&^@!])}{^$1}g foreach grep { !/^"[^"]*"$/ } @text;
    $text = join('', @text);

    # dmake expands {{ to { and }} to }.
    if( $self->is_make_type('dmake') ) {
        $text =~ s/{/{{/g;
        $text =~ s/}/}}/g;

    $text = $opts->{allow_variables}
      ? $self->escape_dollarsigns($text) : $self->escape_all_dollarsigns($text);

    return $text;

sub escape_newlines {
    my($self, $text) = @_;

    # Escape newlines
    $text =~ s{\n}{\\\n}g;

    return $text;

=item cd

dmake can handle Unix style cd'ing but nmake (at least 1.5) cannot.  It

    cd dir1\dir2
    cd ..\..


sub cd {
    my($self, $dir, @cmds) = @_;

    return $self->SUPER::cd($dir, @cmds) unless $self->is_make_type('nmake');

    my $cmd = join "\n\t", map "$_", @cmds;

    my $updirs = $self->catdir(map { $self->updir } $self->splitdir($dir));

    # No leading tab and no trailing newline makes for easier embedding.
    my $make_frag = sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $dir, $cmd, $updirs;
cd %s
	cd %s

    chomp $make_frag;

    return $make_frag;

=item max_exec_len

nmake 1.50 limits command length to 2048 characters.


sub max_exec_len {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{_MAX_EXEC_LEN} ||= 2 * 1024;

=item os_flavor

Windows is Win32.


sub os_flavor {

=item dbgoutflag

Returns a CC flag that tells the CC to emit a separate debugging symbol file
when compiling an object file.


sub dbgoutflag {
    $MSVC ? '-Fd$(*).pdb' : '';

=item cflags

Defines the PERLDLL symbol if we are configured for static building since all
code destined for the perl5xx.dll must be compiled with the PERLDLL symbol


sub cflags {
    return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS};
    return '' unless $self->needs_linking();

    my $base = $self->SUPER::cflags($libperl);
    foreach (split /\n/, $base) {
        /^(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)$/ and $self->{$1} = $2;
    $self->{CCFLAGS} .= " -DPERLDLL" if ($self->{LINKTYPE} eq 'static');

    return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{


=item make_type

Returns a suitable string describing the type of makefile being written.


sub make_type {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $make = $self->make;
    $make = +( File::Spec->splitpath( $make ) )[-1];
    $make =~ s!\.exe$!!i;
    if ( $make =~ m![^A-Z0-9]!i ) {
      ($make) = grep { m!make!i } split m![^A-Z0-9]!i, $make;
    return "$make-style";




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Command Folder 0755
Liblist Folder 0755
MakeMaker Folder 0755
Command.pm File 7.61 KB 0444
Install.pm File 39.63 KB 0444
Installed.pm File 14.03 KB 0444
Liblist.pm File 9.27 KB 0444
MANIFEST.SKIP File 971 B 0444
MM.pm File 2.08 KB 0444
MM_AIX.pm File 1.44 KB 0444
MM_Any.pm File 80.9 KB 0444
MM_BeOS.pm File 1.02 KB 0444
MM_Cygwin.pm File 3.99 KB 0444
MM_DOS.pm File 1.02 KB 0444
MM_Darwin.pm File 931 B 0444
MM_MacOS.pm File 887 B 0444
MM_NW5.pm File 5.33 KB 0444
MM_OS2.pm File 3.14 KB 0444
MM_QNX.pm File 889 B 0444
MM_UWIN.pm File 976 B 0444
MM_Unix.pm File 111.52 KB 0444
MM_VMS.pm File 66.6 KB 0444
MM_VOS.pm File 744 B 0444
MM_Win32.pm File 14.32 KB 0444
MM_Win95.pm File 1.25 KB 0444
MY.pm File 673 B 0444
MakeMaker.pm File 106.18 KB 0444
Manifest.pm File 22.89 KB 0444
Mkbootstrap.pm File 3.22 KB 0444
Mksymlists.pm File 10.74 KB 0444
Packlist.pm File 8.36 KB 0444
testlib.pm File 911 B 0444