[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# weak-modules - determine which modules are kABI compatible with installed
#                kernels and set up the symlinks in /lib/*/weak-updates.

tmpdir=$(mktemp -td ${0##*/}.XXXXXX)
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
unset ${!changed_modules_*} ${!changed_initramfs_*}

default_initramfs_prefix="/boot" # will be combined with BASEDIR
declare -a modules
declare -A module_krels
declare -A weak_modules_before

declare -A groups
declare -A grouped_modules

# output of validate_weak_links, one iteration
# short_name -> path
declare -A compatible_modules

# state for update_modules_for_krel (needed for add_kernel case)
# short_name -> path
declare -A installed_modules

# doit:
# A wrapper used whenever we're going to perform a real operation.
doit() {
    [ -n "$verbose" ] && echo "$@"
    [ -n "$dry_run" ] || "$@"

# pr_verbose:
# print verbose -- wrapper used to print extra messages if required
pr_verbose() {
    [ -n "$verbose" ] && echo "$@"

# pr_warning:
# print warning
pr_warning() {
    echo "WARNING: $*"

# rpmsort: The sort in coreutils can't sort the RPM list how we want it so we
# instead transform the list into a form it will sort correctly, then sort.
rpmsort() {
    local IFS=$' '

    if [ "-r" == "$1" ];

    echo ${rpmlist[@]} | \
        sed -e 's/-/../g' | \
        sort ${REVERSE} -n -t"." -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 -k6,6 -k7,7 \
             -k8,8 -k9,9 -k10,10 | \
        sed -e 's/\.\./-/g'

# krel_of_module:
# Compute the kernel release of a module.
krel_of_module() {
    local module="$1"

    if [ x"${module_krels[$module]+set}" = x"set" ]; then
        # version cached in the array already
        echo "${module_krels[$module]}"
    elif [ -f "$module" ]; then
        krel_of_module_modinfo "$module"
        # Try to extract the kernel release from the path
        # delete case, the .ko already deleted
        set -- "${module#*/lib/modules/}"
        echo "${1%%/*}"

# krel_of_module_modinfo:
# Fetches module version from internal module info
krel_of_module_modinfo() {
    local module="$1"
    /sbin/modinfo -F vermagic "$module" | awk '{print $1}'

# weak_updates_dir:
# gives the root directory for the weak-updates
# We need some flexibility here because of dry-run.
weak_updates_dir() {
    local krel="$1"

    if [[ -z "$weak_updates_dir_override" ]]; then
        echo "$BASEDIR/lib/modules/$krel/weak-updates"
        echo "$weak_updates_dir_override"

# read_modules_list:
# Read in a list of modules from standard input. Convert the filenames into
# absolute paths and compute the kernel release for each module (either using
# the modinfo section or through the absolute path.
# If used with input redirect, should be used as read_module_list < input,
# not input | read_modules_list, the latter spawns a subshell
# and the arrays are not seen in the caller
read_modules_list() {
    local IFS=$'\n'

    for ((n = 0; n < ${#modules[@]}; n++)); do
        if [ ${modules[n]:0:1} != '/' ]; then
        module_krels["${modules[n]}"]=$(krel_of_module ${modules[n]})

decompress_initramfs() {
    local input=$1
    local output=$2

    # First, check if this is compressed at all
    if cpio -i -t < "$input" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
        # If this archive contains a file early_cpio, it's a trick. Strip off
        # the early cpio archive and try again.
        if cpio -i -t < "$input" 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^early_cpio$' ; then
            /usr/lib/dracut/skipcpio "$input" > "${tmpdir}/post_early_cpio.img"
            decompress_initramfs "${tmpdir}/post_early_cpio.img" "$output"
            rm -f "${tmpdir}/post_early_cpio.img"
            return $retval

        cp "$input" "$output"
        return 0

    # Try gzip
    if gzip -cd < "$input" > "$output" 2>/dev/null ; then
        return 0

    # Next try xz
    if xz -cd < "$input" > "$output" 2>/dev/null ; then
        return 0

    echo "Unable to decompress $input: Unknown format" >&2
    return 1

# List all module files and modprobe configuration that could require a new
# initramfs. The current directory must be the root of the uncompressed
# initramfs. The unsorted list of files is output to stdout.
list_module_files() {
    find . -iname \*.ko -o -iname '*.ko.xz' -o -iname '*.ko.gz' 2>/dev/null
    find etc/modprobe.d usr/lib/modprobe.d -name \*.conf 2>/dev/null

# read_old_initramfs:
compare_initramfs_modules() {
    local old_initramfs=$1
    local new_initramfs=$2

    rm -rf "$tmpdir/old_initramfs"
    rm -rf "$tmpdir/new_initramfs"
    mkdir "$tmpdir/old_initramfs"
    mkdir "$tmpdir/new_initramfs"

    decompress_initramfs "$old_initramfs" "$tmpdir/old_initramfs.img"
    pushd "$tmpdir/old_initramfs" >/dev/null
    cpio -i < "$tmpdir/old_initramfs.img" 2>/dev/null
    rm "$tmpdir/old_initramfs.img"
    n=0; for i in `list_module_files|sort`; do
    popd >/dev/null

    decompress_initramfs "$new_initramfs" "$tmpdir/new_initramfs.img"
    pushd "$tmpdir/new_initramfs" >/dev/null
    cpio -i < "$tmpdir/new_initramfs.img" 2>/dev/null
    rm "$tmpdir/new_initramfs.img"
    n=0; for i in `list_module_files|sort`; do
    popd >/dev/null

    # Compare the length and contents of the arrays
    if [ "${#old_initramfs_modules[@]}" == "${#new_initramfs_modules[@]}" -a \
         "${old_initramfs_modules[*]}" == "${new_initramfs_modules[*]}" ];
        # If the file lists are the same, compare each file to find any that changed
        for ((n = 0; n < ${#old_initramfs_modules[@]}; n++)); do
            if ! cmp "$tmpdir/old_initramfs/${old_initramfs_modules[n]}" \
                     "$tmpdir/new_initramfs/${new_initramfs_modules[n]}" \
                     >/dev/null 2>&1
                return 1
        return 1

    return 0

# check_initramfs:
# check and possibly also update the initramfs for changed kernels
check_initramfs() {
    local kernel=$1

    # If there is no initramfs already we will not make one here.
    if [ -e "$initramfs_prefix/initramfs-$kernel.img" ];

        $dracut -f "$tmp_initramfs" "$kernel"

        if ! compare_initramfs_modules "$old_initramfs" "$tmp_initramfs";
            doit mv "$tmp_initramfs" "$new_initramfs"
            rm -f "$tmp_initramfs"

usage() {
    echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] {--add-modules|--remove-modules}"
    echo "${0##*/} [options] {--add-kernel|--remove-kernel} {kernel-release}"
    cat <<'EOF'
        Add a list of modules read from standard input. Create
        symlinks in compatible kernel's weak-updates/ directory.
        The list of modules is read from standard input.

        Remove compatibility symlinks from weak-updates/ directories
        for a list of modules.  The list of modules is read from
        standard input. Note: it doesn't attempt to locate any
        compatible modules to replace those being removed.

        Add compatibility symlinks for all compatible modules to the
        specified or running kernel.

        Remove all compatibility symlinks for the specified or current

        Do not generate an initramfs.

        Print the commands executed.

        Do not create/remove any files.
    exit $1

# module_has_changed:
# Mark if an actual change occured that we need to deal with later by calling
# depmod or mkinitramfs against the affected kernel.
module_has_changed() {

    declare module=$1 krel=$2
    declare orig_module=$module

    [[ $module == $orig_module ]] && module=${module%.ko.xz}
    [[ $module == $orig_module ]] && module=${module%.ko.gz}

    eval "changed_modules_${krel//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}=$krel"
    eval "changed_initramfs_${krel//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}=$krel"


# module_weak_link:
# Generate a weak link path for the module.
# Takes module file name and the target kernel release as arguments
# The way of generation intentionally left from the initial version
module_weak_link() {
    local module="$1"
    local krel="$2"
    local module_krel
    local subpath

    module_krel="$(krel_of_module "$module")"
    subpath=$(echo $module | sed -nre "s:$BASEDIR(/usr)?/lib/modules/$module_krel/([^/]*)/(.*):\3:p")

    if [[ -z $subpath ]]; then
        # module is not in /lib/modules/$krel?
        # It's possible for example for Oracle ACFS compatibility check
        # Install it with its full path as a /lib/modules subpath

    echo "$(weak_updates_dir $krel)/${subpath#/}"

# module_short_name:
# 'basename' version purely in bash, cuts off path from the filename
module_short_name() {
    echo "${1##*/}"

#### Helper predicates

# is_weak_for_module_valid:
# Takes real module filename and target kernel as arguments.
# Calculates weak symlink filename for the corresponding module
# for the target kernel,
# returns 'true' if the symlink filename is a symlink
# and the symlink points to a readable file
# EVEN if it points to a different filename
is_weak_for_module_valid() {
    local module="$1"
    local krel="$2"
    local weak_link

    weak_link="$(module_weak_link $module $krel)"
    [[ -L "$weak_link" ]] && [[ -r "$weak_link" ]]

# is_weak_link:
# Takes a filename and a kernel release.
# 'true' if the filename is symlink under weak-updates/ for the kernel.
# It doesn't matter, if it's a valid symlink (points to a real file) or not.
is_weak_link() {
    local link="$1"
    local krel="$2"

    echo $link | grep -q "$(weak_updates_dir $krel)" || return 1
    [[ -L $link ]]

# is_extra_exists:
# Takes a module filename, the module's kernel release and target kernel release.
# The module filename should be a real, not a symlink, filename (i.e. in extra/).
# Returns 'true' if the same module exists for the target kernel.
is_extra_exists() {
    local module="$1"
    local module_krel="$2"
    local krel="$3"
    local subpath="${module#*/lib/modules/$module_krel/extra/}"

    [[ -f $BASEDIR/lib/modules/$krel/extra/$subpath ]]

is_kernel_installed() {
    local krel="$1"

    [[ -f "$BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz" ]]

is_empty_file() {
    local file="$1"

    [[ "$(wc -l "$file" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')" == 0 ]]

#### Helpers

# find_modules:
# Takes kernel release and a list of subdirectories.
# Produces list of module files in the subdirectories for the kernel
find_modules() {
    local krel="$1"
    local dirs="$*"

    for dir in $dirs; do
        find $BASEDIR/lib/modules/$krel/$dir \
             -name '*.ko' -o -name '*.ko.xz' -o -name '*.ko.gz' \

# find_modules_dirs:
# Takes a list of directories.
# Produces list of module files in the subdirectories
find_modules_dirs() {
    local dirs="$*"

    for dir in $dirs; do
        find $dir -name '*.ko' -o -name '*.ko.xz' -o -name '*.ko.gz' \

# find_installed_kernels:
# Produces list of kernels, which modules are still installed
find_installed_kernels() {
    ls $BASEDIR/lib/modules/

# find_kernels_with_extra:
# Produces list of kernels, where exists extra/ directory
find_kernels_with_extra() {
    local krel
    local extra_dir

    for krel in $(find_installed_kernels); do
        [[ -d "$extra_dir" ]] || continue
        echo "$krel"

# remove_weak_link_quiet:
# Takes symlink filename and target kernel release.
# Removes the symlink and the directory tree
# if it was the last file in the tree
remove_weak_link_quiet() {
    local link="$1"
    local krel="$2"
    local subpath="${link#*$(weak_updates_dir $krel)}"

    rm -f $link
    ( cd "$(weak_updates_dir $krel)" && \
          rmdir --parents --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$(dirname "${subpath#/}")" 2>/dev/null )

# prepare_sandbox:
# Takes kernel release, creates temporary weak-modules directory for it
# and depmod config to operate on it.
# Sets the global state accordingly

prepare_sandbox() {
    local krel="$1"
    local orig_dir
    local dir
    local conf="$tmpdir/depmod.conf"

    orig_dir=$(weak_updates_dir $krel)

    mkdir -p "$dir"
    # the orig_dir can be empty
    cp -R "$orig_dir"/* "$dir" 2>/dev/null


    echo "search external extra built-in weak-updates" >"$conf"
    echo "external * $dir" >>"$conf"

    depmod="$depmod_orig -C $conf"

# finish_sandbox:
# restore global state after sandboxing
# copy configuration to the kernel directory if not dry run
finish_sandbox() {
    local krel="$1"
    local override="$weak_updates_dir_override"
    local wa_dir


    [[ -n "$dry_run" ]] && return

    wa_dir="$(weak_updates_dir $krel)"

    rm -rf "$wa_dir"
    mkdir -p "$wa_dir"

    cp -R "${override}"/* "$wa_dir" 2>/dev/null

# discard_installed:
# remove installed_modules[] from modules[]
    local short_name

    for m in "${!modules[@]}"; do
        short_name="$(module_short_name "${modules[$m]}")"

        [[ -z "${installed_modules[$short_name]}" ]] && continue

        unset "modules[$m]"

# update_installed:
# add compatible_modules[] to installed_modules[]
    for m in "${!compatible_modules[@]}"; do

#### Main logic

# update_modules_for_krel:
# Takes kernel release and "action" function name.
# Skips kernel without symvers,
# otherwise triggers the main logic of modules installing/removing
# for the given kernel, which is:
# - save current state of weak modules symlinks
# - install/remove the symlinks for the given (via stdin) list of modules
# - validate the state and remove invalid symlinks
#   (for the modules, which are not compatible (became incompatible) for
#   the given kernel)
# - check the state after validation to produce needed messages
#   and trigger initrd regeneration if the list changed.
update_modules_for_krel() {
    local krel="$1"
    local func="$2"
    local force_update="$3"

    [[ -r "$BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz" ]] || return

    prepare_sandbox $krel

    global_link_state_save $krel

    # remove already installed from modules[]

    # do not run heavy validation procedure if no modules to install
    if [[ "${#modules[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then
        finish_sandbox $krel

    $func $krel

    if ! validate_weak_links $krel && [[ -z "$force_update" ]]; then
        global_link_state_restore $krel

    # add compatible to installed

    global_link_state_announce_changes $krel

    finish_sandbox $krel

# update_modules:
# Common entry point for add/remove modules command
# Takes the "action" function, the module list is supplied via stdin.
# Reads the module list and triggers modules update for all installed
# kernels.
# Triggers initrd rebuild for the kernels, which modules are installed.
update_modules() {
    local func="$1"
    local force_update="$2"
    local module_krel
    declare -a saved_modules

    read_modules_list || exit 1
    [[ ${#modules[@]} -gt 0 ]] || return

    for krel in $(find_installed_kernels); do
        update_modules_for_krel $krel $func $force_update

    for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
        # Module was built against this kernel, update initramfs.
        module_has_changed $module $module_krel

# add_weak_links:
# Action function for the "add-modules" command
# Takes the kernel release, where the modules are added
# and the modules[] and module_krels[] global arrays.
# Install symlinks for the kernel with minimal checks
# (just filename checks, no symbol checks)
add_weak_links() {
    local krel="$1"
    local module_krel
    local weak_link

    for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
        module_krel="$(krel_of_module $module)"

        case "$module" in
                # Module already installed to the current kernel
                continue ;;

        if is_extra_exists $module $module_krel $krel; then
            pr_verbose "found $(module_short_name $module) for $krel while installing for $module_krel, update case?"

        if is_weak_for_module_valid $module $krel; then
            pr_verbose "weak module for $(module_short_name $module) already exists for kernel $krel, update case?"
            # we should update initrd in update case,
            # the change is not seen by the symlink detector
            # (global_link_state_announce_changes())
            module_has_changed $module $krel

        weak_link="$(module_weak_link $module $krel)"

        mkdir -p "$(dirname $weak_link)"
        ln -sf $module $weak_link


# remove_weak_links:
# Action function for the "remove-modules" command
# Takes the kernel release, where the modules are removed
# and the modules[] and module_krels[] global arrays.
# Removes symlinks from the given kernel if they are installed
# for the modules in the list.
remove_weak_links() {
    local krel="$1"
    local weak_link
    local target
    local module_krel

    for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
        module_krel="$(krel_of_module $module)"

        weak_link="$(module_weak_link $module $krel)"
        target="$(readlink $weak_link)"

        if [[ "$module" != "$target" ]]; then
            pr_verbose "Skipping symlink $weak_link"
        # In update case the --remove-modules call is performed
        # after --add-modules (from postuninstall).
        # So, we shouldn't really remove the symlink in this case.
        # But in the remove case the actual target already removed.
        if ! is_weak_for_module_valid "$module" "$krel"; then
            remove_weak_link_quiet "$weak_link" "$krel"

# validate_weak_links:
# Takes kernel release.
# Checks if all the weak symlinks are suitable for the given kernel.
# Uses depmod to perform the actual symbol checks and parses the output.
# Since depmod internally creates the module list in the beginning of its work
# accroding to the priority list in its configuration, but without symbol
# check and doesn't amend the list during the check, the function runs it
# in a loop in which it removes discovered incompatible symlinks
# Returns 0 (success) if proposal is fine or
#         1 (false) if some incompatible symlinks were removed
# initializes global hashmap compatible_modules with all the valid ones
validate_weak_links() {
    local krel="$1"
    local basedir=${BASEDIR:+-b $BASEDIR}
    local tmp
    declare -A symbols
    local is_updates_changed=1
    local module
    local module_krel
    local target
    local modpath
    local symbol
    local weak_link
    # to return to caller that original proposal is not valid
    # here 0 is true, 1 is false, since it will be the return code
    local is_configuration_valid=0

    tmp=$(mktemp -p $tmpdir)

    if ! [[ -e $tmpdir/symvers-$krel ]]; then
        [[ -e $BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz ]] || return
        zcat $BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz > $tmpdir/symvers-$krel

    while ((is_updates_changed)); do

        # again $tmp because of subshell, see read_modules_list() comment
        # create incompatibility report by depmod
        # Shorcut if depmod finds a lot of incompatible modules elsewhere,
        # we care only about weak-updates
        $depmod $basedir -naeE $tmpdir/symvers-$krel $krel 2>&1 1>/dev/null | \
            grep "$(weak_updates_dir $krel)" 2>/dev/null >$tmp
        # parse it into symbols[] associative array in form a-la
        #   symbols["/path/to/the/module"]="list of bad symbols"
        while read line; do
            set -- $(echo $line | awk '/needs unknown symbol/{print $3 " " $NF}')
            if [[ -n "$modpath" ]]; then
                symbols[$modpath]="${symbols[$modpath]} $symbol"

            set -- $(echo $line | awk '/disagrees about version of symbol/{print $3 " " $NF}')
            if [[ -n "$modpath" ]]; then
                symbols[$modpath]="${symbols[$modpath]} $symbol"
        done < $tmp

        # loop through all the weak links from the list of incompatible
        # modules and remove them. Skips non-weak incompatibilities
        for modpath in "${!symbols[@]}"; do
            is_weak_link $modpath $krel || continue

            target=$(readlink $modpath)
            module_krel=$(krel_of_module $target)

            remove_weak_link_quiet "$modpath" "$krel"

            pr_verbose "Module $(module_short_name $modpath) from kernel $module_krel is not compatible with kernel $krel in symbols: ${symbols[$modpath]}"
            is_configuration_valid=1 # inversed value
    rm -f $tmp

    # this loop is just to produce verbose compatibility messages
    # for the compatible modules
    for module in "${modules[@]}"; do
        is_weak_for_module_valid $module $krel || continue

        weak_link="$(module_weak_link $module $krel)"
        target="$(readlink $weak_link)"
        module_krel=$(krel_of_module $target)

        if [[ "$module" == "$target" ]]; then
            short_name="$(module_short_name "$module")"

            pr_verbose "Module ${module##*/} from kernel $module_krel is compatible with kernel $krel"
    return $is_configuration_valid

# global_link_state_save:
# Takes kernel release
# Saves the given kernel's weak symlinks state into the global array
# weak_modules_before[] for later processing
global_link_state_save() {
    local krel="$1"
    local link
    local target

    for link in $(find_modules_dirs $(weak_updates_dir $krel) | xargs); do
        target=$(readlink $link)

# global_link_state_restore:
# Takes kernel release
# Restores the previous weak links state
# (for example, if incompatible modules were installed)
global_link_state_restore() {
    local krel="$1"
    local link
    local target

    pr_verbose "Falling back weak-modules state for kernel $krel"

    ( cd "$(weak_updates_dir $krel)" 2>/dev/null && rm -rf * )

    for link in "${!weak_modules_before[@]}"; do

        mkdir -p "$(dirname $link)"
        ln -sf $target $link

# global_link_state_announce_changes:
# Takes kernel release
# Reads the given kernel's weak symlinks state, compares to the saved,
# triggers initrd rebuild if there were changes
# and produces message on symlink removal
global_link_state_announce_changes() {
    local krel="$1"
    local link
    local target
    local new_target
    declare -A weak_modules_after

    for link in $(find_modules_dirs $(weak_updates_dir $krel) | xargs); do
        new_target=$(readlink $link)

        # report change of existing link and appearing of a new link
        [[ "$target" == "$new_target" ]] || module_has_changed $new_target $krel

    for link in "${!weak_modules_before[@]}"; do

        # report change of existing link and disappearing of an old link
        [[ "$target" == "$new_target" ]] && continue
        module_has_changed $target $krel
        [[ -n "$new_target" ]] ||
            pr_verbose "Removing compatible module $(module_short_name $target) from kernel $krel"

# remove_modules:
# Read in a list of modules from stdinput and process them for removal.
# Parameter (noreplace) is deprecated, acts always as "noreplace".
# There is no sense in the "replace" functionality since according
# to the current requirements RPM will track existing of only one version
# of extra/ module (no same extra/ modules for different kernels).
remove_modules() {
    update_modules remove_weak_links force_update

# add_modules:
# Read in a list of modules from stdinput and process them for compatibility
# with installed kernels under /lib/modules.
add_modules() {

    update_modules add_weak_links $no_force_update

# do_make_groups:
# Takes tmp file which contains preprocessed modules.dep
# output (or modules.dep)
# reads modules.dep format information from stdin
# produces groups associative array
# the group is a maximum subset of modules having at least a link
# more fine tuned extra filtering.
    local tmp="$1"
    local group_name
    local mod
    declare -a mods

    while read i; do

        echo "${mods[0]}" |grep -q "extra/" || continue

        # if the module already met, then its dependencies already counted
        [[ -n $module_group ]] && continue

        # new group

        for mod in "${mods[@]}"; do
            echo "$mod" |grep -q "extra/" || continue

            # if there is already such group,
            # it is a subset of the one being created
            # due to depmod output
            unset groups[$mod]

            # extra space doesn't matter, since later (in add_kernel())
            # it is expanded without quotes
            groups[$group_name]+=" $mod"
    done < $tmp # avoid subshell

# filter_depmod_deps:
# preprocess output for make_groups
# depmod -n produces also aliases, so it cuts them off
# also it removes colon after the first module
    awk 'BEGIN { pr = 1 } /^#/{ pr = 0 } pr == 1 {sub(":",""); print $0}'

# filter_extra_absoluted:
# Takes kernel version
# makes full path from the relative module path
# (produced by depmod for in-kernel-dir modules)
# filter only extra/ modules
    local kver="$1"
    local mod
    declare -a mods

    while read i; do
        # skip non-extra. The check is not perfect, but ok
        # to speed up handling in general cases
        echo "$i" |grep -q "extra/" || continue

        for j in "${!mods[@]}"; do

            [[ ${mod:0:1} == "/" ]] || mod="$BASEDIR/lib/modules/$kver/$mod"
        echo "${mods[@]}"

# make_groups:
# takes k -- kernel version, we are installing extras from
# prepares and feeds to do_make_groups
# to create the module groups (global)
    local k="$1"
    local tmp2=$(mktemp -p $tmpdir)
    local basedir=${BASEDIR:+-b $BASEDIR}


    $depmod -n $basedir $k 2>/dev/null |
        cut_depmod_deps | filter_extra_absoluted $k > $tmp2

    do_make_groups $tmp2

    rm -f $tmp2

add_kernel() {
    local krel=${1:-$(uname -r)}
    local tmp
    local no_force_update=""
    local num

    tmp=$(mktemp -p $tmpdir)

    if [ ! -e "$BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz" ]; then
        echo "Symvers dump file $BASEDIR/boot/symvers-$krel.gz" \
             "not found" >&2
        exit 1

    for k in $(find_kernels_with_extra | rpmsort -r); do
        [[ "$krel" == "$k" ]] && continue
        find_modules $k extra > $tmp

        is_empty_file "$tmp" || make_groups $k

        # reuse tmp

	# optimization, check independent modules in one run.
	# first try groups with one element in each.
	# it means independent modules, so we can safely remove
	# incompatible links
	# some cut and paste here

	echo > $tmp
        for g in "${groups[@]}"; do
	    num="$(echo "$g" | wc -w)"
	    [ "$num" -gt 1 ] && continue

            printf '%s\n' $g >> $tmp
        # to avoid subshell, see the read_modules_list comment
        read_modules_list < $tmp
        update_modules_for_krel $krel add_weak_links force_update

        for g in "${groups[@]}"; do
	    num="$(echo "$g" | wc -w)"
	    [ "$num" -eq 1 ] && continue

            printf '%s\n' $g > $tmp
            read_modules_list < $tmp
            update_modules_for_krel $krel add_weak_links $no_force_update

    rm -f $tmp


remove_kernel() {
    remove_krel=${1:-$(uname -r)}
    weak_modules="$(weak_updates_dir $remove_krel)"
    module_has_changed $weak_modules $remove_krel

    # Remove everything beneath the weak-updates directory
    ( cd "$weak_modules" && doit rm -rf * )

################################## MAIN GUTS ###################################

options=`getopt -o h --long help,add-modules,remove-modules \
                     --long add-kernel,remove-kernel \
                     --long dry-run,no-initramfs,verbose,delete-modules \
                     --long basedir:,dracut:,check-initramfs-prog: -- "$@"`

[ $? -eq 0 ] || usage 1

eval set -- "$options"

while :; do
    case "$1" in
        # --dry-run option is not pure dry run anymore,
        # because of depmod used internally.
        # For add/remove modules we have to add/remove the symlinks
        # and just restore the original configuration afterwards.
        pr_warning "--delete-modules is deprecated, no effect"
        usage 0

if [ ! -x "$dracut" ]
    echo "weak-modules: this tool requires a dracut-enabled kernel"
    exit 1


if [ -n "$do_add_modules" ]; then

elif [ -n "$do_remove_modules" ]; then

elif [ -n "$do_add_kernel" ]; then
    kernel=${1:-$(uname -r)}
    add_kernel $kernel

elif [ -n "$do_remove_kernel" ]; then
    kernel=${1:-$(uname -r)}
    remove_kernel $kernel

    exit 0
    usage 1

###################### CLEANUP POST ADD/REMOVE MODULE/KERNEL ###################

# run depmod and dracut as needed
for krel in ${!changed_modules_*}; do
    basedir=${BASEDIR:+-b $BASEDIR}

    if is_kernel_installed $krel; then
        doit $depmod $basedir -ae -F $BASEDIR/boot/System.map-$krel $krel
        pr_verbose "Skipping depmod for non-installed kernel $krel"

for krel in ${!changed_initramfs_*}; do

    if [ ! -n "$no_initramfs" ]; then
        ${CHECK_INITRAMFS:-check_initramfs} $krel


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