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hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Example that shows how to get localized holiday titles
 * PHP Version 5
 * @category Date
 * @package  Date_Holidays
 * @author   Carsten Lucke <luckec@tool-garage.de>
 * @license  http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt PHP License 3.0.1
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/Date_Holidays

require_once 'Date/Holidays.php';

 * Set static property concerning the behaviour when translations for a
 * holiday-title is missing
 * If DIE_ON_MISSING_LOCALE is true, you will get an error if you request a
 * holiday/ holiday-title.
 * If this is set false, the driver's internal default title (English) will be
 * returned. When you are using another locale-setting than English, you could
 * get mixed translations.
 * Default this option is set true.
Date_Holidays::staticSetProperty('DIE_ON_MISSING_LOCALE', true);

 * Create a driver object using the factory method
 * You must determine a valid driver-name.
 * If you don't specify a locale, your system's locale will be used.
 * If you don't specify a year, the current one will be used.
$germany = Date_Holidays::factory('Germany', 2004, 'fr_FR');
if (Date_Holidays::isError($germany)) {
    die('Factory was unable to produce driver-object');

// translations for the christian holidays
$langer = '/var/lib/pear/data/Date_Holidays/lang';
$germany->addTranslationFile($langer . '/Christian/de_DE.xml', 'de_DE');
$germany->addTranslationFile($langer . '/Christian/en_EN.xml', 'en_EN');
$germany->addTranslationFile($langer . '/Christian/fr_FR.xml', 'fr_FR');

// translations for the german holidays
$germany->addCompiledTranslationFile($langer . '/Germany/de_DE.ser', 'de_DE');
$germany->addCompiledTranslationFile($langer . '/Germany/en_EN.ser', 'en_EN');
$germany->addCompiledTranslationFile($langer . '/Germany/fr_FR.ser', 'fr_FR');

$easter = $germany->getHoliday('easter');
if (Date_Holidays::isError($easter)) {
    echo '<pre> Error: ';
    echo '</pre>';
} else {
    echo '<pre> easter with driver\'s locale: ';
    echo '</pre>';

$easter = $germany->getHoliday('easter', 'de');
if (Date_Holidays::isError($easter)) {
    echo '<pre> Error: ';
    echo '</pre>';
} else {
    echo '<pre> easter with German locale: ';
    echo '</pre>';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
addingTranslations.php File 2.31 KB 0644
creating_drivers.php File 3.66 KB 0644
fetchingInstalledDrivers.php File 536 B 0644
languagefile-with-properties.xml File 440 B 0644
usingCompositeDriver.php File 3.91 KB 0644
usingStandaloneDriver.php File 3.29 KB 0644