[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4                                                        |
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa <damlists@cnba.uba.ar>       |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

This sample shows the use of the IMAP methods
this is only useful for testing and to high level IMAP access example use




//you can create a file called passwords.php and store your $user,$pass,$host and $port values in it
// or you can modify this script

$imap= new  Net_IMAP($host,$port);
//The the Protocol debug feature

// Login to the IMAP Server Using plain passwords ($authMethod=false)
// $authMethod can be true (dafault) , false or a string

if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $imap->login( $user , $passwd , $authMethod ) ) ) {
    echo "Unable to login! reason:" . $ret->getMessage() . "\n";

if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $imap->login( $user , $passwd  ) ) ) {
    echo "Unable to login! reason:" . $ret->getMessage() . "\n";

    Let's show the Mailbox  related methods



echo "Here is the list of all mailboxes:\n\n";

echo "Here is the list of all mailboxes you are subscribed:\n\n";


//echo "PITERROR|" . print_r( $imap->_socket->eof()) . "|\n";

//echo $imap->getDebugDialog();

echo "Folder Delim:|$folder_delim|\n";
$mailbox='INBOX'.$folder_delim .'INBOX2';

echo "Getting the summary of message 1\n";



echo "creating mailbox $mailbox ....";

if( ! $ret = $imap->createMailbox($mailbox) ){
    echo "\nCan't create the mailbox '$mailbox' because " . $ret->getMessage() . "\n";
} else{
    echo "OK!\n";

echo "\n\n\n+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";



//$mailbox='INBOX'.$folder_delim .'INBOX2';

if( $imap->mailboxExist($mailbox) ){
    echo "The mailbox $mailbox exists\n";
    echo "The mailbox $mailbox don't exists!\n";

$email="From: <damian@cnba.uba.ar>\r\n";
$email.="To: <damian@localhost>\r\n";
$email.="Subject: Test\r\n";

echo "APPEND\n";


echo "Now lets check the flags of messages in $mailbox\n";

if ( !PEAR::isError( $num_messages = $imap->getNumberOfMessages( $mailbox  ) ) ){

    for($i=1; $i<=$num_messages;$i++) {
        //echo "AAAA\n";
        if ($imap->isSeen($i)) {
                echo "message $i has been read before...<br>\n";
                //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
                #echo $msg;
        if ($imap->isFlagged($i)) {
                echo "message $i has been Flagged...<br>\n";
                //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
                #echo $msg;
        if ($imap->isDeleted($i)) {
                echo "message $i is marked as Deleted...<br>\n";
                //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
                #echo $msg;

    echo "Or $mailbox has no messages or there was an error!\n";


$nummsg = $imap->getNumberOfMessages();

for($i=1; $i<=$nummsg;$i++) {
    if ($imap->isSeen($i)) {
        echo "message $i has been read before...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;
   if ($imap->isFlagged($i)) {
        echo "message $i has been Flagged...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;
   if ($imap->isDeleted($i)) {
        echo "message $i is marked as Deleted...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;



echo "renaming mailbox INBOX2 to INBOX3 : <br>\n";
$imap->renameMailbox('INBOX2', 'INBOX3');

echo "deleting mailbox INBOX3 : <br>\n";
//echo 'deleting msg 1  : <br>\n';
echo "creating mailbox TESTING : <br>\n";
echo "copying msg 1 INBOX to TESTING :<br>\n";
$imap->copyMessages(1, 'TESTING');


// Get the raw headers of message 1
echo "<h2>getRawHeaders()</h2>\n";
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($imap->getRawHeaders(1)) . "</pre>\n";

//* Get structured headers of message 1
echo "<h2>getParsedHeaders()</h2> <pre>\n";
echo "</pre>\n";

//* Get body of message 1
echo "<h2>getBody()</h2>\n";
echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($imap->getBody(1)) . "</pre>\n";

//* Get number of messages in maildrop
echo "<h2>getNumMsg</h2>\n";
echo "<pre>" . $imap->numMsg('') . "</pre>\n";

//* Get entire message
echo "<h2>getMsg()</h2>\n";

    echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '</pre>\n';

//* Get listing details of the maildrop
echo "<h2>getListing()</h2>\n";
echo "<pre>\n";
echo "</pre>\n";

//* Get size of maildrop
echo "<h2>getSize()</h2>\n";
echo "<pre>" . $imap->getSize() . "</pre>\n";

//* Delete a msg

//echo '<h2>delete()</h2>\n';
// Use with CARE!!!
//echo '<pre>' . $imap->deleteMsg(1) . '</pre>\n';



echo "You have $nummsg in $mailbox folder\n";
//echo "See header in message number 1: " . $imap->top(1) . '<br>';
echo "See header in message number 1: " . htmlspecialchars($imap->getRawHeaders(1)) . '<br>\n';

    echo "Read message number 1: " . htmlspecialchars($msg) . '<br>\n';

for($i=1; $i<=$nummsg;$i++) {
    if ($imap->isSeen($i)) {
        echo "message $i has been read before...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;
   if ($imap->isFlagged($i)) {
        echo "message $i has been Flagged...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;
   if ($imap->isDeleted($i)) {
        echo "message $i is marked as Deleted...<br>\n";
        //$msg = $imap->getMsg($i);
        #echo $msg;



echo "creating mailbox INBOX2 : <br>\n";
echo "renaming mailbox INBOX2 to INBOX3 : <br>\n";
$imap->renameMailbox('INBOX2', 'INBOX3');

echo "deleting mailbox INBOX3 : <br>\n";
//echo 'deleting msg 1  : <br>\n';
echo "creating mailbox TESTING : <br>\n";
echo "copying msg 1 INBOX to TESTING :<br>\n";
$imap->copyMessages('TESTING', 1);

//* Disconnect


function prettyMailboxList($imap,$mailboxes){

    if( count($mailboxes) > 0 ){

        echo "You have " . count($mailboxes) . " Mailboxes\n\n";

        echo "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
        echo "|Mailbox                                           | Mbox Size  | Cant Mesages|\n";
        echo "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";

        foreach($mailboxes as $mailbox){

            if ( PEAR::isError( $mbox_size =$imap->getMailboxSize( $mailbox  ) ) ){
                //echo "Unable to retr msg size" . $mbox_size->getMessage() . "|\n";
            if ( PEAR::isError( $num_messages = $imap->getNumberOfMessages( $mailbox  ) ) ){
                //echo "Unable to rert msg" . $num_messages->getMessage() . "|\n";

            echo "|";
            echo $mailbox;
            // Align the output
            for($i=strlen($mailbox) ; $i< 50 ; $i++)  echo ' ';
            echo "|";
            // Align the output
            for($i=strlen($mbox_size) ; $i< 12 ; $i++)  echo ' ';
            echo $mbox_size;

            echo "|";
            // Align the output
            for($i=strlen($num_messages) ; $i< 13 ; $i++)  echo ' ';
            echo $num_messages;

            echo "|";
            echo "\n";

        echo "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
        echo "Warning!:\n   You have any mailboxes!!\n";


Name Type Size Permission Actions
test_IMAP.php File 9.81 KB 0644
test_IMAPProtocol.php File 6.8 KB 0644