[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
       Status of implementation of the XSLT 1.0 Features:


Stylesheet Constructs:

YES			    xsl:stylesheet
?				id = id 
YES				extension-element-prefixes = tokens 
YES				exclude-result-prefixes = tokens 
YES				version = number

YES			    xsl:transform
?				id = id 
YES				extension-element-prefixes = tokens 
YES				exclude-result-prefixes = tokens 
YES				version = number

YES			    Literal Result Element as Stylesheet

YES			    Embedding Stylesheets

NO                          mediaType

Top Level Elements:

YES			    xsl:include
YES				href = uri-reference

YES			    xsl:import
YES				href = uri-reference

YES			    xsl:strip-space
YES				elements = tokens

YES			    xsl:preserve-space
YES				elements = tokens

YES			    xsl:template
YES				match = pattern 
YES				name = qname 
YES				priority = number 
YES				mode = qname

YES			    xsl:namespace-alias
YES				stylesheet-prefix = prefix | "#default"
YES				result-prefix = prefix | "#default"

YES			    xsl:attribute-set
YES				name = qname 
YES				use-attribute-sets = qnames

YES			    xsl:variable
YES				name = qname 
YES				select = expression
YES				Content: template

YES			    xsl:param
YES				name = qname 
YES				select = expression
YES				Content: template

YES			    xsl:key
YES				name = qname 
YES				match = pattern 
YES				use = expression

YES			    xsl:output
YES				method = "xml" | "html" | "text" | qname-but-not-ncname 
YES				version = nmtoken 
YES				encoding = string 
YES				omit-xml-declaration = "yes" | "no"
YES				standalone = "yes" | "no"
YES				doctype-public = string 
YES				doctype-system = string 
YES				cdata-section-elements = qnames 
YES				indent = "yes" | "no"
YES				media-type = string


YES			    xsl:apply-templates
YES				select = node-set-expression 
YES				mode = qname

YES			    xsl:apply-imports

YES			    xsl:call-template
YES				name = qname

YES			    xsl:element
YES				name = { qname }
YES				namespace = { uri-reference }
YES				use-attribute-sets = qnames

YES			    xsl:attribute
YES				name = { qname }
YES				namespace = { uri-reference }

YES			    xsl:text
YES				disable-output-escaping = "yes" | "no"

YES			    xsl:processing-instruction
YES				name = { ncname }

YES			    xsl:comment

YES			    xsl:copy
YES				use-attribute-sets = qnames

YES			    xsl:value-of
YES				select = string-expression 
YES				disable-output-escaping = "yes" | "no"

YES			    xsl:number
YES				level = "single" | "multiple" | "any"
YES				count = pattern 
YES				from = pattern 
YES				value = number-expression 
YES				format = { string }
NO				lang = { nmtoken }
NO				letter-value = { "alphabetic" | "traditional" }
YES				grouping-separator = { char }
YES				grouping-size = { number }

YES			    xsl:for-each
YES				select = node-set-expression

YES			    xsl:if
YES				test = boolean-expression

YES			    xsl:choose

YES			    xsl:when
YES				test = boolean-expression

YES			    xsl:otherwise

YES			    xsl:sort
YES				select = string-expression 
NO				lang = { nmtoken }
YES				data-type = { "text" | "number" | qname-but-not-ncname }
YES				order = { "ascending" | "descending" }
NO				case-order = { "upper-first" | "lower-first" }

YES			    xsl:variable
YES				name = qname 
YES				select = expression
YES				Content: template

YES			    xsl:param
YES				name = qname 
YES				select = expression
YES				Content: template

YES			    xsl:copy-of
YES				select = expression

YES			    xsl:with-param
YES				name = qname 
YES				select = expression

YES			    xsl:decimal-format
YES				name = qname 
YES				decimal-separator = char 
YES				grouping-separator = char 
YES				infinity = string 
YES				minus-sign = char 
YES				NaN = string 
YES				percent = char 
YES				per-mille = char 
YES				zero-digit = char 
YES				digit = char 
YES				pattern-separator = char

YES			    xsl:message
YES				terminate = "yes" | "no"

YES			    xsl:fallback


YES			    Conflict Resolution for Template Rules

YES			    Whitespace Stripping

YES			    Built-in Template Rules
YES			        match="*|/"
YES				match="text()|@*"
YES				match="processing-instruction()|comment()"
YES				Namespace
YES				Mode

YES			    Extension Elements

YES			    Extension Functions

YES			    Attribute Value Templates

YES			    Result Tree Fragments


YES			    node-set document(object, node-set?)
YES			    node-set key(string, object)
YES			    string format-number(number, string, string?)
YES			    node-set current() 
YES			    string unparsed-entity-uri(string)
YES			    string generate-id(node-set?)
YES			    object system-property(string)
YES			    boolean element-available(string)
YES			    boolean function-available(string)


YES			    para
YES			    *
YES			    chapter|appendix
YES			    olist/item
YES			    appendix//para
YES			    /
YES			    text()
YES			    processing-instruction()
YES			    node()
YES			    id("W11")
YES			    para[1]
YES			    *[position()=1 and self::para]
YES			    para[last()=1]
YES			    items/item[position()>1]
YES			    item[position() mod 2 = 1]
YES			    div[@class="appendix"]//p
YES			    @class
YES			    @*
YES   except ns for key	    key('a','b')



Name Type Size Permission Actions
AUTHORS File 2.03 KB 0644
ChangeLog.gz File 71.83 KB 0644
Copyright File 2.9 KB 0644
FEATURES File 5.21 KB 0644
NEWS File 39.26 KB 0644
README File 655 B 0644