[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
A tour of the lsof_4.87 distribution:

  00.README.FIRST_4.87 is this file.

  README.lsof_4.87 contains distribution and security information.

  RELEASE.SUMMARY_4.87 contains a summary of the lsof 4.87

  lsof_4.87_src.tar is the lsof 4.87 source tar archive.

  lsof_4.87_src.tar.sig is a detached GPG certificate for

I suggest you follow these steps:

1.  Read 00.README.FIRST_4.87.

2.  Read README.lsof_4.87 and follow its instructions to verify
    the authenticity of lsof_4.87_src.tar.

3.  Unpack lsof_4.87_src.tar -- use `tar xf lsof_4.87_src.tar`.
    That will produce an lsof_4.87_src sub-directory.

4.  Change to the lsof_4.87_src sub-directory and read its
    00.README.FIRST file.

Vic Abell <abe@purdue.edu>
Wed Jan 2 12:52:08 EST 2013


Name Type Size Permission Actions
00.README.FIRST File 1.22 KB 0644
00.README.FIRST_4.87 File 794 B 0644
00CREDITS File 8.55 KB 0644
00DCACHE File 30.15 KB 0644
00DIALECTS File 200 B 0644
00DIST File 169.27 KB 0644
00FAQ File 306.12 KB 0644
00LSOF-L File 2.75 KB 0644
00MANIFEST File 3.22 KB 0644
00PORTING File 63.42 KB 0644
00QUICKSTART File 36.22 KB 0644
00README File 57.28 KB 0644
00TEST File 33.98 KB 0644
00XCONFIG File 22.58 KB 0644
README.lsof_4.87 File 4.68 KB 0644