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<!-- $LynxId: scrolling_help.html,v 1.8 2012/01/31 11:53:58 tom Exp $ -->

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  <title>Lynx Scrolling Help</title>
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        + (or SPACE,   - If the bottom of the screen informs you
           or CTRL-F)    that there is 'more' to see, you may
                         move to the next page (Page-Down).

        - (or b,       - If you have moved down in a document, this
           or CTRL-B)    will bring you back up one page (Page-Up).

        If the 'Num Lock' on your keyboard is on, Lynx translates
        the numbers of your keypad into movement commands as follows:

                     9  - page up
                     8  - up arrow
          7 8 9      7  - moves to the top of a document
           \|/       6  - right arrow
        4 - 5 - 6    5  - nothing
           /|\       4  - left arrow
          1 2 3      3  - page down
                     2  - down arrow
                     1  - moves to the end of a document

        CTRL-A (or Find)    - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
                              brings you back to the first page of the
                              current document (Home).

        CTRL-E (or Select)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
                              takes you to the last page of the current
                              document (End).

        CTRL-N (or Remove)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
                              moves you forward two lines in the current
                              document (Down-Two).

        CTRL-P (or Insert)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
                              moves you back two lines in the current
                              document (Up-Two).

        )                   - Moves you forward half a page in the current
                              document (Down-Half).

        (                   - Moves you back half a page in the current
                              document (Up-Half).

        ^                   - Go to the first link on the current line.

        $                   - Go to the last link on the current line.

        &lt;                   - Go to the previous link in the current column.

        &gt;                   - Go to the next link in the current column.

        #                   - Jumps you to the pseudo Toolbar or Banner if
                              present in the current document.  Use left-arrow
                              to return from there to your previous position
                              in the document.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
alt_edit_help.html File 2.79 KB 0644
bashlike_edit_help.html File 9.8 KB 0644
bookmark_help.html File 1.21 KB 0644
cookie_help.html File 2.75 KB 0644
dired_help.html File 2.28 KB 0644
edit_help.html File 2.88 KB 0644
environments.html File 21.58 KB 0644
follow_help.html File 10.09 KB 0644
gopher_types_help.html File 1.64 KB 0644
history_help.html File 2.07 KB 0644
keystroke_help.html File 7.87 KB 0644
movement_help.html File 2.02 KB 0644
option_help.html File 20.36 KB 0644
other_help.html File 7.99 KB 0644
print_help.html File 1.52 KB 0644
scrolling_help.html File 2.86 KB 0644
test_display.html File 1.93 KB 0644
visited_help.html File 1.86 KB 0644
xterm_help.html File 1.44 KB 0644