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hmhc3928@ ~ $
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA is an XS perl module designed to provide basic RSA
functionality.  It does this by providing a glue to the RSA functions
in the OpenSSL library.  In particular, it provides the following functions:

       new_public_key, new_private_key - create a key from a string
       generate_key - make a new key
       get_private_key_string - save key to a string
       get_public_key_string - save public portion of key to a string
       get_public_key_x509_string - save public portion of key to a string,
                                    using format compatibe with OpenSSL's
                                    command-line rsa tool
       encrypt, decrypt, private_encrypt, public_decrypt, sign, verify,
       use_pkcs1_oaep_padding, use_pkcs1_padding,
       use_sslv23_padding, use_no_padding
       use_md5_hash, use_sha1_hash, use_ripemd160_hash
       size - Returns the size, in bytes, of the key.
       check_key - checks the validity of a key.

  There is no Crypt::CBC support.

Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Ian Robertson.  Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA is free
software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Changes File 6.11 KB 0644
LICENSE File 19.74 KB 0644
README File 1.15 KB 0644