[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#	Here's something that is of actual use, and should be relatively
#	Given an email address and a mail server name check to see if
#the address is deliverable on that box. This can be used for address
#verification or spam relay checking.
#	The point of this is to show how you can take a generic handle
#and interact with it. In this example a socket is used.

use Expect;
use IO::Socket;

# $Expect::Debug=1
# $Expect::Exp_Internal=1;
# $Expect::Log_Stdout=0; # On by default. This does not affect Expect
# objects created with Expect->exp_init() however. By default the output of
# those handles will not be output to the screen. use $handle->log_stdout(1)
# to turn that on after you initialize the handle.

# Arg. 0 hostname of mail server
# Remaining args will be email addresses.
die "Usage: $0 mail_server address1 [address2 address3.. addressN]\n" unless

# Connect to mail server. This is right out of perldoc IO::Socket.
$smtp_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$mail_server:smtp(25)");
die "Couldn't connect to $mail_server, $!" unless defined $smtp_sock;

# Turn the socket in to an expect object.
# By default Expect doesn't print out the output of an exp_inited item.
# Generally you don't want handles jabbering at you. In this case
# we might turn it on so we can watch what happens.

# Watch debugging?

# Ok, now let's see if the mail server wants to talk to us:
$smtp_session->expect(30,'-re','^220.*\n')||die "Bad response from server\n";

# Cool. Now let's introduce ourselves to the server.
# There are many other ways to gain the FQDN of this box. This is mine,
# and it's easy. This of course assumes you have uname and that -n returns
# your hostname.
$my_hostname = `uname -n`; chomp $my_hostname;

print $smtp_session "HELO $my_hostname\n";

# My server responds with a 250 + stuff. Presumably that's RFC compliant.
# Feel free to go look :-)
$smtp_session->expect(30,'-re','^250.*\n')||die "Bad response after HELO\n";

# Try sending mail.. I should probably use my username rather than user@
# but I'm too lazy.
print $smtp_session "MAIL FROM:<user\@$my_hostname>\n";
$smtp_session->expect(30,'-re','^250.*\n')||die "Bad response after FROM\n";

# Now to check each address...
foreach $address (@addresses) {
  print $smtp_session "RCPT TO:<$address>\n";
  # Now check the status...
  die "Never got response back after trying RCPT to $address\n" if $error;
  $status = $match;
  # Read to the newline so the server will be ready for the next address.
  # If the server spit back something other than 250 we'll display the 
  # Whole error.
  die "Server seems to have hung after trying address $address\n" if $error;
  if ($status == 250) {
    $status = "ok\n";
  } else {
  print "Status of address $address: $status";

# Be good citizens, send a quit.
print $smtp_session "QUIT\n";

# At which point it should die nicely.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
1.A.Intro File 2.37 KB 0644
2.A.ftp File 3.01 KB 0644
2.B.rlogin File 3.95 KB 0644
3.A.debugging File 1.93 KB 0644
4.A.top File 928 B 0644
5.A.top File 1.11 KB 0644
5.B.top File 2.39 KB 0644
6.A.smtp-verify File 3.18 KB 0644
6.B.modem-init File 1.79 KB 0644
README File 644 B 0644