# This is an example demonstrating the use of the migrate method.
# Note that the migrate method is considered experimental and should
# be used with caution.
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use IO::File;
use File::Basename ;
use Getopt::Std;
use warnings;
use vars qw/$opt_h $opt_H
$opt_s $opt_u $opt_p $opt_d $opt_b $opt_o
$opt_S $opt_U $opt_P $opt_D $opt_B $opt_O
if ($opt_h or $opt_H ) {
print << "HELP";
$0 -[h|H] -- prints this message
Lower-case options are for source server; upper-case options are for the target server.
$0 -s server -S server -u uid -U uid -p passwd -P passwd \
-b buffersize -B buffersize -o debugFile -O debugFile > error_file
All uppercase options except -O default to the lowercase option that was specified.
If you don't specify any uppercase options at all then God help you, I don't know
what will happen.
Always capture STDERR so that you'll be able to resolve any problems that come up.
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
Server => $opt_s,
User => $opt_u,
Password=> $opt_p,
Uid => 1,
Debug => $opt_d,
Buffer => $opt_b||4096,
Fast_io => 1,
Timeout => 160, # True value
Debug_fh=> (
$opt_o ? IO::File->new(">$opt_o")||die "can't open $opt_o: $!\n" : undef )
) or die "Error opening source connection: $@\n";
my $imap2 = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
Server => $opt_S||$opt_s,
User => $opt_U||$opt_u,
Password=> $opt_P||$opt_p,
Uid => 1,
Debug => $opt_D||$opt_d,
Buffer => $opt_B||$opt_b||4096,
Fast_io => 1,
Timeout => 160,
Debug_fh=> (
$opt_O ? IO::File->new(">$opt_O")||die "can't open $opt_O: $!\n" : undef )
) or die "Error opening target connection: $@\n";
for my $f ($imap->folders) { $imap->select($f) ; $imap->migrate($imap2,"ALL") ;}
=head1 AUTHOR
David J. Kernen
The Kernen Group, Inc.
This example and Mail::IMAPClient are Copyright (c) 2003
by The Kernen Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
This example is distributed with Mail::IMAPClient and
subject to the same licensing requirements as Mail::IMAPClient.
imtest is a utility distributed with Cyrus IMAP server,
Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Carnegie Mellon University.
All rights reserved.
#$Log: migrate_mbox.pl,v $
#Revision 19991216.2 2003/06/12 21:38:33 dkernen
#Preparing 2.2.8
#Added Files: COPYRIGHT
#Modified Files: Parse.grammar
#Added Files: Makefile.old
# Makefile.PL Todo sample.perldb
# BodyStructure.pm
# Parse.grammar Parse.pod
# range.t
# Thread.grammar
# draft-crispin-imapv-17.txt rfc1731.txt rfc2060.txt rfc2062.txt
# rfc2221.txt rfc2359.txt rfc2683.txt
#Revision 1.1 2003/06/12 21:38:15 dkernen
#Preparing 2.2.8
#Added Files: COPYRIGHT
#Modified Files: Parse.grammar
#Added Files: Makefile.old
# Makefile.PL Todo sample.perldb
# BodyStructure.pm
# Parse.grammar Parse.pod
# range.t
# Thread.grammar
# draft-crispin-imapv-17.txt rfc1731.txt rfc2060.txt rfc2062.txt
# rfc2221.txt rfc2359.txt rfc2683.txt