#$Id$ #
use Time::Local ;
use FileHandle ;
use File::Copy ;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use Sys::Hostname ;
my $default_user = 'default' ;
my $default_pswd = 'default' ;
# ARGS: DATE = YYYYMMDDHHMM (defaults to current system date) #
# UID = IMAP account id (defaults to $default_user) #
# PSWD = uid's password (defaults to $default_pswd) #
# HOST = Target host (defaults to localhost) #
# CLEAN = 1 (defaults to 0; used to clean out mailbox 1st) #
# CLEANONLY= 1 (defaults to 0; if 1 then only CLEAN is done) #
# DOMAIN = x.com (no default) the mail domain for UID's address #
# #
# EG: populate_mailbox.pl DATE=200001010100 UID=testuser #
# #
(my($x)= join(" ",@ARGV)) ;
$x=~s~=~ ~g ;
chomp($x) ;
my %hash = split(/\s+/, $x) if $x ;
while (my ($k,$v) = each %hash ) {
$hash{uc $k} = $v ;
while (my ($k,$v) = each %hash ) {
delete $hash{$k} if $k =~ tr/[a-z]// ;
$hash{UID} ||= "$default_user" ;
$hash{PSWD} ||= "$default_pswd" ;
$hash{HOST} ||= hostname ;
while (my ($k,$v) = each %hash ) {
print "Running with $k set to $v\n" ;
my $domain = $hash{DOMAIN} or die "No mail domain provided.\n" ;
my $now = seconds($hash{DATE}) || time ;
my $six = $now - ( 6 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $seven = $now - ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $notthirty = $now - ( 29 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $thirty = $now - ( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $notsixty = $now - ( 59 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $sixty = $now - ( 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $notd365 = $now - ( 364 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
my $d365 = $now - ( 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ;
$hash{SUBJECTS} = [ "Sixty days old", "Less than sixty days old" ,
"365 days old", "Less than 365 days old" ,
"Trash/Incinerator -- 7 days old" ,
"Sent -- 29 days old" ,
"Sent -- 30 days old" ,
"Trash -- 6 days old" ,
] ;
$hash{FOLDERS} = [ "Sent", "INBOX", "Trash" ,
"365_folder", "Trash/Incinerator" ,
"not_365_folder" ,
] ;
&clean_mailbox if $hash{CLEANONLY} || $hash{CLEAN} ;
exit if $hash{CLEANONLY} ;
#send to: date: subject: #
#-------- --- ----- --------- #
sendmail( $hash{UID}, $sixty, "Sixty days old" ) ;
sendmail( $hash{UID}, $notsixty, "Less than sixty days old") ;
sendmail( $hash{UID}, $d365, "365 days old" ) ;
sendmail( $hash{UID}, $notd365, "Less than 365 days old" ) ;
populate_trash("Trash/Incinerator",$hash{UID}, $seven, 7 ) ;
populate_trash( "Trash" , $hash{UID}, $six, 6 ) ;
populate_trash( "Sent" , $hash{UID}, $thirty, 30 ) ;
populate_trash( "Sent" , $hash{UID}, $notthirty, 29 ) ;
movemail( "365 days old" ,
"365_folder" ) ;
movemail( "Less than 365 days old" ,
"not_365_folder" ) ;
exit ;
sub seconds {
my $d = shift or return undef ;
my($yy,$moy,$dom,$hr,$min) =
$d =~ m! ^ # anchor at start #
(\d\d\d\d) # year #
(\d\d) # month #
(\d\d) # day #
(\d\d) # hour #
(\d\d) # minute #
!x ;
return timegm(0,$min,$hr,$dom,$moy-1,($yy>99?$yy-1900:$yy)) ;
sub sendmail {
my($to,$date,$subject) = @_ ;
my $text = <<EOTEXT ;
To: $to\@$hash{DOMAIN}
Date: @{[&rfc822_date($date)]}
Subject: $subject
Dear mail tester,
This is a test message to test mail for messages \l$subject.
I hope you like it!
The E-Mail Engineering Team
for (my $x = 0; $x < 10 ; $x ++ ) {
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new (
Server => $hash{HOST} ,
User => $hash{UID} ,
Password=> $hash{PSWD} )
or die "can't connect: $!\n" ;
$imap->append("INBOX",$text) ;
$imap->logout ;
sub populate_trash {
my $where = shift ;
my $to = shift ;
my $date = shift ;
my $d = shift ;
my($ss,$min,$hr,$day,$mon,$year)=gmtime($date) ;
$mon++ ;
$year += 1900 ;
my $fn =sprintf("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d" ,
$year,$mon,$day,$hr,$min,$ss ) ;
my $x = 0 ;
my $subject = "$where -- $d days old" ;
while ($x++ < 10) {
my $fh ;
$fh .= "Date: @{[&rfc822_date($date)]}\n" ;
$fh .= <<EOTRAH ;
Subject: $subject
This note was put in the $where folder $d days ago. (My how time flies!)
I hope you enjoyed testing with it!
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new (
Server => $hash{HOST} ,
User => $hash{UID} ,
Password=> $hash{PSWD} )
or die "can't connect: $!\n" ;
$imap->append($where, $fh) ;
sub movemail {
my ($subj,$fold) = @_ ;
my $fh = Mail::IMAPClient->new (
Debug => 0 ,
Server => $hash{HOST} ,
User => $hash{UID} ,
Password => $hash{PSWD} ,
$fh->select("inbox") or die "cannot open inbox: $!\n" ;
foreach my $f ($fh->search(qq(SUBJECT "$subj")) ) {
$fh->move($fold,$f) ;
sub clean_mailbox {
my $fh =Mail::IMAPClient->new (
Debug => 0 ,
Server => $hash{HOST} ,
User => $hash{UID} ,
Password => $hash{PSWD} ,
for my $x (@{$hash{FOLDERS}}) {
my @msgs ;
$fh->create($x) unless $fh->exists($x) ;
$fh->select($x) ;
for my $s (@{$hash{SUBJECTS}}) {
push @msgs, $fh->search(qq(SUBJECT "$s")) ;
$fh->delete_message(@msgs) if scalar(@msgs) ;
$fh->expunge ;
sub rfc822_date {
#Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 13:10:55 -0400 #
my $date = shift ;
my @date = localtime($date) ;
my @dow = qw{ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat } ;
my @mnt = qw{ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec} ;
return sprintf (
"%s, %2.2d %s %4.4s %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d -0400" ,
$dow[$date[6]] ,
$date[3] ,
$mnt[$date[4]] ,
$date[5]+=1900 ,
$date[2] ,
$date[1] ,
$date[0] )
=head1 AUTHOR
David J. Kernen
The Kernen Group, Inc.
This example and Mail::IMAPClient are Copyright (c) 2003
by The Kernen Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
This example is distributed with Mail::IMAPClient and
subject to the same licensing requirements as Mail::IMAPClient.
imtest is a utility distributed with Cyrus IMAP server,
Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Carnegie Mellon University.
All rights reserved.
# $Id$
# $Log: populate_mailbox.pl,v $
# Revision 19991216.8 2003/06/12 21:38:34 dkernen
# Preparing 2.2.8
# Added Files: COPYRIGHT
# Modified Files: Parse.grammar
# Added Files: Makefile.old
# Makefile.PL Todo sample.perldb
# BodyStructure.pm
# Parse.grammar Parse.pod
# range.t
# Thread.grammar
# draft-crispin-imapv-17.txt rfc1731.txt rfc2060.txt rfc2062.txt
# rfc2221.txt rfc2359.txt rfc2683.txt
# Revision 1.1 2003/06/12 21:38:16 dkernen
# Preparing 2.2.8
# Added Files: COPYRIGHT
# Modified Files: Parse.grammar
# Added Files: Makefile.old
# Makefile.PL Todo sample.perldb
# BodyStructure.pm
# Parse.grammar Parse.pod
# range.t
# Thread.grammar
# draft-crispin-imapv-17.txt rfc1731.txt rfc2060.txt rfc2062.txt
# rfc2221.txt rfc2359.txt rfc2683.txt
# Revision 19991216.7 2002/08/23 13:29:49 dkernen
# Modified Files: Changes IMAPClient.pm INSTALL MANIFEST Makefile Makefile.PL README Todo test.txt
# Made changes to create version 2.1.6.
# Modified Files:
# imap_to_mbox.pl populate_mailbox.pl
# Added Files:
# cleanTest.pl migrate_mbox.pl
# Revision 19991216.6 2000/12/11 21:58:53 dkernen
# Modified Files:
# build_dist.pl build_ldif.pl copy_folder.pl find_dup_msgs.pl
# imap_to_mbox.pl populate_mailbox.pl
# to add CVS data
# Revision 19991216.5 1999/12/16 17:19:15 dkernen
# Bring up to same level
# Revision 19991124.3 1999/12/16 17:14:26 dkernen
# Incorporate changes for exists method performance enhancement
# Revision 19991124.02 1999/11/24 17:46:21 dkernen
# More fixes to t/basic.t
# Revision 19991124.01 1999/11/24 16:51:51 dkernen
# Changed t/basic.t to test for UIDPLUS before trying UID cmds
# Revision 1.4 1999/11/23 17:51:06 dkernen
# Committing version 1.06 distribution copy