#!/usr/bin/perl -ws # REMOVE COMMENTS FROM C++ CODE # ORIGINAL BY Helmut Jarausch # EXTENDED BY Damian Conway AND Helmut Jarausch AND Jeremy Braun use strict; use Parse::RecDescent; use vars qw/ $Grammar /; my $parser = new Parse::RecDescent $Grammar or die "invalid grammar"; undef $/; my $text = @ARGV ? <> : <DATA>; $parser->program($text) or die "malformed C program"; print "Comments\n========\n$parser->{comments}\n"; print "\nCode\n====\n$parser->{code}\n"; print "\nStrings\n=======\n", map(qq{\t"$_"\n}, @{$parser->{strings}}); BEGIN { $Grammar=<<'EOF'; program : <skip:''> { @{$thisparser}{qw(comments code strings)} = () } part(s) part : comment { $thisparser->{comments} .= $item[1]; $thisparser->{code} .= " "; } | C_code { $thisparser->{code} .= $item[1]; } | string { $thisparser->{code} .= qq("$item[1]"); push @{$thisparser->{strings}}, $item[1]; } | charlit { $thisparser->{code} .= qq('$item[1]'); push @{$thisparser->{strings}}, $item[1]; } C_code : m{( [^"/]+ # one or more non-delimiters ( # then (optionally)... / # a potential comment delimiter [^*/] # which is not an actual delimiter )? # )+ # all repeated once or more }x string : m{" # a leading delimiter (( # zero or more... \\. # escaped anything | # or [^"] # anything but a delimiter )* ) "}x { $return = $1 } charlit : m{' # a leading delimiter (( # zero or more... \\. # escaped anything | # or [^'] # anything but a delimiter )* ) '}x { $return = $1 } comment : m{\s* # optional whitespace // # comment delimiter [^\n]* # anything except a newline \n # then a newline }x | m{\s* # optional whitespace /\* # comment opener (?:[^*]+|\*(?!/))* # anything except */ \*/ # comment closer ([ \t]*)? # trailing blanks or tabs }x EOF } __DATA__ program test; // for decomment // using Parse::RecDescent int main() { /* this should be removed */ char *cp1 = ""; char *cp2 = "cp2"; char c3 = 'c'; int i; // a counter // remove this line altogehter int k; int more_indented; // keep indentation int l; /* a loop variable */ // should be completely removed char *str = "/* ceci n'est pas un commentaire */"; return 0; }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
demo.c | File | 126 B | 0644 |
demo.pl | File | 371 B | 0644 |
demo_Cgrammar.pl | File | 10.08 KB | 0644 |
demo_Cgrammar_v2.pl | File | 7.08 KB | 0644 |
demo_LaTeXish.pl | File | 1.63 KB | 0644 |
demo_LaTeXish_autoact.pl | File | 1.72 KB | 0644 |
demo_NL2SQL.pl | File | 2.27 KB | 0644 |
demo_OOautoparsetree.pl | File | 1.98 KB | 0644 |
demo_OOparsetree.pl | File | 1.21 KB | 0644 |
demo_PerlCSV.pl | File | 413 B | 0644 |
demo_another_Cgrammar.pl | File | 21.08 KB | 0644 |
demo_arithmetic.pl | File | 758 B | 0644 |
demo_autorule.pl | File | 309 B | 0644 |
demo_autoscoresep.pl | File | 587 B | 0644 |
demo_autostub.pl | File | 271 B | 0644 |
demo_bad.pl | File | 816 B | 0644 |
demo_buildcalc.pl | File | 1.3 KB | 0644 |
demo_calc.pl | File | 1.82 KB | 0644 |
demo_codeblock.pl | File | 287 B | 0644 |
demo_cpp.pl | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
demo_decomment.pl | File | 2.55 KB | 0644 |
demo_decomment_nonlocal.pl | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
demo_delete.pl | File | 901 B | 0644 |
demo_derived.pl | File | 891 B | 0644 |
demo_dot.pl | File | 4.79 KB | 0644 |
demo_embedding.pl | File | 977 B | 0644 |
demo_errors.pl | File | 965 B | 0644 |
demo_eval.pl | File | 1.15 KB | 0644 |
demo_implicit.pl | File | 568 B | 0644 |
demo_itemhash.pl | File | 1.64 KB | 0644 |
demo_language.pl | File | 2.57 KB | 0644 |
demo_leftassoc.pl | File | 1.06 KB | 0644 |
demo_leftop.pl | File | 957 B | 0644 |
demo_lexer.pl | File | 577 B | 0644 |
demo_lisplike.pl | File | 1.49 KB | 0644 |
demo_logic.pl | File | 542 B | 0644 |
demo_matchrule.pl | File | 772 B | 0644 |
demo_matchrule2.pl | File | 540 B | 0644 |
demo_mccoy.pl | File | 516 B | 0644 |
demo_metaRD.pm | File | 3.02 KB | 0644 |
demo_methods.pl | File | 785 B | 0644 |
demo_operator.pl | File | 835 B | 0644 |
demo_opreps.pl | File | 1.01 KB | 0644 |
demo_parsetree.pl | File | 661 B | 0644 |
demo_perlparsing.pl | File | 956 B | 0644 |
demo_piecewise.pl | File | 3.03 KB | 0644 |
demo_precalc.pl | File | 743 B | 0644 |
demo_quicklist.pl | File | 1.5 KB | 0644 |
demo_randomsentence.pl | File | 2.89 KB | 0644 |
demo_recipe.pl | File | 2.09 KB | 0644 |
demo_restructure_easy.pl | File | 1.21 KB | 0644 |
demo_restructure_painful.pl | File | 1.97 KB | 0644 |
demo_scoredsep.pl | File | 606 B | 0644 |
demo_selfmod.pl | File | 953 B | 0644 |
demo_separators.pl | File | 779 B | 0644 |
demo_simple.pl | File | 1.94 KB | 0644 |
demo_simpleXML.pl | File | 1.87 KB | 0644 |
demo_simplequery.pl | File | 831 B | 0644 |
demo_skipcomment.pl | File | 609 B | 0644 |
demo_street.pl | File | 502 B | 0644 |
demo_template.pl | File | 688 B | 0644 |
demo_textgen.pl | File | 5 KB | 0644 |
demo_tokens.pl | File | 552 B | 0644 |
demo_undumper.pl | File | 23.17 KB | 0644 |
demo_whoson.pl | File | 2.61 KB | 0644 |