package Test::Builder::NoOutput;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Test::Builder);
=head1 NAME
Test::Builder::NoOutput - A subclass of Test::Builder which prints nothing
use Test::Builder::NoOutput;
my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->new;
...test as normal...
my $output = $tb->read;
This is a subclass of Test::Builder which traps all its output.
It is mostly useful for testing Test::Builder.
=head3 read
my $all_output = $tb->read;
my $output = $tb->read($stream);
Returns all the output (including failure and todo output) collected
so far. It is destructive, each call to read clears the output
If $stream is given it will return just the output from that stream.
$stream's are...
out output()
err failure_output()
todo todo_output()
all all outputs
Defaults to 'all'.
my $Test = __PACKAGE__->new;
sub create {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::create(@_);
my %outputs = (
all => '',
out => '',
err => '',
todo => '',
$self->{_outputs} = \%outputs;
tie *OUT, "Test::Builder::NoOutput::Tee", \$outputs{all}, \$outputs{out};
tie *ERR, "Test::Builder::NoOutput::Tee", \$outputs{all}, \$outputs{err};
tie *TODO, "Test::Builder::NoOutput::Tee", \$outputs{all}, \$outputs{todo};
return $self;
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my $stream = @_ ? shift : 'all';
my $out = $self->{_outputs}{$stream};
$self->{_outputs}{$stream} = '';
# Clear all the streams if 'all' is read.
if( $stream eq 'all' ) {
my @keys = keys %{$self->{_outputs}};
$self->{_outputs}{$_} = '' for @keys;
return $out;
package Test::Builder::NoOutput::Tee;
# A cheap implementation of IO::Tee.
my($class, @refs) = @_;
my @fhs;
for my $ref (@refs) {
my $fh = Test::Builder->_new_fh($ref);
push @fhs, $fh;
my $self = [@fhs];
return bless $self, $class;
sub PRINT {
my $self = shift;
print $_ @_ for @$self;
sub PRINTF {
my $self = shift;
my $format = shift;
printf $_ @_ for @$self;