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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Test is_deeply and friends with circular data structures [rt.cpan.org 7289]

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 11;

my $a1 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
push @$a1, $a1;
my $a2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
push @$a2, $a2;

is_deeply $a1, $a2;
ok( eq_array ($a1, $a2) );
ok( eq_set   ($a1, $a2) );

my $h1 = { 1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3 };
$h1->{4} = $h1;
my $h2 = { 1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3 };
$h2->{4} = $h2;

is_deeply $h1, $h2;
ok( eq_hash  ($h1, $h2) );

my ($r, $s);

$r = \$r;
$s = \$s;

ok( eq_array ([$s], [$r]) );

    # Classic set of circular scalar refs.
    $a = \$b;
    $b = \$c;
    $c = \$a;

    $d = \$e;
    $e = \$f;
    $f = \$d;

    is_deeply( $a, $a );
    is_deeply( $a, $d );

    # rt.cpan.org 11623
    # Make sure the circular ref checks don't get confused by a reference 
    # which is simply repeating.
    my $a = {};
    my $b = {};
    my $c = {};

    is_deeply( [$a, $a], [$b, $c] );
    is_deeply( { foo => $a, bar => $a }, { foo => $b, bar => $c } );
    is_deeply( [\$a, \$a], [\$b, \$c] );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Builder Folder 0755
Simple Folder 0755
Tester Folder 0755
lib Folder 0755
subtest Folder 0755
00compile.t File 982 B 0644
00test_harness_check.t File 764 B 0644
BEGIN_require_ok.t File 463 B 0644
BEGIN_use_ok.t File 388 B 0644
More.t File 5.1 KB 0644
bad_plan.t File 495 B 0644
bail_out.t File 660 B 0644
buffer.t File 424 B 0644
c_flag.t File 417 B 0644
circular_data.t File 1.17 KB 0644
cmp_ok.t File 1.54 KB 0644
dependents.t File 939 B 0644
diag.t File 1.4 KB 0644
died.t File 848 B 0644
dont_overwrite_die_handler.t File 353 B 0644
eq_set.t File 562 B 0644
exit.t File 2.98 KB 0644
explain.t File 582 B 0644
extra.t File 958 B 0644
extra_one.t File 869 B 0644
fail-like.t File 1.52 KB 0644
fail-more.t File 10.37 KB 0644
fail.t File 1.04 KB 0644
fail_one.t File 697 B 0644
filehandles.t File 290 B 0644
fork.t File 574 B 0644
harness_active.t File 1.35 KB 0644
import.t File 244 B 0644
is_deeply_dne_bug.t File 887 B 0644
is_deeply_fail.t File 11.25 KB 0644
is_deeply_with_threads.t File 1.4 KB 0644
missing.t File 1.03 KB 0644
new_ok.t File 705 B 0644
no_plan.t File 664 B 0644
no_tests.t File 782 B 0644
note.t File 416 B 0644
overload.t File 2.13 KB 0644
overload_threads.t File 1.04 KB 0644
plan.t File 474 B 0644
plan_bad.t File 1.05 KB 0644
plan_is_noplan.t File 404 B 0644
plan_no_plan.t File 794 B 0644
plan_shouldnt_import.t File 294 B 0644
plan_skip_all.t File 190 B 0644
pod-coverage.t File 793 B 0644
pod.t File 149 B 0644
require_ok.t File 786 B 0644
simple.t File 200 B 0644
skip.t File 1.9 KB 0644
skipall.t File 481 B 0644
tbm_doesnt_set_exported_to.t File 457 B 0644
thread_taint.t File 122 B 0644
threads.t File 629 B 0644
todo.t File 3.28 KB 0644
undef.t File 1.84 KB 0644
use_ok.t File 1.42 KB 0644
useing.t File 365 B 0644
utf8.t File 1.25 KB 0644
versions.t File 482 B 0644