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This is especially true for <em class="mimetype">image/*</em> and <em class="mimetype">text/*</em> type messages containing binary data.</p> <p>The <a class="reference internal" href="email.html#module-email" title="email: Package supporting the parsing, manipulating, and generating email messages, including MIME documents."><tt class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">email</span></tt></a> package provides some convenient encodings in its <tt class="xref py py-mod docutils literal"><span class="pre">encoders</span></tt> module. These encoders are actually used by the <a class="reference internal" href="email.mime.html#email.mime.audio.MIMEAudio" title="email.mime.audio.MIMEAudio"><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">MIMEAudio</span></tt></a> and <a class="reference internal" href="email.mime.html#email.mime.image.MIMEImage" title="email.mime.image.MIMEImage"><tt class="xref py py-class docutils literal"><span class="pre">MIMEImage</span></tt></a> class constructors to provide default encodings. All encoder functions take exactly one argument, the message object to encode. They usually extract the payload, encode it, and reset the payload to this newly encoded value. They should also set the <em class="mailheader">Content-Transfer-Encoding</em> header as appropriate.</p> <p>Note that these functions are not meaningful for a multipart message. They must be applied to individual subparts instead, and will raise a <a class="reference internal" href="exceptions.html#exceptions.TypeError" title="exceptions.TypeError"><tt class="xref py py-exc docutils literal"><span class="pre">TypeError</span></tt></a> if passed a message whose type is multipart.</p> <p>Here are the encoding functions provided:</p> <dl class="function"> <dt id="email.encoders.encode_quopri"> <tt class="descclassname">email.encoders.</tt><tt class="descname">encode_quopri</tt><big>(</big><em>msg</em><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#email.encoders.encode_quopri" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> <dd><p>Encodes the payload into quoted-printable form and sets the <em class="mailheader">Content-Transfer-Encoding</em> header to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">quoted-printable</span></tt> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id2" id="id1">[1]</a>. This is a good encoding to use when most of your payload is normal printable data, but contains a few unprintable characters.</p> </dd></dl> <dl class="function"> <dt id="email.encoders.encode_base64"> <tt class="descclassname">email.encoders.</tt><tt class="descname">encode_base64</tt><big>(</big><em>msg</em><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#email.encoders.encode_base64" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> <dd><p>Encodes the payload into base64 form and sets the <em class="mailheader">Content-Transfer-Encoding</em> header to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">base64</span></tt>. This is a good encoding to use when most of your payload is unprintable data since it is a more compact form than quoted-printable. The drawback of base64 encoding is that it renders the text non-human readable.</p> </dd></dl> <dl class="function"> <dt id="email.encoders.encode_7or8bit"> <tt class="descclassname">email.encoders.</tt><tt class="descname">encode_7or8bit</tt><big>(</big><em>msg</em><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#email.encoders.encode_7or8bit" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> <dd><p>This doesn’t actually modify the message’s payload, but it does set the <em class="mailheader">Content-Transfer-Encoding</em> header to either <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">7bit</span></tt> or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">8bit</span></tt> as appropriate, based on the payload data.</p> </dd></dl> <dl class="function"> <dt id="email.encoders.encode_noop"> <tt class="descclassname">email.encoders.</tt><tt class="descname">encode_noop</tt><big>(</big><em>msg</em><big>)</big><a class="headerlink" href="#email.encoders.encode_noop" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt> <dd><p>This does nothing; it doesn’t even set the <em class="mailheader">Content-Transfer-Encoding</em> header.</p> </dd></dl> <p class="rubric">Footnotes</p> <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id2" rules="none"> <colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id1">[1]</a></td><td>Note that encoding with <a class="reference internal" href="#email.encoders.encode_quopri" title="email.encoders.encode_quopri"><tt class="xref py py-meth docutils literal"><span class="pre">encode_quopri()</span></tt></a> also encodes all tabs and space characters in the data.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sphinxsidebar"> <div class="sphinxsidebarwrapper"> <h4>Previous topic</h4> <p class="topless"><a href="email.charset.html" title="previous chapter">18.1.6. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">email.charset</span></tt>: Representing character sets</a></p> <h4>Next topic</h4> <p class="topless"><a href="email.errors.html" title="next chapter">18.1.8. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">email.errors</span></tt>: Exception and Defect classes</a></p> <h3>This Page</h3> <ul class="this-page-menu"> <li><a href="../bugs.html">Report a Bug</a></li> <li><a href="../_sources/library/email.encoders.txt" rel="nofollow">Show Source</a></li> </ul> <div id="searchbox" style="display: none"> <h3>Quick search</h3> <form class="search" action="../search.html" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" /> </form> <p class="searchtip" style="font-size: 90%"> Enter search terms or a module, class or function name. </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript">$('#searchbox').show(0);</script> </div> </div> <div class="clearer"></div> </div> <div class="related"> <h3>Navigation</h3> <ul> <li class="right" style="margin-right: 10px"> <a href="../genindex.html" title="General Index" >index</a></li> <li class="right" > <a href="../py-modindex.html" title="Python Module Index" >modules</a> |</li> <li class="right" > <a href="email.errors.html" title="18.1.8. email.errors: Exception and Defect classes" >next</a> |</li> <li class="right" > <a href="email.charset.html" title="18.1.6. email.charset: Representing character sets" >previous</a> |</li> <li><img src="../_static/py.png" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-top: -1px"/></li> <li><a href="http://www.python.org/">Python</a> »</li> <li> <a href="../index.html">Python 2.7.5 documentation</a> » </li> <li><a href="index.html" >The Python Standard Library</a> »</li> <li><a href="netdata.html" >18. 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