[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#! /bin/sh
# source: mail.sh
# Copyright Gerhard Rieger and contributors (see file CHANGES)
# Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING

#set -vx

# This is an example for a shell script that can be fed to socat with exec.
# Its clue is that it does not use stdin/stdout for communication with socat,
# so you may feed the mail message via stdin to the script. The message should
# contain appropriate mail headers without continuation lines.
# socat establishes the connection to the SMTP server; the script performs the
# SMTP dialog and afterwards transfers the message body to the server.
# Lines with only a dot are not permitted - use two dots as escape.
# This script supports multiline answers from server, but not much more yet.

# Usage:  cat message.txt |socat exec:"mail.sh target@domain.com",fdin=3,fdout=4 tcp:mail.relay.org:25,crlf

while [ "$1" ]; do
    case "$1" in
    -f) shift; mailfrom="$1"; shift;;
    *) break;;

[ -z "$1" ] && rcptto="root@loopback"
#server=$(expr "$rcptto" : '[^@]*@\(.*\)')
[ -z "$mailfrom" ] && mailfrom="$USER@$(hostname)"

# this function waits for a complete server message, checks if its status
# is in the permitted range (terminates session if not), and returns.
mail_chat () {
    local cmd="$1" 
    local errlevel="$2";  [ -z "$errlevel" ] && errlevel=300

    if [ "$cmd" ]; then  echo "> $cmd" >&2;  fi
    if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then echo "$cmd" >&4; fi
    while read status message <&3;
	    case "$status" in
	    [0-9][0-9][0-9]-*) exit 0;;
	    [0-9][0-9][0-9]*) exit 1;;
	    *) exit 1;;
    do :; done
    if [ -z "$status" ]; then  echo smtp connection failed >&2; exit;  fi
    echo "< $status $message" >&2
    if [ "$status" -ge "$errlevel" ]; then
	echo $message >&2
	echo "QUIT" >&4; exit 1

# expect server greeting

mail_chat "HELO $(hostname)"

mail_chat "MAIL FROM: $mailfrom"

mail_chat "RCPT TO: $rcptto"

mail_chat "DATA" 400

while read l; do echo "$l" >&4; done
mail_chat "."

mail_chat "QUIT"

exit 0


Name Type Size Permission Actions
BUGREPORTS File 746 B 0644
CHANGES File 53.13 KB 0644
COPYING File 17.67 KB 0644
COPYING.OpenSSL File 6.13 KB 0644
DEVELOPMENT File 8.29 KB 0644
EXAMPLES File 16.47 KB 0644
FAQ File 3.83 KB 0644
PORTING File 3.02 KB 0644
README File 11.37 KB 0644
SECURITY File 1.81 KB 0644
daemon.sh File 903 B 0755
ftp.sh File 4.12 KB 0755
gatherinfo.sh File 4.03 KB 0755
mail.sh File 2.02 KB 0755
proxy.sh File 1.98 KB 0755
proxyecho.sh File 1.19 KB 0755
readline-test.sh File 1.25 KB 0755
readline.sh File 689 B 0755
socat_buildscript_for_android.sh File 3.5 KB 0755
socks4a-echo.sh File 2.51 KB 0755
socks4echo.sh File 2.3 KB 0755
test.sh File 390.77 KB 0755