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<table width="90%" cols="3" border="0">
<TD colspan="3" class="big">Introduction</TD>
<TD colspan="3">Welcome to a short tutorial on ODBC programming. The goal of this tutorial is
to introduce a C-Programmer to ODBC programming. During this tutorial we will
code a simple program which connects to a database via ODBC and reads some data.
There won't be any information on how to program ODBC Drivers or about <EM>unixODBC</EM>
internals. Configuration won't be covered too.
The program developed throughout this tutorial was originally coded under WinNT
and later ported without any adjustments to Linux and <EM>unixODBC</EM>. This is
how compatibility should work :)
The information given within this tutorial are brief at best. Please
take it as a pointer where and how to start.
<TABLE COLS="3" Width="90%" border="0">
<TR><TD class="head" width="25%">Requirements</TD>
<TD width="2%"> </TD>
<TD width="73%">I assume that you have</TD>
<TD colspan="2"> </TD>
<LI>a system with unixODBC installed and with at least one
working datasource configured.
<LI>the include files installed under <CODE>/usr/include/odbc</CODE>
<LI>a compiler installed and that you know how to use it ;)
<TR><TD class="head" width="25%">Compiling</TD>
<TD width="2%"> </TD>
<TD>If gcc is installed type:</TD>
<TD colspan="2"> </TD>
<TD><CODE>gcc odbc.c -o odbc -lodbc</CODE><BR>
which will result in an executable named "odbc".
<TR><TD class="head"><A nAME="tab">Database</A></TD>
<TD width="20"> </TD>
<TD>Our database will have a single table:</TD>
<TD colspan="2"> </TD>
<TD><TABLE COLS=2 Border="0" bgcolor="#efefef">
<TH colspan=2 class="head">tkeyuser</TH>
Our datasource will be named "web" and access is
granted to the user "christa" with no password.