[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# This file has been generated with GNU afmtodit (groff) version 1.20.1
#   FullName Symbol Slanted
#   Version 001.008
#   FamilyName Symbol
# The original AFM file contains the following comments:
#   Notice Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
#   Comment Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
#   Comment Creation Date: Thu May  1 15:12:25 1997
#   Comment UniqueID 43064
#   Comment VMusage 30820 39997

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---	296,599,170,93,72,93	3	41	parenright
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---	445,610,12,139,-34,99	3	56	eight
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---	489,347,0,147,1,99	3	61	equal
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---	395,611,15,172,-114,99	3	63	question
---	489,423,0,158,40,99	3	64	congruent
---	643,599,0,21,46,21	3	65	Alpha
---	594,599,0,104,24,99	3	66	Beta
---	643,599,0,205,58,99	3	67	Chi
---	545,612,0,46,45,46	3	68	Delta
---	544,599,0,194,22,99	3	69	Epsilon
---	679,599,0,133,-56,99	3	70	Phi
---	537,599,0,227,19,99	3	71	Gamma
---	643,599,0,242,15,99	3	72	Eta
---	296,599,0,222,22,99	3	73	Iota
+h	562,614,16,133,-58,99	3	74	theta1
---	643,599,0,185,19,99	3	75	Kappa
---	611,612,0,49,45,49	3	76	Lambda
---	791,599,0,233,22,99	3	77	Mu
---	643,599,7,234,24,99	3	78	Nu
---	643,610,15,154,-62,99	3	79	Omicron
---	684,599,0,213,28,99	3	80	Pi
---	659,610,15,138,-62,99	3	81	Theta
---	495,599,0,200,25,99	3	82	Rho
---	527,599,0,186,46,99	3	83	Sigma
---	544,599,0,228,-108,99	3	84	Tau
---	614,599,0,240,-125,99	3	85	Upsilon
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---	684,612,0,126,20,99	3	87	Omega
---	574,599,0,176,14,99	3	88	Xi
---	708,609,0,227,-138,99	3	89	Psi
---	544,599,0,231,11,99	3	90	Zeta
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