[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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,$ &*"	.#%24)(3687'1
+-0! done.
%d translated message%d translated messages%s and %s are mutually exclusive%s: warning: source file contains fuzzy translation%s:%d: warning: unterminated character constant%s:%d: warning: unterminated string literal%sRead %ld old + %ld reference, merged %ld, fuzzied %ld, missing %ld, obsolete %ld.
, %d fuzzy translation, %d fuzzy translations, %d untranslated message, %d untranslated messages--join-existing cannot be used when output is written to stdout...but this definition is similar<stdin>Charset "%s" is not a portable encoding name.
Message conversion to user's charset might not work.
Charset "%s" is not supported. %s relies on iconv(),
and iconv() does not support "%s".
Charset "%s" is not supported. %s relies on iconv().
This version was built without iconv().
Charset missing in header.
Message conversion to user's charset will not work.
Continuing anyway, expect parse errors.Continuing anyway.Installing GNU libiconv and then reinstalling GNU gettext
would fix this problem.
Unknown system errorWritten by %s.
at least two files must be specifiedcannot create output file "%s"domain name "%s" not suitable as file namedomain name "%s" not suitable as file name: will use prefixduplicate message definitionend-of-file within stringend-of-line within stringerror while opening "%s" for readingerror while opening "%s" for writingerror while reading "%s"error while writing "%s" fileexactly 2 input files requiredfile "%s" contains a not NUL terminated stringfile "%s" is not in GNU .mo formatfirst plural form has nonzero indexfound %d fatal errorfound %d fatal errorsimpossible selection criteria specified (%d < n < %d)inconsistent use of #~invalid control sequenceinvalid multibyte sequencekeyword "%s" unknownmemory exhaustedno input file givenno input files givenplural form has wrong indexstandard inputstandard outputthis file may not contain domain directivesthis message is used but not defined in %sthis message is used but not defined...too many argumentstoo many errors, abortingwarning: this message is not usedxgettext cannot work without keywords to look forProject-Id-Version: GNU gettext 0.10.38
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-gnu-gettext@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-11 22:08+0900
PO-Revision-Date: 2001-08-18 15:22+0200
Last-Translator: Vladimir Michl <Vladimir.Michl@seznam.cz>
Language-Team: Czech <cs@li.org>
Language: cs
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);
%d p�elo�en� zpr�va%d p�elo�en� zpr�vy%d p�elo�en�ch zpr�v%s a %s se vz�jemn� vylu�uj�%s: upozorn�n�: zdrojov� soubor obsahuje ne�pln� p�eklad%s:%d: upozorn�n�: neukon�en� znakov� konstanta%s:%d: upozorn�n�: neukon�en� �et�zec liter�l�%sP�e�teno %ld p�vodn�ch + %ld referen�n�ch, slito %ld, podobn�ch %ld,
chyb� %ld, zastaral�ch %ld.
, %d ne�pln� p�eklad, %d ne�pln� p�eklady, %d ne�pln�ch p�eklad�, %d nep�elo�en� zpr�va, %d nep�elo�en� zpr�vy, %d nep�elo�en�ch zpr�v--join-existing nem��e b�t pou�it, je-li v�stup zapisov�n do stdout...ale tato definice je podobn�<standardn� vstup>Ozna�en� znakov� sady "%s" nen� portabiln� n�zev k�dov�n�. 
P�evod znak� do u�ivatelsk� znakov� sady nebude fungovat.
Znakov� sada "%s" nen� podporov�na. %s spol�h� na iconv()
a iconv() "%s" nepodporuje.
Znakov� sada "%s" nen� podporov�na. %s spol�h� na iconv().
Tato verze byla kompilov�na bez iconv().
V hlavi�ce chyb� definice znakov� sady.
Konverze zpr�v do u�ivatelovy znakov� sady nen� mo�n�.
Pokra�uji, p�edpokl�d�na chyba parsingu.Pokra�uji.Instalace GNU libiconv a n�sledn� reinstalace GNU gettextu
m��e napravit tento probl�m.
Nezn�m� syst�mov� chybaAutor: %s
mus� b�t zad�ny nejm�n� dva r�zn� souboryv�stupn� soubor "%s" nelze vytvo�itjm�no dom�ny "%s" nen� vhodn� jako jm�no souborujm�no dom�ny "%s" nen� vhodn� jako jm�no souboru: bude pou�ito jako p�edponadvojn�sobn� definice zpr�vykonec souboru uprost�ed �et�zcekonec ��dku uprost�ed �et�zcechyba p�i otev�r�n� souboru "%s" pro �ten�chyba p�i otev�r�n� souboru "%s" pro z�pischyba p�i �ten� "%s"chyba p�i z�pisu do souboru "%s"jsou po�adov�ny p�esn� 2 vstupn� souborysoubor "%s" obsahuje �et�zec, kter� nen� ukon�en NULsoubor "%s" nen� v GNU .mo form�tuprvn� mno�n� ��slo m� nenulov� indexnalezena %d z�va�n� chybanalezeny %d z�va�n� chybynalezeno %d z�va�n�ch chybzad�no nemo�n� v�b�rov� krit�rium (%d < n < %d)nekonzistentn� pou�it� #~neplatn� ��d�c� sekvenceneplatn� v�ceznakov� sekvencekl��ov� slovo "%s" nen� zn�mopam� vy�erp�navstupn� soubor nen� zad�nvstupn� soubory nejsou zad�nymno�n� ��slo m� chybn� indexstandardn� vstupstandardn� v�stuptento soubor nem��e obsahovat p��kazy pro dom�nutato zpr�va je pou�ita, ale nikoli definov�na v %stato zpr�va je pou�ita, ale nikoli definov�na...p��li� mnoho argument�p��li� mnoho chyb, kon��mupozorn�n�: tato zpr�va nen� pou�itaxgettext nem��e pracovat bez toho, ani� by znal slova, kter� m� hledat


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