[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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For bug reporting instructions, please see:

For bug reporting instructions, please see:

Go ahead? (y or n) 
Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically
 passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s.  In order to pass
 other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.

ldd output with constructors/destructors.

write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s
        %qD   in pointer to member conversion   in pointer to member function conversion  %q+#D  %q+#D declared here  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes)
  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed
  --bootclasspath PATH    Override built-in class path
  --classpath PATH        Set path to find .class files
  --extdirs PATH          Set extensions directory path
  --help                   Display this information
  --help                  Print this help, then exit
  --javap                 Generate output in 'javap' format
  --target-help            Display target specific command line options
  --version               Print version number, then exit
  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths
  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link
  -IDIR                   Append directory to class path
  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link
  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler
  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker
  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor
  -Xassembler <arg>        Pass <arg> on to the assembler
  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker
  -Xpreprocessor <arg>     Pass <arg> on to the preprocessor
  -a, --all-blocks                Show information for every basic block
  -b, --branch-probabilities      Include branch probabilities in output
  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link
  -c                      Disassemble method bodies
  -c, --branch-counts             Given counts of branches taken
                                    rather than percentages
  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor
  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings
  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler
  -f, --function-summaries        Output summaries for each function
  -h, --help                      Print this help, then exit
  -l, --long-file-names           Use long output file names for included
                                    source files
  -n, --no-output                 Do not create an output file
  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>
  -o FILE                 Set output file name
  -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE
  -p, --preserve-paths            Preserve all pathname components
  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase
  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files
  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>
  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library
  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc
  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and
                           multiple library search directories
  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries
  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>
  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path
  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files
  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>
  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>
  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess
  -u, --unconditional-branches    Show unconditional branch counts too
  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler
  -v, --verbose           Print extra information while running
  -v, --version                   Print version number, then exit
  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files
                           Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none
                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of
                           guessing the language based on the file's extension
  a qualified-id is required  as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory
  base %qT  because conversion sequence for the argument is better  because of local member %q+#D with same name  because of local method %q+#D with same name  but %d required  but does not override %<%T(const %T&)%>  but does not override %<operator=(const %T&)%>  by %q+D  candidate conversions include %qD and %qD  cannot use obsolete binding at %q+D because it has a destructor  crosses initialization of %q+#D  enters catch block  enters try block  expected a class template, got %qE  expected a class template, got %qT  expected a constant of type %qT, got %qT  expected a type, got %qE  expected a type, got %qT  for conversion from %qT to %qT  from definition of %q+#D  from here  in call to %qD  in evaluation of %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%>  in instantiation of template %qT  in thrown expression  initializing argument %P of %qD  matches this %q+D under ISO standard rules  matches this %q+D under old rules  or %<operator=(const %T&)%>  overriding %q+#D  overriding %q+#F  since %q+#D declared in base class  skips initialization of %q+#D  trying to instantiate %qD  using obsolete binding at %q+D conflicting code gen style switches are used shadows template parm %q+#D# %s %.2f %.2f
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
#pragma GCC memregs must precede any function decls#pragma GCC memregs takes a number [0..16]#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or pop#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX#pragma implementation for %qs appears after file is included#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push)#pragma pack has no effect with -fpack-struct - ignored#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extname#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma vtable no longer supported$ operand number used after format without operand number%+D causes a section type conflict%<#pragma%> is not allowed here%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%D::%D%> is not a member of %qT%<%T::%D%> names constructor in %qT%<%T::%D%> names destructor%<%s %E%> declared inside parameter list%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<...%> as arguments.)%<...%> has invalid operand number%<::%D%> has not been declared%<::main%> must return %<int%>%<<:%> is an alternate spelling for %<[%>. Insert whitespace between %<<%> and %<::%>%<<::%> cannot begin a template-argument list%<@encode%> must specify a type as an argument%<@end%> missing in implementation context%<@end%> must appear in an @implementation context%<@throw%> (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block%<@try%> without %<@catch%> or %<@finally%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as %<long%> or %<long long%>%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__thread%> before %<extern%>%<__thread%> before %<static%>%<__thread%> used with %<auto%>%<__thread%> used with %<register%>%<__thread%> used with %<typedef%>%<__thread%> used with %qE%<and%> of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0%<asm%> operand constraint incompatible with operand size%<asm%> operand requires impossible reload%<asm%> specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members%<auto%> in file-scope empty declaration%<default%> label not within a switch statement%<enum %E%> declared in %<for%> loop initial declaration%<explicit%> can only be specified for constructors%<friend%> can only be specified inside a class%<inline%> in empty declaration%<inline%> is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qD%<inline%> specified for friend class declaration%<inline%> specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope%<location_t%> is not defined as a type%<locus%> is not defined as a type%<long long long%> is too long for GCC%<long%> switch expression not converted to %<int%> in ISO C%<operator delete%> must return type %qT%<operator delete%> takes type %qT as first parameter%<operator new%> must not return NULL unless it is declared %<throw()%> (or -fcheck-new is in effect)%<operator new%> must return type %qT%<operator new%> takes type %<size_t%> (%qT) as first parameter%<operator=%> should return a reference to %<*this%>%<or%> of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1%<register%> in file-scope empty declaration%<return%> with a value, in function returning void%<return%> with no value, in function returning non-void%<sizeof%> applied to a bit-field%<static%> may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member%<static%> specified invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope%<struct %E%> declared in %<for%> loop initial declaration%<this%> is unavailable for static member functions%<this%> may not be used in this context%<tree%> is not defined as a pointer type%<tree%> is not defined as a type%<typeof%> applied to a bit-field%<union %E%> declared in %<for%> loop initial declaration%<va_start%> used in function with fixed args%<void%> as only parameter may not be qualified%<void%> must be the only parameter%E qualifier ignored on asm%i-bit mode not compiled in%q#D conflicts with previous using declaration %q#D%q#D hides constructor for %q#T%q#D is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition%q#D is not a non-static data member of %qT%q#D is not a static member of %q#T%q#D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q#T has pointer data members%q#T is not a template%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating point value was expected%q+#D cannot be declared%q+#D cannot be overloaded%q+#D does not refer to the unqualified type, so it is not used for linkage%q+#D invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members%q+#D is inaccessible%q+#D is private%q+#D is protected%q+#D previously declared here%q+#D previously defined here%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D causes a section type conflict%q+D contains empty classes which may cause base classes to be placed at different locations in a future version of GCC%q+D declared as a friend%q+D declared here%q+D declared with an exception specification%q+D defined but not used%q+D has a previous declaration as %q#D%q+D invalid in %q#T%q+D is too small to hold all values of %q#T%q+D is usually a function%q+D may not be static because it is a member of a union%q+D may not have reference type %qT because it is a member of a union%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+D used prior to declaration%q+D was hidden%q+D will be initialized after%q+D: visibility attribute ignored because it%q+F declared %<static%> but never defined%q+F used but never defined%q+T has a previous declaration here%qD attribute directive ignored%qD cannot appear in a constant-expression%qD cannot be declared virtual, since it is always static%qD cannot be initialized by a non-constant expression when being declared%qD cannot have default arguments%qD declared as reference but not initialized%qD has an incomplete type%qD has no member named %qE%qD has the same name as the class in which it is declared%qD is a namespace%qD is already a friend of %qT%qD is already a friend of class %qT%qD is already declared in this scope%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in class %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is both a direct base and an indirect virtual base%qD is not a class or namespace%qD is not a function template%qD is not a member of %qD%qD is not a member of %qT%qD is not a member template function%qD is not a namespace-name%qD is not a template%qD is not a template function%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD may not be declared as static%qD may not be declared within a namespace%qD must be a nonstatic member function%qD must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function%qD must have an argument of class or enumerated type%qD must take %<void%>%qD must take either one or two arguments%qD must take either zero or one argument%qD must take exactly one argument%qD must take exactly two arguments%qD not declared%qD not defined%qD redeclared with different access%qD should have been declared inside %qD%qD should never be overloaded%qD should return by value%qD used without template parameters%qD was declared %<extern%> and later %<static%>%qD was not declared in this scope%qE attribute can only be applied to Java class definitions%qE attribute can only be applied to class definitions%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute is not supported on this platform%qE attribute only applies to variadic functions%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE cannot be used as a function%qE cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type %qT%qE does not have class type%qE does not name a type%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type%qE in namespace %qE does not name a type%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend%qE is not a template%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is a pointer%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is of type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because object %qD has not external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because of conflicts in cv-qualification%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because string literals can never be used in this context%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not of type %qT%qE is obsolete; g++ vtables are now COM-compatible by default%qT has no member named %qE%qT has no non-static data member named %qD%qT is a variably modified type%qT is already a friend of %qT%qT is an ambiguous base of %qT%qT is an inaccessible base of %qT%qT is not a base of %qT%qT is not a class or namespace%qT is not a class, struct, or union type%qT is not a member class template of %qT%qT is not a member of %qT%qT is not a namespace%qT is not a nested class of %qT%qT is not a pointer-to-object type%qT is not a template%qT is not a template type%qT is not an accessible base of %qT%qT is promoted to %qT when passed through %<...%>%qT is/uses anonymous type%qT referred to as %qs%qT referred to as enum%qT resolves to %qT, which is is not a class type%qT resolves to %qT, which is not an enumeration type%qV qualifiers cannot be applied to %qT%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs can only be specified for functions%qs declared as function returning a function%qs declared as function returning an array%qs expects a constant argument%qs has both %<extern%> and initializer%qs has overflowed%qs initialized and declared %<extern%>%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs tag used in naming %q#T%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%s%s
%s %+#T%s %s %p %d
%s %s(%E) %p %d
%s '%s'
%s at %L must be INTEGER%s at %L must be a scalar%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute in '%s' at %L%s attribute not allowed in BLOCK DATA program unit at %L%s cannot be used in asm here%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s expression list treated as compound expression%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s is not supported by this configuration%s returned %d exit status%s statement at %C cannot follow %s statement at %L%s statement expected at %L%s statement must appear in a MODULE%s tag at %L must be of type %s%s tag at %L must be scalar%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s%sGGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d
%s-%s is an empty range%s: %d basic blocks and %d registers%s: %s%s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUE%s: Cannot open output file: %s
%s: Failed to close output file %s
%s: PCH file was invalid%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s:%d: Illegal preprocessor directive%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
%s:%d: file %s left but not entered%s:'%s' has arcs from exit block
%s:'%s' has arcs to entry block
%s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks
%s:already seen blocks for '%s'
%s:graph is unsolvable for '%s'
%s:no functions found
%s:no lines for '%s'
%s:not a gcov data file
%s:profile mismatch for '%s'
%s:unknown function '%u'
%s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s'
%s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s'
'' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%l' operand isn't a label'%s' and '%s' arguments of '%s' intrinsic at %L must have the same type'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L cannot be INTENT(IN)'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be %s'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be ALLOCATABLE'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or LOGICAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or PROCEDURE'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be REAL or COMPLEX'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER or a TARGET'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a constant'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a logical array'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a non-derived type'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a numeric type'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a scalar'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be an array'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be double precision'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be less than rank %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be numeric or LOGICAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of a dummy variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of an OPTIONAL dummy variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of kind %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of rank %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of rank 1 or 2'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be the same kind as '%s''%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be the same type and kind as '%s''%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must not be OPTIONAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must not be present if 'x' is COMPLEX'%s' at %C is not a member of the '%s' structure'%s' was assigned to '%s', but was not defined during recompilation, or vice versa''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'0' flag'B' operand has multiple bits set'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'O' modifier'^' flag'_' flag'a' flag'dim' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index'o' operand is not constant'q' flag'shape' argument of 'reshape' intrinsic at %L has more than %d elements'shape' argument of 'reshape' intrinsic at %L must be an array of constant size'source' argument of 'shape' intrinsic at %L must not be an assumed size array(C)(Messages without a matching method signature(a pointer to member can only be formed with %<&%E%>)(an out of class initialization is required)(if you use %<-fpermissive%>, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)(near initialization for %qs)(perhaps %<typename %T::%E%> was intended)(perhaps a semicolon is missing after the definition of %qT)(perhaps the %<offsetof%> macro was used incorrectly)(so you should pass %qT not %qT to %<va_arg%>)--param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached--resource requires -o-E or -x required when input is from standard input-I- specified twice-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible-f%s ignored for target (all code is position independent)-f%s is not supported with CONST16 instructions-f%s not supported: ignored-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible-fdata-sections not supported for this target-femit-class-file should used along with -fsyntax-only-ffunction-sections not supported for this target-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-fjni and -femit-class-file are incompatible-fjni and -femit-class-files are incompatible-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible-fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architecture-frepo must be used with -c-fstack-protector not supported for this target-g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,-g option disabled-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-m%s not supported in this configuration-m64 requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled-malign-functions is obsolete, use -falign-functions-malign-jumps is obsolete, use -falign-jumps-malign-loops is obsolete, use -falign-loops-malign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d-malign-power is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together-mbnu210 is ignored (option is obsolete)-mbranch-cost=%d is not between 0 and 5-mcall-aixdesc must be big endian-mcmodel= is not supported on 32 bit systems-mfloat-abi=hard and VFP-mhard-float not supported-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic-mregparm=%d is not between 0 and %d-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible-ms2600 is used without -ms-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible-msecure-plt not supported by your assembler-mshared-library-id= specified without -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s is not between 0 and %d-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size-mstring is not supported on little endian systems-munix=98 option required for C89 Amendment 1 features.
-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pipe not supported-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib.NOT. operator in expression at %L must have a LOGICAL operand128-bit long double not supported for VAX floats31 bit ABI387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64 bit ABI64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode<During initialization>
<anonymous><built-in>@catch parameter is not a known Objective-C class typeA synonym for -std=c89 (for C) or -std=c++98 (for C++)APCS reentrant code not supported.  IgnoredAUX pointer initialized for edge %d->%dAccept extensions to support legacy codeActual argument for '%s' must be a pointer at %LAdd a common subexpression elimination pass after loop optimizationsAdd extra commentary to assembler outputAdditional debug printsAlias for -femit-class-fileAlign all labelsAlign all loops to 32 byte boundaryAlign code and data to 32 bitsAlign destination of the string operationsAlign doubles at 64-bit boundariesAlign labels which are only reached by jumpingAlign some doubles on dword boundaryAlign the start of functionsAlign the start of loopsAlign to the base type of the bit-fieldAlign variables on a 32-bit boundaryAllocatable '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerAllow arbitrary character line width in fixed modeAllow arbitrary character line width in free modeAllow dollar signs in entity namesAllow fast jumps to the message dispatcherAllow function addresses to be held in registersAllow loop optimizations to assume that the loops behave in normal wayAllow math optimizations that may violate IEEE or ISO standardsAllow speculative motion of more loadsAllow speculative motion of non-loadsAllow speculative motion of some loadsAllow the arguments of the '?' operator to have different typesAllow two instructions to be issued per cycleAlternate RETURN statement at %C is only allowed within a SUBROUTINEAlternate calling conventionAltiVec argument passed to unprototyped functionAlways check for non gcj generated classes archivesAlways generate long callsAlways treat bitfields as int-sizedAmbiguous interfaces '%s' and '%s' in %s at %LAn alternate return at %L without a * dummy argumentAppend a second underscore if the name already contains an underscoreAppend underscores to externally visible namesApply variable expansion when loops are unrolledArgument '%s' of elemental procedure at %L must be scalarArgument '%s' of statement function at %L must be scalarArgument dim at %L must be of INTEGER typeArgument dim at %L must be scalarArgument of %s at %L must be of length oneArgument of ACOS at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ACOSH at %L must not be less than 1Argument of ASIN at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ATANH at %L must be inside the range -1 to 1Argument of IACHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of ICHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of SELECT statement at %L cannot be %sArgument of SQRT at %L has a negative valueArgument to -ffpe-trap is not valid: %sArithmetic NaN at %LArithmetic OK at %LArithmetic OK converting %s to %s at %LArithmetic overflow at %LArithmetic underflow at %LArray '%s' at %L cannot have a deferred shapeArray index at %L is an array of rank %dArray index at %L must be scalarArray operands are incommensurate at %LArray reference at %C cannot have more than %d dimensionsArray reference out of boundsArray section with a vector subscript at %L shall not be the target of a pointerArray specification at %C has more than %d dimensionsArray specification must be deferred at %LAssigned label is not a target labelAssignment to a FORALL index variable at %LAssume a large TLS segmentAssume all symbols have 32-bit valuesAssume code will be assembled by GASAssume code will be linked by GNU ldAssume code will be linked by HP ldAssume floating-point operations can trapAssume native functions are implemented using JNIAssume no NaNs or infinities are generatedAssume normal C execution environmentAssume possible double misalignmentAssume signed arithmetic overflow wraps aroundAssume small address spaceAssume strict aliasing rules applyAssume symbols might be invalidAssume target CPU is configured as big endianAssume target CPU is configured as little endianAssume that receivers of Objective-C messages may be nilAssume that the source file is fixed formAssume that the source file is free formAssume the VxWorks RTP environmentAssume the VxWorks vThreads environmentAssume the runtime uses a hash table to map an object to its synchronization structureAssumed shape array at %L must be a dummy argumentAssumed size array at %L must be a dummy argumentAt top level:Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructionsAttempt to keep stack aligned to this power of 2Attempt to merge identical constants across compilation unitsAttempt to merge identical constants and constant variablesAutomatic array '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerAvoid generating pc-relative calls; use indirectionBYTE type used at %C is not available on the target machineBad INTENT specification at %CBad IO basetype (%d)Bad array reference at %LBad byte codes.
Bad continuation line at %CBad kind for logical constant at %CBad nameBad operatorBad type in constant expressionBranches are this expensive (1-5, arbitrary units)Branches executed:%s of %d
C++ constructors and destructors will not be invoked for Objective-C fieldsCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be array-valuedCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be pointer-valuedCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be pureCLOSE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CCOMPLEX quantities cannot be compared at %LCPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction setCRIS-port assertion failed: Call a library routine to do integer divisionsCalls executed:%s of %d
Can't convert %s to %s at %LCan't open file '%s'Can't open module file '%s' for reading at %C: %sCan't open module file '%s' for writing at %C: %sCannot open '%s' for output.
Change only the low 8 bits of the stack pointerChange the ABI to allow double word insnsChange the maximum length of conditionally-executed sequencesCheck for syntax errors, then stopCheck the return value of newCode size: small, medium or largeCompile for 32-bit pointersCompile for 64-bit pointersCompile for ETRAX 100 (CRIS v8)Compile for ETRAX 4 (CRIS v3)Compile for V8+ ABICompile for the m32rCompile for the m32r2Compile for the m32rxCompile for the v850 processorCompile for the v850e processorCompile for the v850e1 processorCompile whole compilation unit at a timeComponent '%s' at %C already declared at %LComponent '%s' at %C is a PRIVATE component of '%s'Component at %C must have the POINTER attributeConcat operator at %L must concatenate strings of the same kindConfigured with: %s
Conform more closely to IBM XLC semanticsConform to the ISO 1990 C standardConform to the ISO 1990 C standard as amended in 1994Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard with GNU extensionsConform to the ISO 1999 C standardConform to the ISO 1999 C standard with GNU extensionsConform to the ISO Fortran 2003 standardConform to the ISO Fortran 95 standardConsider type 'int' to be 16 bits wideConsider type 'int' to be 32 bits wideConstant expression required at %CConstantValue attribute of field '%s' has wrong typeControl the IEEE trap modeControl the generated fp rounding modeControl the precision given to fp exceptionsConversion from %s to %s at %LConvert floating point constants to single precision constantsCreate GUI applicationCreate canonical induction variables in loopsCreate console applicationCreate data files needed by "gcov"DATA statement at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureDIM argument at %L is out of boundsDO-iterator '%s' at %L is inside iterator of the same nameData greater than given threshold will go into .ldata section in x86-64 medium modelDefer popping functions args from stack until laterDelete useless null pointer checksDeprecated in favor of -std=c99Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu99Deprecated in favor of -std=iso9899:1999Deprecated.  This switch has no effectDifferent ranks in pointer assignment at %LDisable FP regsDisable indexed addressingDisable optimizations observable by IEEE signaling NaNsDisable optimizations that assume default FP rounding behaviorDisable space regsDisallow direct calls to global functionsDiscover pure and const functionsDiscover readonly and non addressable static variablesDisplay compile time statisticsDisplay statistics accumulated during compilationDisplay the code tree after parsingDisplay the compiler's versionDisplay this informationDivision by zero at %LDivision by zero converting %s to %s at %LDo not assume a large TLS segmentDo not assume that standard C libraries and "main" existDo not disable space regsDo not discard commentsDo not discard comments in macro expansionsDo not display functions compiled or elapsed timeDo not emit complex integer constants to read-only memoryDo not emit function prologue or epilogueDo not generate #line directivesDo not generate .size directivesDo not generate a single exit point for each functionDo not inline integer divisionDo not inline square rootDo not load the PIC register in function prologuesDo not place floating point constants in TOCDo not place symbol+offset constants in TOCDo not predefine system-specific and GCC-specific macrosDo not provide a default start-address 0x100 of the programDo not put uninitialized globals in the common sectionDo not search standard system include directories (those specified with -isystem will still be used)Do not search standard system include directories for C++Do not suppress warnings from system headersDo not tune code and read-only data alignmentDo not tune stack alignmentDo not tune writable data alignmentDo not use MIPS-3D instructionsDo not use VAX fpDo not use addresses that allocate global registersDo not use hardware FPDo not use hardware floating pointDo not use hardware fpDo not use hardware quad fp instructionsDo not use the bit-field instructionsDo not use unaligned memory referencesDo not warn about using "long long" when -pedanticDo the full register move optimization passDon't allocate floats and doubles in extended-precision registersDon't call any cache flush functionsDon't call any cache flush trapDon't optimize block movesDon't use P-mnemonics for branchesDon't warn about uses of Microsoft extensionsDowngrade conformance errors to warningsDriving:Dummy '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerDummy argument '%s' at %L cannot be INTENT(OUT)Dummy argument '%s' at %L cannot be OPTIONALDump declarations to a .decl fileDuplicate %s attribute at %LDuplicate %s attribute specified at %LDuplicate %s label specification at %CDuplicate %s specification at %CDuplicate ELSE statements at %L and %CDuplicate IMPLICIT NONE statement at %CDuplicate NML specification at %CDuplicate PRIVATE statement at %CDuplicate SAVE attribute specified at %LDuplicate SEQUENCE statement at %CDuplicate UNIT specification at %CDuplicate construct label '%s' at %CDuplicate format specification at %CDuplicate statement label %d at %L and %LDuplicate symbol '%s' in formal argument list at %CDynamically allocate cc registersELEMENTAL non-INTRINSIC procedure '%s' is not allowed as an actual argument at %LELSE IF statement at %C cannot follow ELSE statement at %LEND tag at %C not allowed in output statementEND tag label %d at %L not definedENTRY '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeENTRY statement at %C cannot appear in a contained procedureENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a BLOCK DATAENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DERIVED TYPE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DO blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a FORALL blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a MODULEENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a PROGRAMENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a SELECT blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a WHERE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a contained subprogramENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an IF-THEN blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an INTERFACEEOR tag label %d at %L not definedERR tag label %d at %L not definedESA/390 architectureElement in %s array constructor at %L is %sEmit 16-bit relocations to the small data areasEmit 32-bit relocations to the small data areasEmit IEEE-conformant code, without inexact exceptionsEmit call graph informationEmit code for the byte/word ISA extensionEmit code for the counting ISA extensionEmit code for the fp move and sqrt ISA extensionEmit code for the motion video ISA extensionEmit common-like symbols as weak symbolsEmit direct branches to local functionsEmit extra code in the function prologue in order to trap if the stack size exceeds the given limitEmit implicit instantiations of inline templatesEmit implicit instantiations of templatesEmit indirect branches to local functionsEmit long load/store sequencesEmit static const variables even if they are not usedEmit stop bits before and after volatile extended asmsEmit verbose debug information in assembly codeEmpty IMPLICIT statement at %CEmpty array constructor at %C is not allowedEmpty set of digits in BOZ constant at %CEnable Dwarf 2 line debug info via GNU asEnable Full Redundancy Elimination (FRE) on treesEnable Function Descriptor PIC modeEnable ID based shared libraryEnable Objective-C exception and synchronization syntaxEnable Objective-C setjmp exception handling runtimeEnable PIC support for building librariesEnable SSA code sinking on treesEnable SSA dead code elimination optimization on treesEnable SSA-CCP optimization on treesEnable SSA-PRE optimization on treesEnable TPF-OS tracing codeEnable all -Wunused- warningsEnable an RTL peephole pass before sched2Enable automatic template instantiationEnable backend debuggingEnable basic program profiling codeEnable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizationsEnable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizationsEnable conditional execution other than moves/sccEnable conditional movesEnable copy propagation on treesEnable dead store eliminationEnable debug outputEnable dominator optimizationsEnable earlier placing stop bits for better schedulingEnable exception handlingEnable function profilingEnable garbage collection (GC) in Objective-C/Objective-C++ programsEnable guessing of branch probabilitiesEnable inlining of PLT in function callsEnable label alignment optimizationsEnable linker optimizationsEnable linker relaxationsEnable linker relaxingEnable loop header copying on treesEnable loop invariant motion on treesEnable loop optimizations on tree levelEnable loop vectorization on treesEnable loop versioning when doing loop vectorization on treesEnable machine specific peephole optimizationsEnable most warning messagesEnable nested conditional execution optimizationsEnable optimization of static class initialization codeEnable optimizing &&/|| in conditional executionEnable scheduling across basic blocksEnable separate data segmentEnable stack probingEnable the normal modeEnable the use of the short load instructionsEnable traditional preprocessingEnable use of sdata/scommon/sbssEnable verbose outputEnable/Disable the traditional scheduling in loops that already passed modulo schedulingEnabled ID based shared libraryEnables a register move optimizationEnd of search list.
Enforce class member access control semanticsEnumerator exceeds the C integer type at %CError converting integerError writing module file '%s' for writing: %sError writing modules file: %sError:Exit on the first error occurredExpected ")" at %CExpected "," at %CExpected "," or end of statement at %CExpected '(' at %CExpected 'END INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT (=)' at %CExpected :: in TYPE definition at %CExpected = sign in PARAMETER statement at %CExpected P edit descriptorExpected a nameless interface at %CExpected a right parenthesis in expression at %CExpected alternate return label at %CExpected an initialization expression at %CExpected another dimension in array declaration at %CExpected array subscript at %CExpected array subscript stride at %CExpected attribute bit nameExpected block name of '%s' in %s statement at %CExpected comma in I/O list at %CExpected exponent in expression at %CExpected expression at %C in PARAMETER statementExpected expression in %s statement at %CExpected expression in array specification at %CExpected expression typeExpected initialization expression at %CExpected initialization expression in CASE at %CExpected integerExpected integer stringExpected label '%s' for %s statement at %CExpected left parenthesisExpected nameExpected real stringExpected right parenthesisExpected scalar initialization expression at %CExpected stringExpected structure component name at %CExpected terminating name at %CExpected variable in READ statement at %CExpected variable name at %CExpecting %s statement at %CExpecting 'END INTERFACE %s' at %CExpecting 'END INTERFACE OPERATOR (.%s.)' at %CExport functions even if they can be inlinedExpression at %L must be scalarExpression in CASE statement at %L must be of type %sExpression in CASE statement at %L must be scalarExtension: Conversion from %s to %s at %LExternal '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerExternal IO UNIT cannot be an array at %LExternal object '%s' at %L may not have an initializerFORALL end expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL index-name at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL start expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL stride expression at %L cannot be zeroFORALL stride expression at %L must be a scalar %sFORMAT label %d at %L not definedFORMAT statement at %L does not have a statement labelFP exceptions are enabledFatal Error:First argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)Fixed line length must be at least seven.Follow Renesas (formerly Hitachi) / SuperH calling conventionsFor bug reporting instructions, please see:
For intrinsics library: pass all parameters in registersForce functions to be aligned to a 4 byte boundaryForce the underlying type for "wchar_t" to be "unsigned short"Function '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeFunction '%s' requires an argument list at %CFunction name '%s' not allowed at %CFunction result '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerFunction starts are aligned to this power of 2GCC supports only %u nested scopesGCC vector passed by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCC vector returned by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCSE disabledGNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING

Generate 32-bit FPU-less SHmedia codeGenerate 32-bit SHmedia codeGenerate 32-bit codeGenerate 32-bit offsets in switch tablesGenerate 32bit i386 codeGenerate 64-bit FPU-less SHmedia codeGenerate 64-bit SHmedia codeGenerate 64-bit codeGenerate 64bit x86-64 codeGenerate APCS conformant stack framesGenerate C header of platform-specific featuresGenerate FPU-less SHcompact codeGenerate GFLOAT double precision codeGenerate H8/300H codeGenerate H8S codeGenerate H8S/2600 codeGenerate H8SX codeGenerate ILP32 codeGenerate LP64 codeGenerate PA1.0 codeGenerate PA1.1 codeGenerate PA2.0 code (requires binutils 2.10 or later)Generate SH1 codeGenerate SH2 codeGenerate SH2a FPU-less codeGenerate SH2e codeGenerate SH3 codeGenerate SH3e codeGenerate SH4 FPU-less codeGenerate SH4 codeGenerate SH4a FPU-less codeGenerate SH4a codeGenerate SH4al-dsp codeGenerate SHcompact codeGenerate SPE SIMD instructions on E500Generate VRSAVE instructions when generating AltiVec codeGenerate a call to abort if a noreturn function returnsGenerate a single exit point for each functionGenerate big endian codeGenerate big-endian codeGenerate checks for references to NULLGenerate code for GNU asGenerate code for GNU assembler (gas)Generate code for GNU ldGenerate code for GNU runtime environmentGenerate code for NeXT (Apple Mac OS X) runtime environmentGenerate code for UNIX assemblerGenerate code for a 5206eGenerate code for a 520XGenerate code for a 528xGenerate code for a 5307Generate code for a 5407Generate code for a 68000Generate code for a 68020Generate code for a 68030Generate code for a 68040Generate code for a 68040, without any new instructionsGenerate code for a 68060Generate code for a 68060, without any new instructionsGenerate code for a 68302Generate code for a 68332Generate code for a 68851Generate code for a DLLGenerate code for a cpu32Generate code for an 11/10Generate code for an 11/40Generate code for an 11/45Generate code for functions even if they are fully inlinedGenerate code for given CPUGenerate code for huge switch statementsGenerate code for old exec BSS PLTGenerate code for the Boehm GCGenerate code for the M*Core M210Generate code for the M*Core M340Generate code in big endian modeGenerate code in little endian modeGenerate code suitable for executables (NOT shared libs)Generate code that conforms to the given ABIGenerate code that uses 68881 floating-point instructionsGenerate code to check bounds before indexing arraysGenerate code to check exception specificationsGenerate code to use a non-exec PLT and GOTGenerate code without GP regGenerate cpp defines for server IOGenerate cpp defines for workstation IOGenerate debug information in COFF formatGenerate debug information in STABS formatGenerate debug information in VMS formatGenerate debug information in XCOFF formatGenerate debug information in default extended formatGenerate debug information in default formatGenerate debug information in extended STABS formatGenerate debug information in extended XCOFF formatGenerate default single-precision SH4 codeGenerate default single-precision SH4a codeGenerate divide results with reminder having the same sign as the divisor (not the dividend)Generate fast indirect callsGenerate floating point mathematics using given instruction setGenerate floating-point multiply-add instructionsGenerate inline floating point division, optimize for latencyGenerate inline floating point division, optimize for throughputGenerate inline integer division, optimize for latencyGenerate inline integer division, optimize for throughputGenerate inline square root, optimize for latencyGenerate inline square root, optimize for throughputGenerate isel instructionsGenerate little endian codeGenerate little-endian codeGenerate make dependenciesGenerate make dependencies and compileGenerate normal-mode codeGenerate only single-precision SH4 codeGenerate only single-precision SH4a codeGenerate pc-relative codeGenerate phony targets for all headersGenerate position-independent code for executables if possible (large mode)Generate position-independent code for executables if possible (small mode)Generate position-independent code if possible (large mode)Generate position-independent code if possible (small mode)Generate prefetch instructions, if available, for arrays in loopsGenerate re-entrant, PIC codeGenerate run time type descriptor informationGenerate self-relocatable codeGenerate sin, cos, sqrt for FPUGenerate special Objective-C methods to initialize/destroy non-POD C++ ivars, if neededGenerate unwind tables that are exact at each instruction boundaryGive branches their default costGive external symbols a leading underscoreICE: emit_insn used where emit_jump_insn needed:
ID of shared library to buildINQUIRE statement at %L requires either FILE or UNIT specifierINQUIRE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CINTENT (%s) conflicts with INTENT(%s) at %LISO C does not allow extra %<;%> outside of a functionISO C does not support %<++%> and %<--%> on complex typesISO C does not support %<~%> for complex conjugationISO C does not support complex integer typesISO C does not support plain %<complex%> meaning %<double complex%>ISO C forbids %<goto *expr;%>ISO C forbids assignment between function pointer and %<void *%>ISO C forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C forbids casting nonscalar to the same typeISO C forbids casts to union typeISO C forbids comparison of %<void *%> with function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr between %<void *%> and function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr with only one void sideISO C forbids const or volatile function typesISO C forbids conversion of function pointer to object pointer typeISO C forbids conversion of object pointer to function pointer typeISO C forbids empty initializer bracesISO C forbids forward parameter declarationsISO C forbids forward references to %<enum%> typesISO C forbids initialization between function pointer and %<void *%>ISO C forbids label declarationsISO C forbids member declarations with no membersISO C forbids nested functionsISO C forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C forbids ordered comparisons of pointers to functionsISO C forbids passing argument %d of %qE between function pointer and %<void *%>ISO C forbids qualified function typesISO C forbids return between function pointer and %<void *%>ISO C forbids specifying range of elements to initializeISO C forbids subscripting %<register%> arrayISO C prohibits argument conversion to union typeISO C requires a named argument before %<...%>ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of %<int%>ISO C++ does not allow designated initializersISO C++ does not permit %<%T::%D%> to be defined as %<%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C++ forbids calling %<::main%> from within programISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-objectISO C++ forbids casting to an array type %qTISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integerISO C++ forbids compound-literalsISO C++ forbids computed gotosISO C++ forbids declaration of %qs with no typeISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member %qDISO C++ forbids initialization of member constant %qD of non-integral type %qTISO C++ forbids nested type %qD with same name as enclosing classISO C++ forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C++ forbids subscripting non-lvalue arrayISO C++ forbids taking address of function %<::main%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function.  Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a cast to a non-lvalue expressionISO C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified or parenthesized non-static member function to form a pointer to member function.  Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids the use of %qE on explicit instantiationsISO C++ forbids using pointer of type %<void *%> in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a function in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a method in subtractionISO C++ forbids zero-size arrayISO C++ forbids zero-size array %qDISO C++ prohibits anonymous structsISO C++ prohibits overloading operator ?:ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second:ISO C90 does not support %<[*]%> array declaratorsISO C90 does not support %<long long%>ISO C90 does not support %<static%> or type qualifiers in parameter array declaratorsISO C90 does not support complex typesISO C90 does not support flexible array membersISO C90 forbids compound literalsISO C90 forbids specifying subobject to initializeISO C90 forbids subscripting non-lvalue arrayIf -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller is used, the maximum number of times that an individual variable will be expanded during loop unrollingIf first argument of ATAN2 %L is zero, then the second argument must not be zeroIgnore 'D' in column one in fixed formIgnore dllimport for functionsIgnored (obsolete)Illegal character in BOZ constant at %CIllegal stride of zero at %LIn %+D: overlapped variable and exception ranges at %dIncompatible ranks %d and %d in assignment at %LIncorrect function return valueInitialization at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization at %C isn't for a pointer variableInitialization of pointer at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization of variable at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitializer not allowed for PARAMETER '%s' at %CInject friend functions into enclosing namespaceInline all known string operationsInline constants if it can be done in 2 insns or lessInline recursively only when the probability of call being executed exceeds the parameterInput file is a file with a list of filenames to compileInsert code to profile values of expressionsInteger expression required at %CInteger kind %d at %C not availableInteger outside symmetric range implied by Standard Fortran at %LInteger overflowInteger too big for integer kind %i at %CInteger too large at %CInteger value too large in expression at %CInternal Error at (1):Internal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered.
Intrinsic '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerIntrinsic '%s' at %L must have at least two argumentsIntrinsic function %s(%d) not recognizedInvalid Hollerith constant: %L must contain at least one characterInvalid KIND parameter of %s at %LInvalid form of PROGRAM statement at %CInvalid form of array reference at %CInvalid kind %d for CHARACTER constant at %CInvalid kind for %s at %LInvalid real kind %d at %CIssue warnings needed for strict compliance to the standardIterator step at %L cannot be zeroJava class %qT cannot have a destructorJava class %qT cannot have an implicit non-trivial destructorJava class %qT cannot have multiple basesJava class %qT cannot have virtual basesJava method %qD has non-Java parameter type %qTJava method %qD has non-Java return type %qTJump targets are aligned to this power of 2Just generate unwind tables for exception handlingJust use icc0/fcc0KIND parameter of %s at %L must be an initialization expressionL%d cache latency unknown for %sLOGICAL operands are required in expression at %LLabel %d at %L defined but cannot be usedLabel %d at %L defined but not usedLabel %d referenced at %L is never definedLabel name '%s' at %C is ambiguousLetter %c already has an IMPLICIT type at %CLetters must be in alphabetic order in IMPLICIT statement at %CLift restrictions on GOT sizeLike -M but ignore system header filesLike -MD but ignore system header filesLike -pedantic but issue them as errorsLines executed:%s of %d
Link to emit program in ELF format (rather than mmo)Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.oLink with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.oLink with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.oLink with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.oLogicals at %%L must be compared with %s instead of %sLook for and use PCH files even when preprocessingLoop code aligned to this power of 2MCU %qs supported for assembler onlyMMIX Internal: %s is not a shiftable intMMIX Internal: Bad register: %dMMIX Internal: Bad value for 'm', not a CONST_INTMMIX Internal: Cannot decode this operandMMIX Internal: Expected a CONST_INT, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a constant, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a register, not thisMMIX Internal: Last named vararg would not fit in a registerMMIX Internal: Missing %qc case in mmix_print_operandMMIX Internal: This is not a constant:MMIX Internal: This is not a recognized addressMMIX Internal: Trying to output invalidly reversed condition:MMIX Internal: What is the CC of this?MMIX Internal: What's the CC of this?MMX vector argument without MMX enabled changes the ABIMMX vector return without MMX enabled changes the ABIMaintain backchain pointerMake "char" signed by defaultMake "char" unsigned by defaultMake integers 32 bits wideMark MAC register as call-clobberedMaximal growth due to inlining of large function (in percent)Maximum number of fields in a structure before pointer analysis treats the structure as a single variableMinimum heap expansion to trigger garbage collection, as a percentage of the total size of the heapMinimum heap size before we start collecting garbage, in kilobytesMissing actual argument '%s' in call to '%s' at %LMissing actual argument for argument '%s' at %LMissing argument list in function '%s' at %CMissing dimension specification at %CMissing exponent in real number at %CMissing format label at %CMissing kind-parameter at %CMissing leading left parenthesisModule %s at line %d column %d: %sMove loop invariant computations out of loopsNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK %d in middle of basic block %dNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK is missing for block %dNULL appears on right-hand side in assignment at %LNULL pointer at %L is not permitted as actual argument of '%s' intrinsic functionNULL used in arithmeticNULL() initialization at %C is ambiguousName '%s' at %C is the name of the procedureName at %C is too longName too longNo branches
No calls
No default crt0.oNo executable lines
Nonnegative width requiredNot a valid Java .class file.
Number of registers used to pass integer argumentsNumeric operands are required in expression at %LOPEN statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CObjective-C declarations may only appear in global scopeOld-style type declaration %s*%d not supported at %COmit frame pointer for leaf functionsOmit range reduction step when performing complex divisionOmit the frame pointer in leaf functionsOnly intrinsic operators can be used in expression at %LOnly issue one instruction per cycleOnly use 32 FPRsOnly use 32 GPRsOperand of unary numeric operator '%s' at %%L is %sOperand of user operator '%s' at %%L is %sOperands of binary numeric operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of comparison operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of logical operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of string concatenation operator at %%L are %s/%sOperands of user operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOptimize for space rather than speedOptimize induction variables on treesOptimize lui/addiu address loadsOptimize sibling and tail recursive callsOptimize tail call instructions in assembler and linkerOptions:
Out of stack space.
Output a class fileOverride -mbest-lib-optionsPARAMETER at %L is missing an initializerPHI argument is missing for edge %d->%dPIC code generation is not compatible with fast indirect callsPIC code generation is not supported in the portable runtime modelPIC is required but not supported with CONST16 instructionsPIC register isn't set upPRINT namelist at %C is an extensionPRINT statement at %C not allowed within PURE procedurePRINT_OPERAND null pointerPRINT_OPERAND, invalid insn for %%CPRINT_OPERAND, invalid insn for %%NPRINT_OPERAND: Unknown punctuation '%c'PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS, null pointerPack VLIW instructionsPack structure members together without holesPass FP arguments in FP registersPerform DWARF2 duplicate eliminationPerform Interprocedural constant propagationPerform SMS based modulo scheduling before the first scheduling passPerform VR4130-specific alignment optimizationsPerform Value Range Propagation on treesPerform a number of minor, expensive optimizationsPerform a register copy-propagation optimization passPerform a register renaming optimization passPerform branch target load optimization after prologue / epilogue threadingPerform branch target load optimization before prologue / epilogue threadingPerform conversion of conditional jumps to branchless equivalentsPerform conversion of conditional jumps to conditional executionPerform cross-jumping optimizationPerform early inliningPerform enhanced load motion during global common subexpression eliminationPerform global common subexpression eliminationPerform global common subexpression elimination after register allocationPerform jump threading optimizationsPerform loop peelingPerform loop unrolling for all loopsPerform loop unrolling when iteration count is knownPerform loop unswitchingPerform redundant load after store elimination in global common subexpressionPerform scalar replacement of aggregatesPerform store motion after global common subexpression eliminationPerform unused type elimination in debug infoPerform variable trackingPerform whole program optimizationsPermit '$' as an identifier characterPermit scheduling of a function's prologue sequencePermit the use of the assert keywordPermit universal character names (\u and \U) in identifiersPlace data items into their own sectionPlace each function into its own sectionPlace floating point constants in TOCPlace symbol+offset constants in TOCPointer initialization at %C requires '=>', not '='Pointers are 32-bitPointers are 64-bitPositive exponent width requiredPositive width requiredPrefer branches over conditional executionPrefer word accesses over byte accessesPrepend global symbols with ":" (for use with PREFIX)Pretend that branches are expensivePrevent the use of all hardware floating-point instructionsPrint code coverage information.

Print extra (possibly unwanted) warningsPrint the name of header files as they are usedProcedure '%s' at %C has an explicit interface and must not have attributes declared at %LProcedure '%s' at %C is already defined at %LProcedure '%s' called with an implicit interface at %LProcedure '%s' in %s at %L is neither function nor subroutineProcess #ident directivesProduce big endian codeProduce code relocatable at runtimeProduce little endian codeProgram is entirely located in low 64k of memoryProhibit PC relative function callsProvide libraries for the simulatorPut jumps in call delay slotsPut uninitialized constants in ROM (needs -membedded-data)Put zero initialized data in the bss sectionRESULT variable at %C must be different than function nameRETURN_ADDRESS_OFFSET not supportedRTL check: expected code '%s' or '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected code '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRank mismatch in array reference at %L (%d/%d)Reading module %s at line %d column %d: %sReading specs from %s
Real constant overflows its kind at %CReal constant underflows its kind at %CRecognize GNU-defined keywordsRecognize built-in functionsRecognize the "asm" keywordRemove redundant membarsReorder basic blocks to improve code placementReorder functions to improve code placementReplace add, compare, branch with branch on count registerReport on permanent memory allocationReport the time taken by each compiler passRequest IEEE-conformant math library routines (OSF/1)Reschedule instructions after register allocationReschedule instructions before register allocationReserve space for outgoing arguments in the function prologueResult of %s overflows its kind at %LResult of SCALE overflows its kind at %LReturn all structures in memory (AIX default)Return floating-point results in ac0 (fr0 in Unix assembler syntax)Return pointers in both a0 and d0Return small aggregates in memory, not registersReturn small aggregates in registersReturn small structures in registers (SVR4 default)Return values of functions in FPU registersReuse r30 on a per function basisSAVE attribute at %L cannot be specified in a PURE procedureSAVE statement at %C follows blanket SAVE statementSH2a does not support little-endianSSA corruptionSSA_NAME_DEF_STMT is wrongSSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmeticsSSE register argument with SSE disabledSSE register return with SSE disabledSSE vector argument without SSE enabled changes the ABISSE vector return without SSE enabled changes the ABISame as: -mep -mprolog-functionSave registers around function callsSchedule code for given CPUSchedule given CPUSchedule the start and end of the procedureScope of for-init-statement variables is local to the loopSecond argument MOD at %L is zeroSecond argument of MOD at %L is zeroSecond argument of MODULO at %L is zeroSecond argument of defined assignment at %L must be INTENT(IN)Second argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)Segmentation FaultSegmentation Fault (code)Select ABI calling conventionSet Windows definesSet errno after built-in math functionsSet sizeof(bool) to 1Set start-address of dataSet start-address of the programSet the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags headerSet the cost of branchesSet the default double precision kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the default integer kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the default real kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the target CPU typeSetting spec %s to '%s'

Shapes for operands at %L and %L are not conformableSpecification function '%s' at %L cannot be RECURSIVESpecification function '%s' at %L cannot be a statement functionSpecification function '%s' at %L cannot be an internal functionSpecification function '%s' at %L must be PURESpecify CPU for code generation purposesSpecify CPU for scheduling purposesSpecify CPU for scheduling purposes.  Valid arguments are 700, 7100, 7100LC, 7200, 7300, and 8000Specify UNIX standard for predefines and linkingSpecify an ABISpecify bit size of immediate TLS offsetsSpecify cache flush functionSpecify cache flush trap numberSpecify how to access the thread pointerSpecify if floating point hardware should be usedSpecify main object for TPF-OSSpecify that no implicit typing is allowed, unless overridden by explicit IMPLICIT statementsSpecify the name of the target CPUSpecify the name of the target architectureSpecify the name of the target floating point hardware/formatSpecify the register to be used for PIC addressingSplit lifetimes of induction variables when loops are unrolledStatement function '%s' at %L is not allowed as an actual argumentStatement function '%s' requires argument list at %CStatement function at %L is recursiveStatement label at %C is zeroStep expression in DO loop at %L cannot be zeroStop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is availableStop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is not availableStop reverse growth if the reverse probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent)Store function names in object codeSubstring at %L has length zeroSubstring end index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring end index at %L must be scalarSubstring start index at %L is less than oneSubstring start index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring start index at %L must be scalarSupport 3DNow! built-in functionsSupport MMX and SSE built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX built-in functionsSupport MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 built-in functions and code generationSupport legacy multi-threadingSupport multi-threadingSupport multiply accumulate instructionsSupport synchronous non-call exceptionsSuppress warningsSwap endianness for unformatted filesSymbol '%s' at %C is already an external symbol that is not COMMONSymbol '%s' at %C is ambiguousSymbol '%s' at %L already has an explicit interfaceSymbol '%s' at %L already has basic type of %sSymbol '%s' at %L cannot have a typeSymbol '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeSymbol '%s' at %L is ambiguousSymbol '%s' in namelist '%s' is INTENT(IN) at %CSymbol '%s' must be a PARAMETER in DATA statement at %CSymbol at %C is not appropriate for an expressionSymbol at %L is not a DUMMY variableSynonym for -WcommentSyntax error in %s statement at %CSyntax error in CHARACTER declaration at %CSyntax error in COMPLEX constant at %CSyntax error in ENUMERATOR definition at %CSyntax error in EQUIVALENCE statement at %LSyntax error in FORALL iterator at %CSyntax error in I/O iterator at %CSyntax error in IF-clause at %CSyntax error in IF-expression at %CSyntax error in SAVE statement at %CSyntax error in SUBSTRING specification at %CSyntax error in argument list at %CSyntax error in array constructor at %CSyntax error in character length specification at %CSyntax error in common block name at %CSyntax error in data declaration at %CSyntax error in expression at %CSyntax error in generic specification at %CSyntax error in iterator at %CTaken at least once:%s of %d
Target DFLOAT double precision codeTarget has split I&DTarget the AM33 processorTarget the AM33/2.0 processorTarget: %s
The Hollerith constant at %L is too long to convert to %sThe earliest MacOS X version on which this program will runThe maximum amount of memory to be allocated by GCSEThe maximum depth of recursive inlining for inline functionsThe maximum depth of recursive inlining for non-inline functionsThe maximum expansion factor when copying basic blocksThe maximum length of path considered in cseThe maximum length of scheduling's pending operations listThe maximum memory locations recorded by cselibThe maximum number of blocks in a region to be considered for interblock schedulingThe maximum number of incoming edges to consider for crossjumpingThe maximum number of insns in a region to be considered for interblock schedulingThe maximum number of insns of a completely peeled loopThe maximum number of insns of a peeled loopThe maximum number of insns of a peeled loop that rolls only onceThe maximum number of insns of an unswitched loopThe maximum number of instructions in a single function eligible for inliningThe maximum number of instructions inline function can grow to via recursive inliningThe maximum number of instructions non-inline function can grow to via recursive inliningThe maximum number of instructions to consider to fill a delay slotThe maximum number of instructions to consider to find accurate live register informationThe maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loopThe maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loop on averageThe maximum number of instructions to search backward when looking for equivalent reloadThe maximum number of instructions when automatically inliningThe maximum number of loop iterations we predict staticallyThe maximum number of peelings of a single loopThe maximum number of peelings of a single loop that is peeled completelyThe maximum number of unrollings of a single loopThe maximum number of unswitchings in a single loopThe minimum number of matching instructions to consider for crossjumpingThe minimum probability of reaching a source block for interblock speculative schedulingThe module or main program array '%s' at %L must have constant shapeThe name '%s' cannot be used as a defined operator at %CThe percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is availableThe percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is not availableThe size of function body to be considered largeThe size of translation unit to be considered largeThe threshold ratio for performing partial redundancy elimination after reloadThe threshold ratio of critical edges execution count that permit performing redundancy elimination after reloadThe upper bound for sharing integer constantsThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or 

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

This switch is deprecated; use -Wextra insteadThis switch lacks documentationThread model: %s
Thumb: Generate (leaf) stack frames even if not neededThumb: Generate (non-leaf) stack frames even if not neededToo many arguments in call to '%s' at %LToo many arguments to %s at %LToo many digits in statement label at %CTrap on integer divide by zeroTreat all warnings as errorsTreat lines with 'D' in column one as commentsTreat missing header files as generated filesTreat the input file as already preprocessedTry 'jcf-dump --help' for more information.
Try running '%s' in the shell to raise its limit.
Tune code for the given processorTune expected memory latencyTwo main PROGRAMs at %L and %CType name '%s' at %C cannot be the same as an intrinsic typeType name '%s' at %C is ambiguousUNIT specification at %L must be an INTEGER expression or a CHARACTER variableUnclassifiable statement at %CUnclassifiable statement in IF-clause at %CUnexpected %s statement at %CUnexpected %s statement at %C in INTERFACE bodyUnexpected %s statement in BLOCK DATA at %CUnexpected %s statement in CONTAINS section at %CUnexpected %s statement in FORALL block at %CUnexpected %s statement in INTERFACE block at %CUnexpected %s statement in MODULE at %CUnexpected %s statement in WHERE block at %CUnexpected CASE statement at %CUnexpected END statement at %CUnexpected EOFUnexpected character in variable list at %CUnexpected characters in PARAMETER statement at %CUnexpected end of file in '%s'Unexpected end of format stringUnexpected end of moduleUnexpected junk after ELSE statement at %CUnexpected junk after function declaration at %CUnexpected junk in formal argument list at %CUnexpected use of subroutine name '%s' at %CUnknown intrinsic opUnsupported statement inside WHERE at %LUnterminated character constant beginning at %CUsage: %s [OPTIONS]... CLASSNAMEmain [OUTFILE]
Usage: %s [options] file...
Usage: jcf-dump [OPTION]... CLASS...

Use 128-bit long doubleUse 16 bit intUse 32 bit floatUse 32 bit intUse 32-bit ABIUse 32-bit floating-point registersUse 32-bit general registersUse 4 byte entries in switch tablesUse 4 media accumulatorsUse 64 FPRsUse 64 GPRsUse 64 bit floatUse 64-bit ABIUse 64-bit floating-point registersUse 64-bit general registersUse 64-bit long doubleUse 8 media accumulatorsUse ABI reserved registersUse AltiVec instructionsUse CONST16 instruction to load constantsUse EABIUse GP relative sdata/sbss sectionsUse H8/300 alignment rulesUse IEEE math for fp comparisonsUse MIPS-3D instructionsUse MIPS-DSP instructionsUse Mingw-specific thread supportUse NewABI-style %reloc() assembly operatorsUse P-mnemonics for branches statically predicted as takenUse PMC-style 'mad' instructionsUse PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructionsUse PowerPC Graphics group optional instructionsUse PowerPC V2.01 single field mfcr instructionUse PowerPC V2.02 floating point rounding instructionsUse PowerPC V2.02 popcntb instructionUse PowerPC-64 instruction setUse ROM instead of RAMUse SSE register passing conventions for SF and DF modeUse UNIX assembler syntaxUse VAX fpUse VAXC structure conventionsUse __cxa_atexit to register destructorsUse a 32-bit long typeUse a 64-bit long typeUse addresses that allocate global registersUse alternate register namesUse an 8-bit 'int' typeUse arbitrary sized immediates in bit operationsUse big-endian byte orderUse big-endian format for unformatted filesUse branch-and-break sequences to check for integer divide by zeroUse call-clobbered registers for parameters and return valueUse different calling convention using 'rtd'Use direct references against %gs when accessing tls dataUse epsilon-respecting floating point compare instructionsUse expression value profiles in optimizationsUse f2c calling conventionUse features of and schedule code for given CPUUse features of and schedule given CPUUse fp double instructionsUse fp registersUse given SPARC-V9 code modelUse given assembler dialectUse given thread-local storage dialectUse given x86-64 code modelUse hardware FPUse hardware floating pointUse hardware fpUse hardware quad FP instructionsUse in/loc/out register namesUse indirect callsUse jump tables for sufficiently large switch statementsUse little-endian byte orderUse little-endian format for unformatted filesUse media instructionsUse multiply add/subtract instructionsUse native (MS) bitfield layoutUse native format for unformatted filesUse normal calling conventionUse of -fdefault-double-8 requires -fdefault-real-8Use offset tables for virtual method callsUse only one TOC entry per procedureUse packed stack layoutUse paired-single floating-point instructionsUse portable calling conventionsUse profiling information for branch probabilitiesUse push instructions to save outgoing argumentsUse red-zone in the x86-64 codeUse register stack for parameters and return valueUse registers for argument passingUse registers r2 and r5Use shared librariesUse simulator runtimeUse software floating pointUse stack biasUse stubs for function prologuesUse subroutines for function prologues and epiloguesUse the Cray Pointer extensionUse the DEC assembler syntaxUse the bit-field instructionsUse the divide instructionUse the narrowest integer type possible for enumeration typesUse the same size for double as for floatUse trap instructions to check for integer divide by zeroUse zero-extending memory loads, not sign-extending onesUsed in Fix-and-Continue mode to indicate that object files may be swapped in at runtimeUsing built-in specs.
VOIDmode on an outputVariable '%s' at %L has not been assigned a format labelVariable '%s' at %L in this context must be constantVariable '%s' cannot appear in the expression at %LVariable '%s' has not been assigned a target label at %LVariable type is UNKNOWN in assignment at %LWHERE/ELSEWHERE clause at %L requires a LOGICAL arrayWarn about "extern" declarations not at file scopeWarn about "suspicious" constructsWarn about @selector()s without previously declared methodsWarn about C constructs that are not in the common subset of C and C++Warn about NULL being passed to argument slots marked as requiring non-NULLWarn about PCH files that are found but not usedWarn about all enumerated switches missing a specific caseWarn about calls with implicit interfaceWarn about casting functions to incompatible typesWarn about casts which discard qualifiersWarn about code which might break strict aliasing rulesWarn about compile-time integer division by zeroWarn about deprecated 'vector long ...' AltiVec type usageWarn about enumerated switches missing a "default:" statementWarn about enumerated switches, with no default, missing a caseWarn about features not present in traditional CWarn about format strings that are not literalsWarn about function pointer arithmeticWarn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((noreturn))Warn about functions which might be candidates for format attributesWarn about global functions without previous declarationsWarn about global functions without prototypesWarn about implicit function declarationsWarn about inappropriate attribute usageWarn about invalid uses of the "offsetof" macroWarn about macros defined in the main file that are not usedWarn about missing fields in struct initializersWarn about misuses of pragmasWarn about multiple declarations of the same objectWarn about non-virtual destructorsWarn about overloaded virtual function namesWarn about pointer casts which increase alignmentWarn about possible security problems with format functionsWarn about possible violations of sequence point rulesWarn about possibly missing braces around initializersWarn about possibly missing parenthesesWarn about possibly nested block comments, and C++ comments spanning more than one physical lineWarn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format string anomaliesWarn about returning structures, unions or arraysWarn about signed-unsigned comparisonsWarn about stray tokens after #elif and #endifWarn about strftime formats yielding 2-digit yearsWarn about subscripts whose type is "char"Warn about suspicious declarations of "main"Warn about things that will change when compiling with an ABI-compliant compilerWarn about truncated source linesWarn about uncasted NULL used as sentinelWarn about underflow of numerical constant expressionsWarn about uninitialized automatic variablesWarn about unprototyped function declarationsWarn about unrecognized pragmasWarn about use of multi-character character constantsWarn about user-specified include directories that do not existWarn about uses of __attribute__((deprecated)) declarationsWarn about variables which are initialized to themselvesWarn about violations of Effective C++ style rulesWarn about zero-length formatsWarn if .class files are out of dateWarn if a C-style cast is used in a programWarn if a deprecated compiler feature, class, method, or field is usedWarn if a function uses alloca or creates an array with dynamic sizeWarn if a selector has multiple methodsWarn if a single function's framesize exceeds the given framesizeWarn if an old-style parameter definition is usedWarn if an undefined macro is used in an #if directiveWarn if deprecated empty statements are foundWarn if inherited methods are unimplementedWarn if modifiers are specified when not necessaryWarn if passing too many arguments to a function for its format stringWarn if testing floating point numbers for equalityWarn if the loop cannot be optimized due to nontrivial assumptions.Warn if trigraphs are encountered that might affect the meaning of the programWarn if type signatures of candidate methods do not match exactlyWarn when a declaration does not specify a typeWarn when a declaration is found after a statementWarn when a function is unusedWarn when a function parameter is unusedWarn when a label is unusedWarn when a pointer differs in signedness in an assignmentWarn when a pointer is cast to an integer of a different sizeWarn when a register variable is declared volatileWarn when a variable is unusedWarn when all constructors and destructors are privateWarn when an expression value is unusedWarn when an inlined function cannot be inlinedWarn when an optimization pass is disabledWarn when converting the type of pointers to member functionsWarn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a templateWarn when one local variable shadows anotherWarn when overload promotes from unsigned to signedWarn when padding is required to align structure membersWarn when the compiler reorders codeWarn when the packed attribute has no effect on struct layoutWarn when there is a cast to a pointer from an integer of a different sizeWarn whenever a function's return type defaults to "int" (C), or about inconsistent return types (C++)Warn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the garbage collectorWarning:When "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield signedWhen "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield unsignedWhen possible do not generate stack framesWhen running CSE, follow jumps to their targetsWhile setting up signal handler: %mWhile setting up signal stack: %mWork around VR4130 mflo/mfhi errataWork around an early 4300 hardware bugWork around bug in multiplication instructionWork around certain R4000 errataWork around certain R4400 errataWork around certain VR4120 errataWork around errata for early SB-1 revision 2 coresWork around hardware multiply bugWriting module %s at line %d column %d: %sXXX entering pop_everything ()
XXX leaving pop_everything ()
Zero is not a valid statement label at %C[Leaving %s]
[cannot find %s][super ...] must appear in a method context__BELOW100__ attribute not allowed with auto storage class__builtin_eh_return not supported on this target__builtin_saveregs not supported by this subtarget__builtin_saveregs not supported by this target`a parameter list with an ellipsis can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationa storage class can only be specified for objects and functionsa template-id may not appear in a using-declarationa using-declaration cannot specify a template-id.  Try %<using %D%>abort in %s, at %s:%dabstract declarator %qT used as declarationaccumulator is not a constant integeraccumulator number is out of boundsaddress area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationaddress of explicit register variable %qD requestedaddress of global register variable %qD requestedaddress of local variable %q+D returnedaddress of register variable %qD requestedaddress offset not a constantaddress requested for %qD, which is declared %<register%>after previous specification in %q+#Daggregate %q#D has incomplete type and cannot be definedaggregate value used where a complex was expectedaggregate value used where a float was expectedaggregate value used where an integer was expectedalignment may not be specified for %q+Dalignment must be a small power of two, not %dalignment of %q+D is greater than maximum object file alignment.  Using %dalignment of array elements is greater than element sizeall member functions in class %qT are privateambiguates built-in declaration %q#Dambiguates old declaration %q+#Dambiguous class template instantiation for %q#Tambiguous conversion for array subscriptambiguous default type conversion from %qTambiguous template specialization %qD for %q+Dan argument type that has a default promotion can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationan asm-specification is not allowed on a function-definitionan explicit specialization must be preceded by %<template <>%>anachronism: anachronistic old-style base class initializeranonymous %s declared inside parameter listanonymous struct not inside named typeanonymous union with no membersapplying #pragma weak %q+D after first use results in unspecified behaviorargs to be formatted is not %<...%>argument %d of %qE might be a candidate for a format attributeargument %q+D might be clobbered by %<longjmp%> or %<vfork%>argument %qD doesn%'t match built-in prototypeargument %qD doesn%'t match prototypeargument %qd is not a constantargument %qs to %<-Wnormalized%> not recognizedargument 1 must be a 5-bit signed literalargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate must be a constantargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate must be a constantargument 2 must be a 5-bit unsigned literalargument 3 must be a 4-bit unsigned literalargument of %<__builtin_eh_return_regno%> must be constantargument of function call might be a candidate for a format attributeargument to %qs must be a 2-bit unsigned literalargument to dss must be a 2-bit unsigned literalarguments to destructor are not allowedarithmetic IFarithmetic on pointer to an incomplete typearray %q+D assumed to have one elementarray %qD initialized by parenthesized string literal %qEarray bound forbidden after parenthesized type-idarray bound is not an integer constantarray index in initializer exceeds array boundsarray index in initializer not of integer typearray index in non-array initializerarray index range in initializer exceeds array boundsarray initialized from non-constant array expressionarray initialized from parenthesized string constantarray of inappropriate type initialized from string constantarray size missing in %q+Darray size missing in %qDarray subscript has type %<char%>array subscript is not an integerarray type has incomplete element typearrays of functions are not meaningfulas %qDasm clobber conflict with input operandasm clobber conflict with output operandasm declaration ignored due to conflict with previous renameasm operand %d probably doesn%'t match constraintsassert: %s is assign compatible with %sassertion missing after %qsassignmentassignment (not initialization) in declarationassignment from distinct Objective-C typeassignment from incompatible pointer typeassignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attributeassignment makes integer from pointer without a castassignment makes pointer from integer without a castassignment of read-only member %qDassignment of read-only variable %qDassignment suppressionassuming cast to type %qT from overloaded functionassuming pointer to member %qDassuming that the loop counter does not overflowassuming that the loop is not infiniteattempt to take address of bit-field structure member %qDattribute declarationattribute interrupt_handler is not compatible with -m5-compactattributes after parenthesized initializer ignoredattributes are not allowed on a function-definitionattributes in parameter array declarator ignoredaux field set for edge %s->%sbackend decl for module variable %s already existsbad PC range for debug info for local %q+Dbad addressbad address, not (reg+disp):bad address, not post_inc or pre_dec:bad array initializerbad builtin fcodebad condition codebad format of .zip/.jar archive
bad insn for 'A'bad insn in frv_print_operand, 0 casebad insn in frv_print_operand, bad const_doublebad insn in frv_print_operand, z casebad insn to frv_print_operand, 'F' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'L' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'M/N' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'O' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'e' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'f' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'g' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, P modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand_address:bad insn to frv_print_operand_memory_reference:bad method signaturebad output_condmove_single operandbad output_move_double operandbad output_move_single operandbad pc in exception_tablebad registerbad register to frv_print_operand_memory_reference_reg:bad shift insn:bad string constantbad testbad type in parameter debug infobad value %<%s%> for -mtls-size= switchbad value %qs for -mcpu switchbad value %qs for -mfp-rounding-mode switchbad value %qs for -mfp-trap-mode switchbad value %qs for -mmemory-latencybad value %qs for -mtls-size switchbad value %qs for -mtrap-precision switchbad value (%s) for -march= switchbad value (%s) for -mcmodel= switchbad value (%s) for -mtune= switchbad value constant type %d, index %dbad value for -mcall-%sbad value for -msdata=%sbad zip/jar file %sbadly nested C headers from preprocessorbase %qT will be initialized afterbase class %q#T has a non-virtual destructorbase operand of %<->%> has non-pointer type %qTbase operand of %<->%> is not a pointerbase type %qT fails to be a struct or class typebb %d on wrong placebit-field %q+#D with non-integral typebit-field %q+D width not an integer constantbit-field %qs has invalid typebit-field %qs width not an integer constantblock IFbogus DISPOSE construction: %dbogus JR construction: %dbogus PREPEARE construction: %dboolean registers required for the floating-point optionbraced-group within expression allowed only inside a functionbraces around scalar initializerbraces around scalar initializer for type %qTbranch %2d never executed
branch %2d taken %s%s
break statement not within loop or switchbuilt-in function %q+D declared as non-functioncall   %2d never executed
call   %2d returned %s
call of %<(%T) (%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%D(%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%s(%A)%> is ambiguouscall to Java %<catch%> or %<throw%> with %<jthrowable%> undefinedcall to Java constructor with %qs undefinedcall to Java constructor, while %<jclass%> undefinedcall to function %qD which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to function which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to non-function %qDcall-clobbered register used for global register variablecalled from herecaller edge count is negativecan not use an object as parameter to a methodcan only use %qE attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class typecan%'t create precompiled header %s: %mcan%'t open %s for writing: %mcan%'t open %s: %mcan%'t read %s: %mcan%'t write %s: %mcan%'t write to %s: %mcan't get program statuscan't open %s: %mcan't open input file: %scandidate 1:candidate 2:candidate is: %+#Dcandidates are:candidates are: %+#Dcannot allocate an object of abstract type %qTcannot bind bitfield %qE to %qTcannot bind packed field %qE to %qTcannot bind rvalue %qE to %qTcannot call member function %qD without objectcannot convert %qE from type %qT to type %qTcannot convert %qT to %qT for argument %qP to %qDcannot convert from base %qT to derived type %qT via virtual base %qTcannot convert to a pointer typecannot convert type %qT to type %qTcannot create pointer to reference member %qDcannot create temporary filecannot declare %<::main%> to be a templatecannot declare %<::main%> to be inlinecannot declare %<::main%> to be staticcannot declare %qD to be a bit-field typecannot declare bit-field %qD with function typecannot declare field %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare member %<%T::%s%> within %qTcannot declare member function %<%T::%s%> within %<%T%>cannot declare member function %qD to have static linkagecannot declare parameter %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare pointer to %q#Tcannot declare pointer to %q#T membercannot declare reference to %q#Tcannot declare static function inside another functioncannot declare variable %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot decompose addresscannot define member function %<%T::%s%> within %<%T%>cannot delete a function.  Only pointer-to-objects are valid arguments to %<delete%>cannot disable built-in function %qscannot dynamic_cast %qE (of type %q#T) to type %q#T (%s)cannot explicitly declare member %q#D to have extern linkagecannot find '%s'cannot find 'ldd'cannot find 'nm'cannot find file for class %scannot handle inconsistent calls to %qscannot initialize aggregate of type %qT with a compound literalcannot initialize arrays using this syntaxcannot initialize multi-dimensional array with initializercannot inline function %<main%>cannot open %scannot optimize loop, the loop counter may overflowcannot optimize possibly infinite loopscannot pass argument in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot pass rvalue to reference parametercannot put object with volatile field into registercannot reload integer constant operand in %<asm%>cannot resolve overloaded function %qD based on conversion to type %qTcannot return from a handler of a function-try-block of a constructorcannot return value in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot set interrupt attribute: no current functioncannot set interrupt attribute: no such identifiercannot specify both -C and -ocannot specify both -msep-data and -mid-shared-librarycannot take address of bit-field %qDcannot take the address of %<this%>, which is an rvalue expressioncannot use %<::%> in parameter declarationcannot use mode %qs for enumeral typescannot use mshared and static togethercannot use mthreads and mlegacy-threads togethercannot use typeid with -fno-rtticannot use va_start in interrupt functioncase label %qE not within a switch statementcase label does not reduce to an integer constantcase label not within a switch statementcase label value exceeds maximum value for typecase label value is less than minimum value for typecast from %qT to %qT increases required alignment of target typecast from %qT to %qT loses precisioncast from function call of type %qT to non-matching type %qTcast from pointer to integer of different sizecast increases required alignment of target typecast specifies array typecast specifies function typecast to pointer from integer of different sizecast to union type from type not present in unioncasting %qT to %qT does not dereference pointerchanges meaning of %qD from %q+#Dchar-array initialized from wide stringchoosing %qD over %qDcircular pointer delegation detectedclass %qT does not have any field named %qDclass %qT is implicitly friends with itselfclass %qT will be considered nearly empty in a future version of GCCclass '%s' has no method named '%s' matching signature '%s'class definition may not be declared a friendcleanup argument not a functioncleanup argument not an identifierclosing dependency file %s: %mcode model %qs not supported in the %s bit modecollect: reading %s
collect: recompiling %s
collect: relinking
collect: tweaking %s in %s
comma at end of enumerator listcommand line option %qs is not supported by this configurationcomparing floating point with == or != is unsafecomparison between %q#T and %q#Tcomparison between pointer and integercomparison between signed and unsigned integer expressionscomparison is always %dcomparison is always %d due to width of bit-fieldcomparison is always false due to limited range of data typecomparison is always true due to limited range of data typecomparison of complete and incomplete pointerscomparison of distinct Objective-C types lacks a castcomparison of distinct pointer types lacks a castcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with constantcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with unsignedcomparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always falsecomparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always truecompilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.
compilation terminated.
complex invalid for %qscompound literal has variable sizeconflicting access specifications for field %qE, ignoredconflicting access specifications for method %q+D, ignoredconflicting declaration %q#Dconflicting return type specified for %q+#Dconflicting type qualifiers for %q+Dconflicting types for %q+Dconflicting types for built-in function %q+Dconflicts with built-in declaration %q#Dconflicts with function declaration %q#Dconflicts with new declaration with %qL linkageconflicts with previous declaration %q+#Dconst %qs cannot be declared %<mutable%>const_double_split got a bad insn:constant argument out of range for %qsconstructor cannot be static member functionconstructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberconstructor syntax used, but no constructor declared for type %qTconstructors cannot be declared virtualconstructors may not be cv-qualifiedcontinue statement not within a loopcontrol flow in the middle of basic block %dconversion from %q#T to %q#Tconversion from %qT to %qT discards qualifiersconversion from %qT to %qT is ambiguousconversion from %qT to non-scalar type %qT requestedconversion lacks type at end of formatconversion of %qE from %qT to %qT is ambiguousconversion to incomplete typeconversion to non-scalar type requestedconverting NULL to non-pointer typeconverting from %qT to %qTconverting overloaded function %qD to type %q#T is ambiguousconverting to non-pointer type %qT from NULLcorrupted profile info: edge from %i to %i exceeds maximal countcorrupted profile info: number of executions for edge %d-%d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: number of iterations for basic block %d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: run_max * runs < sum_maxcorrupted profile info: sum_all is smaller than sum_maxcould not convert template argument %qE to %qTcould not find a spill registercould not find class$ field in java interface type %qTcould not find specs file %s
could not split insncreated and used with different ABIscreated and used with different architectures / ABIscreated and used with different endiannesscreated and used with different settings of -fpiccreated and used with different settings of -fpiecreated and used with differing settings of '%s'creating array of %qTcreating array of %qT, which is an abstract class typecreating pointer to member function of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of type voidcreating pointer to member reference type %qTdata area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationdata declarationdata definition has no type or storage classdata member %qD cannot be a member templatedata member may not have variably modified type %qTdata type of %q+D isn%'t suitable for a registerdebug format "%s" conflicts with prior selectiondebug output level %s is too highdebug: declaration does not declare anythingdeclaration of %<~%T%> as member of %qTdeclaration of %q#Ddeclaration of %q#D has %<extern%> and is initializeddeclaration of %q#D outside of class is not definitiondeclaration of %q#D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q+#Ddeclaration of %q+D shadows a built-in functiondeclaration of %q+D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q+D shadows a previous localdeclaration of %q+D shadows previous non-variabledeclaration of %q+D with attribute noinline follows inline declaration declaration of %q+D with no linkage follows extern declarationdeclaration of %qD as member of %qTdeclaration of %qD as multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the firstdeclaration of %qD as non-functiondeclaration of %qD as non-memberdeclaration of %qD in %qD which does not enclose %qDdeclaration of %qD not in a namespace surrounding %qDdeclaration of %qD shadows a global declarationdeclaration of %qD shadows a member of 'this'declaration of %qD shadows a previous localdeclaration of C function %q#D conflicts withdeclaration of namespace %qD conflicts withdeclaration of template %q#Ddeclarator-id missing; using reserved word %qDdecrement of pointer to unknown structuredecrement of read-only member %qDdecrement of read-only variable %qDdefault argument %qE uses local variable %qDdefault argument given for parameter %d of %q#Ddefault argument missing for parameter %P of %q+#Ddefault argument specified in explicit specializationdefault arguments are not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qDdefault arguments are only permitted for function parametersdefining explicit specialization %qD in friend declarationdefinition of %q#T inside template parameter listdefinition of %qD is not in namespace enclosing %qTdefinition of implicitly-declared %qDdefinition provided for explicit instantiationdeleting %qT is undefineddependent-name %qE is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a typedeprecated covariant return type for %q+#Ddeprecated use of default argument for parameter of non-functiondereferencing %<void *%> pointerdereferencing pointer to incomplete typedereferencing type-punned pointer might break strict-aliasing rulesdereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rulesderived type declarationderived union %qT invaliddestructor %qD declared as member templatedestructor cannot be static member functiondestructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberdestructors may not be cv-qualifieddestructors may not have parametersdirect base %qT inaccessible in %qT due to ambiguitydistinct Objective-C type in returndivision by zerodoes not support multilibdominator of %d should be %d, not %ddominator of %d status unknownduplicate %<const%>duplicate %<restrict%>duplicate %<volatile%>duplicate %qEduplicate %qsduplicate (or overlapping) case valueduplicate ConstantValue attribute for field '%s'duplicate asm operand name %qsduplicate base type %qT invalidduplicate case valueduplicate cv-qualifierduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Dduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Tduplicate initialization of %qDduplicate label %qDduplicate label declaration %qEduplicate member %q+Ddynamic dependency %s not founddynamic_cast of %q#D to %q#T can never succeededge points to wrong declaration:elements of array %q#D have incomplete typeembedded %<\0%> in formatempty declarationempty declaration with storage class specifier does not redeclare tagempty declaration with type qualifier does not redeclare tagempty index range in initializerempty left precision in %s formatempty precision in %s formatempty range specifiedempty scalar initializerenclosing class templates are not explicitly specializedenumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expressionenumeral mismatch in conditional expression: %qT vs %qTenumeration values exceed range of largest integerenumerator value for %qE is not an integer constantenvironment variable DJGPP not definedenvironment variable DJGPP points to corrupt file '%s'environment variable DJGPP points to missing file '%s'error closing %s: %merror in constant pool entry #%d
error while parsing constant poolerror while parsing constant pool
error while parsing fieldserror while parsing fields
error while parsing final attributeserror while parsing final attributes
error while parsing methodserror while parsing methods
error while reading %s from zip fileerror writing %qserror writing to %s: %merror: exception of type %<%T%> will be caughtexcess elements in array initializerexcess elements in char array initializerexcess elements in scalar initializerexcess elements in struct initializerexcess elements in union initializerexcess elements in vector initializerexpected %<,%> or %<;%>expected %<,%> or %<}%>expected %<,%>, %<;%> or %<}%>expected %<:%> or %<...%>expected %<:%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, %<}%> or %<__attribute__%>expected %<;%>expected %<=%>expected %<=%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, %<asm%> or %<__attribute__%>expected %<{%>expected %d levels of template parms for %q#D, got %dexpected an SSA_NAME objectexpected class nameexpected declaration or statementexpected declaration specifiersexpected declaration specifiers or %<...%>expected expressionexpected identifierexpected identifier or %<(%>expected identifier or %<*%>expected qualified name in friend declaration for destructor %qDexpected specifier-qualifier-listexpected statementexpected string literalexplicit goto at end of bb %dexplicit instantiation of %q#Dexplicit instantiation of %q#T before definition of templateexplicit instantiation of %qD but no definition availableexplicit instantiation of %qD in namespace %qD (which does not enclose namespace %qD)explicit instantiation of non-template %q#Dexplicit instantiation of non-template type %qTexplicit qualification in declaration of %qDexplicit specialization in non-namespace scope %qDexplicit specialization of %qD after first useexplicit specialization of %qD must be introduced by %<template <>%>explicit specialization of non-template %qTexpression %qE of abstract class type %qT cannot be used in throw-expressionexpression in new-declarator must have integral or enumeration typeexpression statement has incomplete typeextended registers have no high halvesextern declaration of %q+D follows declaration with no linkageextra %<;%>extra brace group at end of initializerextra elements in scalar initializerextra outgoing edge %d->%dextra qualification %<%T::%> on member %qsextra semicolon in method definition specifiedextra semicolon in struct or union specifiedextra type qualifiers in format argument (argument %d)failed to find class '%s'failed to reclaim unneeded functionfastcall and cdecl attributes are not compatiblefastcall and regparm attributes are not compatiblefastcall and stdcall attributes are not compatiblefatal error: field %q+#D with same name as classfield %q+D invalidly declared function typefield %q+D invalidly declared method typefield %qD has incomplete typefield %qs not foundfield initializer is not constantfield name not in record or union initializerfield widthfield width in printf formatfield width in scanf formatfield width in strfmon formatfield width in strftime formatfile ends in default argumentfill characterfill character in strfmon formatfind_enum(): Enum not foundfini function found in object %sfirst argument of %q+D should be %<int%>first argument to %<__builtin_choose_expr%> not a constantfirst argument to %<va_arg%> not of type %<va_list%>floating constant misusedfloating point constant not a valid immediate operandfloating point overflow in expressionflow control insn inside a basic blockfor template declaration %q+Dformat argument %d unused before used argument %d in $-style formatformat argument %d used more than once in %s formatformat is a wide character stringformat not a string literal and no format argumentsformat not a string literal, argument types not checkedformat not a string literal, format string not checkedformat string argument follows the args to be formattedformat string has invalid operand numberforming reference to voidfound a real definition for a non-registerfr30_print_operand: invalid %%F codefr30_print_operand: invalid %%x codefr30_print_operand: invalid operand to %%A codefr30_print_operand: unhandled MEMfr30_print_operand: unknown codefr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%B codefr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%b codefr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%p codefr30_print_operand_address: unhandled addressframe size too large for reliable stack checkingfriend declaration %q#D declares a non-template functionfriend declaration does not name a class or functionfriend declaration not in class definitionfriend declaration requires class-key, i.e. %<friend %#T%>friend declaration requires class-key, i.e. %<friend class %T::%D%>from previous declaration %q+Ffrom this locationfrv_print_operand: unknown codefunction %q#D is initialized like a variablefunction %q+D definition is marked dllimportfunction %q+D redeclared as inlinefunction %q+D redeclared with attribute noinlinefunction %q+F can never be inlined because it contains a computed gotofunction %q+F can never be inlined because it is suppressed using -fno-inlinefunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses __builtin_return or __builtin_apply_argsfunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses alloca (override using the always_inline attribute)function %q+F can never be inlined because it uses attributes conflicting with inliningfunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses non-local gotofunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses setjmpfunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses setjmp-longjmp exception handlingfunction %q+F can never be inlined because it uses variable argument listsfunction %qD declared virtual inside a unionfunction %qD is initialized like a variablefunction %qs cannot be declared %<mutable%>function body not availablefunction call has aggregate valuefunction called through a non-compatible typefunction declaration isn%'t a prototypefunction declared %<noreturn%> has a %<return%> statementfunction definition declared %<__thread%>function definition declared %<auto%>function definition declared %<register%>function definition declared %<typedef%>function definition has qualified void return typefunction does not return string typefunction might be possible candidate for %qs format attributefunction not considered for inliningfunction not inlinablefunction return type cannot be functionfunction return types not compatible due to %<volatile%>function returning a functionfunction returning an arrayfunction returns address of local variablefunction returns an aggregatefunction template partial specialization %qD is not allowedfunction types not truly compatible in ISO Cfunction-scope %qs implicitly auto and declared %<__thread%>function_profiler supportfunction_profiler support for MMIXgeneric thunk code fails for method %q#D which uses %<...%>gfc_conv_constant_to_tree(): invalid type: %sgfc_trans_code(): Bad statement codegimplification failedglobal constructors not supported on this targetglobal declaration %q+#Dglobal destructors not supported on this targetglobal register variable %qD used in nested functionglobal register variable follows a function definitionglobal register variable has initial valueglobal/static variable assignment has been interceptedgot %d template parameters for %q#Dgot %d template parameters for %q#Tgp is constant (but save/restore gp on indirect calls)had to relocate PCHia64_print_operand: unknown codeidentifier expected after %<@protocol%>if this code is reached, the program will abortignoring %<#pragma align%> for explicitly aligned %q+Dignoring -fschedule-insns because of exception handling bugignoring asm-specifier for non-static local variable %q+Dignoring duplicate directory "%s"
ignoring malformed #pragma longcallignoring nonexistent directory "%s"
illegal reference type specified for instance variable %qsimplicit declaration of function %qEimplied END DOimpossible constraint in %<asm%>impossible register constraint in %<asm%>in %s, at %s:%din basic block %d:in declaration %q+Din passing argument %P of %q+Dinappropriate accumulator for %qsincompatible implicit declaration of built-in function %qDincompatible implicit declaration of function %qDincompatible type for argument %d of %qEincompatible types in assignment of %qT to %qTincomplete type %qT does not have member %qDincomplete type %qT used in nested name specifierinconsistent instance variable specificationinconsistent operand constraints in an %<asm%>incorrect insn:incorrect sharing of tree nodesincrement of pointer to unknown structureincrement of read-only member %qDincrement of read-only variable %qDindex value instead of field name in union initializerinit function found in object %sinitialization from distinct Objective-C typeinitialization from incompatible pointer typeinitialization left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attributeinitialization makes integer from pointer without a castinitialization makes pointer from integer without a castinitialization of a flexible array memberinitialization of flexible array member in a nested contextinitialized field with side-effects overwritteninitialized variable %q+D is marked dllimportinitializer element is not computable at load timeinitializer element is not constantinitializer ends prematurelyinitializer fails to determine size of %q+Dinitializer fails to determine size of %qDinitializer for %qT must be brace-enclosedinitializer for floating value is not a floating constantinitializer invalid for static member with constructorinitializer specified for non-virtual method %q+Dinitializer specified for static member function %qDinitializer-string for array of chars is too longinline declaration of %qD follows declaration with attribute noinlineinline function %q+D declared as  dllimport: attribute ignoredinline function %q+D given attribute noinlineinline function %q+D used but never definedinlined_to pointer is wronginlined_to pointer refers to itselfinlined_to pointer set for noninline callersinlining failed in call to %q+F: %sinput operand constraint contains %qcinsn %d inside basic block %d but block_for_insn is %iinsn does not satisfy its constraints:insn outside basic blockinstall: %s%s
instance variable %qs has unknown sizeinstance variable %qs is declared privateinstance variable assignment has been interceptedinstantiation of %q+D as type %qTinstruction scheduling not supported on this target machineint-array initialized from non-wide stringinteger overflow in expressionintegral expression %qE is not constantinter-module optimizations not implemented for C++internal compiler error.  Bad address:internal compiler error.  Incorrect shift:internal compiler error.  Unknown mode:internal compiler error: internal consistency failureinternal error - invalid Utf8 nameinternal error: bad register: %dintrinsic variable which isn't a procedureinvalid #pragma %sinvalid %%-codeinvalid %%A operandinvalid %%B operandinvalid %%C operandinvalid %%C valueinvalid %%D operandinvalid %%D valueinvalid %%E valueinvalid %%F valueinvalid %%G valueinvalid %%H valueinvalid %%J codeinvalid %%J valueinvalid %%K valueinvalid %%L valueinvalid %%M valueinvalid %%N valueinvalid %%O valueinvalid %%P operandinvalid %%P valueinvalid %%R valueinvalid %%S valueinvalid %%T valueinvalid %%U valueinvalid %%Y operandinvalid %%c operandinvalid %%d operandinvalid %%d valueinvalid %%f operandinvalid %%f valueinvalid %%h valueinvalid %%j codeinvalid %%j valueinvalid %%k valueinvalid %%m valueinvalid %%p valueinvalid %%q valueinvalid %%r valueinvalid %%s operandinvalid %%s valueinvalid %%t/%%b valueinvalid %%u valueinvalid %%v valueinvalid %%x valueinvalid %%xn codeinvalid 'asm': invalid --param value %qsinvalid IACC argumentinvalid Objective-C++ selector nameinvalid PC in line number tableinvalid UNSPEC as operandinvalid abstract return type for function %q+#Dinvalid abstract return type for member function %q+#Dinvalid abstract type %qT for %qEinvalid abstract type for %q+Dinvalid access to non-static data member %qD of NULL objectinvalid addressinvalid alignment for %<#pragma align%>, ignoringinvalid application of %<sizeof%> to a function typeinvalid application of %qs to a member functioninvalid application of %qs to a void typeinvalid argument of %qs attributeinvalid argument to %<__builtin_frame_address%>invalid argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>invalid base-class specificationinvalid cast from type %qT to type %qTinvalid cast of an rvalue expression of type %qT to type %qTinvalid cast to function type %qTinvalid class name in declaration of %qDinvalid conditional operandinvalid const_cast from type %qT to type %qTinvalid const_cast of an rvalue of type %qT to type %qTinvalid const_double operandinvalid constraints for operandinvalid constructor; you probably meant %<%T (const %T&)%>invalid conversion from %<__fpreg%>invalid conversion from %qT to %qTinvalid conversion to %<__fpreg%>invalid conversion to type %qT from type %qTinvalid covariant return type for %q+#Dinvalid default argument for a template template parameterinvalid definition of qualified type %qTinvalid expression as operandinvalid function declarationinvalid in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type %qTinvalid initialization of reference of type %qT from expression of type %qTinvalid initializerinvalid insn:invalid lvalue in asm output %dinvalid maskinvalid member function declarationinvalid member template declaration %qDinvalid operand code '%c'invalid operand for 'A' modifierinvalid operand for 'D' modifierinvalid operand for 'H' modifierinvalid operand for 'O' modifierinvalid operand for 'T' modifierinvalid operand for 'b' modifierinvalid operand for 'e' modifierinvalid operand for 'm' modifierinvalid operand for 'o' modifierinvalid operand for 'p' modifierinvalid operand for 'z' modifierinvalid operand for code '%c'invalid operand modifier letterinvalid operand output codeinvalid operand to %%H/%%L codeinvalid operand to %%N codeinvalid operand to %%Rinvalid operand to %%R codeinvalid operand to %%Sinvalid operand to %%T/%%B codeinvalid operand to %%U codeinvalid operand to %%p codeinvalid operand to %%s codeinvalid operands of types %qT and %qT to binary %qOinvalid operation on %<__fpreg%>invalid parameter %qsinvalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsicinvalid parameter type %qTinvalid pointer mode %qsinvalid pointer to bit-field %qDinvalid punctuation %qc in constraintinvalid qualifiers on non-member function typeinvalid qualifying scope in pseudo-destructor nameinvalid receiver type %qsinvalid redeclaration of %q+Dinvalid reference prefixinvalid register name for %q+Dinvalid rtl sharing found in the insninvalid second argument to %<__builtin_prefetch%>; using zeroinvalid static_cast from type %qT to type %qTinvalid target memregs value '%d'invalid template declaration of %qDinvalid template-idinvalid third argument to %<__builtin_prefetch%>; using zeroinvalid type %<void%> for newinvalid type %qT as initializer for a vector of type %qTinvalid type %qT declared %<friend%>invalid types %<%T[%T]%> for array subscriptinvalid use of %%d, %%x, or %%Xinvalid use of %<::%>invalid use of %<restrict%>invalid use of %<this%> at top levelinvalid use of %<this%> in non-member functioninvalid use of %qDinvalid use of %qE to form a pointer-to-member-functioninvalid use of ':' modifierinvalid use of a pointer to an incomplete type in pointer arithmeticinvalid use of array with unspecified boundsinvalid use of const_cast with type %qT, which is a pointer or reference to a function typeinvalid use of const_cast with type %qT, which is not a pointer, reference, nor a pointer-to-data-member typeinvalid use of constructor as a templateinvalid use of flexible array memberinvalid use of incomplete typedef %qDinvalid use of member %q+D in static member functioninvalid use of non-lvalue arrayinvalid use of non-static data member %q+Dinvalid use of non-static data member %qDinvalid use of non-static member functioninvalid use of non-static member function %qDinvalid use of nonstatic data member %qEinvalid use of structure with flexible array memberinvalid use of template-id %qD in declaration of primary templateinvalid use of template-name %qE without an argument listinvalid use of type %qT as a default value for a template template-parameterinvalid use of undefined type %<%s %E%>invalid use of void expressioninvalid vector type for attribute %qEinvoke[non-static] on static methodinvokestatic on abstract methodinvokestatic on non static methodits dest_idx should be %d, not %dits scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you wantiwmmxt abi requires an iwmmxt capable cpujcf-dump: no classes specified
jump into scope of identifier with variably modified typejump into statement expressionjump to case labeljump to label %q+Djump to label %qDjunk at end of #pragma %sjunk at end of #pragma GCC java_exceptionsjunk at end of #pragma GCC memregs [0..16]junk at end of #pragma ghs endsdajunk at end of #pragma ghs endtdajunk at end of #pragma ghs endzdajunk at end of #pragma ghs interruptjunk at end of #pragma ghs sectionjunk at end of #pragma ghs startsdajunk at end of #pragma ghs starttdajunk at end of #pragma ghs startzdajunk at end of #pragma longcalljunk at end of %<#pragma GCC visibility%>junk at end of %<#pragma align%>junk at end of %<#pragma fini%>junk at end of %<#pragma init%>junk at end of %<#pragma pack%>junk at end of '#pragma options'junk at end of '#pragma unused'junk at end of signature stringkeyword %<export%> not implemented, and will be ignoredkeyword %<typename%> not allowed in this context (a qualified member initializer is implicitly a type)keyword %<typename%> not allowed in this context (the base class is implicitly a type)keyword %<typename%> not allowed outside of templateslabel %q+D declared but not definedlabel %q+D defined but not usedlabel %q+D used but not definedlabel %qE referenced outside of any functionlabel at end of compound statementlabel named wchar_tlang_* check: failed in %s, at %s:%dlanguage %s not recognizedlanguage string %<"%E"%> not recognizedlarge integer implicitly truncated to unsigned typelayout of classes derived from empty class %qT may change in a future version of GCCld returned %d exit statusleft precisionleft precision in strfmon formatleft shift count >= width of typeleft shift count is negativeleft-hand operand of comma expression has no effectlength modifierlength modifier in printf formatlength modifier in scanf formatlength modifier in strfmon formatlibraries: %s
library function %q#D redeclared as non-function %q#Dlibrary lib%s not foundlo_sum not of registerlocal class %q#T shall not have static data member %q#Dlocal variable %qD may not appear in this contextlocal variable memory requirements exceed capacitylong long constant not a valid immediate operandlong, short, signed or unsigned used invalidly for %qslooser throw specifier for %q+#Flower value in case label range less than minimum value for typemacro name missing after %qsmalformed #pragma GCC visibility pushmalformed #pragma builtinmalformed #pragma ghs sectionmalformed #pragma redefine_extname, ignoredmalformed #pragma weak, ignoredmalformed %<#pragma align%>malformed %<#pragma align%>, ignoringmalformed %<#pragma fini%>malformed %<#pragma fini%>, ignoringmalformed %<#pragma init%>malformed %<#pragma init%>, ignoringmalformed %<#pragma pack%> - ignoredmalformed %<#pragma pack(pop[, id])%> - ignoredmalformed %<#pragma pack(push[, id][, <n>])%> - ignoredmalformed '#pragma options', ignoringmalformed spec function argumentsmalformed spec function namemask must be an immediatematching constraint does not allow a registermatching constraint not valid in output operandmatching constraint references invalid operand numbermaximum value of parameter %qs is %umay not use both -EB and -ELmay not use both -m32 and -m64media functions are not available unless -mmedia is usedmember %q+#D with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregatemember %q+#D with constructor not allowed in unionmember %q+#D with copy assignment operator not allowed in anonymous aggregatemember %q+#D with copy assignment operator not allowed in unionmember %q+#D with destructor not allowed in anonymous aggregatemember %q+#D with destructor not allowed in unionmember %qD cannot be declared both virtual and staticmember %qD conflicts with virtual function table field namemember %qD declared as friend before type %qT definedmember %qD is uninitialized referencemember %qD with uninitialized const fieldsmember functions are implicitly friends of their classmemory input %d is not directly addressablemethod '%s' not found in classmethod declaration not in @interface contextmethod definition not in @implementation contextmethod possibly missing a [super dealloc] callminimum value of parameter %qs is %umips16 function profilingmismatching signature for field '%s' in '%s'misplaced %<@%D%> Objective-C++ constructmisplaced ConstantValue attribute (not in any field)missing $ operand number in formatmissing %<(%> after %<#pragma GCC visibility push%> - ignoredmissing %<(%> after %<#pragma pack%> - ignoredmissing '(' after '#pragma unused', ignoringmissing ')' after '#pragma unused', ignoringmissing Code attributemissing barrier after block %imissing braces around initializermissing braces around initializer for %qTmissing close brace for named operandmissing close parenmissing definitionmissing edge %i->%imissing field '%s' in '%s'missing filename after %qsmissing fill character at end of strfmon formatmissing initializer for member %qDmissing makefile target after %qsmissing numbermissing open parenmissing operandmissing path after %qsmissing sentinel in function callmissing terminating %c charactermissing type-name in typedef-declarationmixing C++ and Java catches in a single translation unitmixing declarations and function-definitions is forbiddenmode %qs applied to inappropriate typemore than %d operands in %<asm%>mudflap: this language is not supportedmultidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the firstmultiple default labels in one switchmultiple definition of %q#Tmultiple fields in union %qT initializedmultiple function type attributes specifiedmultiple inline callersmultiple storage classes in declaration of %qsmultiple storage classes in declaration specifiersmultiple types in one declarationmust #include <typeinfo> before using typeidmvcle usemysterious repository information in %sname %qD used in a GNU-style designated initializer for an arrayname %qT has incomplete typename lookup of %qD changedname missing for member functionnamed return values are no longer supportednamespace %qD not allowed in using-declarationnamespace alias %qD not allowed here, assuming %qDnamespace-scope anonymous aggregates must be staticneed to insert runtime check for %snegative insn lengthnegative integer implicitly converted to unsigned typenegative width in bit-field %q+Dnegative width in bit-field %qsnested assembly dialect alternativesnested extern declaration of %qDnested function %q+D declared but never definednested function %qs declared %<extern%>nested redefinition of %<enum %E%>nested redefinition of %<struct %E%>nested redefinition of %<union %E%>new cannot be applied to a function typenew cannot be applied to a reference typenew declaration %q#Dnew types may not be defined in a return typeno %<%D(int)%> declared for postfix %qs, trying prefix operator insteadno %q#D member function declared in class %qTno FUNCTION_PROFILER for CRISno argumentsno arguments for spec functionno class name specified with %qsno class template named %q#T in %q#Tno closing %<]%> for %<%%[%> formatno data type for mode %qsno default argument for %qDno description yetno field %qD found in union being initializedno immediate_use listno input file specifiedno input filesno integral type can represent all of the enumerator values for %qTno low registers available for popping high registersno match for call to %<(%T) (%A)%>no matches converting function %qD to type %q#Tno matching function for call to %<%D(%A)%>no matching function for call to %<%T::%s(%A)%#V%>no matching push for %<#pragma GCC visibility pop%>no matching template for %qD foundno member function %qD declared in %qTno members matching %<%T::%D%> in %q#Tno previous declaration for %q+Dno profiling of 64-bit code for this ABIno register in addressno return statement in function returning non-voidno semicolon at end of struct or unionno suitable %<operator %s%> for %qTno suitable %qD found in class %qTno type named %q#T in %q#Tno unique final overrider for %qD in %qTnon-lvalue array in conditional expressionnon-member %qs cannot be declared %<mutable%>non-object member %qs cannot be declared %<mutable%>non-static const member %q+#D in class without a constructornon-static declaration of %q+D follows static declarationnon-static initialization of a flexible array membernon-static method %q+D overrides static methodnon-static reference %q+#D in class without a constructornon-template %qD used as templatenon-template type %qT used as a templatenon-thread-local declaration of %q+D follows thread-local declarationnon-trivial designated initializers not supportednonconstant array index in initializernonnull argument has invalid operand number (argument %lu)nonnull argument references non-pointer operand (argument %lu, operand %lu)nonnull argument with out-of-range operand number (argument %lu, operand %lu)nonnull attribute without arguments on a non-prototypenot a valid Java .class filenot enough type informationnot enough variable arguments to fit a sentinelnote: null argument where non-null required (argument %lu)number must be 0 or 1number of arguments doesn%'t match built-in prototypenumber of arguments doesn%'t match prototypenumber of components of the vector not a power of twonumber of counters is %d instead of %dobject missing in use of %qEobsolete option -I- used, please use -iquote insteadobsolete use of designated initializer with %<:%>obsolete use of designated initializer without %<=%>offset of %q+D is not ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCCoffset of empty base %qT may not be ABI-compliant and maychange in a future version of GCCoffset of virtual base %qT is not ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCCoffset outside bounds of constant stringomitted middle operand to %<?:%> operand cannot be mangledonly declarations of constructors can be %<explicit%>only uninitialized variables can be placed in a .bss sectiononly uninitialized variables can be placed in the .noinit sectiononly weak aliases are supported in this configurationopaque vector types cannot be initializedopen /dev/zero: %mopening dependency file %s: %mopening output file %s: %moperand number missing after %%-letteroperand number out of rangeoperand number out of range in formatoperand number specified for format taking no argumentoperand number specified with suppressed assignmentoperation on %qE may be undefinedoptimization may eliminate reads and/or writes to register variablesoptions enabled: options passed: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zerooriginally indirect function call not considered for inliningout of memoryoutput constraint %d cannot be specified together with "%s" clobberoutput constraint %d must specify a single registeroutput constraint %qc for operand %d is not at the beginningoutput filename specified twiceoutput number %d not directly addressableoutput operand %d must use %<&%> constraintoutput operand constraint lacks %<=%>output operand is constant in %<asm%>output_move_single:overflow in array dimensionoverflow in constant expressionoverflow in enumeration valuesoverflow in enumeration values at %qDoverflow in implicit constant conversionpacked attribute causes inefficient alignmentpacked attribute causes inefficient alignment for %q+Dpacked attribute is unnecessarypacked attribute is unnecessary for %q+Dpadding struct size to alignment boundarypadding struct to align %q+Dparameter %P has incomplete type %qTparameter %P of %qD has incomplete type %qTparameter %q+D declared %<inline%>parameter %q+D has just a forward declarationparameter %qD declared voidparameter %qD invalidly declared method typeparameter %qD is initializedparameter %u (%q+D) has incomplete typeparameter %u (%q+D) has void typeparameter may not have variably modified type %qTparameter names (without types) in function declarationparse error in template argument listpartial specialization %qT declared %<friend%>partial specialization %qT does not specialize any template argumentspassing %qT as %<this%> argument of %q#D discards qualifierspassing %qT chooses %qT over %qTpassing NULL to non-pointer argument %P of %qDpassing arg %d of %qE discards qualifiers frompointer target typepassing argument %d of %qE as %<float%> rather than %<double%> due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as complex rather than floating due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as complex rather than integer due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as floating rather than complex due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as floating rather than integer due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as integer rather than complex due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as integer rather than floating due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as signed due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE as unsigned due to prototypepassing argument %d of %qE from distinct Objective-C typepassing argument %d of %qE from incompatible pointer typepassing argument %d of %qE makes integer from pointer without a castpassing argument %d of %qE makes pointer from integer without a castpassing argument %d of %qE with different width due to prototypepassing floating point arguments in fp regs not yet supportedpch_preprocess pragma should only be used with -fpreprocessedpex_init failedpointer arithmetic for garbage-collected objects not allowedpointer assignmentpointer of type %<void *%> used in arithmeticpointer of type %<void *%> used in subtractionpointer targets in assignment differ in signednesspointer targets in initialization differ in signednesspointer targets in passing argument %d of %qE differ in signednesspointer targets in return differ in signednesspointer to a function used in arithmeticpointer to a function used in subtractionpointer to member conversion via virtual base %qTpointer to member function used in arithmeticpointer to member type %qT incompatible with object type %qTpointer type mismatch in conditional expressionpointer value used where a complex was expectedpointer value used where a floating point value was expectedpointer-to-member function %E cannot be called without an object; consider using .* or ->*pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expressionpointers are not permitted as case valuespossible problem detected in invocation of delete operator:post-increment address is not a registerpostfix %qD must take %<int%> as its argumentpostfix %qD must take %<int%> as its second argumentpostfix %qD should return %qTpre-decrement address is not a registerpre-increment address is not a registerprecisionprecision in printf formatpredicated Thumb instructionpredicated instruction in conditional sequenceprefix %qD should return %qTprev_bb of %d should be %d, not %dprevious declaration %q+#D hereprevious declaration %q+Dprevious declaration of %q+#Dprevious declaration of %q+#D with %qL linkageprevious declaration of %q+Dprevious declaration of %q+D was hereprevious declaration of %q+D was inlineprevious declaration of %q+D with attribute noinlineprevious declaration of namespace %q+D hereprevious definition of %q+#Tprevious definition of %q+D was hereprevious external decl of %q+#Dprevious implicit declaration of %q+D was hereprevious non-function declaration %q+#Dprivate member %q+#D in anonymous unionprofiler support for VxWorksprograms: %s
promoted argument %qD doesn%'t match built-in prototypepromoted argument %qD doesn%'t match prototypeprotected member %q+#D in anonymous unionprototype for %q#D does not match any in class %qTprototype for %q+#Dprototype for %q+D declares argument %d with incompatible typeprototype for %q+D declares fewer arguments than previous old-style definitionprototype for %q+D declares more arguments than previous old-style definitionprototype for %q+D follows non-prototype definitionprovided for %q+Dpseudo-destructor is not calledpure-specifier on function-definitionqualified type %qT does not match destructor name ~%qTqualifiers are not allowed on declaration of %<operator %T%>qualifiers can only be specified for objects and functionsr0 needs to be available as a call-clobbered registerrange expressions in switch statements are non-standardread-only member %qD used as %<asm%> outputread-only variable %qD used as %<asm%> outputreading class %s for the second time from %sreading through null pointer (argument %d)recursive inliningrecursive type %qT undefinedredeclaration of %<enum %E%>redeclaration of %<wchar_t%> as %qTredeclaration of %q+D with different visibility (old visibility preserved)redeclaration of %q+D with no linkageredeclaration of %qT as a non-templateredeclaration of C++ built-in type %qTredeclaration of enumerator %q+Dredeclared here as %q#Dredefined extern inline functions are not considered for inliningredefinition of %<struct %E%>redefinition of %<union %E%>redefinition of %q#Tredefinition of %q+Dredefinition of default argument for %q#Dredefinition of parameter %q+Dredefinition of typedef %q+Dredundant redeclaration of %q+Dredundant redeclaration of %qD in same scopereference %qs is ambiguous: appears in interface %qs and interface %qsreference to %<%T::%D%> is ambiguousreference to %qD is ambiguousreference to local variable %q+D returnedreference to non-lvalue returnedregister name given for non-register variable %q+Dregister name not specified for %q+Dregister specified for %q+D isn%'t suitable for data typeregister variable %qD used in nested functionrename spec %s to %s
repeated %s in formatrequest for implicit conversion from %qT to %qT not permitted in C++request for member %qD in %qE, which is of non-class type %qTrequest for member %qD is ambiguousrequest for member %qD is ambiguous in multiple inheritance latticerequest for member %qE in something not a structure or unionrequested alignment for %q+D is greater than implemented alignment of %wurequested alignment is not a power of 2requested alignment is too largerequested init_priority is not an integer constantrequested init_priority is out of rangerequested init_priority is reserved for internal userequested position is less than zerorequested position is not an integer constantresult of %<operator->()%> yields non-pointer resultreturn from incompatible pointer typereturn makes integer from pointer without a castreturn makes pointer from integer without a castreturn not followed by barrierreturn type %q#T is incompletereturn type defaults to %<int%>return type is an incomplete typereturn type might be a candidate for a format attributereturn type specification for constructor invalidreturn type specification for destructor invalidreturn type specified for %<operator %T%>return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void'return-statement with no value, in function returning %qTreturning a value from a constructorreturning a value from a destructorreturning reference to temporaryright precisionright precision in strfmon formatright shift count >= width of typeright shift count is negativerounding mode not supported for VAX floatssay %<typename %E%> if a type is meantsecond argument of %q+D should be %<char **%>second argument to %<__builtin_prefetch%> must be a constantsecond parameter of %<va_start%> not last named argumentsection attribute not allowed for %q+Dsection of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationselector must be an immediateselector must be an integer constant in the range 0..%wishadowing previous type declaration of %q#Dshared and mdll are not compatibleshared call_stmt:shared rtxsimple IFsize assigned to %qT may not be ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCCsize in array new must have integral typesize of %q+D is %d bytessize of %q+D is larger than %wd bytessize of array %qD has non-integral type %qTsize of array %qD is negativesize of array %qD is not an integral constant-expressionsize of array %qs is too largesize of array has non-integral type %qTsize of array is negativesize of array is not an integral constant-expressionsize of loop %d should be %d, not %dsize of return value of %q+D is %u bytessize of return value of %q+D is larger than %wd bytessize of variable %q+D is too largesizeof(long double) is 12sizeof(long double) is 16soft-float and long-double-128 are incompatiblesorry, unimplemented: spec failure: more than one arg to SYSROOT_HEADERS_SUFFIX_SPECspec failure: more than one arg to SYSROOT_SUFFIX_SPECspec file has no spec for linkingspec is '%s'

specialization %qT after instantiation %qTspecialization of %qD after instantiationspecialization of %qD in different namespacespecialization of %qT after instantiationspecialization of implicitly-declared special member functionspecializing %q#T in different namespacespecified mode too small for enumeral valuesspecifying vector types with __attribute__ ((mode)) is deprecatedspecs %%include syntax malformed after %ld charactersspecs %%rename syntax malformed after %ld charactersspecs %s spec was not found to be renamedspecs file malformed after %ld charactersspecs unknown %% command after %ld charactersspurious %<>>%>, use %<>%> to terminate a template argument listspurious trailing %<%%%> in formatstack frame not a multiple of 8 bytes: %wdstack frame not a multiple of octabyte: %wdstack frame too largestack guard value must be an exact power of 2stack limit expression is not supportedstack limits not supported on this targetstack size must be an exact power of 2stack size must be greater than the stack guard valuestack size must not be greater than 64kstack underflow - dup* operationstackframe too big: %d bytesstandard conversions are not allowed in this contextstatement with no effectstatic %qs cannot be declared %<mutable%>static declaration of %q+D follows non-static declarationstatic is not supported on TPF-OSstatic member %qD cannot be a bit-fieldstatic member %qD declared %<register%>static member function %q#D declared with type qualifiersstatic or type qualifiers in non-parameter array declaratorstdcall and cdecl attributes are not compatiblestdcall and fastcall attributes are not compatiblestorage class %<__thread%> invalid for function %qsstorage class %<auto%> invalid for function %qsstorage class %<register%> invalid for function %qsstorage class %qD applied to template instantiationstorage class specified for %qsstorage class specified for parameter %qsstorage class specified for typenamestorage class specifiers invalid in friend function declarationsstorage class specifiers invalid in parameter declarationsstorage size of %q+D isn%'t constantstorage size of %q+D isn%'t knownstray %<\%o%> in programstray %qc in programstray %qs in programstrftime formats cannot format argumentsstring length %qd is greater than the length %qd ISO C%d compilers are required to supportstrong using only meaningful at namespace scopestrong-cast assignment has been interceptedstrong-cast may possibly be neededstruct has no membersstruct has no named membersstructure alignment must be a small power of two, not %dsubscript missing in array referencesubscripted value is neither array nor pointersubscripted value is pointer to functionsubscripting array declared %<register%>suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth valuesupport for mode %qsswitch %qs is no longer supportedswitch quantity not an integerswitch statement of size %lu entries too largetaking address of temporarytaking the address of a label is non-standardtarget CPU does not support THUMB instructionstarget CPU does not support interworkingtarget format does not support infinitytarget system does not support debug outputtarget system does not support the "%s" debug formattemplate argument %d is invalidtemplate argument %qE involves template parameter(s)template argument required for %<%s %T%>template class without a nametemplate declaration of %q#Dtemplate definition of non-template %q#Dtemplate parameter %q+#Dtemplate parameter %qD of type %qT is not allowed in an integral constant expression because it is not of integral or enumeration typetemplate parameter list used in explicit instantiationtemplate parameter type %qT declared %<friend%>template parameters cannot be friendstemplate parameters do not match templatetemplate parameters not used in partial specialization:template specialization with C linkagetemplate specifiers not specified in declaration of %qDtemplate type parameters must use the keyword %<class%> or %<typename%>template with C linkagetemplate-id %qD for %q+D does not match any template declarationtemplate-id %qD in declaration of primary templatetemplate-id %qD used as a declaratorthe ' ' printf flagthe '!' strfmon flagthe '#' printf flagthe '#' strftime flagthe ''' printf flagthe ''' scanf flagthe '(' strfmon flagthe '+' printf flagthe '+' strfmon flagthe '-' printf flagthe '-' strfmon flagthe '-' strftime flagthe '0' printf flagthe '0' strftime flagthe 'E' strftime modifierthe 'I' printf flagthe 'I' scanf flagthe 'O' modifierthe 'O' strftime modifierthe '^' strfmon flagthe '^' strftime flagthe '_' strftime flagthe 'a' scanf flagthe 'q' diagnostic flagthe -shared option is not currently supported for VAX ELFthe assignment suppression scanf featurethe m210 does not have little endian supportthe mangled name of %qD will change in a future version of GCCthe offset of %qD may not be ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCCthe type being destroyed is %qT, but the destructor refers to %qTthere are no arguments to %qD that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of %qD must be availablethird argument of %q+D should probably be %<char **%>third argument to %<__builtin_prefetch%> must be a constantthis builtin function is only available on the fr405 and fr450this builtin function is only available on the fr450this builtin function is only available on the fr500 and fr550this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90this decimal constant would be unsigned in ISO C90this is the insn:this media function is only available on the fr400 and fr550this media function is only available on the fr500this target machine does not have delayed branchesthread-local COMMON data not implementedthread-local declaration of %q+D follows non-thread-local declarationthrowing NULL, which has integral, not pointer typetls_model argument must be one of "local-exec", "initial-exec", "local-dynamic" or "global-dynamic"tls_model argument not a stringto generate dependencies you must specify either -M or -MMto refer to a type member of a template parameter, use %<typename %E%>too few arguments to %%:version-comparetoo few arguments to functiontoo few arguments to function %<va_start%>too few arguments to function %qEtoo few template parameter lists in declaration of %qDtoo few template-parameter-liststoo late for # directive to set debug directorytoo many alternatives in %<asm%>too many arguments for formattoo many arguments to %%:version-comparetoo many arguments to functiontoo many arguments to function %qEtoo many filenames given.  Type %s --help for usagetoo many initializers for %qTtoo many input filestoo many template parameter lists in declaration of %qDtoo many template-parameter-liststoo much stack space to dispose of: %dtoo much stack space to prepare: %dtop-level declaration of %qs specifies %<auto%>total size of local variables exceeds architecture limittraditional C rejects automatic aggregate initializationtraditional C rejects initialization of unionstraditional C rejects string constant concatenationtraditional C rejects the unary plus operatortrap mode not supported for VAX floatstree check: %s, have %s in %s, at %s:%dtree check: expected class %qs, have %qs (%s) in %s, at %s:%dtree check: expected none of %s, have %s in %s, at %s:%dtry reducing the number of local variablestry removing the parentheses around the type-idtry using %qE insteadtrying to finish struct, but kicked out due to previous parse errorstrying to make class %qT a friend of global scopetwo or more data types in declaration of %qstwo or more data types in declaration specifierstype %q#T argument given to %<delete%>, expected pointertype %qT is disallowed in Java %<throw%> or %<catch%>type %qT is not a base type for type %qTtype %qT is not a direct base of %qTtype %qT is not a direct or virtual base of %qTtype %qT is not derived from %<java::lang::Throwable%>type %qT is not derived from type %qTtype is deprecatedtype is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R)type is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)type mismatch in conditional expressiontype mismatch with previous external decl of %q#Dtype of %qE is unknowntype of array %q+D completed incompatibly with implicit initializationtype of asm operand %qE could not be determinedtype of bit-field %qs is a GCC extensiontype of formal parameter %d is incompletetype qualifiers ignored on function return typetype qualifiers specified for friend class declarationtype to vector delete is neither pointer or array typetype-punning to incomplete type might break strict-aliasing rulestype/value mismatch at argument %d in template parameter list for %qDtypedef %q+D declared %<inline%>typedef %qD is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)typedef declaration invalid in parameter declarationtypedef-name %qD used as destructor declaratortypes are not quite compatibleunable to emulate %qsunable to find a register to spill in class %qsunable to generate reloads for:unable to open dynamic dependency '%s'unable to use '%s' for PIC registerunconditional %2d never executed
unconditional %2d taken %s
undefined named operand %qsunexpected base-type in cris_print_baseunexpected index-type in cris_print_indexunexpected multiplicative operandunexpected operandunexpected side-effects in addressunimplemented functionalityunimplemented-shmedia profilinguninitialized const %qDuninitialized const in %<new%> of %q#Tuninitialized const member %qDunion cannot be made transparentunion has no membersunion has no named membersunknown -mdebug-%s switchunknown CRIS cpu version specification in -mtune= : %sunknown CRIS version specification in -march= or -mcpu= : %sunknown array size in deleteunknown cc_attr valueunknown conversion type character %qc in formatunknown conversion type character 0x%x in formatunknown demangling style '%s'unknown field %qE specified in initializerunknown insn modeunknown move insn:unknown register name %qs in %<asm%>unknown register name: %sunknown relocation unspecunnamed initializer for %qT, which has no base classesunnamed initializer for %qT, which uses multiple inheritanceunnamed struct/union that defines no instancesunnamed variable or field declared voidunordered comparison on non-floating point argumentunreachable bytecode from %d to before %dunreachable bytecode from %d to the end of the methodunrecognised debug output level "%s"unrecognizable insn:unrecognized addressunrecognized command line option "%s"unrecognized format specifierunrecognized gcc debugging option: %cunrecognized supposed constantunrecoverable errorunsupported argument to %<__builtin_frame_address%>unsupported argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>unsupported combination: %sunsupported operand size for extended registerunterminated assembly dialect alternativeunterminated format stringunused arguments in $-style formatunused parameter %q+Dunused variable %q+Dunwind tables currently require either a frame pointer or -maccumulate-outgoing-args for correctnessupper value in case label range exceeds maximum value for typeuse #include insteaduse %<%T::%D%> instead of %<%T::%D%> to name the constructor in a qualified nameuse %<%T::template %D%> to indicate that it is a templateuse -Winvalid-pch for more informationuse __attribute__ ((vector_size)) insteaduse of %<complex%> in AltiVec types is invaliduse of %<long double%> in AltiVec types is invaliduse of %<long%> in AltiVec types is deprecated; use %<int%>use of %qs in templateuse of %qs length modifier with %qc type characteruse of %s and %s together in %s formatuse of %s and %s together with %<%%%c%> %s formatuse of boolean types in AltiVec types is invaliduse of class template %qT as expressionuse of enum %q#D without previous declarationuse of namespace %qD as expressionuse of old-style castuse of parameter from containing functionused array that cannot be converted to pointer where scalar is requiredused struct type value where scalar is requiredused union type value where scalar is requireduseless %<__thread%> in empty declarationuseless storage class specifier in empty declarationuseless type name in empty declarationuseless type qualifier in empty declarationuser-defined %qD always evaluates both argumentsusing invalid field %qDusing template type parameter %qT after %qsusing typedef-name %qD after %qsusing-declaration for non-member at class scopevalue computed is not usedvalue of -mfixed-range must have form REG1-REG2variable %q#D has initializer but incomplete typevariable %q+D declared %<inline%>variable %q+D definition is marked dllimportvariable %q+D might be clobbered by %<longjmp%> or %<vfork%>variable %qD has initializer but incomplete typevariable or field %qE declared voidvariable or field declared voidvariable previously declared %<static%> redeclared %<extern%>variable-sized object %qD may not be initializedvariable-sized object may not be initializedvector overflow in expressionverification failed at PC=%d: %sverification failed: %sverify_cgraph_node failedverify_eh_tree failedverify_flow_info failedverify_flow_info: Duplicate edge %i->%iverify_flow_info: Incorrect blocks for fallthru %i->%iverify_flow_info: Incorrect fallthru %i->%iverify_flow_info: REG_BR_PROB does not match cfg %wi %iverify_flow_info: Wrong count of block %i %iverify_flow_info: Wrong count of edge %i->%i %iverify_flow_info: Wrong frequency of block %i %iverify_flow_info: Wrong probability of edge %i->%i %iverify_ssa failedvirtual base %qT inaccessible in %qT due to ambiguityvirtual functions cannot be friendsvirtual non-class function %qsvisibility argument must be one of "default", "hidden", "protected" or "internal"visibility argument not a stringvisibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignoredvoid value not ignored as it ought to bevtable layout for class %qT may not be ABI-compliantand may change in a future version of GCC due to implicit virtual destructorwarning: weak declaration of %q+D must be publicweak declaration of %q+D not supportedweakref %q+D ultimately targets itselfwhen writing output to %s: %mwide string literal in %<asm%>width of %q+D exceeds its typewidth of %qs exceeds its typewill be assumed to return %<id%> and acceptwith %q+#Dwithin this contextwriting into constant object (argument %d)writing through null pointer (argument %d)wrong amount of branch edges after unconditional jump %iwrong edge %d->%d for PHI argumentwrong immediate use listwrong insn in the fallthru edgewrong number of template arguments (%d, should be %d)wrong type argument to abswrong type argument to bit-complementwrong type argument to conjugationwrong type argument to decrementwrong type argument to incrementwrong type argument to unary exclamation markwrong type argument to unary minuswrong type argument to unary plusxstormy16_print_operand: unknown codez/Architecturez/Architecture mode not supported on %szero or negative size array %q+Dzero width for bit-field %q+Dzero width for bit-field %qszero width in %s formatzero-length %s format stringzero-size array %qDProject-Id-Version: gcc 4.8.0
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html
POT-Creation-Date: 2013-03-15 17:42+0000
PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-07 23:29+0800
Last-Translator: Wei-Lun Chao <bluebat@member.fsf.org>
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繼續?(y 或 n) 
以 -g、-f、-m、-O、-W 或 --param 開頭的選項將由 %s 自動傳遞給其呼叫的
 不同子處理序。若要向這些處理序傳遞其它選項,必須使用 -W<字母> 選項。

ldd 輸出帶有建構/解構函式。

write_c_file - 輸出名為 %s,字首為 %s
        %qD  在成員指標轉換中  在成員函式指標轉換中  %q+#D  %q+#D 已在此宣告過  (使用「-v --help」顯示子處理序的命令列參數)
  -###                     與 -v 類似,但選項被引號括住,並且不執行命令
  --bootclasspath PATH    覆寫內建的類別路徑
  --classpath 路徑        設定尋找 .class 檔案的路徑
  --extdirs 路徑          設定擴充目錄
  --help                   顯示此輔助說明
  --help                  列印此輔助並離開
  --javap                 產生「javap」格式的輸出
  --target-help            顯示目標平臺器特定的命令列選項
  --version               列印版本號並離開
  -B <目錄>                將 <目錄> 加入到編譯器的搜尋路徑中
  -E                       僅作預先處理,不進行編譯、組譯和連結
  -I目錄                  將目錄加入到類別路徑
  -S                       編譯到組合語言,不進行組譯和連結
  -Wa,<選項>               將逗號分隔的 <選項> 傳遞給組譯器
  -Wl,<選項>               將逗號分隔的 <選項> 傳遞給連結器
  -Wp,<選項>               將逗號分隔的 <選項> 傳遞給前處理器
  -Xassembler <參數>       將 <參數> 傳遞給組譯器
  -Xlinker <參數>          將 <參數> 傳遞給連結器
  -Xpreprocessor <參數>    將 <參數> 傳遞給前處理器
  -a, --all-blocks                顯示每個基本區塊的資訊
  -b, --branch-probabilities      輸出包含分支概率
  -c                       編譯、組譯到目的程式碼,不進行連結
  -c                      反組譯方法體
  -c, --branch-counts             給出跳轉的分支數,而不是百分比
  -dumpmachine             顯示編譯器的目的處理器
  -dumpspecs               顯示所有內建 spec 字串
  -dumpversion             顯示編譯器的版本號
  -f, --function-summaries        輸出每個函式的小結資訊
  -h, --help                      列印此輔助並離開
  -l, --long-file-names           為包含進來的來源檔案使用長輸出檔案名稱
  -n, --no-output                 不建立輸出檔案
  -o <檔案>                輸出到 <檔案>
  -o 檔案                 設定輸出檔案名稱
  -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE 在 DIR 中搜尋目的檔案,或搜尋名為 FILE 的目的檔案
  -p, --preserve-paths            保留所有路徑名
  -pass-exit-codes         在某一階段離開時回傳最高的錯誤碼
  -pipe                    使用管道代替暫時檔案
  -print-file-name=<函式庫>    顯示 <函式庫> 的完整路徑
  -print-libgcc-file-name  顯示編譯器伴隨函式庫的名稱
  -print-multi-directory   顯示不同版本 libgcc 的根目錄
  -print-multi-lib         顯示命令列選項和多個版本函式庫搜尋路徑間的對應
  -print-multi-os-directory 顯示作業系統函式庫的相對路徑
  -print-prog-name=<程式>  顯示編譯器元件 <程式> 的完整路徑
  -print-search-dirs       顯示編譯器的搜尋路徑
  -save-temps              不要刪除中間檔案
  -specs=<檔案>            用 <檔案> 的內容覆寫內建的 specs 檔案
  -std=<標準>              指定輸入來源檔案遵循的標準
  -time                    為每個子處理序計時
  -u, --unconditional-branches    同時顯示無條件跳轉數
  -v                       顯示編譯器呼叫的程式
  -v, --verbose           執行時列印附加資訊
  -v, --version                    列印版本號並離開
  -x <語言>                指定其後輸入檔案的語言
                           允許的語言包括:c c++ assembler none
  需要一個限定的識別碼  因為它是一個重複了系統目錄的非系統目錄
  基礎類別 %qT  因為前者的引數類型轉換序列更好 因為局部成員 %q+#D 與之同名 因為局部方法 %q+#D 與之同名  但實際需要 %d 個  但沒有多載 %<%T(const %T&)%>  也沒有多載 %<operator=(const %T&)%>  為 %q+D  備選轉換包括 %qD 和 %qD  不能在 %q+D 使用過時的繫結,因為它有解構函式  略過 %q+#D 的初始化  進入 catch 區塊  進入 try 區塊  需要一個類別範本,卻給出了 %qE  需要一個類別範本,卻給出了 %qT  需要一個 %qT 類型的常數,卻給出了 %qT  需要一個類型,卻給出了 %qE  需要一個類型,卻給出了 %qT  當從 %qT 轉換為 %qT 時  從 %q+#D 的定義  從這裡  在呼叫 %qD 時  在求 %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%> 值時  在範本 %qT 的實體化中  在拋出的運算式中  初始化引數 %P,屬於 %qD  在 ISO 標準規則下匹配此 %q+D  在舊規則下匹配此 %q+D  或 %<operator=(const %T&)%>  覆寫了 %q+#D  覆寫了 %q+#F  因為 %q+#D 已在基礎類別中宣告過  略過 %q+#D 的初始化  試圖實體化 %qD  在 %q+D 使用過時的繫結 衝突的程式碼產生選項 隱藏了模版參數 %q+#D# %s %.2f %.2f
#include "..." 搜尋從這裡開始:
#include <...> 搜尋從這裡開始:
#pragma GCC memregs 必須出現在所有函式宣告之前#pragma GCC memregs 需要 [0..16] 範圍內的數#pragma GCC visibility 後面必須跟 push 或 pop#pragma GCC visibility push() 必須指定 default、internal、hidden 或 protected#pragma GHS endXXX 與先前的 startXXX 不匹配#pragma GHS endXXXX 前沒有 startXXX檔案在 %qs 的 #pragma implementation 出現前已被包含#pragma pack (pop) 沒有相匹配的 #pragma pack (push)指定了 -fpack-struct 時 #pragma pack 無效  - 已忽略#pragma redefine_extname 因與 __asm__ declaration 衝突而被忽略#pragma redefine_extname 因與先前的 #pragma redefine_extname 衝突而被忽略#pragma redefine_extname 因與先前的 rename 衝突而被忽略#pragma vtable 不再受支援$ 運算元號在不使用運算元號的格式後被使用%+D 導致一個區段類型衝突在這裡不允許使用 %<#pragma%>%<%%%> 約束用於最後一個運算元%<%%%c%> 只給出 2 位表示的年分%<%%%c%> 在某些區域設定下只給出 2 位表示的年分%<%D::%D%> 不是 %qT 的成員%<%T::%D%> 在 %qT 內指定了建構式%<%T::%D%> 指定了解構函式%<%s %E%> 在參數表內部宣告%<&%> 約束未與暫存器類型一起使用%<-gnat%> 被錯誤地拼寫為 %<-gant%>%<...%> 做為引數。)%<...%> 運算元號不正確%<::%D%> 尚未宣告%<::main%> 必須回傳 %<int%>%<<:%> 是 %<[%> 的另一種拼法。請在 %<<%> 和 %<::%> 間加上空格不能以 %<<::%> 開始一個範本引數清單%<@encode%> 必須指定一個類型做為引數實作上下文中缺少 %<@end%> %<@end%> 必須出現在 @implementation 上下文中在 @catch 區塊外使用 %<@throw%> (rethrow)%<@try%> 缺少對應的 %<@catch%> 或 %<@finally%>屬性 %<__BELOW100__%> 只對變數類型起作用將 %<__alignof%> 用於位元段%<__builtin_longjmp%> 的第二個引數必須是 1呼叫 %<__builtin_next_arg%> 時沒有給定引數%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> 未被定義為 %<long%> 或 %<long long%>%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> 未被定義為一個類型%<__thread%> 出現在 %<extern%> 之前%<__thread%> 出現在 %<static%> 之前%<__thread%> 與 %<auto%> 一起使用%<__thread%> 與 %<register%> 一起使用%<__thread%> 與 %<typedef%> 一起使用%<__thread%> 與 %qE 一起使用對兩個互斥的相等比較取 %<and%> 的結果永遠是 0%<asm%> 運算元的約束與運算元大小不相容%<asm%> 要求不可能的重新載入%<asm%> 指定不允許用於非靜態資料成員檔案作用欄位中出現 %<auto%> 空宣告%<default%> 標籤未出現在 switch 敘述內%<enum %E%> 宣告於 %<for%> 循環初始宣告中只能為建構式指定 %<explicit%>%<friend%> 只能在類別中指定%<inline%> 用於空宣告中%<inline%> 不允許用於夥伴範本特例化 %qD 的宣告夥伴函式宣告中出現了 %<inline%>在全域作用欄位外為函式 %qs 指定 %<inline%> 無效%<location_t%> 未被定義為一個類型%<locus%> 未被定義為一個類型%<long long long%> 對 GCC 來說太長了在 ISO C 中,%<long%> 開關運算式不被轉換為 %<int%>%<operator delete%> 必須回傳 %qT%<operator delete%> 的第一個參數類型為 %qT%<operator new%> 不能回傳 NULL,除非它被宣告為 %<throw()%> (或 -fcheck-new 起作用)%<operator new%> 必須回傳 %qT%<operator new%> 的第一個參數類型為 %<size_t%> (%qT)%<operator=%> 應當回傳一個對 %<*this%> 的參照對兩個不匹配的不等比較取 %<or%> 的結果總為 1檔案作用欄位中出現 %<register%> 空宣告在無回傳值的函式中,%<return%> 帶回傳值在有回傳值的的函式中,%<return%> 不帶回傳值對位元段使用 %<sizeof%>與宣告不同,定義靜態資料成員時不能使用 %<static%>在全域作用欄位外為函式 %qs 指定 %<static%> 無效%<struct %E%> 宣告於 %<for%> 循環初始宣告中靜態成員函式中不能使用 %<this%>%<this%> 不能用在此上下文中%<tree%> 未被定義為一個指標類型%<tree%> 未被定義為一個類型為位元段使用 %<typeof%> %<union %E%> 宣告於 %<for%> 循環初始宣告中在定參數的函式中使用了 %<va_start%>%<void%> 做為僅有的參數時不能被限定%<void%> 必須是僅有的參數%E 限定在 asm 上被忽略未編譯入對 %i 位模式的支援%q#D 與先前的 using 宣告 %q#D 衝突%q#D 隱藏了 %q#T 的建構式%q#D 是一個靜態資料成員;它只能在定義時被初始化%q#D 不是 %qT 的非靜態資料成員%q#D 不是 %q#T 的靜態成員%q#D 被重新宣告為不同意義的符號%q#T 有指標資料成員%q#T 不是一個範本%q#T 僅定義了一個私有解構函式且沒有夥伴%q#T 僅定義了一個私有建構式且沒有夥伴不應使用 %q#T 而應使用 %qT需要浮點數值時使用了 %q#T無法宣告 %q+#D%q+#D 無法被多載%q+#D 未指明非限定類型,所以它不做為外部連結%q+#D 無效;匿名聯合只能有非靜態的資料成員%q+#D 無法存取%q+#D 是私有的%q+#D 是保護的%q+#D 已在此宣告過%q+#D 已在此定義過%q+D 已被宣告為具有 dllexport 屬性:忽略 dllimport%q+D 導致一個區段類型衝突%q+D 包含一個空類別,基礎類別的位置在 GCC 的未來版本可能會有變化%q+D 宣告為夥伴%q+D 已在此宣告過%q+D 宣告時有異常指定%q+D 定義後未使用%q+D 早先被宣告為 %q#D%q+D 無效,在 %q#T 中%q+D 太小而不能存放 %q#T 的所有可能值%q+D 一般是一個函式%q+D 不能是靜態的,因為它是聯合的成員%q+D 不能有參照類型 %qT,因為它是聯合的成員%q+D 被重新宣告為不同意義的符號%q+D 重宣告時沒有 dllimport 屬性,但已被做為 dllimport 連結參照過%q+D 重宣告時沒有 dllimport 屬性:忽略先前的 dllimport%q+D 只帶零或兩個參數%q+D 在宣告前使用%q+D 被隱藏%q+D 將隨後被初始化%q+D:可見性屬性被忽略,因為它%q+F 宣告為 %<static%> 卻從未定義過%q+F 使用過但從未定義%q+T 先前在此處有過宣告指定 %qD 屬性被忽略%qD 不能出現在常數運算式中%qD 不能宣告為虛函式,因為它總是靜態的%qD 不能由一個宣告時非常數的運算式初始化%qD 不能有預設參數%qD 宣告為參照卻未被初始化%qD 類型不完全%qD 沒具名為 %qE 的成員%qD 與其宣告所在的類別同名%qD 是一個命名空間%qD 已經是 %qT 的夥伴%qD 已經是類別 %qT 的夥伴%qD 已在此作用欄位中宣告過%qD 已在 %qT 中定義過%qD 已在類別 %qT 中定義過%qD 已在類別 %qT 中定義過%qD 既是一個直接基礎類別又是一個間接虛基礎類別%qD 既不是類別也不是命名空間%qD 不是一個函式範本%qD 不是 %qD 的成員%qD 不是 %qT 的成員%qD 不是一個成員範本函式%qD 不是一個命名空間%qD 不是一個範本%qD 不是一個範本函式%qD 在函式作用欄位外未被定義%qD 不能被宣告為靜態的%qD 不能在命名空間宣告%qD 必須是一個非靜態的成員函式%qD 必須是一個非靜態成員函式或非成員函式%qD 的引數必須有類別或列舉類型%qD 必須有 %<void%> 類型%qD 必須帶 1 或 2 個引數%qD 必須帶 0 或 1 個引數%qD 帶且僅帶 1 個引數%qD 帶且僅帶 2 個引數%qD 未宣告%qD 未定義%qD 重宣告時有不同的可存取性%qD 應當已在 %qD 內部宣告過%qD 永遠不應該被多載%qD 應當回傳值而非參照%qD 使用時未帶範本參數%qD 先被宣告為 %<extern%> 後又被宣告為 %<static%>%qD 在此作用欄位中尚未宣告只能為 Java 類別定義套用 %qE 屬性只能為類別定義套用 %qE 屬性%qE 屬性只能套用到公共物件上%qE 屬性被忽略%qE 屬性為 %qE 所忽略%qE 屬性為 %qT 型態的欄位所忽略%qE 屬性在不是類別的類型上被忽略%qE 屬性在類型上被忽略%qE 屬性在此平臺上不受支援%qE 屬性只能用於帶可變參數函式%qE 屬性需要帶具名引數的原型%qE 不能做為函式%qE 不能做為成員指標,因為它的類型為 %qT%qE 不是一個類別%qE 沒有命名一個類型%qE 不是一個 typedef 類型,也不是一個內建類型%qE 在命名空間 %qE 中沒有命名一個類型%qE 是一個無法辨識的格式字串函式類型%qE 既不是函式也不是成員函式;不能宣告為夥伴%qE 不是一個範本%qE 不是類型 %qT 的有效範本引數,因為它是一個指標%qE 不是類型 %qT 的有效範本引數,因為它的類型是 %qT%qE 不是類型 %qT 的有效範本引數,因為物件 %qD 沒有外部連結%qE 不是類型 %qT 的有效範本引數,因為 cv 限定衝突%qE 不是類型 %qT 的有效範本引數,因為字面字串不能用在此上下文中%qE 沒有出現在宣告的開頭%qE 的類型不是 %qT%qE 已過時:g++ 的虛函式表現在預設與 COM 相容%qT 沒具名為 %qE 的成員%qT 沒具名為 %qD 的非靜態資料成員%qT 是一個可變類型%qT 已經是 %qT 的夥伴%qT 是 %qT 的有歧義的基礎類別%qT 是 %qT 不可存取的基礎類別%qT 不是 %qT 的基礎類別%qT 既不是類別也不是命名空間%qT 不是類別、結構或聯合類型%qT 不是 %qT 的成員類別範本%qT 不是 %qT 的成員%qT 不是一個命名空間%qT 不是 %qT 的巢狀類別%qT 不是一個參照物件的類型%qT 不是一個範本%qT 不是一個範本類型%qT 是 %qT 的一個不可存取的基礎類別透過 %<...%> 傳遞時 %qT 被提升為 %qT%qT 是/使用了匿名類型%qT 做為 %qs 被參照%qT 做為列舉被參照%qT 被解析到非類別類型 %qT%qT 被解析到非列舉類型 %qT%qV 限定符不能套用到 %qT 上忽略 %qs 屬性%qs 屬性只能套用於函式只能為函式指定 %qs%qs 宣告為回傳一個函式的函式%qs 宣告為回傳一個陣列的函式%qs 需要一個常數引數%qs 既有 %<extern%> 又有初始值設定%qs 已溢出%qs 已初始化,卻又被宣告為 %<extern%>%qs 比其類型的值要窄%qs 不是一個 gcov 資料檔案%qs 的版本是 %q.*s,需要的版本 %q.*s使用了 %qs 標記,在命名 %q#T 時%qs 使用動態堆疊指派%s%s
%s %+#T%s %s %p %d
%s %s(%E) %p %d
%s (%L 處)必須是 INTEGER%s (%L 處)必須是一個標量%s 屬性與 %s 屬性在 %L 處衝突%s 屬性與 %s 屬性衝突,在「%s」中,位於 %L%s 屬性在 %L 處不允許出現在 BLOCAK DATA 程式單元中%s 不能在這裡用於 asm%s 不支援 %%n$ 運算元號格式字串%s 不支援 %s%s 不支援 %s 出現在 %<%%%c%> %s 格式字串中%s 不支援 block_ends_with_call_p%s 不支援 block_ends_with_condjump_p%s 不支援 can_duplicate_block_p%s 不支援 can_merge_blocks_p%s 不支援 create_basic_block%s 不支援 delete_basic_block%s 不支援 duplicate_block%s 不支援 flow_call_edges_add%s 不支援 make_forwarder_block%s 不支援 merge_blocks%s 不支援t move_block_after%s 不支援 predict_edge%s 不支援 predicted_by_p%s 不支援 redirect_edge_and_branch%s 不支援 redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s 不支援 split_block%s 不支援 split_edge%s 不支援 %<%%%c%> %s 格式%s 不支援 %<%%%s%c%> %s 格式%s 不支援 %qs %s 長度修飾符%s 運算式清單被看作複合運算式%s 與 %s 和  %<%%%c%> %s 格式字串合用時被忽略%s 和 %s 出現在 %s 格式字串中時被忽略%s 不為這個配置所支援%s 以回傳值 %d 離開%s 敘述在 %C 處不能跟隨 %s 敘述在 %L 處需要 %s 敘述在 %L 處%s 敘述必須出現在 MODULE 中%s 標記在 %L 處必須具有類型 %s%s 標記在 %L 處必須是標量%s 以信號 %d [%s]%s 離開。%s 與 %<%%%c%> %s 格式並用%s%sGGC 準則:--param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d
%s-%s 是一個空的範圍%s:%d 個基本區塊和 %d 個暫存器%s:%s%s:此系統未安裝 %s 編譯器%s:--param 引數的形式應該為「名稱=值」%s:無法開啟輸出檔案:%s
%s:無法關閉輸出檔案 %s
%s:PCH 檔案無效%s:無法開啟 COFF 檔案%s:無法開啟 PCH 檔案:%m%s:未使用連結器輸入檔案,因為連結尚未完成%s:不是一個 COFF 檔案%s:%d:無效的預包含指示%s:%d:不能從先前的錯誤中恢復,離開
%s:%d: 檔案 %s 被留下但未進入%s:「%s」有來自出口區塊的弧
%s:不是一個 gcov 資料檔案
」「 」旗標「!」旗標「#」旗標「%%l」運算元不是一個標籤「%s」和「%s」引數(屬於「%s」內建函式)在 %L 處類型必須相同「%s」引數(屬於內建函式「%s」)在 %L 處不能是 INTENT(IN)引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是 %s引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為 ALLOCATABLE引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為 INTEGER 或 LOGICAL引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為 INTEGER 或 PROCEDURE引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為整數型或實數型引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為實數型或複數型引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個 POINTER引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個 POINTER 或 TARGET引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個常數引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個邏輯陣列引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)不能是衍生類型引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須具有數字類型引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個標量引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個變數引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個陣列引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為雙精度引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)秩必須小於 %d引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須為數字或 LOGICAL 型引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須是一個啞元變數「%s」引數(屬於「%s」內建函式,位於 %L)必須是一個 OPTIONAL 啞變數引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須具有種別 %d引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)的秩必須為 %d引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)的秩必須為 1 或 2引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須具有與「%s」一樣的種別引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)必須具有與「%s」一樣的類型和種別引數「%s」(屬於內建函式「%s」,位於 %L)不能為可選的當「x」是 COMPLEX 時「%s」引數(屬於「%s」內建函式,在 %L 處)不能存在「%s」在 %C 處不是「%s」結構的成員「%s」被指派給「%s」,但在重新編譯的程序中未定義,或相反「'」旗標「(」旗標「+」旗標「-」旗標「0」旗標「B」運算元設定了多個位「B」運算元不是一個常數「E」修飾符「I」旗標「O」修飾符「^」旗標「_」旗標「a」旗標「%s」內建函式的「dim」引數(於 %L 處)不是一個有效的維數索引「o」運算元不是一個常數「q」旗標「reshape」內建函式的「shape」引數在 %L 處有多於 %d 個的元素「reshape」內建函式的「shape」引數在 %L 處必須是大小為常數的陣列「shape」內建函式的「source」引數在 %L 處不能是假定大小的陣列(C)(訊息缺少匹配的方法簽名(成員指標只能用 %<&%E%> 構成)(需要一個類別外的初始化)(如果您使用 %<-fpermissive%>,G++ 會接受您的程式碼,但是允許使用未定義的名稱是過時的風格)(在 %qs 的初始化附近)(也許您本意是想用 %<typename %T::%E%>)(%qT 的定義末尾可能缺少一個分號)(可能錯誤使用了 %<offsetof%> 巨集)(因此您應該向 %<va_arg%> 傳遞 %qT 而不是 %qT)到達 --param inline-unit-growth 給定的極值到達 --param large-function-growth 給定的極值到達 --param max-inline-insns-single 給定的極值到達 --param max-inline-insns-single 給定的極值--resource 需要 -o當輸入來自標準輸入裝置時,需要 -E 或 -x-I- 指定了兩次-Wformat-extra-args 未與 -Wformat 一起使用,已忽略-Wformat-nonliteral 未與 -Wformat 一起使用,已忽略-Wformat-security 未與 -Wformat 一起使用,已忽略-Wformat-y2k 未與 -Wformat 一起使用,已忽略-Wformat-zero-length 未與 -Wformat 一起使用,已忽略-Xbind-now 與 -Xbind-lazy 不相容-bundle 不允許與 -dynamiclib 一起使用-bundle_loader 不能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用Ada 需要 -c 或是 -S-client_name 不能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用-current_version 只能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用-f%s 和 -msdata=%s 互不相容-f%s 在目標平臺上被忽略(所有程式碼都是與位置無關的)CONST16 指令不支援 -f%s-f%s 不受支援:已忽略-f%sleading-underscore 在此目標平臺上不受支援-fPIC 和 -fpic 在此配置下不受支援-fPIC 與 -mcall-%s 互不相容-fdata-sections 在此目標平臺上不受支援-femit-class-file 應當與 -fsyntax-only 一起使用-ffunction-sections 在此目標平臺上不受支援-fhandle-exceptions 已被重新命名為 -fexceptions (並且現在預設為開)-fjni 與 -femit-class-file 不相容-fjni 和 -femit-class-files 互不相容-force_flat_namespace 不能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用-fpic 和 -mapcs-reent 互不相容-fprefetch-loop-arrays 不支援與 -Os 並用-fprefetch-loop-arrays 在此目標平臺上不受支援-fprefetch-loop-arrays 在此目標平臺上不受支援(嘗試 -march 開關)-freorder-blocks-and-partition 不能在此架構下工作-frepo 必須與 -c 一起使用-fstack-protector 在此目標平臺上不受支援此處理器只有使用 GAS 時才支援 -g-g 選項已被停用-g 與 -mno-apcs-frame 並用可能不能給出有意義的除錯資訊-install_name 只能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用-keep_private_externs 不能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用-m%s 在此配置下不受支援-m64 需要 PowerPC64 架構,正在啟用-m64 需要 PowerPC64 CPU需要 -maix64:目前尚不支援 64 位元計算和 32 位元定址混用-maix64 需要 PowerPC64 架構被啟用-malign-functions 已過時,請使用 -falign-functions-malign-jumps 已經過時,請使用 -falign-jumps-malign-loops 已經過時,請使用 -falign-loops-malign-loops=%d 不在 0 和 %d 之間-malign-power 在 64 位元 Darwin 下不受支援;它與已安裝的 C 和 C++ 函式庫不相容-mapcs-stack-check 和 -mno-apcs-frame 互不相容-max-stackframe=%d 無法使用,不在 0 和 %d 之間-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float 一起使用不受支援-mbig-endian 和 -mlittle-endian 不能一起使用-mbnu210 被忽略(選項已過時)-mbranch-cost=%d 不在 0 和 5 之間-mcall-aixdesc 必須是高位位元組在前32 位元系統不支援 -mcmodel=-mfloat-abi=hard 和 VFP不支援 -mhard-float-mlong-double-64 不允許與 -m64 一起使用-mmultiple 在低位位元組在前的系統上不受支援-mpic-register= 不與 -fpic 並用時不起作用-mregparm=%d 不在 0 和 %d 之間-mrelocatable 與 -mcall-%s 互不相容-mrelocatable 和 -mno-minimal-toc 互不相容-mrelocatable 與 -msdata=%s 互不相容-ms2600 未與 -ms 一起使用-msdata=%s 與 -mcall-%s 互不相容-msecure-plt 不為您的組譯器所支援指定了 -mshared-library-id= 卻沒有使用 -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s 不在 0 和 %d 之間不能同時指定 -msingle-float 和 -msoft-float-mstack-guard 意味著使用 -mstack-size-mstring 在低位位元組在前的系統上不受支援使用 C89 修訂版 1 的特性必須指定 -munix=98 選項。
-pg 和 -fomit-frame-pointer 互不相容不支援 -pipe-private_bundle 不能和 -dynamiclib 一起使用%L 處的運算式中的 .NOT. 運算子必須帶 LOGICAL 運算元128 位 long double 在 VAX 上不受支援31 位元 ABI387 指令集已停用,使用 SSE 指令64 位元 ABI64-bit ABI 在 ESA/390 模式下不受支援<在初始化程序中>
<anonymous><built-in>@catch 參數不是一個已知的 Objective-C 類別類型-std=c89 (對 C 來說) 或 -std=c++98 (對 C++ 來說)的同義詞不支援 APCS 重入程式碼。已忽略為邊 %d->%d 初始化 AUX 指標接受一定的擴充以支援傳統的程式碼「%s」的引數在 %L 處必須是一個指標在循環最佳化結束後增加一趟公因式消去為組譯輸出加入額外註釋額外除錯輸出-fmit-class-file 的別名對齊所有的標籤所有循環對齊到 32 位元組邊界上將程式碼和資料對齊到 32 位元邊界上對齊字串作業的目的在 64 位元邊界上對齊雙精度變數對齊只能為跳轉所到達的標籤一些雙精度浮點數在雙字邊界上對齊對齊函式入口對齊循環入口對齊到位元段的基礎類別型在 32 位元邊界上對齊變數可指派的「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定在固定模式下允許任意的字元列寬在自由模式下允許任意的字元列寬允許在實體名中使用美元符號允許快速跳轉至訊息分發者允許將函式位址儲存在暫存器中允許假定循環以「正常」方式動作的循環最佳化允許可能違反 IEEE 或 ISO 標準的最佳化允許更多載入的預測移動允許非載入的預測移動允許一些載入的預測移動允許「?」運算子的參數有不同的類型允許每週期發出兩條指令%C 處的替代 RETURN 敘述只允許出現在 SUBROUTINE 中變更呼叫約定傳遞 AltiVec 引數給無原型的函式總是檢查非 gcj 產生的類別文件總是產生遠呼叫總認為位元段長與 int 相同有歧義的介面「%s」和「%s」在 %s 中,位於 %L%L 不帶 * 啞引數的替代回傳當名稱已經包含一個底線時加入第二個底線為外部可見的名稱加入底線展開循環時也展開變數元素程序的引數「%s」在 %L 處必須是標量敘述函式的引數「%s」在 %L 處必須是標量%L 處引數維數必須具有 INTEGER 類型%L 引數維數必須是標量%s 的參數(位於 %L)長度必須為 1%L 處 ACOS 的參數必須在 -1 和 1 之間%L 處 ACOSH 的參數必須不小於 1%L 處 ASIN 的參數必須在 -1 和 1 之間%L 處 ATANH 的參數必須在 -1 和 1 之間%L 處 IACHAR 的參數長度必須為 1%L 處 ICHAR 的參數長度必須為 1%L 處 SELECT 敘述的引數不能是 %s%L 處 SQRT 的參數為負-ffpe-trap 的參數無效:%s%L 處算術 NaN%L 處算術正常從 %s 轉換到 %s,在 %L 處:算術正常%L 處算術向上溢位%L 處算術向下溢位陣列「%s」在 %L 處不能有延遲的外形%L 處陣列索引是一個秩為 %d 的陣列%L 處陣列索引必須是標量%L 處陣列運算元無法被使用%C 處的任何參照都不能多於 %d 維對陣列的參照超出範圍%L 處由向量下標選擇的部分陣列不應是指標的目的%C 處陣列指定了多於 %d 的維數%L 處陣列指定必須延遲賦值標籤不是目的標籤%L 處向 FORALL 索引變數賦值假定大的執行緒局部存儲段假定所有號都有 32 位元值假定程式碼將由 GAS 組譯假定程式碼將由 GNU ld 連結假定程式碼將由 HP ld 連結假定浮點運算可能引發陷阱假定本地函式使用 JNI 實作假定結果不會是 NaN 或無限大浮點數假定一般的 C 執行環境假定可能的兩不正確齊假定有號運算溢出時回繞假定小位址空間假定套用強重疊規則假定符號可能無效假定目的 CPU 被配置為高位位元組在前假定目的 CPU 被配置為低位位元組在前假定 Objective-C 訊息的接受者可能是 nil假定來源檔案是固定格式的假定來源檔案是自由格式假定 VxWorks RTP 環境假定 VxWorks vThreads 環境假定執行時使用一張雜湊表完成從物件到其同步結構的對應假定外形的陣列在 %L 處必須是啞引數假定大小的陣列在 %L 處必須是啞引數在頂層:試圖利用延遲轉移指令後試圖讓堆疊保持對齊到 2 的此次方上試圖合併不同編譯單元中的相同常數試圖合併相同的常數和常變數自動陣列「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定避免產生相對 PC 的呼叫;使用間接呼叫%C 使用到的 BYTE 類型在目標平臺上不可%C 處錯誤地指定 INTENT錯誤的 IO 基礎類別型(%d)%L 處陣列參照錯誤錯誤的位元組碼。
%C 處錯誤的續列%C 處邏輯常數的種別錯誤錯誤的名稱錯誤的運算子常數運算式中類型錯誤指定分支的代價(1-5,任意單位)執行的分支:%s (共有 %d 個)
不會為 Objective-C 欄位呼叫 C++ 建構和解構函式CHARACTER(*) 函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能以陣列賦值CHARACTER(*) 函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能以指標賦值CHARACTER(*) 函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能是純量CLOSE 敘述不允許出現在 %C 處的 PURE 程序中%L 處複數不能比較大小您選擇的 CPU 不支援 x86-64 指令集CRIS-port 判定語錯誤:呼叫一個函式庫子程式來完成整數除法執行的呼叫:%s(共 %d)
不能將 %s 轉換為 %s,於 %L無法開啟檔案「%s」無法開啟模組檔案「%s」讀取,在 %C 處:%s無法開啟模組檔案「%s」寫入,在 %C 處:%s不能為輸出開啟「%s」。
只變更堆疊指標的低 8 位變更 ABI 以允許雙字指令變更條件執行序列的最大長度檢查語法錯誤,然後停止檢查 new 的回傳值程式碼大小:小、中或大為 32 位元指標編譯為 64 位元指標編譯為 ETRAX 100 (CRIS v8) 編譯為 ETRAX 4 (CRIS v3) 編譯為 V8+ ABI 編譯為 m32r 編譯為 m32r2 編譯為 m32rx 編譯為 v850 處理器編譯為 v850e 處理器編譯為 v850e1 處理器編譯一次編譯一整個編譯單元元件「%s」在 %C 處已經於 %L 處被宣告元件「%s」在 %C 處是「%s」的 PRIVATE 元件%C 處的元件必須有 POINTER 屬性%L 處的粘貼運算子必須粘貼同一種別的字串配置為:%s
盡量接近 IBM XLC 語義遵循 ISO 1990 C 標準遵循 ISO 1990 C 標準於 1994 年修訂的版本遵循 ISO 1990 C 標準,也支援 GNU 擴充遵循 ISO 1999 C 標準遵循 ISO 1999 C 標準,也支援 GNU 擴充遵循 ISO Fortran 2003 標準遵循 ISO Fortran 95 標準認為「int」類別有 16 位寬認為「int」類別有 32 位元寬%C 處需要常數運算式欄位「%s」的 ConstantValue 屬性類型錯誤控制 IEEE 陷阱模式控制產生的浮點捨入模式控制浮點異常的精度從 %s 轉換到 %s,位於 %L將浮點常數轉換為單精度常數建立圖形介面程式在循環中產生正規的歸納變數建立命令列程式產生「gcov」需要的資料檔案DATA 敘述不允許出現在 %C 處的 PURE 程序中%L 處的 DIM 參數越界DO 游標「%s」在 %L 處出現在另一個同名游標作用欄位內在 x86-64 中等模式下大於指定閾值的資料將被存放在 .ldata 區段中延遲將函式引數彈堆疊刪除無用的空指標檢查已過時,請使用 -std=c99已過時,請使用 -std=gnu99已過時,為 -std=iso9899:1999 所取代已過時。此開關不起作用。%L 處指標賦值時秩不同停用浮點暫存器停用變址定址停用為 IEEE 訊息 NaN 可見的最佳化停用假定預設浮點捨入行為的最佳化停用空間暫存器不允許直接呼叫全域函式發現純函式和常函式發現唯讀和不可定址靜態變數顯示編譯時間統計顯示編譯程序中累計的統計數字解析後顯示程式碼樹顯示編譯器版本顯示此資訊%L 處被零除從 %s 轉換到 %s 時被零除,於 %L 處不假定大的 TLS 段不假定標準 C 函式庫和「main」存在不停用空間暫存器不丟棄註釋展開巨集時不丟棄註釋不顯示編譯的函式或逝去的時間不將複整常數存至唯讀記憶體不產生函式前言和尾聲不產生 #line 指令不產生 .size 指令不為每個函式產生單一的離開點不內聯整數除法不內聯平方根函式不在函式前言中載入 PIC 暫存器不在 TOC 中存放浮點常數不在 TOC 中存放符號+偏移量常數不預定義系統或 GCC 特定的巨集不為程式提供預設的起始位址 0x100不將未初始化的全域資料放在公共區段中不搜尋標準系統標頭檔案目錄(但仍將使用由 -isystem 指定的目錄)不搜尋 C++ 標準系統標頭檔案目錄不抑制系統標頭檔案中的警告不調整程式碼和唯讀資料對齊不調整堆疊對齊不調整可寫資料對齊不使用 MIPS-3D 指令不使用 VAX 浮點單元不使用指派全域暫存器的位址不使用硬體浮點單元不使用硬體浮點單元不使用硬體浮點單元不使用硬體四浮點指令不使用位元段指令不使用未對齊的記憶體參照當使用 -pedantic 時不正確「long long」給出警告進行全暫存器傳送最佳化不將單精度和雙精度浮點數指派到擴充精度的暫存器中不呼叫任何清空快取的函式不呼叫任何清空快取的陷阱不最佳化塊移動不為分支使用 P 助憶符號使用微軟擴充時不給出警告將相容性錯誤降格為警告驅動:啞元「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定「%s」啞元引數在 %L 處不能是 INTENT(OUT)啞元「%s」(位於 %L)不能是 OPTIONAL將宣告傾印到一個 .decl 檔案中重複的 %s 屬性,位於 %L重複的 %s 屬性在 %L 處被指定重複的 %s 標籤指定,位於 %C重複 %s 指定,於 %C%L 和 %C 處重複的 ELSE 敘述%C 處 IMPLICIT NONE 敘述重複%C 處重複的 NML 指定%C 處重複的 PRIVATE 敘述%L 指定了重複的 SAVE 屬性%C 處重複的 SEQUENCE 敘述%C 處重複的 UNIT 指定重複的建構標籤「%s」出現在 %C 處%C 處重複的格式指定重複的敘述標籤 %d 出現在 %L 和 %L 處符號「%s」在 %C 處的參數清單中重複出現動態指派 cc 暫存器ELEMENTAL non-INTRINSIC 程序「%s」在 %L 處不允許做為實際引數%C 處的 ELSE IF 敘述不能出現在 %L 處的 ELSE 敘述之後%C 處的 END 標記不允許出現在輸出敘述中END 標記標籤 %d 在 %L 處未定義ENTRY「%s」在 %L 處沒有 IMPLICIT 類型%C 處 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在被包含的程序中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 BLOCK DATA 中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 DERIVED TYPE 區塊中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 DO 中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 FORALL 區塊中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 MODULE 中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 PROGRAM 中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 SELECT 區塊中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 WHERE 區塊中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在巢狀的子程式中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 IF-THEN 區塊中%C 處的 ENTRY 敘述不能出現在 INTERFACE 中EOR 標記標籤 %d 在 %L 處未定義ERR 標記標籤 %d 在 %L 處未定義ESA/390 結構%s 陣列建構中的元素在 %L 處是 %s為小資料區域產生 16 位重定位資訊為小資料區域產生 32 位元重定位資訊產生符合 IEEE 的程式碼,不產生不精確的異常產生呼叫圖資訊為位元組/字指令架構擴充產生程式碼為計數指令架構擴充產生程式碼為浮點轉移和平方根指令架構擴充產生程式碼為動態影像指令架構擴充產生程式碼將公共符號視作弱符號為局部函式產生直接分支在函式前言中產生額外程式碼以獲取堆疊大小越限允許內聯範本隱含實體化允許範本隱含實體化為局部函式產生間接分支產生長讀/寫序列保留未用到的靜態常數在 volatile 擴充組譯塊前後加上停止位在組譯程式碼中產生詳細的除錯資訊%C IMPLICIT 敘述為空%C 處的空陣列建構不被允許%C 處 BOZ 常數中的數字集合為空啟用經由 GNU as 的 Dwarf 2 列除錯資訊啟用樹上的完全冗餘消除(FRE)啟用函式描述符號 PIC 模式啟用基於 ID 的共享函式庫啟用 Objective-C 異常和同步語法啟用 Objective-C setjmp 異常處理執行時啟用對函式庫的 PIC 支援啟用樹上的 SSA 程式碼下沉最佳化啟用樹上的 SSA 死程式碼消除最佳化啟用樹上的 SSA-CCP 最佳化啟用樹上的 SSA-PRE 最佳化啟用 TPF-OS 追蹤碼啟用所有關於「XX未使用」的警告在 sched2 前進行一趟 RTL 窺孔最佳化啟用範本自動實體化啟用後端程式除錯啟用基本程式取樣程式碼啟用一些公共選項來產生樣本檔案,以便進行基於取樣的最佳化啟用一些公共選項以進行基於取樣的最佳化啟用條件執行而非 moves/scc啟用條件轉移在樹層級進行複寫傳遞刪除死存儲啟用除錯輸出啟用主導最佳化及早放置停止位,以取得更好的調度效果啟用異常處理啟用函式取樣在 Objective-C/Objective-C++ 程式中啟用無用收集啟用分支概率猜測為函式呼叫啟用 PLT 的內聯啟用標籤對齊最佳化啟用連結器最佳化啟用連結器鬆弛啟用連結器鬆弛啟用樹上的循環不變量轉移啟用樹上的循環不變量轉移在樹層級進行循環最佳化在樹上進行循環向量化在樹上進行循環向量化時啟用多版本循環啟用機器相關的窺孔最佳化啟用大部分警告資訊啟用對巢狀條件執行的最佳化啟用靜態類別初始程式碼最佳化啟用對條件執行 && 或 || 的最佳化啟用基本區塊間的調度啟用分離的資料段啟用堆疊偵測啟用正常模式啟用對短載入指令的使用啟用傳統預先處理啟用 sdata/scommon/sbss啟用詳細輸出啟用/停用已經透過模調度的循環中的傳統調度啟用基於 ID 的共享函式庫啟用暫存器傳送最佳化搜尋清單結束。
執行類別成員存取控制語義%C 處:列舉量超過 C 整數類型轉換整數時發生錯誤寫入模組檔案「%s」時發生錯誤:%s寫入模組檔案時發生錯誤:%s錯誤:發現第一個錯誤時即離開在 %C 處需要「)」在 %C 處需要「,」在 %C 處需要「,」或敘述尾在 %C 處需要「(」%C 處需要「END INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT (=)」或敘述尾%C 在 TYPE 定義中需要 ::%C 在 PARAMETER 敘述中需要 = 符號需要 P 編譯描述符號%C 需要一個無名介面%C 處運算式中需要右括號%C 處需要替代的回傳標籤%C 處需要一個初始化運算式%C 處陣列宣告需要另外一維%C 處需要陣列下標%C 需要陣列下標間隔需要屬性位名需要塊名「%s」在「%s」運算式中,於 %C%C 處 I/O 清單中需要逗號%C 處運算式中需要指數部分%C 在 PARAMETER 敘述中需要運算式需要 %s 敘述,於 %C 處%C 處指定陣列時需要運算式需要運算式類型%C 處需要初始化運算式%C 處 CASE 中需要初始化運算式需要整數需要整數字串需要標籤「%s」,為 %s 敘述,於 %C需要左圓括號需要名稱需要實數字串需要右圓括號%C 處需要標量初始化運算式需要字串%C 處需要結構元件名%C 處需要結束名%C READ 敘述需要變數在 %C 處需要變數名需要 %s 敘述,於 %C需要「END INTERFACE %s」於 %C 處需要「END INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT (.%s.)」在 %C 處導出被內聯的函式%L 處的運算式必須具有標量類型%L 處 CASE 敘述中的運算式必須具有 %s 類型%L 處 CASE 敘述中的運算式必須為標量擴充:從 %s 到 %s,位於 %L外部「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定%L 處外部 IO UNIT 不能是陣列外部物件「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定%L 處的 FORALL 結束敘述必須是 INTEGER 標量%L 處 FORALL 索引名稱必須是 INTEGER 標量%L 處的 FORALL 啟始敘述必須是 INTEGER 標量%L 處的 FORALL 步幅敘述不能為零%L 處的 FORALL 步幅敘述必須是 %s 標量FORMAT 標籤 %d 在 %L 處未定義%L 處 FORMAT 敘述沒有敘述標籤FP 異常已啟用嚴重錯誤:%L 處運算子介面的第一個參數必須是 INTENT(IN)固定格式的列長至少為七。遒循 Renesas(先前被稱作 Hitachi)/SuperH 呼叫約定報告程式缺陷的步驟請參見:
為內建函式庫:所有參數在暫存器中傳遞將函式強行對齊到 4 位元組邊界上強制指定「wchar_t」的內在類型為「unsigned short」函式「%s」在 %L 處沒有 IMPLICIT 類型函式「%s」在 %C 需要參數清單函式名「%s」不允許出現在 %C 處函式結果「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定函式入口對齊在 2 的此次方上GCC 只支援 %u 個巢狀的作用欄位GCC 傳遞向量參照:非標準的 ABI 擴充,不保證相容性GCC 回傳向量參照:非標準的 ABI 擴充,不保證相容性GCSE 被停用GNU Fortran 在法律允許的範圍內沒有任何擔保。
您可以在遵循 GNU 通用公共許可證的前提下分發 GNU Fortran 的副本。
有關事宜的詳情請參考名為 COPYING 的檔案

產生 32 位元不帶 FPU 的 SHmedia 程式碼產生 32 位元 SHmedia 程式碼產生 32 位元程式碼在分支表中使用 32 位元偏移量產生 32 位元 i386 程式碼產生 64 位元不帶 FPU 的 SHmedia 程式碼產生 64 位元 SHmedia 程式碼產生 64 位元程式碼產生 64 位元 x86-64 程式碼產生與 APCS 相容的堆疊框架產生有平臺相關特性的 C 標頭檔案產生不帶 FPU 的 SHcompact 程式碼產生 GFLOAT 雙精度程式碼產生 H8/300H 程式碼產生 H8S 程式碼產生 H8S/2600 程式碼產生 H8SX 程式碼產生 ILP32 程式碼產生 LP64 程式碼產生 PA1.0 程式碼產生 PA1.1 程式碼產生 PA2.0 程式碼(需要 binutils 2.10 或更新版本)產生 SH1 程式碼產生 SH2 程式碼產生不帶 FPU 的 SH2a 程式碼產生 SH2e 程式碼產生 SH3 程式碼產生 SH3e 程式碼產生不帶 FPU 的 SH4 程式碼產生 SH4 程式碼產生不帶 FPU 的 SH4a 程式碼產生 SH4a 程式碼產生 SH4al-dsp 程式碼產生 SHcompact 程式碼在 E500 上產生 SPE SIMD 指令產生 AltiVec 程式碼時產生 VRSAVE 指令當 noreturn 函式回傳時呼叫 abort為每個函式產生單一的離開點產生高位位元組在前的程式碼產生高位位元組在前的程式碼檢查參照 NULL 的參照為 GNU as 產生程式碼為 GNU 組譯器(gas)產生程式碼為 GNU ld 產生程式碼為 GNU 執行時環境產生程式碼為 NeXT (蘋果 Mac OS X) 執行時環境產生程式碼為 UNIX 組譯器產生程式碼為 5206e 產生程式碼為 520X 產生程式碼為 528x 產生程式碼為 5307 產生程式碼為 5407 產生程式碼為 68000 產生程式碼為 68020 產生程式碼為 68030 產生程式碼為 68040 產生程式碼為 68040 產生程式碼,不使用新指令為 68060 產生程式碼為 68060 產生程式碼,不使用新指令為 68302 產生程式碼為 68332 產生程式碼為 68851 產生程式碼產生動態連結程式庫的程式碼為 cpu32 產生程式碼為 11/10 產生程式碼為 11/40 產生程式碼為 11/45 產生附加程式碼為完全內聯的函式產生程式碼為給定的 CPU 產生程式碼為巨型的 switch 敘述產生程式碼為舊的可執行 BSS PLT 產生程式碼為 Boehm 產生程式碼為 M*Core M210 產生程式碼為 M*Core M340 產生程式碼產生高位位元組在前的程式碼產生低位位元組在前的程式碼產生的程式碼適合於可執行檔案(而不是共享函式庫)產生遵循給定 ABI 的程式碼產生使用 68881 浮點指令的程式碼產生檢查陣列存取是否越界的程式碼產生檢查異一般範的程式碼產生的程式碼使用不可執行 PLT 和 GOT產生不使用 GP 暫存器的程式碼為伺服器 IO 產生 cpp 定義為工作站 IO 產生 cpp 定義產生 COFF 格式的除錯資訊產生 STABS 格式的除錯資訊產生 VMS 格式的除錯資訊產生 XCOFF 格式的除錯資訊產生預設擴充格式的除錯資訊產生預設格式的除錯資訊產生擴充 STABS 格式的除錯資訊產生 XCOFF 擴充格式的除錯資訊產生預設的單精度 SH4 程式碼產生預設的單精度 SH4a 程式碼產生的除法結果中餘數符號將與除數而不是被除數相同產生快速間接呼叫為指定的指令集產生浮點數學程式碼產生浮點乘加指令產生內聯浮點除法,為最小延遲最佳化產生內聯浮點除法,為最大吞吐量最佳化產生內聯的整數除法,為最小延遲最佳化產生內聯的整數除法,為最大吞吐量最佳化產生內聯的平方根,為最小延遲最佳化產生內聯的平方根,為最大吞吐量最佳化產生 isel 指令產生低位位元組在前的程式碼產生低位位元組在前的程式碼產生 make 依賴項產生 make 依賴規則並編譯產生普通模式的程式碼只產生單精度 SH4 程式碼只產生單精度 SH4a 程式碼產生相對 pc 的程式碼為所有標頭產生假的目的為可執行檔案盡可能產生與位置無關的程式碼(大模式)為可執行檔案盡可能產生與位置無關的程式碼(小模式)盡可能產生與位置無關的程式碼(大模式)盡可能產生與位置無關的程式碼(小模式)如果可用,為循環中的陣列產生預取指令產生可重入的 PIC 程式碼產生執行時類型描述資訊產生自身重定位程式碼為 FPU 產生 sin、cos 和 sqrt 指令如果需要,產生特殊的 Objective-C 方法來初始化/解構非簡單舊資料 C++ 變數產生精確到每條指令邊界的堆疊展開表為分支指定預設代價給外部符號加入起始的底線ICE:需要 emit_jump_insn 時使用了 emit_insn used where:
將要建立的共享函式庫的 ID%L 處的 INQUIRE 敘述需要 FILE 或 UNIT 限定符INQUIRE 敘述不允許出現在 %C 處的 PURE 程序中INTENT (%s) 與 INTENT(%s) 在 %L 衝突ISO C 不支援在函式外使用多餘的 %<;%>ISO C 不支援對複數類型進行 %<++%> 或 %<--%> 作業ISO C 不支援用 ~ 求共軛複數ISO C 不支援複整數ISO C 不支援單獨用 %<complex%> 表示 %<double complex%>ISO C++ 不允許 %<goto *expr;%>ISO C 不允許在函式指標和 %<void *%> 間賦值ISO C 不允許在運算式中使用大括號組ISO C 不允許將非標量轉換為其自身類型ISO C 不允許轉換為聯合類型ISO C 不允許在 %<void *%> 和函式指標間比較ISO C 不允許在條件運算式中同時使用 %<void *%> 和函式指標ISO C 不允許條件運算式僅有一邊為空ISO C 不允許使用 const 或 volatile 限定函式類型ISO C 不允許將一個函式指標轉換為一個物件指標ISO C 不允許將一個物件指標轉換為一個函式指標ISO C 不允許用初始值設定中有空的大括號對ISO C 不允許前向參數宣告ISO C 不允許 %<enum%> 類型的前向參照ISO C 不允許在函式指標和 %<void *%> 間初始化ISO C 不允許標籤宣告ISO C 不允許不含成員的成員宣告ISO C++ 不允許巢狀函式ISO C 不允許省略 ?: 運算式中的第二項ISO C 不允許函式指標間比較大小ISO C 不允許將引數 %d(屬於 %qE)在函式指標和 %<void *%> 間傳遞ISO C 不允許使用 const 或 volatile 限定函式類型ISO C 不允許在函式指標和 %<void *%> 間回傳ISO C 不允許在初始化指定元素的範圍ISO C 不允許按下標存取 %<register%> 陣列ISO C 不允許將引數轉換為聯合ISO C 要求在 %<...%> 前有一個具名參數ISO C 將列舉值限制在 %<int%> 範圍內ISO C++ 不允許指定元素初始值設定ISO C++ 不允許將 %<%T::%D%> 定義為 %<%T::%D%>ISO C++ 不允許在運算式中使用大括號組ISO C++ 不允許在程式裡呼叫 %<::main%>ISO C++ 不允許在函式指標和物件指標間進行轉換ISO C++ 不允許轉換為陣列類型 %qTISO C++ 不允許比較指標和整數的值ISO C++ 不允許複合字面值ISO C++ 不允許執行時可知的 goto 目的ISO C++ 不允許宣告無類型的 %qsISO C++ 不允許在類別內初始化非常數靜態成員 %qDISO C++ 不允許初始化成員常數 %qD,因為它有非整數的類型 %qTISO C++ 不允許嵌類別的類型 %qD 與其所屬的類別同名ISO C 不允許省略 ?: 運算式中的第二項ISO C++ 不允許按下標存取非左值的陣列ISO C++ 不允許取函式 %<::main%> 的位址ISO C++ 不允許透過取已繫結的成員函式的位址來建構成員函式指標。請改用 %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ 不允許取轉換到非左值運算式的位址ISO C++ 不允許透過提取一個未限定的或帶括號的非靜態成員函式的位址來形成一個成員函式指標。請使用 %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ 不允許在明確實體化時使用 %qEISO C++ 不允許在減法中使用類型為 %<void *%> 的指標ISO C++ 不允許在減法中使用函式指標ISO C++ 不允許在減法中使用參照方法的指標ISO C++ 不允許大小為 0 的陣列ISO C 不允許大小為 0 的陣列 %qDISO C++ 不允許匿名結構ISO C++ 不允許多載 ?: 運算子ISO C++ 認為有歧義,盡管第一個備選的最差類型轉換要好於第二個備選的最差類型轉換ISO C90 不支援 %<[*]%> 陣列宣告ISO C90 不支援 %<long long%>ISO C90 不支援在參數陣列宣告中使用 %<static%> 或類型限定符ISO C90 不支援複數類型ISO C90 不允許彈性陣列成員ISO C90 不允許複合字面值ISO C90 不允許指定子物件的初始值ISO C90 不允許非左值的陣列做為下標運算的左運算元如果使用了 -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller,即指單一變數在循環展開時可以同時被展開的次數如果 ATAN2 %L 的第一個參數為 0,第二個參數必須不為 0在固定格式中忽略第一列的「D」忽略函式的 dllimport 屬性忽略(已過時)%C 處 BOZ 常數中有無效字元%L 零間隔無效在 %+D 中:重疊的變數和異常範圍,在 %d賦值中有不相容的秩 %d 和 %d,位於 %L不正確的函式回傳值初始化不允許出現在 %C 處的 PURE 程序中%C 的初始化不是為指標變數準備的%C 處對指標的初始化不允許出現在 PURE 程序中%C 處對變數的初始化不允許出現在 PURE 程序中PARAMETER「%s」在 %C 處不允許有初始值設定將夥伴函式宣告視作包含它的命名空間中的有效宣告內聯所有已知的字串作業當常數可以為兩個以下的指令產生時內聯常數僅當被執行的呼叫的概率超過此參數時方進行遞迴地內聯輸入檔案是一個檔案名稱清單,指定了需要編譯的檔案為取樣運算式的值插入相關程式碼%C 處需要整數運算式整數種別 %d 在 %C 處無法使用%L 處整數超出標準 Fortran 隱含的對稱範圍整數溢出整數對其種別 %i 來說太大,於 %C 處%C 處整數太大%C 處運算式中整數值太大(1)中的內部錯誤:內部編譯器錯誤:重入錯誤報告程式。
內建函式「%s」在 %L 處不能有初始值設定內建函式「%s」 於 %L 處必須有至少兩個引數內部函式 %s(%d) 無法識別無效的荷勒瑞斯常數:%L 必須包含至少一個字元%s 位於 %L 的 KIND 參數無效%C 處 PROGRAM 敘述格式無效%C 處陣列參照形式無效CHARACTER 常數的種別 %d 無效,在 %C 處%s 種別無效,於 %L 處無效的實型種別 %d,在 %C 處給出標準指定的所有警告資訊%L 迭代次數不能為零Java 類別 %qT 不能有解構函式Java 類別 %qT 不能有隱含的非平凡的解構函式Java 類別 %qT 不能有多個基礎類別Java 類別 %qT 不能有虛基礎類別Java 方法 %qD 有非 Java 類型參數 %qTJava 方法 %qD 回傳非 Java 類型 %qT跳轉目的對齊在 2 的此次方上僅為異常處理產生堆疊展開表只使用 icc0/fcc0KIND 參數 %s 在 %L 處必須是初始化運算式L%d 快取延遲不明,對 %s 來說%L 處的運算式需要 LOGICAL 運算元標籤 %d 於 %L 經定義但無法被使用標籤 %d 於 %L 經定義但未被使用標籤 %d(參照自 %L)從未被定義標籤名「%s」在 %C 處有歧義字母 %c 在 %C 處已經有了一個 IMPLICIT 類型%C 處 IMPLICIT 敘述中的字母必須按序排列消除 GOT 大小限制與 -M 類似但是忽略系統標頭檔案與 -MD 類似但是忽略系統標頭檔案與 -pedantic 類似,但將它們視作錯誤已執行的列數:%s (共 %d 列)
連結產生 ELF 而非 mmo 格式的程式與 libads.a,libc.a 和 crt0.o 連結與 libmvme.a,libc.a 和 crt0.o 連結與 libsim.a,libc.a 和 sim-crt0.o 連結與 libyk.a,libc.a 和 crt0.o 連結%%L 處邏輯值必須與 %s 比較,而不是 %s即使在預先處理時也搜尋並使用 PCH 檔案循環程式碼對齊到 2 的此次方上MCU %qs 只支援組譯器MMIX 內部錯誤:%s 不是一個可移位的整數MMIX 內部錯誤:錯誤的暫存器:%dMMIX 內部錯誤:「m」值錯誤,不是一個 CONST_INTMMIX 內部錯誤:無法解碼此運算元MMIX 內部錯誤:預期的是 CONST_INT,不是這個MMIX 內部錯誤:需要一個常數,不是這個MMIX 內部錯誤:需要一個暫存器,不是這個MMIX 內部錯誤:最後一個具名的不定參數無法放入暫存器中MMIX 內部錯誤:mmix_print_operand 缺少 %qc 類型MMIX 內部錯誤:這不是一個常數:MMIX 內部錯誤:這不是一個可辨識的位址MMIX 內部錯誤:試圖輸出無效地反轉的條件:MMIX 內部錯誤:它的比較條件是什麼?MMIX 內部錯誤:它的比較條件是什麼?沒有啟用 MMX,卻出現了 MMX 向量引數,這變更了 ABI沒有啟用 MMX卻回傳 MMX 向量,這變更了 ABI維護反鏈指標使「char」類型預設為有號使「char」類型預設為無號讓整數有 32 位元寬將 MAC 暫存器標記為呼叫篡改的內聯大函式造成的程式碼膨脹的上限(以百分數的形式給出)在指標分析之前的結構變數中欄位的最大數目,將該結構視為單一變數引發無用收集的堆展開的最小值,以占堆總大小的百分比給出開始無用回收時最小的堆大小,以千位元組表示缺少引數「%s」,在呼叫「%s」時,位於 %L參數「%s」在 %L 處缺少引數函式「%s」在 %C 處缺少參數清單%C 處沒有指定維數%C 處實數缺少指數部分%C 處缺少格式標籤%C 處缺少種別參數缺少前導左括號模組 %s 位於列 %d 行 %d:%s將每次循環中不變的計算外提NOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK %d 在基本區塊 %d 中間區塊 %d 缺少 NOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK%L 處賦值右手邊出現 NULL%L 的 NULL 指標不能做為內建函式「%s」的引數算術運算式中使用了 NULL%C 處的 NULL() 初始化有歧義名稱「%s」(位於 %C)是一個程序的名稱%C 的名稱太長名稱太長沒有跳轉
沒有預設的 crt0.o沒有可執行列
需要非負的寬度不是一個有效的 Java .class 檔案。
用以傳遞整數參數的暫存器個數%L 處的運算式需要數字運算元OPEN 敘述不允許出現在 %C 處的 PURE 程序中Objective-C 宣告只能出現在全域作用欄位中舊式的型態宣告 %s*%d 在 %C 處不被支援為葉函式(不呼叫其它函式的函式)忽略框架指標當進行複數除法時省略縮減範圍的步驟為葉函式(不呼叫其它函式的函式)忽略框架指標%L 處只有內建運算子才能用於運算式中每週期只發出一條指令只使用 32 個浮點暫存器只使用 32 個通用暫存器單位元數值運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s使用者運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s二元數值運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s/%s比較運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s/%s邏輯運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s/%s字串粘貼運算子(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s/%s使用者運算子「%s」(位於 %%L)的運算元為 %s/%s為最小空間而不是最大速度最佳化在樹上最佳化歸納變數最佳化 lui/addiu 記憶體載入最佳化同級遞迴和尾遞迴在組譯器和連結器中最佳化尾呼叫指令選項:
輸出一個 class 檔案覆寫 -mbest-lib-options%L 處 PARAMETER 缺少初始值設定邊 %d->%d 缺少 PHI 參數PIC 程式碼產生與快速間接呼叫不相容PIC 程式碼產生在可移植執行時模型中不受支援需要 PIC,但 CONST16 指令不支援尚未設定好 PIC 暫存器%C 處的 PRINT 名稱清單是一個擴充%C 處的 PRINT 敘述不允許出現在 PURE 程序中PRINT_OPERAND 空指標PRINT_OPERAND,%%C 的指令無效PRINT_OPERAND,%%N 的指令無效PRINT_OPERAND:不明的標點「%c」PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS,空指標打封包 VLIW 指令將結構成員不帶間隔地緊實存放在浮點暫存器中傳遞浮點參數進行 DWARF2 冗餘消除進行處理序間的複寫傳遞在首趟調度前進行基於 SMS 的模調度進行 VR4130 特定的對齊最佳化進行樹上的值欄位傳遞進行一些細微的、代價高昂的最佳化進行一趟暫存器副本傳遞最佳化進行暫存器重新命名最佳化在開始/結末執行緒後進行分支目的載入最佳化在開始/結末執行緒前進行分支目的載入最佳化將條件跳轉替換為沒有跳轉的等值表示將條件跳轉替換為條件執行進行跨跳轉最佳化進行早內聯在全域公因式消去中進行增強的讀轉移最佳化進行全域公因式消去在指派暫存器後進行全域公因式消去進行跳轉執行緒最佳化進行循環剝離展開所有循環展開所有迭代次數已知的循環外提循環內的測試敘述在全域公因式消去中進行冗餘的寫後讀消除為聚合類型進行標量替換在全域公因式消去後進行存儲轉移在除錯資訊中進行無用類型消除進行變數追蹤進行全程式最佳化允許「$」做為識別碼的一部分允許調度函式前言序列允許使用 assert 關鍵字允許識別碼中出現 Unicode 字元名(\u 和 \U)將每個資料項分別放在它們各自的區段中將每個函式分別放在它們各自的區段中在 TOC 中存放浮點常數在 TOC 中存放符號+偏移量常數在 %C 處的指標初始化需要「=>」,而不是「=」指標是 32 位元指標是 64 位元需要正的指數寬度需要正的寬度優先使用分支而不是條件執行盡量按字存取而不是按位元組存取在全域符號前加入「:」(為與 PREFIX 協作)假定分支代價很高昂不允許使用任何硬體浮點指令顯示程式碼覆寫資訊。

列印額外(可能您並不想要)的警告跾資訊列印使用到的標頭檔案名程序「%s」在 %C 處具有顯式介面,而且必須在 %L 處不具有已宣告的屬性程序「%s」在 %C 處已經於 %L 處被宣告呼叫程序「%s」帶隱含介面,位於 %L程序「%s」(在 %s 中,位於 %L) 既不是函式也不是子處理序處理 #ident 指令產生高位位元組在前的程式碼產生執行時可重定位的程式碼產生低位位元組在前的程式碼程式完全位於記憶體的低 64K禁止相對 PC 的函式呼叫為模擬器提供函式庫將跳轉放置在延遲呼叫槽內將未初始化的常數放在 ROM 中(需要 -membedded-data)將初始化為零的資料存放在 bss 區段中%C 處 RESULT 變數不能與函式同名RETURN_ADDRESS_OFFSET 不受支援RTL 檢查:需要程式碼「%s」或「%s」,卻得到「%s」在 %s,於 %s:%dRTL 檢查:需要程式碼「%s」,卻得到「%s」在 %s,於 %s:%d%L 處陣列參照中秩不匹配(%d/%d)讀出模組 %s,於列 %d 行 %d:%s從 %s 讀取 specs
%C 處實常數向上溢位其種別%C 處實常數向下溢位其種別識別 GNU 定義的關鍵字識別內建函式識別「asm」關鍵字刪除冗餘成員基本區塊重新排序以改善程式碼版面設置函式重新排序以改善程式碼版面設置將加/減法、比較、跳轉指令序列替換為根據計數暫存器跳轉指令報告永久性記憶體指派報告每趟組譯的耗時請求與 IEEE 相容的數學函式庫處理序(OSF/1)指派暫存器後重新調度指令指派暫存器前重新調度指令在函式序言中為輸出引數預留空間%s 的結果在 %L 處向上溢位其種別%L 處 SCALE 的結果向上溢位其種別所有結構在記憶體中回傳 (AIX 預設)在 ac0(Unix 組譯語法中的 fr0)中回傳浮點結果在 a0 和 d0 中回傳指標在記憶體而不是暫存器中回傳小聚合在暫存器中回傳小聚合小結構在暫存器中回傳 (SVR4 預設)在 FPU 暫存器中存放函式回傳值為每個函式重用 r30%L 處 PURE 程序不能指定 SAVE 屬性%C 處 SAVE 敘述跟隨空白 SAVE 敘述SH2a 不支援低位位元組在前SSA 損壞SSA_NAME_DEF_STMT 不正確SSE 指令集已停用,使用 387 指令已停用 SSE 卻在 SSE 暫存器中傳遞參數已停用 SSE 卻在 SSE 暫存器中回傳沒有啟用 SSE,卻出現了 SSE 向量引數,這變更了 ABI沒有啟用 SSE,卻有 SSE 向量回傳值,這變更了 ABI與 -mep -mprolog-function 相同函式呼叫前後儲存/恢復暫存器值為指定的 CPU 最佳化程式碼為指定的 CPU 最佳化程式碼調度程序的起始與終止for 循環初始化中定義的變數作用欄位局限於循環內%L 處 MOD 的第二個參數為 0%L 處 MOD 的第二個參數為 0%L 處 MODULO 的第二個參數為 0%L 處定義賦值的第二個參數必須是 INTENT(IN)%L 處運算子介面的第二個參數必須是 INTENT(IN)段錯誤段錯誤 (程式碼)選擇 ABI 呼叫約定設定 Windows 定義執行內建數學函式後設定 errno設定 sizeof(bool) 為 1設定資料的起始位址設定程式的起始位址在 ELF 旗標頭中指定 PPC_EMB 位設定分支的代價將預設雙精度種別設為 8 位元組寬將預設整數種別設為 8 位元組寬將預設實型種別設為 8 位元組寬指定目的 CPU 的類型將 spec %s 設為「%s」

%L 和 %L 處的運算元外形不相容指定函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能是 RECURSIVE指定函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能是一個敘述函式指定函式「%s」(位於 %L)不能是一個內部函式指定函式「%s」(位於 %L)必須為 PURE為程式碼產生指定目的 CPU為調度指定目的 CPU指定調度最佳化的目的 CPU。有效的選項是 700,7100,7100LC,7200,7300,和 8000指定用於預定義和連結的 UNIX 標準指定一個 ABI指定執行緒局部存儲偏移量立即數值的位大小指定清空快取的函式指定清空快取的陷阱號指定如何存取執行緒指標指定是否應當使用硬體浮點指定 TPF-OS 主要物件不允許使用隱含類型,除非明確地使用了 IMPLICIT 敘述指定目的 CPU 的名稱指定目的架構的名稱指定目的浮點硬體/格式的名稱指定用於 PIC 定址的暫存器展開循環時分離歸納變數的生存期敘述函式「%s」在 %L 處不允許做為實際引數敘述函式「%s」在 %C 處缺少參數清單%L 處的敘述函式是遞迴的%C 處敘述標籤為零步進敘述於 %L 處的 DO 迴圈中不可為零當最優邊的概率小於此限值(以百分數表示)時,停止前向增長。當取樣反饋可用時使用。當最優邊的概率小於此限值(以百分數表示)時,停止前向增長。當取樣反饋無法使用時使用。當最優邊的反向概率小於此閾值(以百分數表示)時停止反向增長在目的檔案中存儲函式名%L 的子字串長度為零%L 處的子字串終止索引類型必須為 INTEGER%L 處的子字串終止索引必須是標量%L 處的子字串起始索引小於 1%L 處的子字串起始索引類型必須為 INTEGER%L 處的子字串起始索引必須是標量支援 3DNow! 內建函式支援 MMX 和 SSE 內建函式及程式碼產生支援 MMX 內建函式支援 MMX、SSE 和 SSE2 內建函式及程式碼產生支援 MMX、SSE、SSE2 和 SSE3 內建函式及程式碼產生支援傳統多執行緒支援多執行緒支援乘加指令支援同步非呼叫異常不顯示警告切換位元組格式於未格式的檔案符號「%s」在 %C 處已經是外部而非 COMMON 符號符號「%s」在 %C 處有歧義符號「%s」在 %L 處已經有了明確介面符號「%s」在 %L 處已經有了基本類型 %s符號「%s」於 %L 處不能有類型符號「%s」(位於 %L)沒有 IMPLICIT 類型符號「%s」(位於 %L)有歧義符號「%s」在名稱清單「%s」是 INTENT(IN),位於 %CDATA 敘述中符號「%s」必須是一個 PARAMETER,在 %C 處%C 處的符號不適用於運算式%L 處的符號不是一個 DUMMY 變數-Wcomment 的同義詞%s 敘述在 %C 處語法錯誤%C 的 CHARACTER 宣告語法錯誤%C 處的複常數語法錯誤%C 處 ENUMERATOR 定義中語法錯誤%L 處 EQUIVALENCE 敘述語法錯誤%C 處 FORALL 迭代語法錯誤%C 處 I/O 迭代語法錯誤%C 處 IF 敘述語法錯誤%C 處 IF 運算式語法錯誤%C SAVE 敘述語法錯誤%C SUBSTRING 指定語法錯誤%C 處的參數清單語法錯誤%C 陣列建構語法錯誤%C 處指定字元長度時語法錯誤%C 處公共塊名語法錯誤%C 處資料宣告語法錯誤%C 運算式語法錯誤%C 一般指定語法錯誤%C 處迭代語法錯誤至少執行一次的跳轉:%s(總數為 %d)
產生 DFLOAT 雙精度程式碼目標平臺有分離的指令、資料空間目的為 AM33 處理器目的為 AM33/2.0 處理器目的:%s
%L 的荷勒瑞斯常數太長,無法被轉換為 %s這個程式可能在其上執行的最早的 MacOS X 版本GCSE 可指派的最大記憶體量內聯函式中巢狀內聯的最大深度非內聯函式中巢狀內聯的最大深度複製基本區塊時最大的展開因子公因式消去時考慮的最大路徑長度調度候選作業清單的最大長度cselib 可指派的最大記憶體量一個區域中考慮進行塊間調度的最大塊數考慮進行交叉跳轉的最大入邊數量一個區域中考慮進行塊間調度的最大指令數一個完全剝離的循環所能有的最大指令數剝離後的循環所能有的最大指令數被剝離後只捲繞一次的循環包含的最多指令數去開關後的循環所能有的最大指令數單一可內聯的函式體最多能包含的指令數由於巢狀內聯造成的內聯函式程式碼膨脹的上限值(指令數)由於巢狀內聯造成的非內聯函式程式碼膨脹的上限值(指令數)考慮填充入延遲槽中的最大指令數用以發現準確的作用中暫存器資訊的最大指令數量單一循環中考慮展開的最大指令數單一循環中考慮展開的平均最大指令數後向搜尋以尋找等價多載入時要搜尋的最大指令數量自動內聯時指令的最大數量靜態預測時的最多循環次數單一循環最大的剝離數一個完全剝離的單一循環最大的剝離數單一循環最多可以被展開的次數單一循環中考慮去開關的最大指令數考慮進行交叉跳轉的最小匹配指令數量區塊間預測調度時到達一個來源塊的最小概率模組或主程式陣列「%s」在 %L 處必須有常態的外形名稱「%s」在 %C 處不能做為已定義的運算子必須被蹤跡形成所覆寫的函式百分比,以執行頻率加權。當取樣反饋可用時使用必須被蹤跡形成所覆寫的函式百分比,以執行頻率加權。當取樣反饋無法使用時使用超過這個大小的函式體被認為是大的超過這個大小的翻譯單元被認為是大的重新載入後進行部分冗餘消除的比例閾值重新載入後允許進行冗餘消除的關鍵邊執行次數的比例閾值共享整型常數的上界本程式是自由軟體;請參看來源程式碼的版權宣告。本軟體沒有任何擔保;
此開關已過時;請改用 -Wextra此開關缺少可用文件執行緒模型:%s
Thumb:即使不需要也產生(葉)堆疊框架Thumb:即使不需要也產生(非葉)堆疊框架對「%s」的呼叫給出的參數太多,於 %L 處給予函式 %s 的參數太多,於 %L%C 處的敘述標籤太多位數整數被零除時進入陷阱所有的警告都當作是錯誤將第一列為「D」的列視作註釋將缺失的標頭檔案看作產生的檔案將輸入檔案當作已經預先處理過的試用「jcf-dump --help」以獲取更多資訊。
為指定的處理器最佳化程式碼調整預期記憶體延遲%L 和 %C 處有兩個主 PROGRAM類型「%s」(位於 %C)不能與內建類型同名類型名「%s」(於 %C 處)有歧義%L 處指定的 UNIT 必須是 INTEGER 運算式或一個 CHARACTER 變數%C 敘述無法歸類別%C 處 IF 子句中有無法歸類別的敘述非預期的 %s 敘述於 %C 處非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 INTERFACE 體中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 DATA 區塊中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 CONTAINS 段中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 FORALL 區塊中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 INTERFACE 區塊中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 MODULE 中非預期的 %s 敘述出現在 %C 處的 WHERE 區塊中%C 處非預期的 CASE 敘述%C 處非預期的 END 敘述非預期的檔案結束%C 處變數清單中有非預期的無用字元%C 處 PARAMETER 敘述中有非預期的字元「%s」中非預期的檔案結尾非預期的格式字串結尾非預期的模組結束%C 處 ELSE 敘述後有非預期的無用字元%C 處的函式宣告後有非預期的無用字元%C 處參數清單中有非預期的無用字元對子處理序名「%s」非預期的使用,在 %C 處不明的內建作業%L 處在 WHERE 內不支援的敘述開始於 %C 的未終結的字元常數用法:%s [選項]... main類別名 [輸出檔案]
用法:%s [選項] 檔案...
用法:jcf-dump [選項]... 類別...

使用 128 位 long double使用 16 位整數使用 32 位元浮點數使用 32 位元整數使用 32 位元 ABI使用 32 位元浮點暫存器使用 32 位元通用暫存器在分支表中使用 4 位元組長的條目使用 4 個多媒體累加器使用 64 個浮點暫存器使用 64 個通用暫存器使用 64 位元浮點數使用 64 位元 ABI使用 64 位元浮點暫存器使用 64 位元通用暫存器使用 64 位元 long double使用 8 個多媒體累加器使用 ABI 保留的暫存器使用 AltiVec 指令使用 CONST16 指令載入常數使用 EABI使用相對 GP 的 sdata/sbss 區段使用 H8/300 對齊規則浮點數間的比較嚴格遵循 IEEE 標準使用 MIPS-3D 指令使用 MIPS-DSP 指令使用 Mingw 特定的執行緒支援使用 NewABI 風格的 %reloc() 組譯運算子為靜態預測為必要進行的跳轉使用 P 助憶符號使用 PMC 風格的「mad」指令使用 PowerPC 通用組可選指令使用 PowerPC 圖像組可選指令使用 PowerPC V2.01 單欄位 mfcr 指令使用 PowerPC V2.02 浮點捨入指令使用 PowerPC V2.02 popcntb 指令使用 PowerPC-64 指令集使用 ROM 而不是 RAM在 SF 和 DF 模式下使用 SSE 暫存器呼叫約定使用 UNIX 組譯風格使用 VAX 浮點單元使用 VAXC 結構約定將 __cxa_atexit 而非 atexit 登記為解構函式使用 32 位元 long 類型使用 64 位元 long 類型使用指派全域暫存器的位址使用另一套暫存器名使用 8 位「int」類型在位作業中使用任意大小的立即數值令高位位元組在前使用低位位元組格式於未格式的檔案使用分支-插斷序列來偵測整數零除將呼叫篡改的暫存器用於參數和回傳值啟用使用「rtd」的不同的呼叫約定當存取執行緒局部資料時直接參照 %gs使用在意無窮小的浮點比較指令在最佳化中使用運算式值樣本提供的資訊使用 f2c 呼叫約定使用指定 CPU 的特性和調度程式碼使用指定 CPU 的特性並為其調度程式碼使用浮點雙精度指令使用浮點暫存器使用給定的 SPARC-V9 程式碼模型使用給定的組譯風格使用給定的執行緒局部存儲模式使用給定的 x86-64 程式碼模式使用硬體浮點單元使用硬體浮點單元使用硬體浮點單元使用硬體四浮點指令使用 in/loc/out 暫存器名使用間接呼叫為足夠大的 switch 敘述使用跳轉表令低位位元組在前使用低位位元組格式於未格式的檔案使用多媒體指令使用乘加/減指令使用本地 (MS) 位元段存儲方式使用原生格式於未格式的檔案使用一般的呼叫約定使用 -fdefault-double-8 時需要 -fdefault-real-8為虛方法呼叫使用偏移表為每個程序只使用一個 TOC 條目使用緊實的堆疊版面設置使用配對的單精度浮點指令使用一般的呼叫約定為分支概率使用取樣資訊使用 push 指令儲存參數在 x86-64 程式碼中使用紅區使用暫存器堆疊傳遞參數和回傳值使用暫存器傳遞參數使用暫存器 r2 和 r5使用共享函式庫使用模擬器執行時使用軟體浮點單元使用堆疊偏移使用占位程式完成函式前言/尾聲使用子程式完成函式前言/尾聲使用 Cray 指標擴充使用 DEC 組譯風格使用位元段指令使用除法指令為列舉類型使用盡可能窄的整數類型令 double 使用 float 的大小使用陷阱指令偵測整數零除使用零擴充而不是符號擴充的記憶體載入指定物件檔案可能在執行時被換入以允許「修復並繼續」除錯模式使用內建 specs。
輸出有 VOIDmode變數「%s」在 %L 尚未指派到格式標籤變數「%s」在 %L 處上下文中必須是常數變數「%s」不能出現在 %L 處的運算式中變數「%s」在 %L 尚未指派到目標標籤%L 處賦值中的變數類型是 UNKNOWN%L 處的 WHERE/ELSEWHERE 子句需要一個 LOGICAL 陣列當「extern」宣告不在檔案作用欄位時給出警告對「可疑」的建構給出警告當使用 @selector() 卻不作事先宣告時給出警告當在 C 語言中使用了 C 與 C++ 交集以外的建構時給出警告當將 NULL 傳遞給需要非 NULL 的參數的函式時給出警告在找到了 PCH 檔案但未使用的情況給出警告當使用列舉類型做為開關變數但又缺少某個 case 時給出警告對帶有隱含介面的呼叫給出警告當把函式轉換為不相容類型時給出警告當類型轉換丟失限定資訊時給出警告當程式碼可能破壞強重疊規則時給出警告對編譯時發現的零除給出警告使用過時的「vector long ...」AltiVec 類型時給出警告當使用列舉類型做為開關變數,但沒有提供「default」分支時給出警告當使用列舉類型做為開關變數,沒有提供 default 分支,但又缺少某個 case 時給出警告使用了傳統 C 不支援的特性時給出警告當格式字串不是字面值時給出警告當在算術運算式中使用函式指標時給出警告當函式可能是 __attribute__((noreturn)) 的備選時給出警告當函式可能是 format 屬性的備選時給出警告當全域函式沒有前向宣告時給出警告全域函式沒有原型時給出警告對隱含函式宣告給出警告當對屬性的使用不合適時給出警告對「offsetof」巨集無效的使用給出警告當定義在主檔案中的巨集未被使用時給出警告若結構初始值設定項中缺少欄位則給出警告對錯誤使用的 pragma 加以警告對同一個物件多次宣告時給出警告當解構函式不是虛函式時給出警告多載虛函式名時給出警告當轉換指標類型導致對齊邊界增長時給出警告當使用格式字串的函式可能導致安全問題時給出警告當可能違反定序點規則時給出警告若初始值設定項中可能缺少大括號則給出警告可能缺少括號的情況下給出警告對可能巢狀的註釋和長度超過一個物理列長的 C++ 註釋給出警告對 printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon 中的格式字串異常給出警告當回傳結構、聯合或陣列時給出警告在有號和無號數間進行比較時給出警告當 #elif 和 #endif 後面跟有其它識別碼時給出警告當 strftime 格式給出 2 位記年時給出警告當下標類型為「char」時給出警告對可疑的「main」宣告給出警告當結果與 ABI 相容的編譯器的編譯結果不同時給出警告對被截斷的來源檔案列給出警告將未作轉換的 NULL 做為哨兵時給出警告數字常數運算式向下溢位時警告自動變數未初始化時警告使用了非原型的函式宣告時給出莥警告對無法辨識的 pragma 加以警告使用多位元組字元集的字元常數時給出警告當使用者給定的包含目錄不存在時給出警告對 __attribute__((deprecated)) 宣告給出警告對初始化為自身的變數給出警告。對不遵循 Effetive C++ 的風格給出警告對長度為 0 的格式字串給出警告當 .class 檔案已過時時給出警告程式使用 C 風格的類型轉換時給出警告當使用過時的編譯器特性,類別,方法或欄位時給出警告當函式使用 alloca 來建立彈性陣列時給出警告當選擇子有多個方法時給出警告當單一函式的圖框大小超過給定值時給出警告使用舊式參數定義時給出警告當 #if 指令中用到未定義的巨集時給出警告發現過時的空敘述時給出警告當繼承來的方法未被實作時給出警告當指定了不必須的修飾符時給出警告當傳遞給格式字串的引數太多時給出警告當比較浮點數是否相等時給出警告當循環因為不平凡的假定而不能被最佳化時給出警告當三字母序列可能影響程式意義時給出警告當備選方法的類型簽字不完全匹配時給出警告當宣告未指定類型時給出警告當宣告出現在敘述後時給出警告有未使用的函式時警告發現未使用的函式指標時給出警告有未使用的標籤時警告當賦值時指標有/無號不一致時給出警告當將一個指標轉換為大小不同的整數時給出警告當一個暫存器變數被宣告為 volatile 時給出警告有未使用的變數時警告當所有建構式和解構函式都是私有時給出警告當一個運算式的值未被使用時給出警告當內聯函式無法被內聯時給出警告當某趟最佳化被停用時給出警告當變更成員函式指標的類型時給出警告在範本內宣告未範本化的夥伴函式時給出警告當一個局部變數掩蓋了另一個局部變數時給出警告當多載將無號數提升為有號數時給出警告當需要填補才能對齊結構成員時給出警告編譯器將程式碼重新排序時給出警告當 packed 屬性對結構版面設置不起作用時給出警告當將一個大小不同的整數轉換為指標時給出警告當 C 函式的回傳值預設為「int」,或是 C++ 函式的回傳類型不一致時給出警告當 Objective-C 賦值可能為無用回收所介入時給出警告警告:沒有給定「signed」或「unsigned」時將位元段視作有號的未指定「signed」或「unsigned」時預設位元段為無號的盡可能不產生堆疊框架進行 CSE 時,跟隨跳轉至目的當設定信號處理者時:%m當設定信號堆疊時:%m為 VR4130 mflo/mfhi 缺陷提供變通為早期 4300 的硬體缺陷提供變通為乘法指令中的缺陷提供變通為某些 R4000 缺陷提供變通為某些 R4400 缺陷提供變通為某些 VR4210 缺陷提供變通為早期 SB-1 rev 2 核心的缺陷提供變通為硬體乘法缺陷提供變通讀入模組 %s,於列 %d 行 %d:%sXXX 進入 pop_everything ()
XXX 離開 pop_everything ()
零不是 %C 處的一個有效的敘述標籤[離開 %s]
[找不到 %s][super ...] 必須出現在方法上下文中__BELOW100__ 屬性不允許用於自動存儲類別__builtin_eh_return 在此目標平臺上不受支援__builtin_saveregs 在此子目的上不受支援__builtin_saveregs 不為此目的所支援「帶有省略號的參數清單無法與空參數名清單宣告匹配只能為物件和函式指定存儲類別範本識別碼不允許出現在 using 宣告中using 宣告不能指定一個範本識別碼。請嘗試 %<using %D%>在 %s 中放棄,於 %s:%d抽象宣告 %qT 做為宣告累加數不是一個整常數累加器個數越界%q+D 的資料區域與先前的宣告衝突要求明確暫存器變數 %qD 的位址。要求全域暫存器變數 %qD 的位址回傳了局部變數的 %q+D 的位址要求暫存器變數 %qD 的位址。位址偏移量不是一個常數請求宣告為 %<register%> 的 %qD 的位址但先前在 %q+#D 中已有指定聚合 %q#D 類型不完全,無法被定義需要複數時使用了聚合值需要浮點數時使用了聚合值需要整數時使用了聚合值不能為 %q+D 指定對齊對齊邊界必須是 2 的較小次方,而不是 %d%q+D 的對齊要求大於目的檔案的最大對齊邊界。使用 %d陣列元素的對齊邊界比元素大小還要大類別 %qT 中所有成員函式都是私有的使內建宣告 %q#D 出現歧義使舊的宣告 %q+#D 出現歧義%q#T 的類別範本實體化有歧義為陣列下標的轉換有歧義%qT 的預設類型轉換有歧義有歧義的範本特例化 %qD (為 %q+D)具有預設提升的引數類型不能匹配空參數名清單宣告函式定義中不允許出現 asm 指定明確特例化前必須有 %<template <>%>時代錯誤:年代錯誤的舊式基礎類別初始值設定在參數清單中宣告了匿名 %s匿名結構不在具名類型內匿名聯合沒有成員在第一次使用後套用 #pragma weak %q+D 導致不可預知的後果待格式化的引數不是 %<...%>引數 %d(屬於 %qE)可能是 format 屬性的備選引數 %q+D 可能為 %<longjmp%> 或 %<vfork%> 所篡改引數 %qD 與內建原型不符引數 %qD 與原型不符引數 %qd 不是一個常數引數 %qs(給予 %<-Wnormalized%>)無法識別引數 1 必須是一個 5 位有號字面值__builtin_altivec_predicate 的第 1 個引數越界__builtin_altivec_predicate 的第一個引數必須是常數__builtin_spe_predicate 的第 1 個引數越界__builtin_spe_predicate 的第一個引數必須是常數引數 2 必須是一個 5 位無號字面值引數 3 必須是一個 4 位無號字面值%<__builtin_eh_return_regno%> 的引數必須是常數函式的引數可能是 format 屬性的備選%qs 的引數必須是一個 2 位無號原文dss 的引數必須是一個 2 位無號原文解構函式不能有參數算術 IF在參照不完全類型的指標上執行算術運算假定陣列 %q+D 有一個元素陣列 %qD 被有括號的字面字串 %qE 所初始化括起的類型識別碼後面不能出現陣列邊界陣列邊界不是一個整數常數初始化時陣列索引越界初始值設定中陣列索引不是整型在非陣列初始值設定項中出現陣列索引初始值設定中資料索引範圍超出陣列邊界用非常數的陣列運算式初始化陣列用括號中的字串常數初始化陣列用字串常數初始化的陣列類型不合適在 %q+D 中缺少陣列大小%qD 缺少陣列大小陣列下標類型為 %<char%>陣列下標不是一個整數陣列元素的類型不完全函式陣列是沒有意義的做為 %qD組譯篡改清單與輸入運算元衝突組譯篡改清單與輸出運算元衝突asm 宣告因與先前的 rename 衝突而被忽略組譯運算元 %d 與約束可能不匹配assert:%s 與 %s 賦值相容%qs 後判定語賦值賦值(不是初始化)出現在宣告中從獨一無二的 Objective-C 類型賦值永遠不相容的指標類型賦值賦值的左手邊可能是 format 屬性的備選時賦值時將指標賦給整數,未作類型轉換賦值時將整數賦給指標,未作類型轉換向唯讀成員 %qD 賦值向唯讀變數 %qD 賦值取消賦值假定從多載函式轉換到類型 %qT假定是成員指標 %qD假定循環計數不會溢出假定循環有窮試圖取位元段結構成員 %qD 的位址屬性宣告屬性 interrupt_handler 與 -m5-compact 不相容括起的初始值設定後出現的屬性被忽略函式定義中不允許有屬性出現在參數陣列宣告中的屬性被忽略為邊 %s->%s 設定 AUX 欄位模組變數 %s 的後端程式宣告已存在局部變數 %q+D 的呼叫資訊中 PC 範圍錯誤錯誤位址位址錯誤,不是(reg+disp):錯誤的位址,不是 post_inc 或 pre_dec:錯誤的陣列初始值設定錯誤的內建 fcode錯誤的條件碼.zip/.jar 檔案格式錯誤
「A」的指令錯誤frv_print_operand 中不正確誤指令,0 casefrv_print_operand 中不正確誤指令,錯誤的 const_doublefrv_print_operand 中不正確誤指令,z case給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「F」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「L」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「M/N」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「O」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「e」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「f」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,「g」修飾符:給 frv_print_operand 錯誤的指令,P 修飾符:給 frv_print_operand_address 錯誤的指令:給 frv_print_operand_memory_reference 錯誤的指令:錯誤的方法簽名錯誤的 output_condmove_single 運算元錯誤的 output_move_double 運算元錯誤的 output_move_single 運算元異常_表中 PC 錯誤錯誤的暫存器名給 frv_print_operand_memory_reference_reg 錯誤的暫存器:錯誤的 shift 指令錯誤的字串常數錯誤的測試參數除錯資訊中類型錯誤-mtls-size= 開關的值 %<%s%> 無效-mcpu 開關的值 %qs 錯誤-mfp-rounding-mode 開關的值 %qs 不正確-mfp-trap-mode 開關的值 %qs 不正確-mmemory-latency 開關的值 %qs 錯誤-mtls-size 開關的值 %qs 不正確-mtrap-precision 開關的值 %qs 不正確-march= 所帶參數(%s)不正確-mcmodel= 值(%s)不正確-mtune= 所帶參數(%s)不正確常數值錯誤,類型 %d,索引 %d-mcall-%s 值不正確-msdata=%s 值不正確損壞的 zip/jar 檔案 %s前處理器產生的巢狀 C 頭 錯誤基礎類別 %qT 將在基礎類別 %q#T 有一個非虛解構函式%<->%> 的基運算元具有非指標類型 %qT%<->%> 的左運算元不是一個指標基礎類別型 %qT 不是結構或類別基本區塊 %d 位置不正確位元段 %q+#D 有非整數的類型位元段 %q+D 的寬度不是一個整數常數位元段 %qs 類型無效位元段 %qs 的寬度不是一個整數常數區塊 IF誤判的 DISPOSE 建構:%d誤判的 JR 建構:%d誤判的 PREPEARE 建構:%d浮點選項需要布林暫存器運算式中的大括號組只允許出現在函式中標量初始化帶大括號類型 %qT 的標量初始化帶大括號branch %2d 從未被執行
branch %2d 被執行 %s%s
break 敘述不在循環或開關敘述內內建函式 %q+D 未被宣告為函式call   %2d 從未被執行
call   %2d 回傳了 %s
對 %<(%T) (%A)%> 的呼叫有歧義呼叫多載的 %<%D(%A)%> 有歧義對多載的 %<%s(%A)%> 的呼叫有歧義呼叫 Java %<catch%> 或 %<throw%> 時 %<jthrowable%> 未定義呼叫 Java 建構式,但沒有定義 %qs呼叫 Java 建構式,但沒有定義 %<jclass%>呼叫的函式 %qD 會拋出不完全的類型 %q#T呼叫的函式會拋出不完全的類型 %q#T呼叫非函式的 %qD呼叫篡改暫存器做為全域暫存器變數從此處呼叫呼叫邊計數為負不能將物件做為方法的參數只能將 %qE 屬性用於某個類別的物件的檔案作用欄位定義無法建立預先編譯頭 %s:%m無法開啟 %s 並寫入:%m無法開啟%s:%m無法讀取 %s:%m無法寫入 %s:%m無法寫入 %s:%m無法獲取程式狀態無法開啟 %s:%m無法開啟輸入檔案:%s備選 1:備選 2:備選為:%+#D備選為:備選為:%+#D無法為有抽象類型 %qT 的物件指派記憶體無法將位元段 %qE 繫結到 %qT不能將緊實的欄位 %qE 繫結到 %qT無法將右值 %qE 繫結到 %qT沒有物件無法呼叫成員函式 %qD無法將 %qE 從類型 %qT 轉換到類型 %qT不能從 %qT 轉換到 %qT,為引數 %qP(屬於 %qD)無法從基礎類別 %qT 轉換到衍生類別 %qT,透過虛基礎類別 %qT無法轉換為指標類型不能將類型 %qT 轉換為類型 %qT不能建立參照參照成員 %qD 的指標無法建立暫時檔案不能將 %<::main%> 宣告為一個範本不能將 %<::main%> 宣告為 inline不能將 %<::main%> 宣告為 static不能將 %qD 宣告為位元段類型不能將位元段 %qD 宣告為函式類型不能將欄位 %q+D 宣告為具有抽象類型 %qT無法宣告成員 %<%T::%s%> 於 %qT 之內無法宣告成員函式 %<%T::%s%> 於 %<%T%> 之內不能將成員函式 %qD 宣告為有靜態連結不能將參數 %q+D 宣告為具有抽象類型 %qT無法宣告參照 %q#T 的指標無法宣告參照 %q#T 成員的指標無法宣告對 %q#T 的參照不能在另一個函式中宣告一個靜態函式不能將變數 %q+D 宣告為具有抽象類型 %qT無法分解位址無法定義成員函式 %<%T::%s%> 於 %<%T%> 之內不能 delete 一個函式。只有參照物件的指標才是 %<delete%> 的有效參數無法停用內建函式 %qs無法將 %qE 從類型 %qT 動態_轉換到類型 %q#T (%s)不能明確地將成員 %q#D 宣告為有外部連結找不到「%s」找不到「ldd」找不到 「nm」無法為類別 %s 找到檔案無法處理對 %qs 不一致的呼叫不可使用複合原文初始化類型為 %qT 的聚集不能用以語法初始化陣列不能用初始值設定項來初始化多維陣列不能內聯 %<main%> 函式無法開啟 %s無法最佳化循環,循環變數可能溢出無法最佳化可能無窮的循環不能在向量暫存器中傳遞參數,因為 altivec 指令集已被停用,使用 -maltivec 啟用不能將右值傳遞給參照參數不能將帶有 volatile 欄位的物件放入暫存器不能在 %<asm%> 中重新載入整數常數運算元無法解析多載函式 %qD,基於向類型 %qT 的轉換不能從建構式的異常處理中回傳不能在向量暫存器中回傳值,因為 altivec 指令集已被停用,使用 -maltivec 啟用無法設定插斷屬性:沒有目前函式無法設定插斷屬性:沒有這個識別碼不能同時指定 -C 和 -o不能同時指定 -msep-data 和 -mid-shared-library無法取得位元段 %qD 的位址無法取右值運算式 %<this%> 的位址不能在參數宣告中使用 %<::%>無法為列舉類型使用模式 %qs不能同時使用 mshared 和 static不能同時使用 mthreads 和 mlegacy-threads在指定 -fno-rtti 的情況下不能使用 typeid不能為插斷函式使用 va_startcase 標籤 %qE 未出現在 switch 敘述中case 標籤不能還原為一個整常數case 標籤出現在開關敘述外case 標籤值比該類型的最大值還要大case 標籤值比該類型的最小值還要小從 %qT 到 %qT 的轉換增大了目的類型的對齊需求從 %qT 到 %qT 的轉換損失精度從類型為 %qT 的函式呼叫轉換到不匹配的類型 %qT當將一個指標轉換為大小不同的整數時給出警告類型轉換增大了目的類型的對齊需求類型轉換指定了陣列類型類型轉換指定了函式類型當將一個指標轉換為大小不同的整數時給出警告類型轉換的來源類型未出現在聯合中從 %qT 轉換到 %qT 並未提領指標變更了 %qD 的原意 %q+#D用寬字串初始化 char 陣列選擇 %qD 而不是 %qD偵測到循環指標代理類別 %qT 沒具名為 %qD 的欄位類別 %qT 隱含地成為其自身的夥伴在 GCC 的未來版本中類別 %qT 將被看作幾乎為空類別「%s」沒具名為「%s」的方法能夠匹配簽字「%s」類別定義不能被宣告為夥伴cleanup 引數不是一個函式cleanup 引數不是一個識別碼關閉依賴檔案 %s:%m程式碼模式 %qs 在 %s 位模式下不受支援collect:讀入 %s
collect:重新編譯 %s
collect:調整 %s,於 %s
列舉表以逗號結尾此配置不支援命令列選項 %qs使用 == 或 != 比較浮點數是不安全的在 %q#T 和 %q#T 間比較比較指標和整數在有號和無號整數運算式間比較比較結果始終為 %d由於位元段寬度所限,比較結果永遠為 %d由於資料類型範圍限制,比較結果永遠為假由於資料類型範圍限制,比較結果永遠為真在完全和不完全指標間比較比較獨一無二的 Objective-C 類型時缺少轉換比較不相關的指標時缺少類型轉換比較常數和取反後又經提升的無號數比較無號數和取反後又經提升的無號數無號運算式永遠不小於 0無號運算式永遠大於或等於 0編譯因為 -Wfatal-errors 而中止。
對 %qs 而言無效的複數複合字面值有可變的大小欄位 %qE 的權限設定衝突,已忽略方法 %q+D 的權限設定衝突,已忽略相互衝突的宣告 %q#D為 %q+#D 指定了衝突的回傳類型%q+D 的類型限定衝突與 %q+D 類型衝突與內建函式 %q+D 類型衝突與內建宣告 %q#D 衝突與函式宣告 %q#D 衝突與帶有 %qL 連結的新宣告衝突與先前的宣告 %q+#D 衝突常數 %qs 不能被宣告為 %<mutable%>const_double_split 得到一個錯誤的指令:常數引數超過 %qs 的範圍建構式不能是靜態成員函式其它類別 %qT 的建構式不能做為成員使用了建構式的語法,但沒有為類型 %qT 宣告建構式建構式不能被宣告為虛函式建構式不能帶 cv 限定continue 敘述出現在循環以外基本區塊 %d 中出現流程控制從 %q#T 到 %q#T 的轉換從 %qT 到 %qT 的轉換丟失了限定資訊從 %qT 到 %qT 的轉換有歧義請求從 %qT 轉換到非標量類型 %qT格式字串末尾的轉換缺少類型將 %qE 從 %qT 轉換到 %qT 有歧義轉換為不完全類型請求轉換到非標量類型將 NULL 轉換為非指標類型從 %qT 轉換到 %qT將多載函式 %qD 轉換為類型 %q#T 有歧義將 NULL 轉換到非指標類型 %qT損壞的樣本資訊:從 %i 到 %i 的邊超過最大計數損壞的樣本資訊:邊 %d-%d 的執行次數被認為是 %i損壞的樣本資訊:基本區塊 %d 的迭代次數被認為是 %i損壞的樣本資訊:run_max * runs < sum_max損壞的樣本資訊:sum_all 小於 sum_max不能將範本參數從 %qE 轉換到 %qT找不到可捨出的暫存器在 java 介面類型 %qT 中找不到 class$ 欄位找不到 specs 檔案 %s
無法分離指令建立和使用時使用了不同的 ABI建立和使用時使用了不同的架構/ABI建立和使用時使用了不同的高/低位位元組在前設定建立和使用時使用了不同的 -fpic 設定建立和使用時使用了不同的 -fpie 設定建立和使用時使用了不同的「%s」設定產生 %qT 的陣列產生抽象類型 %qT 的陣列產生非類別類型 %qT 的成員函式指標產生非類別類型 %qT 的成員指標建立參照 void 類型的成員指標產生參照類型 %qT 的成員指標%q+D 的資料區域與先前的宣告衝突資料宣告資料定義時沒有類型或存儲類別資料成員 %qD 不能是成員範本資料成員不能具有可變類型 %qT為 %q+D 指定的暫存器不適合此資料類型除錯格式「%s」與先前的選擇衝突除錯輸出層級 %s 太高除錯:沒有宣告任何東西%<~%T%> 宣告為 %qT 的一個成員%q#D 的宣告%q#D 宣告有 %<extern%> 並被初始化出現在類別外的 %q#D 的宣告不是定義%q#D 的宣告隱藏了一個參數%q+#D 的宣告%q+D 的宣告隱藏了一個內建函式%q+D 的宣告隱藏了一個參數%q+D 的宣告隱藏了先前的一個局部變數%q+D 的宣告隱藏了先前的一個非變數宣告%q+D 帶有 noinline 屬性的宣告出現在其內聯宣告之後%q+D 宣告為沒有外部連結的,之前卻有外部宣告%qD 宣告為 %qT 的一個成員多維陣列 %qD 的宣告必須至少指定除第一維以外所有維的大小%qD 沒有宣告為一個函式%qD 未宣告為成員%qD 宣告出現在 %qD 中,而後者並不包含 %qD%qD 的宣告不在包含 %qD 的命名空間中%qD 的宣告隱藏了一個全域宣告%qD 的宣告隱藏了「this」的一個成員%qD 的宣告隱藏了先前的一個局部變數C 函式 %q#D 的宣告命名空間 %qD 的宣告存在衝突,與範本宣告 %q#D缺少宣告識別碼:使用了保留字 %qD自減參照不明結構的指標令唯讀成員 %qD 自減令唯讀成員 %qD 自增預設引數 %qE 使用了局部變數 %qD為參數 %d (屬於 %q#D)指定了預設引數參數 %P (屬於 %q+#D)缺少預設引數明確特例化時指定了預設參數夥伴範本特例化 %qD 中不允許出現預設參數預設參數只允許出現在函式參數中在夥伴宣告中定義明確特例化 %qD在範本參數清單中定義了 %q#T%qD 的定義不在包含 %qT 的命名空間中隱含宣告的 %qD 的定義為明確實體化提供的定義刪除 %qT 未定義依賴名 %qE 被解析為非類型,但實體化卻產生了一個類型%q+#D 的協變回傳類型已過時為非函式指定預設參數的用法已過時提領 %<void *%> 指標提領參照不完全類型的指標提領類型雙關的指標可能破壞強重疊規則提領類型雙關的指標將破壞強重疊規則衍生的類型宣告衍生聯合 %qT 無效解構函式 %qD 被宣告為一個成員範本解構函式不能是靜態成員函式其它類別 %qT 的解構函式不能做為成員解構函式不能被 cv 限定解構函式不能有參數由於存在歧義,直接基礎類別 %qT 在 %qT 中無法存取回傳獨一無二的 Objective-C 類型被零除不支援 multilib%d 的主導者應該為 %d,而不是 %d%d 的主導者狀態不明重複的 %<const%>重複的 %<restrict%>重複的 %<volatile%>重複的 %qE重複的 %qs重複 (或重疊) 的 case 值為欄位「%s」重複指定了 ConstantValue 屬性重複的組譯運算元名 %qs重複的基礎類別型 %qT 無效重複的 case 常數重複的 cv 限定對 %q#D 重複的明確實體化對 %q#T 重複的明確實體化ISO C++ 不允許成員 %qD 的初始化重複的標籤 %qD重複的標籤定義 %qE重複的成員 %q+D找不到動態依賴項 %s從 %q#D 到 %q#T 的動態_轉換永遠不會成功邊緣指到不對的宣告:陣列 %q#D 的元素類型不完全格式字串嵌有 %<\0%>空宣告帶有存儲類別的空宣告沒有重宣告標記帶有類型限定的空宣告沒有重宣告標記初始值設定項中索引範圍為空%s 格式字串中左精度為空%s 格式字串中精度為空指定範圍為空空的標量初始值設定項所包含的類別範本並未被明確特例化列舉和非列舉類型一起出現在條件運算式中條件運算式中列舉不匹配:%qT 對 %qT列舉值超過了最大整數類型可表示的範圍%qE 的列舉值不是一個整數常數沒有定義 DJGPP 環境變數環境變數 DJGPP 參照的檔案「%s」已損壞環境變數 DJGPP 參照的檔案「%s」不存在關閉 %s 時發生錯誤:%m常數池條目 #%d 發生錯誤
解析 final 屬性時發生錯誤解析 final 屬性時發生錯誤
從 zip 檔案讀取 %s 時發生錯誤寫入 %qs 時錯誤寫入 %s 時發生錯誤:%m錯誤:類型為 %<%T%> 的異常將被獲取陣列初始值設定項中有多餘的元素字元陣列初始值設定項中有多餘元素標量初始值設定項中有多餘元素結構初始值設定項中有多餘元素聯合初始值設定項中有多餘元素向量初始值設定項中有多餘元素需要 %<,%> 或 %<;%>需要 %<,%> 或 %<}%>需要 %<,%>、%<;%> 或 %<}%>需要 %<:%> 或 %<...%>需要 %<:%>,%<,%>,%<;%>,%<}%> 或 %<__attribute__%>需要 %<;%>需要 %<=%>需要 %<=%>,%<,%>,%<;%>,%<asm%> 或 %<__attribute__%>需要 %<{%>需要 %d 級的 %q#D 範本參數,卻給出了 %d 級需要一個 SSA_NAME 物件需要類別名需要宣告或敘述需要指定宣告需要指定宣告或 %<...%>需要運算式需要識別碼需要識別碼或 %<(%>需要識別碼或 %<*%>在解構函式 %qD 中的夥伴宣告需要限定名需要指定符-限制符清單需要敘述需要字面字串基本區塊 %d 末尾明確的 goto對 %q#D 的明確實體化%q#T 的明確實體化出現在範本定義之前明確實體化 %qD 時沒有可用的定義%qD 的明確實體化出現在命名空間 %qD 中,而後者並不包含命名空間 %qD對非範本 %q#D 的明確實體化明確實體化非範本類型 %qT%qD 的宣告中有明確的限定明確特例化出現在非命名空間作用欄位 %qD 中在初次使用後明確特例化 %qD%qD 的明確特例化必須由 %<template <>%> 引入明確特例化非範本 %qT運算式 %qE 具有抽象類別類型 %qT,不能用於 throw 運算式中new 宣告中的運算式必須具有整數或列舉類型運算式敘述類型不完全擴充的暫存器沒有高半部分%q+D 宣告為沒有外部連結的,之前卻有外部宣告多餘的 %<;%>初始值設定項末尾有多餘的大括號組標量初始化設定中有多餘元素多餘的出邊 %d->%d有多餘的限定 %<%T::%> 於成員 %qs 上為方法定義指定了多餘的分號為結合或結構指定了多餘的分號格式字串引數 %d 有多餘的類型限定找不到類別「%s」無法收回不需要的函式fastcall 和 cdecl 屬性互不相容fastcall 和 regparm 屬性互不相容fastcall 和 stdcall 屬性互不相容嚴重錯誤:欄位 %q+#D 與類別同名欄位 %q+D 無效地宣告為函式類型欄位 %q+D 無效地宣告為方法類型欄位 %qD 類型不完全找不到欄位 %qs。欄位初始值設定不是一個常數欄位名不在記錄或聯合初始化設定中欄位寬printf 格式的欄位寬度scanf 格式的欄位寬strfmon 格式的欄位寬度strftime 格式的欄位寬度檔案在預設參數處結束填充字元strfmon 格式的填充字元find_enum():找不到列舉在物件 %s 中發現 fini 函式%q+D 的第一個參數的類型應該是 %<int%>%<__builtin_choose_expr%> 的第一個引數不是一個常數給 %<va_arg%> 的第一個參數的類型不是 %<va_list%>錯誤地使用了浮點常數浮點常數不是一個有效的立即數值運算元運算式中浮點溢出基本區塊內有流程控制指令對於範本宣告 %q+D格式引數 %d 在被使用的 $ 風格的格式引數 %d 前未被使用格式引數 %d 在 %s 格式字串中使用不止一次格式字串是一個寬字串格式字串不是一個字面字串而且沒有待格式化的引數格式字串不是一個字面字串,沒有進行引數類型檢查格式字串不是一個字面字串,格式字串未被檢查格式字串出現在待格式化的引數之後格式字串的運算元號無效形成對 void 的參照找到非暫存器的真實定義fr30_print_operand:無效的 %%F 程式碼fr30_print_operand:無效的 %%x 程式碼fr30_print_operand:%%A 程式碼運算元無效fr30_print_operand:未處理的 MEMfr30_print_operand:不明程式碼fr30_print_operand:無法辨識的 %%B 程式碼fr30_print_operand:無法辨識的 %%b 程式碼fr30_print_operand:無法辨識的 %%p 程式碼fr30_print_operand:未處理的指標對可靠的堆疊檢查來說框架太大了夥伴宣告 %q#D 宣告了一個非範本函式夥伴宣告沒有指定類別或函式名夥伴宣告不在類別定義內夥伴宣告需要 class,即 %<friend %#T%>夥伴宣告需要 class,即 %<friend class %T::%D%>從先前的宣告 %q+F從這個地方frv_print_operand:不明程式碼函式 %q#D 像變數一樣被初始化函式 %q+D 的定義被標記為 dllimport函式 %q+D 重宣告為內聯的函式 %q+D 重宣告為帶有不可內聯屬性函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為包含一個執行時 goto函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為使用了 -fno-inline函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為使用了 __builtin_return 或 __builtin_apply_args函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為它使用了 alloca (使用 always_inline 屬性強制內聯)函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為它使用了與內聯衝突的屬性函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為使用了非區域性的 goto函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為它使用了 setjmp函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為它使用了 setjmp-longjmp 異常處理函式 %q+F 無法被內聯,因為它使用了變長引數表聯合成員函式 %qD 被宣告為虛函式函式 %qD 像變數一樣被初始化函式 %qs 不能被宣告為 %<mutable%>函式體無法使用函式呼叫有聚合類型函式經由不相容的類型呼叫函式宣告不是一個原型被宣告為 %<noreturn%> 的函式卻有 %<return%> 敘述函式宣告定義為 %<__thread%>函式宣告定義為 %<auto%>函式宣告定義為 %<register%>函式宣告定義為 %<typedef%>函式定義有限定的 void 回傳類型函式不回傳字串類型函式可能是 %qs format 屬性的備選不考慮內聯函式函式不能內聯函式不能回傳函式由於 %<volatile%>,函式回傳類型不相容函式回傳了一個函式函式回傳了一個陣列函式回傳局部變數的位址函式回傳一個聚合函式範本部分特例化 %qD 是不允許的函式類型與 ISO C 不完全相容函式作用欄位的 %qs 隱含為 auto,卻被宣告為 %<__thread%>function_profiler 支援對 MMIX 的 function_profiler 支援通用的轉換層程式碼(thunk)對使用了 %<...%> 的方法 %q#D 失效gfc_conv_constant_to_tree():無效類型;%sgfc_trans_code():錯誤的敘述程式碼gimplification 失敗全域建構式在此目標平臺上不受支援全域宣告 %q+#D全域解構函式在此目標平臺上不受支援巢狀函式中使用了全域暫存器變數 %qD全域暫存器變數出現在函式定義後全域暫存器變數有初始值全域/靜態變數賦值已被打斷得到 %d 個範本參數,為 %q#D得到 %d 個範本參數,為 %q#Tgp 是常數(但當間接呼叫時儲存/恢復 gp)必須重新定位 PCHia64_print_operand:不明程式碼%<@protocol%> 需要識別碼如果執行到這段程式碼,程式將中止為明確對齊的 %q+D 忽略 %<#pragma align%>忽略 -fschedule-insns 以繞開異常處理的缺陷為非靜態局部變數 %q+D 忽略了 asm 限定符忽略重複的目錄「%s」
忽略格式錯誤的 #pragma longcall忽略不存在的目錄「%s」
為實體變數 %qs 指定了無效的參照類型隱含宣告函式 %qE暗示的 END DO%<asm%> 中不可能的約束%<asm%> 中不可能的暫存器約束在 %s 中,於 %s:%d在基本區塊 %d 中:在宣告 %q+D 中在傳遞引數 %P (屬於 %q+D)%qs 的累加器不合適隱含宣告與內建函式 %qD 不相容隱含宣告與函式 %qD 不相容引數 %d(屬於 %qE)類型不相容將 %qT 賦值給 %qT 時類型不相容不完全類型 %qT 沒有成員 %qD巢狀名指定中使用了不完全的類型 %qT不一致的實體變數指定一句 %<asm%> 中運算元約束不一致錯誤指令:對樹結區段的共享不正確自增參照不明結構的指標令唯讀成員 %qD 自增令唯讀變數 %qD 自增在聯合初始值設定中出現了索引值而不是欄位名在物件 %s 中發現 init 函式從獨一無二的 Objective-C 類型初始化永遠不相容的指標類型初始化初始化的左手邊可能是 format 屬性的備選時初始化將指標賦給整數,未作類型轉換初始化時將整數賦給指標,未作類型轉換對彈性陣列成員的初始化在巢狀的上下文中初始化彈性陣列成員帶副作用的欄位初始化設定被覆寫經初始化的變數 %q+D 被標記為 dllimport初始值設定中的元素在載入時無法被計算出初始值設定元素不是常數初始值設定在完成之前結束初始值設定無法決定 %q+D 的大小初始值設定無法決定 %qD 的大小%qT 的初始化設定必須在大括號內浮點值的初始值設定不是一個浮點常數建構式中對靜態成員的初始化無效為非虛方法 %q+D 指定了初始值設定項為靜態成員函式 %qD 指定了初始值用以初始化字元陣列的字串太長%q+D 帶有 noinline 屬性的宣告出現在其內聯宣告之後內聯函式 %q+D 宣告為 dllimport:忽略此屬性為內聯函式 %q+D 給定了 noinline 屬性使用了內聯函式 %q+D 但從未定義過inlined_to pointer 錯誤inlined_to pointer 參照自身為非內聯的呼叫者設定了 inlined_to pointer呼叫 %q+F 時內聯失敗:%s輸入運算元約束包含 %qcinsn %d 在基本區塊 %d 之內,但是 BLOCK_FOR_INSN 是 %i指令不滿足其約束:基本區塊外出現指令安裝:%s%s
實體變數 %qs 大小不明實體變數 %qs 被宣告為私有的實體變數的賦值被打斷%q+D 按類型 %qT 實體化指令調度在此目標平臺上不受支援int 型陣列由非寬字串初始化整數溢出整型運算式 %qE 不是常數模組間最佳化淍未為 C++ 實作編譯器內部錯誤。錯誤的位址:編譯器內部錯誤。不正確的移位量:編譯器內部錯誤。不明的模式:編譯器內部錯誤:內部一致性錯誤內部錯誤 - 無效的 utf8 名內部錯誤:錯誤的暫存器:%dt內建函式變數不是一個程序無效的 #pragma %s無效的 %%-code無效的 %%A 運算元無效的 %%B 運算元無效的 %%C 運算元無效 %%C 值無效的 %%D 運算元無效的 %%D 值無效 %%E 值無效 %%F 值無效 %%G 值無效 %%H 值無效 %%J 程式碼無效 %%J 值無效 %%K 值無效 %%L 值無效 %%M 值無效 %%N 值無效 %%O 值無效的 %%P 運算元無效 %%P 值無效 %%R 值無效 %%S 值無效 %%T 值無效 %%U 值無效的 %%Y 運算元無效的 %%c 運算元無效的 %%d 運算元無效的 %%d 值無效的 %%f 運算元無效 %%f 值無效 %%h 值無效 %%j 程式碼無效的 %%j 值無效 %%k 值無效 %%m 值無效的 %%p 值無效 %%q 值無效 %%r 值無效的 %%s 運算元無效 %%s 值無效的 %%t/%%b 值無效 %%u 值無效 %%v 值無效的 %%x 值無效的 %%xn 程式碼無效的「asm」:無效的 --param 值 %qs無效的 IACC 引數無效的 Objective-C++ 選擇子名列號表中 PC 無效無效的 UNSPEC 做為運算元函式 %q+#D 的抽象回傳類型無效成員函式 %q+#D 的抽象回傳類型無效抽象類型 %qT 無效,對於 %qE 無效%q+D 的抽象類型無效對 NULL 物件非靜態資料成員 %qD 的存取無效無效位址%<#pragma align%> 指定的對齊邊界無效,忽略%<sizeof%> 不能用於函式類型%qs 用於成員函式無效%qs 不能用於 void 類型屬性 %qs 的參數無效%<__builtin_frame_address%> 的引數無效%<__builtin_return_address%> 的引數無效無效的基礎類別從類型 %qT 到類型 %qT 的轉換無效從具有類型 %qT 的右值運算式到類型 %qT 中的轉換無效向函式類型 %qT 的轉換無效%qD 的宣告中類別名無效無效的條件運算元從類型 %qT 到類型 %qT 中的 const_cast 無效從類型 %qT 到類型 %qT 中的 const_cast 無效無效的 const_double 運算元運算元的約束無效無效的建構式:您要的可能是 %<%T (const %T&)%>從 %<__fpreg%> 的轉換無效從類型 %qT 到類型 %qT 的轉換無效向 %<__fpreg%> 的轉換無效到類型 %qT 的轉換無效,從類型 %qT%q+#D 的協變回傳類型無效範本的範本參數的預設引數無效對限定類型 %qT 的定義無效無效的運算式做為運算元無效的函式宣告類別中對具有非整數類型 %qT 的靜態資料成員的初始化無效將類型為 %qT 的參照初始化為類型為 %qT 的運算式無效無效的初始值設定無效指令:組譯輸出 %d 中左值無效無效遮罩無效的成員函式宣告無效的成員範本宣告 %qD無效的運算元程式碼「%c」「A」修飾符的運算元無效「D」修飾符的運算元無效「H」修飾符的運算元無效「O」修飾符的運算元無效「T」修飾符的運算元無效「b」修飾符的運算元無效「e」修飾符的運算元無效「m」修飾符的運算元無效「o」修飾符的運算元無效「p」修飾符的運算元無效「z」修飾符的運算元無效程式碼「%c」的運算元無效無效的運算元修飾符字母無效的運算元輸出程式碼%%H/%%L 程式碼的運算元無效%%N 程式碼的運算元無效%%R 的運算元無效%%R 程式碼的運算元無效%%S 的運算元無效%%T/%%B 程式碼的運算元無效%%U 程式碼的運算元無效%%p 程式碼的運算元無效%%s 程式碼的運算元無效運算元類型 %qT 和 %qT 對二進位 %qO 而言無效對 %<__fpreg%> 的作業無效無效的參數 %qs對 AltiVec 內建函式來說無效的參陣列合無效的參數類型 %qT無效的指標模式 %qs參照位元段 %qD 指標無效約束中出現無效的標點 %qc非成員函式類型上的限定符無效偽解構函式名的限定作用欄位無效無效的接收者類型 %qs對 %q+#D 無效的重宣告無效的參照字首%q+D 的暫存器名無效在 insn 中找到無效的 rtl 分享%<__builtin_prefetch%> 的第二個引數無效;使用 0從類型 %qT 到類型 %qT 中的 static_cast 無效無效的目的 memregs 值「%d」%qD 範本宣告無效無效的範本 ID%<__builtin_prefetch%> 的第三個引數無效;使用 0對 new 而言類型 %<void%> 無效無效類型 %qT 做為類型為 %qT 的向量的初始化設定無效的類型 %qT 宣告為 %<friend%>%<%T[%T]%> 做為陣列下標類型無效對 %%d、%%x 或 %%X 的無效使用錯誤地使用了 %<::%>錯誤地使用了 %<restrict%>在頂層使用 %<this%> 無效在非成員函式中使用 %<this%> 無效錯誤地使用了 %qD用 %qE 形成成員函式指標的用法無效。錯誤地使用了「:」修飾符在指標算術中使用參照不完全類型的指標無效對未指定邊界的陣列的無效使用在類型 %qT 上使用 const_cast 無效,因為它是一個指標函式類型的指標或參照在類型 %qT 上使用 const_cast 無效,因為它既不是指標,也不是參照,也不是資料成員指標將建構式做為範本用法無效對彈性陣列成員無效的使用對不完全的 typedef %qD 的無效使用在靜態成員函式中使用成員 %q+D 無效對非左值陣列的無效使用對非靜態資料成員 %q+D 的無效使用對非靜態資料成員 %qD 的無效使用對非靜態成員函式的使用無效對非靜態成員函式 %qD 的使用無效對非靜態資料成員 %qE 的使用無效對包含彈性陣列成員的結構的無效使用在基本範本的宣告中對範本識別碼 %qD 的使用無效使用範本名 %qE 時不帶引數表無效將類型 %qT 做為範本的範本參數的預設值無效對未定義類型 %<%s %E%> 的使用無效對 void 運算式的無效使用屬性 %qE 的向量類型無效非靜態地呼叫靜態方法為抽象方法呼叫 invokestatic靜態呼叫非靜態方法它的 dest_idx 應當是 %d 而不是 %d它的作用欄位僅限於此定義或宣告,這可能並不是您想要的iwmmxt abi 需要相應 CPU 的支援jcf-dump:未指定類別
跳至具有可變類型的識別碼的作用欄位中跳轉至敘述運算式中跳轉至 case 標籤跳轉至標籤 %q+D跳轉至標籤 %qD#pragma %s 末尾有無用字元#pragma GCC java_exceptions 末尾有無用字元#pragma GCC memregs [0..16] 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs endsda 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs endtda 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs endzda 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs interrupt 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs section 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs startsda 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs starttda 末尾有無用字元#pragma ghs startzda 末尾有無用字元#pragma longcall 末尾有無用字元%<#pragma GCC visibility%> 末尾有無用字元%<#pragma align%> 末尾有無用字元%<#pragma fini%> 末尾有無用字元%<#pragma init%> 末尾有無用字元%<#pragma pack%> 末尾有無用字元「#pragma options」末尾有無用字元「#pragma unused」末尾有無用字元簽名稱符串末尾有無用字元關鍵字 %<export%> 未實作,將被忽略關鍵字 %<typename%> 不允許用在此上下文中(限定的初始值設定隱含地是一個類型)關鍵字 %<typename%> 不允許用在此上下文中(基礎類別隱含地是一個類型)關鍵字 %<typename%> 不能在範本以外使用標籤 %q+D 宣告後未定義標籤 %q+D 定義後未使用標籤 %q+D 使用前未定義標籤 %qE 在所有函式外被參照標籤位於複合敘述末尾標籤名為 wchar_tlang_* check:在 %s 中失敗,於 %s:%d語言 %s 未能被識別語言字串 %<"%E"%> 不可識別大整數隱含截斷為無號類型空類別 %qT 的衍生類別的版面設置在 GCC 的未來版本中可能會起變化ld 回傳 %d左精度strfmon 格式的左精度左移次數大於或等於類型寬度左移次數為負逗號運算式的左運算元不起作用長度修飾符printf 格式的長度修飾符scanf 格式的長度修飾符strfmon 格式的長度修飾符函式庫:%s
函式庫函式 %q#D 重宣告為非函式 %q#D找不到函式庫 lib%slo_sum 不是暫存器局部類別 %q#T 不應當擁有靜態資料成員 %q#D局部變數 %qD 不應出現在此上下文中局部變數記憶體需求超過容量限制long long 常數不是一個有效的立即數值運算元為 %qs 使用 long、short、signed 或 unsigned 無效放鬆 %q+#F 的 throw 限定case 標籤範圍的下限值比該類型的最小值還要小%qs 後缺少巨集名#pragma GCC visibility push 格式錯誤#pragma builtin 格式錯誤格式錯誤的 #pragma ghs section#pragma redefine_extname 格式錯誤,已忽略#pragma weak 格式錯誤,已忽略%<#pragma align%> 格式錯誤%<#pragma align%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略%<#pragma fini%> 格式錯誤%<#pragma fini%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略%<#pragma init%> 格式錯誤%<#pragma init%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略%<#pragma pack%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略%<#pragma pack(pop[, id])%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略%<#pragma pack(push[, id][, <n>])%> 格式錯誤 - 已忽略「#pragma options」格式錯誤 - 已忽略spec 函式引數格式錯誤spec 函式名格式錯誤遮罩必須是一個立即數值匹配的約束不允許使用暫存器匹配的約束在輸出運算元中無效匹配的約束參照了無效的運算元號參數 %qs 的最大值是 %u不能同時使用 -EB 和 -EL不能同時使用 -m32 和 -m64多媒體函式只在使用-mmedia 的情況下可用有建構式的成員 %q+#D 不允許在匿名聚合中出現有建構式的成員 %q+#D 不能用在聯合中有複製賦值運算子的成員 %q+#D 不能用在聯合中有複製賦值運算子的成員 %q+#D 不能用在聯合中有構構函式的成員 %q+#D 不允許在匿名聚合中出現有解構函式的成員 %q+#D 不能用在聯合中成員 %qD 不能既被宣告為虛函式,又被宣告為靜態函式成員 %qD 與虛函式表的欄位名衝突成員 %qD 在類型 %qT 被定義之前宣告為夥伴成員 %qD 是未初始化的參照成員 %qD 有未初始化的常數欄位成員函式隱含地成為所屬類別的夥伴記憶體輸入 %d 不可直接定址在類別中找不到方法「%s」方法宣告不在@interface 上下文中方法定義不在 @implementation 上下文中方法可能缺少一個 [super dealloc] 呼叫參數 %qs 的最小值為 %umips16 函式取樣不匹配的欄位簽名「%s」(在 「%s」中)位置錯誤的 %<@%D%> Objective-C++ 建構ConstantValue 屬性位置錯誤(不在任何欄位內)格式字串缺少 $ 運算元號%<#pragma GCC visibility push%> 缺少 %<(%> — 已忽略%<#pragma pack%> 後缺少 %<(%>,忽略「#pragma unused」後面缺少「(」,忽略「#pragma unused」後面缺少「)」,忽略缺少 Code 屬性在區塊 %i 之後缺少邊界初始值設定周圍缺少大括號%qT 的初始值設定周圍缺少大括號具名運算元後缺少右大括號缺少右括號定義缺失缺少邊 %i->%i缺少欄位「%s」,在「%s」中%qs 後缺少檔案名稱strfmon 格式字串末尾缺少填充字元成員 %qD 缺少初始值設定%qs 後缺少 makefile 目的缺少數字缺少左括號缺少運算元%qs 後缺少路徑函式呼叫中缺少哨兵缺少結尾的 %c 字元typedef 宣告中缺少類型名在同一個翻譯單元中混合使用 C++ 和 Java 異常獲取不能混合宣告和函式定義對不合適的類型套用模式 %qs%<asm%> 中的運算元超過 %d 個mudflap:這個語言不受支援宣告多維陣列必須至少指定除第一維以外所有維的大小單一 switch 敘述中出現了多個 default 標籤%q#T 多次定義初始化了聯合 %qT 中的多個欄位指定了多個函式類型屬性多個內聯呼叫者%qs 的宣告指定了多個存儲類別宣告指定了多個存儲類別一個宣告指定了多個類型在使用 typeid 之前必須先 #include <typeinfo>使用 mvcle%s 的存儲資訊很詭異名稱 %qD 用在 GNU 風格的陣列指定元素初始值設定中名稱 %qT 類型不完全%qD 的名稱查閱已變更成員函式沒具名字具名回傳值不再被支援不允許在 using 宣告中使用命名空間 %qD這裡不允許命名空間別名 %qD,假定為 %qD命名空間欄位的匿名聚合必須是靜態的需要為 %s 加入執行時檢查指令長度為負負整數隱含轉換為無號類型位元段 %q+D 寬度為負位元段 %qs 寬度為負巢狀的組譯風格指示對 %qD 的巢狀的外部宣告巢狀函式 %q+D 宣告過但從未定義巢狀函式 %qs 被宣告為 %<extern%>巢狀的 %<enum %E%> 重定義巢狀的 %<struct %E%> 重定義巢狀的 %<union %E%> 重定義new 不能用於函式類型new 不能用於參照類型對 %q#D 的新宣告不能在回傳類型中定義新類型%<%D(int)%> 沒有出現在字尾 %qs 中,嘗試使用字首運算子成員函式 %q#D 未在類別 %qT 中宣告CRIS 沒有 FUNCTION_PROFILER沒有參數spec 函式沒有引數%qs 沒有指定類別名沒具名為 %q#T 的類別範本,在%q#T 中 %<%%[%> 格式沒有相對的 %<]%>沒有模式為 %qs 的資料類型%qD 沒有預設參數尚未描述在初始化的聯合中找不到欄位 %qD沒有 immediate_use 清單沒有指定輸入檔案沒有輸入檔案沒有一個整數類型可以表示 %qT 的所有列舉值高暫存器彈堆疊時沒有可用的低暫存器對 %<(%T) (%A)%> 的呼叫沒有匹配沒有可將函式 %qD 轉換到類型 %q#T 的匹配項對 %<%D(%A)%> 的呼叫沒有匹配的函式對 %<%T::%s(%A)%#V%> 的呼叫沒有匹配的函式沒有與 %<#pragma GCC visibility pop%> 對應的 push沒有找到與 %qD 匹配的範本成員函式 %qD 未在 %qT 中宣告沒有與 %<%T::%D%> 匹配的成員,在 %q#T 中%q+D 先前沒有宣告過此 ABI 不支援取樣 64 位元程式碼位址中無暫存器在有回傳值的函式中未發現 return 敘述結構或聯合後沒有分號沒有合適的 %<operator %s%> 給 %qT找不到合適的 %qD,在類別 %qT 中沒具名為 %q#T 的類型,在%q#T 中 %qD 的最終多載在 %qT 中不唯一非左值陣列出現在條件運算式中非成員 %qs 不能被宣告為 %<mutable%>非物件成員 %qs 不能被宣告為 %<mutable%>類別中有非靜態常數成員 %q+#D 卻沒有建構式對 %q+D 的靜態宣告出現在非靜態宣告之後對彈性陣列成員非靜態地初始化非靜態方法 %q+D 覆寫了靜態方法類別中有非靜態參照 %q+#D,卻沒有提供建構式非範本 %qD 做為範本非範本類型 %qT 做為範本%q+D 的執行緒局部宣告跟在其非執行緒局部宣告之後不平凡的代理初始值設定不受支援初始值設定中陣列索引不是常數非空的引數 %lu 運算元號不正確非空的引數 %lu 參照了非指標運算元 %lu非空的引數運算元號越界(引數 %lu,運算元 %lu)非空的屬性在非原型中沒有引數不是一個有效的 Java .class 檔案。類型資訊不充分變數引數太少,不足以填滿一個哨兵附註:引數為 NULL,需要非 NULL 值(引數 %lu)數字必須是 0 或 1引數個數與內建原型不符引數數目與原型不符向量中分量數不是 2 的某次方計數器的數量是 %d 而不是 %d使用 %qE 時缺少物件使用了過時的選項 -I-,請改用 -iquote使用 %<:%> 來指定元素初始值的作法已過時過時的用法,應使用 %<=%> 來指定元素初始值%q+D 的偏移量與 ABI 不相容,並且在 GCC 的未來版本中可能會有變化空基礎類別 %qT 的偏移量可能與 ABI 不相容,並且可能在 GCC 的未來版本中變更虛基礎類別 %qT 的偏移量與 ABI 不相容,並且可能在 GCC 的未來版本中變更偏移量超過字串常數界省略的 %<?:%> 中運算元不能被修飾只有建構式才能被宣告為 %<explicit%>只有未初始化的變數才能放在 .bss 區段中只有未初始化的變數才能放在 .noinit 區段中此配置下只支援弱別名不透明的向量類型不能被初始化開啟 /dev/zero:%m開啟依賴檔案 %s:%m開啟輸出檔案 %s:%m%% 字母後缺少運算元號運算元號超出範圍格式字元中運算元號越界為格式字串指定的運算元號不帶參數為格式字串指定的運算元號取消了賦值%qE 上的運算結果可能是未定義的最佳化可能會去除對暫存器變數的讀寫啟用的選項:傳遞的選項:指標與整數 0 比較大小原本間接的函式呼叫不被考慮內聯記憶體不足輸出約束 %d 不能在指定「%s」篡改時被指定輸出約束 %d 必須指定單一暫存器輸出約束 %qc(對運算元 %d)沒有出現在開頭輸出檔案名稱指定了兩次輸出數 %d 不可直接定址輸出運算元 %d 必須使用 %<&%> 約束輸出運算元約束缺少 %<=%>%<asm%> 的輸出運算元是常數output_move_single:陣列維數溢出常數運算式溢出列舉值溢出%qD 處列舉值溢出隱含常數轉換溢出packed 屬性導致低效率的對齊packed 屬性導致 %q+D 低效率的對齊不需要 packed 屬性packed 屬性對 %q+D 來說是不需要的將結構大小填補到對齊邊界上填補結構以對齊 %q+D參數 %P 的類型 %qT 不完全參數 %P (屬於 %qD)的類型 %qT 不完全參數 %q+D 宣告為 %<inline%>參數 %q+D 有一個前向宣告參數 %qD 被宣告為 void參數 %qD 被無效地被宣告為具有方法類型參數 %qD 已初始化參數 %u (%q+D) 的類型不完全參數 %u (%q+D)類型為 void參數不能具有可變類型 %qT函式宣告中出現參數名卻未指定類型範本引數表語法錯誤部分特例化範本 %qT 宣告為 %<friend%>部分特例化 %qT 並未特例化任何範本參數將 %qT 做為 %q#D 的 %<this%> 引數時丟棄了類型限定傳遞 %qT 時選擇 %qT 而不是 %qT將 NULL 做為非指標引數 %P 傳遞給 %qD傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE)時丟棄了指標目的類型的類型限定根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為 %<float%> 而不是 %<double%> 傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為複數而不是浮點數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為複數而不是整數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為浮點數而不是複數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為浮點數而不是整數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為整數而不是複數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為整數而不是浮點數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將做為有號數傳遞根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將作用無號數傳遞永遠不同的 Objective-C 類型傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE)傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE)時在不相容的指標類型間轉換傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE)時將指標賦給整數,未作類型轉換傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE)時將整數賦給指標,未作類型轉換根據原型,引數 %d (%qE) 將以不同的寬度傳遞尚不支援在浮點暫存器中傳遞浮點參數pch_preprocess pragma 只應與 -fpreprocessed 並用pex_init 失敗不允許在被無用收集的物件上進行指標算術運算指標賦值%<void *%> 型指標用在了算術運算式中在減法中使用類型為 %<void *%> 的指標對指標賦值時目的與指標有/無號不一致初始化指標時目的與指標有/無號不一致傳遞參數 %d (屬於 %qE) 給指標時目的與指標有/無號不一致回傳指標時目的與指標有/無號不一致在算術運算式中使用了函式指標函式指標不能相減成員指標轉換經由虛基礎類別 %qT在算術運算式中使用了成員指標成員指標類型 %qT 與物件類型 %qT 不相容條件運算式指標類型不匹配需要複數時使用了指標值需要浮點數值時使用了指標值沒有物件不能呼叫成員函式指標 %E,考慮使用 .* 或 ->*條件運算式中指標/整數類型不匹配指標不能做為 case 常數偵測到呼叫 delete 運算子時可能出現的問題:後自增位址不是一個暫存器字尾 %qD 必須使用 %<int%> 做為它的參數字尾 %qD 必須使用 %<int%> 做為它的第二個參數字尾 %qD 應當回傳 %qT前自減位址不是一個暫存器前自增位址不是一個暫存器精度printf 格式的精度預測到的 Thumb 指令在條件序列中預測到的指令字首 %qD 應當回傳 %qT%d 的 prev_bb 應該為 %d,而不是 %d與此處早先的宣告 %q+#D 衝突先前的宣告 %q+D%q+#D 的前一個宣告%q+#D 的早先宣告有 %qL 連結%q+D 的前一個宣告%q+D 的上一個宣告在此%q+D 先前被宣告為內聯的先前 %q+D 的宣告帶有 noinline 屬性命名空間 %q+D 早先的宣告在這裡%q+#T 的上一個定義%q+D 的上一個定義在此先前 %q+#D 的外部宣告%q+D 的上一個隱含宣告在此先前對於 %q+#D 的非函式宣告匿名聯合中出現私有成員 %q+#D對 VxWorks 的取樣支援程式:%s
提升後的引數 %qD 與內建原型不符提升後的引數 %qD 與原型不符匿名聯合中出現保護成員 %q+#D%q#D 的原型不匹配類別 %qT 中的任何一個%q+#D 的原型%q+D 的原型對引數 %d 宣告類型不相容%q+D 的原型宣告的參數少於先前舊式的定義%q+D 的原型宣告的參數多於先前舊式的定義%q+D 的原型出現在非原型定義之後提供給 %q+D偽解構函式未被呼叫函式定義上有 pure 指定限定的類型 %qT 不匹配解構函式名 ~%qT%<operator %T%> 的宣告中不能使用限定符只能為物件和函式指定類型限定r0 需要做為呼叫篡改的暫存器在 switch 敘述中使用範圍運算式不符合標準唯讀成員 %qD 做為 %<asm%> 的輸出唯讀變數 %qD 做為 %<asm%> 的輸出第二次讀取類別 %s,從 %s對空指標參照內容的讀作業(引數 %d)遞迴內聯遞迴的類型 %qT 未定義%<enum %E%> 重宣告%<wchar_t%> 重宣告為 %qT對 %q+D 的再次宣告中指定了不同的可見性 (保留原有的可見性)%q+D 重宣告為沒有外部連結%qT 重宣告為非範本對 C++ 內建類型 %qT 的重宣告列舉 %q+D 重宣告在這裡又被宣告為 %q#D不考慮內聯重定義的外部內聯函式%<struct %E%> 重定義%<union %E%> 重定義%q#T 重定義%q+D 重定義重定義 %q#D 的預設參數參數 %q+D 重定義%q+D 重定義對 %q+D 冗餘的重宣告同一作用欄位中 %qD 冗餘的重宣告參照 %qs 有歧義:出現在介面 %qs 和介面 %qs 中對 %<%T::%D%> 的參照有歧義對 %qD 的參照有歧義回傳了對局部變數的 %q+D 的參照回傳了一個非左值的參照為非暫存器變數 %q+D 給定了暫存器名%q+D 的暫存器名無效為 %q+D 指定的暫存器不適合此資料類型巢狀函式中使用了暫存器變數 %qD將 spec %s 重新命名為 %s
格式字串中有重複的 %sC++ 中不允許從 %qT 到 %qT 的隱含轉換對成員 %qD 的請求出現在 %qE 中,而後者具有非類別類型 %qT對成員 %qD 的請求有歧義在多繼承網格中對 %qD 的存取有歧義在非結構或聯合中請求成員 %qE%q+D 需要的對齊邊界大於實作的對齊邊界 %wu要求的對齊邊界不是 2 的某次方要求的對齊邊界太大請求的 init_priority 不是一個整數常數請求的 init_priority 越界請求的 init_priority 保留為內部使用要求的位置小於 0要求的位置不是一個整數常數%<operator->()%> 的結果給出了非指標的結果回傳了不相容的指標類型回傳時將指標賦給整數,未作類型轉換回傳時將整數賦給指標,未作類型轉換界線之後沒有 return回傳值類型 %q#T 為不完全回傳類型預設為 %<int%>回傳不完全的類型回傳類型可能是 format 屬性的備選為建構式指定回傳值無效指定解構函式的回傳類型無效為 %<operator %T%> 指定了回傳值在回傳「void」的函式中,回傳敘述帶回傳值在回傳 %qT 的函式中,回傳敘述不帶回傳值建構式回傳值解構函式回傳值回傳臨時變數的參照右精度strfmon 格式的右精度右移次數大於或等於類型寬度右移次數為負捨入模式不為 VAX 浮點數所支援如果您想指定類型,請使用 %<typename %E%>%q+D 的第二個參數類型應該是 %<char **%>%<__builtin_prefetch%> 的第二個引數必須是一個常數%<va_start%> 的第二個參數不是最後一個具名參數%q+D 不能有 section 屬性%q+D 的區段與早先的宣告衝突選擇子必須是立即數值選擇子必須是 0 到 %wi 間的整常數隱藏了早先的類型宣告 %q#Dshared 和 mdll 互不相容共享的 call_stmt:共享的 rtx簡單的 IF賦於 %qT 的大小可能與 ABI 不相容,並且可能在 GCC 的未來版本中變更陣列 new 的大小必須有整數類型%q+D 的大小為 %d 位元組%q+D 的大小超過 %wd 位元組陣列 %qD 的大小具有非整數類型 %qT陣列 %qD 的大小為負陣列 %qD 的大小不是一個整數常運算式陣列 %qs 太大陣列 %qT 的大小的類型不是整數陣列大小為負數陣列大小不是一個整數常運算式循環 %d 的大小應該為 %d,而不是%d%q+D 回傳值的大小為 %u 位元組%q+D 回傳值的大小為 %wd 位元組變數 %q+D 的大小太大sizeof(long double) 等於 12sizeof(long double) 等於 16soft-float 與 long-double-128 互不相容對不起,尚未實作:spec 失敗:SYSROOT_HEADERS_SUFFIX_SPEC 參數多於一個spec 失敗:SYSROOT_SUFFIX_SPEC 參數多於一個spec 檔案沒有對連結的設定spec 是「%s」

%qT 的實體化在 %qT 的特例化之後%qD 的特例化在實體化之後在不同命名空間內對 %qD 的特例化%qT 的實體化在特例化之後特例化了隱含宣告的特殊成員函式在不同命名空間中特例化 %q#T指定的模式對列舉值來說太小指定向量類型時使用 __attribute__ ((mode)) 已過時specs %%include 在 %ld 字元後語法格式錯誤specs %%rename 在 %ld 字元後語法格式錯誤specs 找不到 %s spec 或已被重新命名specs 在 %ld 字元後檔案格式錯誤specs 在 %ld 字元後出現不明的 %% 命令可疑的 %<>>%>,使用 %<>%> 來結束範本引數清單格式字串尾有可疑的 %<%%%>堆疊框架大小不是 8 位元組的倍數:%wd堆疊框架大小不是 8 位元組的倍數:%wd堆疊框架太大堆疊防護值必須是 2 的整數次方不支援堆疊限制運算式堆疊限制在此目標平臺上不受支援堆疊大小必須剛好是 2 的某次方堆疊大小必須大於堆疊防護值堆疊大小不能大於 64K堆疊向下溢位 - dup* 作業堆疊框架太大:%d 位元組此上下文中不允許標準轉換敘述不起作用靜態 %qs 不能被宣告為 %<mutable%>對 %qD 的靜態宣告出現在非靜態宣告之後TPF-OS 不支援 static靜態成員 %qD 不能是位元段靜態成員 %qD 宣告為 %<register%>靜態成員函式 %q#D 的宣告帶有類型限定符static 或類型限定符出現在非參數陣列宣告中stdcall 和 cdecl 屬性互不相容stdcall 和 fastcall 屬性互不相容函式 %qs 的存儲類別 %<__thread%> 無效函式 %qs 的存儲類別 %<auto%> 無效函式 %qs 的存儲類別 %<register%> 無效為範本實體化化套用了存儲類型 %qD為 %qs 指定了存儲類別為參數 %qs 指定了存儲類別為類型名指定了存儲類別為夥伴函式宣告指定了無效的存儲類別為參數宣告指定了無效的存儲類別%q+D 的存儲大小不是常數%q+D 的存儲大小不明程式中有游離的 %<\%o%>程式中有游離的 %qc程式中有游離的 %qsstrftime 格式字串無法格式化引數字串長 %qd 比 %qd (ISO C%d 被要求支援的最大長度) 還要長強 using 只在命名空間作用欄位有意義強轉換的賦值被打斷可能需要強類型轉換結構體沒有成員結構不包含任何具名成員結構的對齊必須是 2 的較小次方,而不是 %d陣列參照缺少下標下標運算的左運算元既非陣列也非指標下標運算的左運算元是函式指標按下標存取宣告為 %<register%> 的陣列建議在做為真值的賦值敘述前後加上括號支援 %qs 模式開關 %qs 不再被支援switch 敘述中的值不是一個整數switch 敘述太大(%lu 個條目)取臨時變數的位址取標籤的位址不符合標準目的 CPU 不支援 THUMB 指令目的 CPU 不支援交互工作目的格式不支援無限大浮點數目的系統不支援除錯輸出目的系統不支援「%s」除錯格式範本參數 %d 無效範本引數 %qE 混雜了範本參數%<%s %T%> 需要範本參數範本類別沒具名字%q#D 宣告為範本對非範本 %q#D 的範本定義範本參數 %q+#D範本參數 %qD(類型為 %qT)不允許出現在整數運算式中,因為它的類型不是整數或列舉明確初始化中出現了範本參數清單範本參數類型 %qT 宣告為 %<friend%>範本參數不能是夥伴範本參數與範本不符部分特例化中未用到範本參數:特例化範本有 C 連結%qD 的宣告中沒有 template 限定範本參數必須使用 %<class%> 或 %<typename%> 關鍵字C 連結的範本範本識別碼 %qD(屬於 %q+D)不匹配任何範本宣告範本識別碼 %qD 出現在基本範本的宣告中範本識別碼 %qD 做為宣告「 」printf 旗標「!」strfmon 旗標「#」printf 旗標「#」strftime 旗標「'」printf 旗標「'」scanf 旗標「(」strfmon 旗標「+」printf 旗標「+」strfmon 旗標「-」printf 旗標「-」strfmon 旗標「-」strftime 旗標「0」printf 旗標「0」strftime 旗標「E」strftime 修飾符「I」printf 旗標「I」scanf 旗標「O」修飾符「O」strftime 修飾符「^」strfmon 旗標「^」strftime 旗標「_」strftime 旗標「a」scanf 旗標「q」診斷旗標-shared 選項目前在 VAX ELF 下不受支援scanf 的取消賦值特性m210 不支援低位位元組在前%qD 修飾後的名稱將在 GCC 的未來版本中有變化%qD 的偏移量可能與 ABI 不相容,並且可能在 GCC 的未來版本中變更被解構的類型是 %qT,但解構函式卻使用了 %qT%qD 的引數不依賴範本參數,所以 %qD 的宣告必須可用%q+D 如果有第三個參數,類型應該是 %<char **%>%<__builtin_prefetch%> 的第三個引數必須是一個常數此內建函式只在 fr405 和 fr450 上可用此內建函式只在 fr450 上可用此內建函式只在 fr500 和 fr550 上可用這個小數常數僅 ISO C90 中是無號的這個小數常數在 ISO C90 中將是無號的這是指令:此多媒體函式只在 fr400 和 fr550 上可用此多媒體函式只在 fr500 上可用此目標平臺沒有延遲轉移指令執行緒區域性的 COMMON 資料沒有實作%q+D 的執行緒局部宣告跟在其非執行緒局部宣告之後拋出 NULL,它的類型是整數而不是指標tls_model 的引數必須是「local-exec」、「initial-exec」、「local-dynamic」或「global-dynamic」其中之一tls_model 的引數不是一個字串要產生依賴項,您必須指定 -M 或 -MM需要使用某個範本參數的類型成員時,請使用 %<typename %E%>%%:version-compare 的引數太少給予函式的引數太少給函式 %<va_start%> 的參數太少提供給函式 %qE 的引數太少%qD 宣告時範本參數表太少範本參數表太少使用 # 指示設定除錯目錄太遲%<asm%> 中太多變數提供給格式字串的引數太多%%:version-compare 的引數太多給予函式的引數太多提供給函式 %qE 的引數太多給定了太多檔案名稱。試用 %s --help 以了解用法%qT 的初始值設定項太多輸入檔案太多%qD 宣告時範本參數表太多範本參數表太多要捨棄太多的堆疊空間:%d要準備太多的堆疊空間:%d在頂層將 %qs 宣告為 %<auto%>局部變數大小總和超過架構極值。傳統 C 不接受自動的聚合初始化傳統 C 不接受對聯合的初始化傳統 C 不接受字串常數粘貼傳統 C 不接受單位元 + 運算子陷阱模式不為 VAX 浮點數所支援樹檢查:%s,得到 %s 在 %s,於 %s:%d樹檢查:需要類別 %qs,得到 %qs(%s) 在 %s,於 %s:%d樹檢查:不需要 %s,得到 %s 在 %s,於 %s:%d試圖減少局部變數的數量請嘗試刪除類型識別碼兩邊的括號嘗試使用 %qE 代替試圖完成結構,但為先前的解析錯誤所插斷試圖讓 %qT 成為全域欄位的夥伴%qs 的宣告指定了兩個以上的資料類型宣告指定了兩個以上的資料類型%<delete%> 的參數類型應為指標而非 %q#T在 Java %<throw%> 或 %<catch%> 中不能使用類型 %qT類型 %qT 不是類型 %qT 的基礎類別類型 %qT 不是 %qT 的直接基礎類別類型 %qT 不是 %qT 的直接或虛基礎類別類型 %qT 不是從 %<java::lang::Throwable%> 衍生來的類型 %qT 不是由類型 %qT 衍生的類型已過時類型已過時(於 %r%s:%d%R 宣告)類型已過時(於 %s:%d 宣告)條件運算式中類型不匹配類型與先前的 %q#D 的外部宣告不匹配%qE 的類型不明陣列 %q+D 類型與隱含初始化不相容無法確定 asm 運算元 %qE 的類型位元段類型 %qs 是一個 GCC 擴充引數 %d 的類型不完全忽略函式回傳類型的類型限定為夥伴類別宣告指定了類型限定向量 delete 的引數類型既非指標也非陣列類型雙關作用在不完全類型上可能破壞強重疊規則引數 %d 的類型/值不匹配,在 %qD 的範本參數清單中typedef %q+D 宣告為 %<inline%>typedef %qD 被初始化(改用 __typeof__)參數宣告中出現的 typedef 宣告無效typedef 名 %qD 用於解構函式宣告類型不完全相容無法列舉 %qs在類別 %qs 中找不到可捨出的暫存器無法產生重新載入,為:無法開啟動態依賴項「%s」「%s」不能做為 PIC 暫存器無條件 %2d 從未執行
unconditional %2d 被執行 %s
未定義的具名運算元 %qscris_print_base 中有非預期的基礎類別型cris_print_index 中有非預期的索引類型無效的乘性運算元非預期的運算元位址中有非預期的副作用未實作的功能未實作 - shmedia 取樣未初始化的常數 %qD%<new%> %q#T 時常數未初始化未初始化的常數成員 %qD聯合不能成為透明的聯合體沒有成員聯合包含無名成員不明的 -mdebug-%s 開關-mtune= 中不明的 CRIS CPU 版本設定:%s-march= 或 -mcpu= 中不明的 CRIS CPU 版本設定:%sdelete 時陣列大小不明不明的 cc_attr 值格式字串中出現無效的類型轉換字元 %qc格式字串中出現無效的類型轉換字元 0x%x不明的解修飾風格「%s」初始值設定項裡有不明的欄位 %qE不明的指令模式無效的 move 指令:%<asm%> 中出現不明的暫存器名 %qs不明的暫存器名:%s不明的不可預期重定位對沒有基礎類別的 %qT 的無名初始化對使用了多繼承的 %qT 的無名初始化未定義任何實體的無名結構/聯合無名變數或欄位宣告為 void非浮點引數間的無效比較不會執行到的位元組碼,從 %d 到 %d 之前不會執行到的位元組碼,從 %d 直到方法末尾無法辨識的除錯輸出層級「%s」無法辨識的指令:無法辨識的位址無法辨識的命令列選項「%s」無法辨識的格式限定符無法辨識的 gcc 除錯選項:%c預期的常數無法識別不可恢復錯誤%<__builtin_frame_address%> 的引數不受支援%<__builtin_return_address%> 的引數不受支援不支援的組合:%s擴充的暫存器不支援的運算元大小未結束的組譯風格指示未終止的格式字串$ 風格的格式字串中有未使用的引數未使用的參數 %q+D未使用的變數 %q+D解捲表目前需要框架指標或 -maccumulate-outgoing-args 來保證正確性case 標籤範圍的上限值比該類型的最大值還要大改用 #include使用 %<%T::%D%> 而不是 %<%T::%D%> 來以限定名指定建構式使用 %<%T::template %D%> 來表示這是一個範本使用 -Winvalid-pch 以獲得更多資訊改用 __attribute__ ((vector_size))在 AltiVec 類型中使用 %<complex%> 無效在 AltiVec 類型中使用 %<long double%> 無效在 AltiVec 類型中使用 %<long%> 已過時;請改用 %<int%>在範本中使用 %qs將 %qs 長度修飾符和%qc 類型字元一起使用同時使用 %s 和 %s,在 %s 格式字串中同時使用 %s 和 %s,在 %<%%%c%> %s 格式字串中在 AltiVec 類型中使用布林類型無效將類別範本 %qT 做為運算式使用列舉 %q#D 前沒有給出宣告命名空間 %qD 做為運算式使用舊式的類型轉換在包含函式中使用參數需要標量時使用了不能被轉換為指標的陣列需要標量時使用了結構類型需要標量時使用了聯合類型空宣告中 %<__thread%> 無用空宣告中指定存儲類別無用空宣告中類型名無用空宣告中類型限定無用使用者定義的 %qD 總是計算所有兩個參數使用無效欄位 %qD使用範本類型參數 %qT,在 %qs 後使用 typedef 名 %qD,在 %qs 後在類別作用欄位使用非成員的 using 宣告計算出的值未被使用-mfixed-range 值必須有「暫存器1-暫存器2」的形式變數 %q#D 有初始值設定,但是類型不完全變數 %q+D 宣告為 %<inline%>變數 %q+D 的定義被標記為 dllimport變數 %q+D 能為 %<longjmp%> 或 %<vfork%> 所篡改變數 %qD 有初始值設定但類型不完全變數或欄位 %qE 宣告為 void變數或欄位宣告為 void先前被宣告為 %<static%> 的變數重宣告為 %<extern%>可變大小的物件 %qD 不能被初始化可變大小的物件不能被初始化向量浮點溢出PC=%d 處校驗錯:%s驗證失敗:%sverify_cgraph_node 失敗verify_eh_tree 失敗verify_flow_info 失敗verify_flow_info:重複的邊 %i->%iverify_flow_info:不正確的區塊直通 %i->%iverify_flow_info:不正確的直通 %i->%iverify_flow_info:REG_BR_PROB 不匹配 cfg %wi %iverify_flow_info:塊 %i %i 計數錯verify_flow_info:邊 %i->%i %i 計數錯verify_flow_info:塊 %i %i 頻率錯verify_flow_info:邊 %i->%i %i 概率錯verify_ssa 失敗由於存在歧義,虛基礎類別 %qT 在 %qT 中無法存取虛函式不能是夥伴虛函式 %qs 不是類別成員visibility  的引數必須是「default」、「hidden」、「protected」或「internal」其中之一visibility 的引數不是一個字串可見性屬性在此配置下不受支援;已忽略void 值未如預期地被忽略由於隱含的虛解構函式,類別 %qT 的 vtable 版面設置可能與 ABI 不相容,並且可能在 GCC 的未來版本中變更警告:%q+D 的弱宣告必須是公共的不支援 %q+D 的弱宣告weakref %q+D 最終參照其自身當寫入輸出到 %s 時:%m%<asm%> 中出現寬字面字串%q+D 的寬度超過了它的類型%qs 的寬度超過它自身的類型將被假定為回傳 %<id%> 並接受與 %q+#D在此上下文中對常數物件的寫作業(引數 %d)對空指標參照內容的寫作業(引數 %d)非條件跳轉 %i 之後的分支邊數不正確PHI 參數邊 %d->%d 錯誤錯誤的 immediate use 清單直通邊上的錯誤指令範本參數數目不正確(不應是 %d 個而應是 %d 個)不能對該類型的引數求絕對值按位取反的引數類型錯誤不能對該類型的引數求共軛該類型的引數不能自減該類型的引數不能自增單位元 ! 的引數類型無效單位元減的運算元類型錯誤單位元加的運算元類型錯誤xstormy16_print_operand:不明程式碼z/Architecturez/Architecture 模式在 %s 上不受支援陣列 %q+D 大小為 0 或負位元段 %q+D 寬度為 0位元段 %qs 寬度為 0%s 格式字串中欄位寬為 0格式字串 %s 長度為 0大小為 0 的陣列 %qD


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